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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. wonder if he plays sax :teehee: double I love the new banner!! I just went to the Pharmacy PO to pick up mail that I got PO cards for (parcels to big for the mailbox) and... My pictures that I ordered from the Zenfolio site that night when I was making screencaps came!!! I am impressed. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd have ordered a few more copies of the full Spam pages. I ordered a 4X6 and an 8X10 of Clay giving Reed the finger and a 4X6 and an 8X10 of Clay grabbing Merle's boobies and a 10 X 13 copy of each of the full Spam pages with all 6 pix.I should have gotten a few more for friends and might have ordered a bigger size than I did but it was $50 plus S&H for those 6 things. Quality is very good though! :laola0: I don't know if anybody else ordered anything that night before the site made the code go bye-bye and we couldn't access the site any longer. I know I am the only one who made large screencaps. I just may have been the only fan to get copies direct from negs from the website. Canfly with all your talents couldn't you just have used the pictures that were posted on here? just wondering. That seems like a lot of money to me.
  2. I was just looking on EBay and someone is selling Radio promo CD for OMWH then Bridge Over Trouble Waters was stuck on my computer. I heard Clay sing it about six times before I could shut it off. I thought it was going to be stuck on my computer forever. At least it was a song I liked. That was such a great moment of idol history
  3. tribeca

    Top Chef

    Really enjoyed the last episode. Battle of the All Stars. Yeah for a Carla win kind help to like her but hey I love quirky people Boo for Jeff going home but he was so sweet & professional leaving. thought it funny that Stephan chose Andrea because he thought she was a weak chief & then she beat me. ha. But then I adore Andrea. She was never into the competition but she has a wonderful website (cool recipes for making healthy food taste good-- kind of an oxymoron)
  4. Well that's why I am here too. I just received a message once to warn me to stay away I more interested to hear Clay sing than I am about his fake baby mommas his real baby mom ma's his fake girlfriends his real girlfriends his fake boyfriends his real boyfriends good grief I am exhausted just typing it Clay Aiken has wicked game
  5. I never wanted to know the backstory either but I know some of it it surprises me that I know it since I am new to Clay Aiken boards & most here don't
  6. he I guess is famous from YouTube. He had an appearances on the view a year or so back. Don't why but everyone has to compare someone to Clay. Last night David Osmond audition was shown. I really liked him but wonder if his famous family will make people not vote for him or think if he goes far it is becasue of his name.
  7. don't know if it confirmed but I hope it is true cool Clay gets to be a year younger Maybe that's when Clay's next blog will be August to announce the baby's arrival
  8. Now I really think that is TMI *g* lol I thought the same thing but wasn't going to post it BTW Merieee you seem quite frisky after hearing Clay Monday night
  9. there are 25 comments only 4 mention the use of the words but say they like the article over all. Actually at least 2 of those comments seem to be written by the same person. 1 comment says that she/he thinks the article was really written by a fan. not as bad as I have seen some articles get commented on. Something I really never understood.
  10. I think Musikfest is writing for the series the Game this commercial was just one the first profession gay player has just come out (his name is Clay) and when the girl finds out she responds "isn't Clay too big to be gay?" sorry that totally cracked me up
  11. maybe by the time it is done cooking you are too tired to eat it so that's how you loose weight
  12. Annabear looks like you took pictures of my back yard. So pretty as long you don't have to drive in it. So happy I have today off I was wondered when someone would say something about the word wicked. When I read it all I could think is that is such an East Coast word. here it is usually Wicked Awesome
  13. tribeca, you're not the first person I've heard say this, but I truly don't understand that. To me, age is a NUMBER. No more, no less. It doesn't make a difference to me the age of the artist, just that I like his voice, or his musical choices, or both, or his humor. [ guess when I think of artists that are doing covers all I think of is people who are old like Rod Steward, Barry Manilow and Tom Jones (he covered a rap song shivers) also I did think release a covers's CD as his second CD was a huge mistake. One that I think cost him. Know a lot of causal fans who after that cd never looked for new music from him. Believe that if On My Way Here was his second CD instead of ATDW it would have sold better. I am very disappointed by the covers CD but will sit alone in my corner on that. Part of me feels like it's just giving up. I listen to the radio a lot. There isn't really a lot of screaming unless you are listening to rock (which isn't really screaming it's a different way of singing). There are actually a lot of good songs on the radio and some not so good.
  14. Jerry Aiken Speech Diane Bubel Speech Clay Aiken Speech Award of Appreciation Raffle TV are all up on youtube now
  15. Chain of Fools think my issue with cover besides I like new music is I think Clay is too young for it & I am unsure (even before I hear it ) that I even want to buy it. I have always been excited for every new thing in his career. This is the first time that I haven't been. It is a new expreince for me. Just , I don't know think he is better than a covers's artist. it is funny because I do love the song Solitaire especially when he sang on AI3 (but I never heard that song before so it was new to me) here's a strange question I usually don't like smutty posts or slash fiction but there is something totally endearing about Muskifest post. I am very confused by that.
  16. JustClay I don't know if I could find it again. It was in a montage that someone made and some where taken down during the Etrue Hollywood thing. I watched a lot after my car accident georgie'sbaby don't hate me too much because I dislike covers. I dislike them from all artist not just Clay. just prefer new music
  17. yeah that remember listening to him singing This is the Night he was suppose to say the word Right and said the word wrong I need to watch that again it cracks me up
  18. you know once I read a CD review of Clay's and it said his singing was too perfect (?) I listened to most of them except Sorry because it was one of my least favorite Elton John songs. It's great the foundation had such a great turnout and the money raised will help so many children.
  19. Was never really a fan of Barry Manilow. Mom is. When I told her Clay sang Mandy better I thought she might disown me Well I can relate to Clay because at my job at the store our head boss is never happy with anything anyone does. No matter how much work you do it's never enough. I bet a lot of people can relate to that some how. really you can never please everybody. You can just do your best.
  20. sounds like it was a great success glad you could attend the concert and I will play poker with you anytime
  21. when I went to try to listen to the songs Mandy would not load because it reach it's capacity bet someone here is really listening to it
  22. BWAH! canfly...that made me hoot out loud here at work! Thank you. tribeca, Well, fo' sho' if Clay does indeed fit this particular stereotype, I'd be oh-so-happy to provide that missing element of fun for him that Reed or whoever could not supply... gah. (I really DO have work to do....seriously ) wow you always make such difficult sacrifices
  23. That's what kept me from believing that he could be gay...that and dayum...the man loves hims some boobies. [ you do know that is another sterotype of gay men? That they love women's boobies. It is the only thing in their relationships they don't have.
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