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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. I agree with so much of what you have said. just wanted to ask something and I don't mean it rudely so many fans didn't do any of that stuff. yes a lot of fans did but I am kind of tired of hearing all Clay fans did this or that. And people come on the idol boards posting they were victorious because they knew Clay was gay. Whatever. I never agured anyone's sexuallity and I never will. And I know more Clay fans like that that that never agrued or commented on articles ect..... however I didn't really like when Clay did that Madonna song not because it looked gay (which I think was the point) because it just was kind of bad . I liked it better when he sang yeah & sexy back
  2. I did see one of those pictures at the OFC it was linked & titled the real measure of a man then you click on it & it is the one of Clay flipping the bird
  3. Top Chef was sad to see her go home but she was the right choice I think. no one really standing out to my this season. Although I really enjoyed the farm episode. That was the first time I wanted to try all the food. Bones only 1/2 watched they went undercover at the circus. not the best episode.
  4. does anyone think maybe those pictures were leaked on purpose? there's nothing wrong with them just curious
  5. bolding mine That reaction is the same, just on a smaller scale, as that exhibited by a number of fans towards the CV10. The price of front row tickets can just as much a hardship for a teenager as the price for a dinner with Clay is to most of his older fans. no tomatoes from me but the last one of him alone he doesn't look as old as the ones with him with Reed. Weird because in some pictures Clay looks so young. He does look happy & cute maybe since I don't have lots of money I don't understand what the complaining is about. Honestly I am happy to have a ticket to the concert. Think I may have told you all this but for the Christmas concert I went to there was a big ice storm. We decided to stay over night two of my friends could not go because they had to work the next day. Tried to offer them (for free) for someone who was in line buying tickets. She told she was in the fanclub and those seats were too high. Ended up giving the tickets to a married couple who were very happy the husband said now he didn't have to buy her a Christmas gift.
  6. but the most important question is where did you get that picture in avatar? it is so adorable crap I typed to slow and from a google alert that's funny But that's how the Sandwich is spelled. Rueben. I'm guessing here, just guessing that the "Rueben" Studdard is a Rueben. -- --- --- Ooooo....I'm soooo s'cared [tm French Taunter] Really, I doubt there's a fan with a strong opinion who hasn't gotten a nasty PM or two. I delete 'em, block the sender and move on. --- Ruben yes I now that's how you spell the sandwich. on a different board if you spell his name wrong you get accused of doing it unpurpose & some other things I don't even have strong opinions and I have gotten nasty messages
  7. ha that is pretty funny although I hate cheese and they spelled Ruben's name wrong merriee My dad loves to work he use to run the Lion's club golf tournament thing (don't ask me anything about it I have no clue) and we use to always go to the GHO every year but my mom has a disability now so she can't really stand or sit long. We are from CT
  8. whoops sorry that's my dad's dream job to work on a golf course so he can golf for free he tried to teach me once & that was enough for him nice stuff on the auction and unfortunately I can't afford to bid on any of it
  9. how cool. She is going to love the snow want to hear all about it after if you can share the details of course not that I can afford anything but does anyone have a link of what is being auctioned for GFI? Thanks Merriee and good luck with your golfing
  10. Well my niece signed up for the OFC about 2 weeks ago and gave me the membership because she is 12 and it said something about it in the rules. There seem to be many people unhappy with the fan club in general. About the blogs I don't know the last one was only to a group of people who were going to that Broadway talks thing. I wonder if that is what bothers some. Not saying anyone is right or wrong just wondering.
  11. You said you didn't see why he asked them not to tell. I was just paraphrasing what I'd read about the CV10's feeling as to why. I didn't expect you'd agree. Anyone else watching Bones? I think they've hit a new low. It's sad, because this used to be a pretty good show. I am there are uncover at the circus it is really pretty bizarre. my dad is in love with the Doctor
  12. CV = Clayversity CH= Clack House CB= Clayboard thanks i am a fan of Clay's but half the time I have no clue what people are talking about (especially some name's that are posted).
  13. I kind of grew up in bowling alley (brother wanted to be a professional bowler) yup they have his shoe size but not a lot of pairs of them
  14. Nope, not me....I've never been particularly fixed on that part of Clay's anatomy (although I must admit that Spamalot dancing has made his ass quite a lot more appealing ) No, I'd be watching how he'd manipulate those long, flexible fingers in the holes and then curve that insanely long, tapered thumb over the slick surface of the ball. He'd stand there and bite his lip as he concentrated. Maybe he'd wiggle his fingers a little in the holes to find the best fit and then....and then..... this sounds like the longest bowling game in history would he wear a shirt with his name on it? and wear those gross rented shoes?
  15. now all the people going to Golfing For inclusion are praying for snow
  16. That's the picture that I think Clay looks like Clark Kent
  17. you explained your position very nicely without putting anyone down. Understand where you are coming from I have been excluded so much that now being included seems strange.
  18. JMH you know I don't know if Jerry Garcia blogged or not but my MUCH older sister followed them one summer. When i asked her how she could afford that? She said As long as you don't care where you are sleeping you can follow them anywhere.
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