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Everything posted by luckiest1

  1. Clay's comment on Quiana's myspace CMSU and will keep a grin plastered on my face for the rest of the day. What a little shit. I noticed that he called it "our" tour.....I know he always uses the royal we (mouse in his pocket?) but in this instance I took it that he was including her, and that was kind of his point - that she only had him down (heh) for a few dates. I think she's going to be on the whole tour. YAY! :Tour3:
  2. I think this is spot on. I enjoyed some of the very early, non-boardal parties where I really knew no one yet, but we were all just one big happy group of fans EEEEEEEEing because we were going to see Clay. I think a reissue of MCWL combined with the 4 from AIW would be a great idea for this year. My only problem with rushing it out for 2008 (and I do think it will be a rush) is if they don't have it ready until later in the year. To me, another Sept or even Oct release would just be too close to Christmas - better to wait until Feb. 2009. This is basically me, except I don't drink, so I don't tend to loosen up. I have no problem conversing if someone approaches me, but I'm not the type to go around the room introducing myself. I'm glad others are because it makes things so much easier! That's a good idea. *makes mental note to get past seasons of House for summer entertainment* Why would he need a new producer for that? I'm sure there's a reason.....someone is probably thinking it up as we speak.......er........type. And EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee for spins of HYCA! I have always thought that song was great for radio!!!!
  3. Wheeeee! I tried to watch Idol last night, but by the second Blake song I couldn't stand it any more, so I got up to take the dog for a walk and kill the last half hour before House, which has become my most favourite show EVAH!
  4. Hee, that was almost 2 years ago. And I know a lot of people in NC. Plus, I gotta go where the car is going (becoss I am lucky enough to get chauffered around by my friends who live there). Hee, that would be a hoot if it's a new Christmas CD rather than a new pop CD he's excited about, wouldn't it? I've actually thought along those lines, too. Kind of makes sense since he's got another Christmas tour planned and is doing that Holiday on Ice special with 8 songs........hmmmmmmmm.
  5. I've been a part of a lot of fandoms and I honestly have to say that I've never seen another one quite like this. I agree that in certain instances, the actions of the fans have hurt Clay. Glad you are here! The thing with message boards in general, is that it is hard to get an accurate feel when you are an outsider looking in. I think all mods have a thankless job, but what moderating you see on the surface is only a fraction of what might be going on behind the scenes. I don't have much interest in large board parties anymore, for a variety of reasons. One - they are usually an added expense, and since my budget is quite limited, I try to make each concert experience as cheap as possible. Two - since I am not the type to "mingle" with people I don't know, I sometimes don't get much out of them, unless there are a lot of people I've already met attending. Three - most often I am rushed for time, and it is more convenient for me to either go through a drive thru or grab a quick bite with a few friends before a concert. I don't worry about running into "fans" who I may have argued with on the boards.....because anything I've said on any board, I stand by. I also don't do the alias thing - my name is the same on this board as on any other board, Clay-related or not. I think it's quite a stretch to think that Clay is going to have time to record a new CD and have it released before the end of this year. I think it's entirely possible that he could have it released early next year. However, I still think the most realistic scenario is fall 2008 or spring 2009. I've been accused elsewhere of being a bad fan for hypothesizing this, because dontcha know, it would be the kiss of death for him to wait that long. He needs to release his awesome rawkin' album ASAP!!!!1!!!11!!! if he wants to be the superstar of the century! Except........I don't think he really cares about all that. And I think he won't release it until he's good and satisfied with it. That might take a while. That's ok - I'm patient. I've got two tours to look forward to this year. I've already got an awesome album (ATDW) to listen to. I trust Clay will do what he needs to do for himself - so that he is happy and comfortable in this career of his.
  6. Apropos of nothing..........Wheee, I heard ATD in the grocery store last night!!!! :Tour3: Hope everyone is having a great day.
  7. That's how I see it, too. And I am sure some poddies get just as upset by the implication as some of the people who have been termed angelwingers, because they don't feel it applies to them. ITA with this as well. It's not been fun. I have no problem with the way things are said on this board because by and large, we do not call people out by name and mock them. We mock a mind-set that we see as damaging to the fandom. Big difference, IMO.
  8. I couldn't have said it better myself. That's exactly how I feel. So I think it is in my best interest to just step back for a couple of months until July 4th. I don't want or need my enthusiasm dampened. I have all my tickets bought except the Biltmore. The only ones that haven't arrived yet are Knoxville. Apparently there was some screw up with the amount of postage on the envelopes for Canadians. Hopefully they'll arrive soon. I have a spreadsheet just to keep track of who bought what, who's sitting where, who's driving, who booked the hotel, which hotel it is........craziness. Happy craziness. :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:
  9. They just plain don't.believe.it. No matter how many times those words "in support" are published. Articles are ignored that otherwise would be celebrated. People who previously "guessed" that the tour would be in support of new material have now said their original "guesses" were really their "hopes/dreams" and others are spinning their words. I have seen more revisionist history lately than I've ever witnessed in my life. If the set list is ATDW heavy (and I expect it will be) then they will say that RCA mandated this tour. I've already seen it written, no matter that prior to this the same people went on and on about how what Clay has sung on tour in the past (upbeat covers, etc) were indicative of how he preferred upbeat music to ballads, since RCA had no input on his tour set lists. It's enough to make your head spin. Or your blood pressure rise.
  10. You know, I sometimes wonder if the poddies truly want to push fans out of the fandom. Because seriously, they just suck all the joy out of it for me. Try to say that on a poddie board, though, and they get all defensive. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm. I have been toying with just leaving the online fandom for a while now. So it's great to have a place like this to come and chat and make sure you aren't missing anything. It's also great to have friends to email with, and share the joy that Clay brings me. Because why continue to be a fan of something if all it does it drag you down? Maybe I just have the I Hate Monday blahs or something. It's also a cold, grey, rainy day here. Time to break out the iPod I think.
  11. Okay, I know I'm out of the loop, but I did speed read the last few pages of the board last night, and I don't remember seeing this posted. If it was, I apologize: http://www.usatoday.com/life/music/news/20...c-preview_N.htm Click on the arrow before the word "Tours" and you get Clay's page with this blurb: So I wonder if some new PR went out and these are finalized dates now?
  12. And that's the part that I think a lot of fans don't realize....we don't know how it would have done if the fans hadn't written it off the way they did. Well, you can argue with them, but unfortunately you risk being modded for it. There seem to be some unwritten rules about who you can and can't disagree with. Bitter? Who, me?
  13. ITA with this, and really, I don't need Clay to become Elvis because for me, he already is. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Exactly. I opened the CH and the first thing was a post calling Roger a bastard. I'm sorry, but to me, that's just wrong, based on hearsay. Same with all the posts calling Clive horrible names. I don't know either man, and I don't have any love for them, but I don't go around calling strangers "bastard". How anyone thinks that might possibly help Clay is beyond me. Even if they are both bastards in RL. So, someone give me a shout when the tide has turned again and it is safe to go out and play. I think I'll just hang around here until then. :pod:
  14. I had never heard this bit of fiction information before. Has anyone else? I mean, it makes sense to me that an RCA/Clay's publicist would tell the fan on the street that one of his clients is "going down". Ah, I've been offline all weekend, so I opened the CH and closed it right quick when I realized what was being discussed. Don't need to read a rehashing of Clive/Roger/RCA is eeeeevil. Don't see what the point is. ldyjocelyn, I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well. I spent the weekend with my mom in Toronto. We kind of surprised her with a kitty on Friday night - I did call her in advance and feel her out about it, and she said it would be ok. It's my daughter's one year old cat. Since she's moved back home and we already have 2 males, we didn't think a third was going to work out well. I think we made the right decision - mom took to the kitty immediately, and he to her. Perfect match. Playbiller, mom and I also spent a few hours in the cemetery on Saturday, planting flowers on my mom's mom's grave (ok, so the first hour was us wandering around trying to find the freaking grave!) It's funny how you think you know exactly where you are going, until you get there, and then everything looks alike. We chose miniature roses. I hope it rains enough to keep them alive! This was our first Mother's Day without her, and it seemed quite strange. Today the kids and I took my mom and cousin out for lunch, and then we drove home. I froze my butt off at my older son's baseball practice tonight (he plays competitive hardball). The season starts tomorrow and all his games are going to be late - 8:30 pm start, under the lights. I guess that's what happens when they get older - this league is 18 and up. I sure hope it warms up. I have to say how great it is to be able to come here and catch up on all the news. No angst, just chat and fun and smut. That's how it should be. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hey, did you guys see this blurb from the Knoxville Tennessee blog? :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:
  15. Totally agree. He knows his audience well, wherever he is. Lots of great and valid questions, couchie. I think that this tour will closely resemble the JNaT. I don't know how Quiana is going to factor in, but at this point I'm starting to doubt that he's bringing anyone else but her and Jesse along with him. I could be wildly wrong, though. Hee, me too. I'll enjoy watching heads explode. I do think we're going to get a retrospective of his career....some old, some current (ATDW) and maybe some new. But it cracks me up reading post after post about how people are soooo hoping he'll preview stuff from the "new" album as though it already exists. I think he made it pretty clear last night that it is only in the development stages right now. And, for those who are hoping for a more rocking sound next time around, do you really think it's going to be a good fit with the orchestra? No, I'm not saying that orchestras can't rock, but is that what you necessarily have in mind? If so, cool! I'm one of those easy fans who will love whatever Clay decides to do. I believe the first Word of the Day segment came in show #2 on the JNaT (Merrillville). I can't wait to see what he comes up with this time around. Absolutely. I am not making any plans for group parties this tour - I am going to try and just meet up with a few friends at a time, whether old or new. So if anyone is going to Syracuse, Canandaigua, Chatauqua, Sterling Heights, Cary, Asheville, or Knoxville, and wants to meet up for dinner or whatever, let me know! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:
  16. Hee, too bad it's not bigger....I was going to make it my wallpaper!
  17. Yep....didn't notice her on first glance....funny how she rarely gets shipped, isn't it? Doesn't bother me. I'm sure he could have replaced them by now if he'd wanted to. I kind of wondered if he was getting sick of wearing them, he was so quick to auction them off at the gala! The whole Kimmel show gets funnier and funnier the more I watch it back. *checks clock to see how much longer 'till my next scheduled viewing* BWAH. Thanks for the giggle!
  18. Me too! I would love an animated .gif of Clay's facial expressions after the horse erection comment. Anyone know how to make me one? Wow, last night's show was a blast. I stayed up so late.....thought I might end up having to call in sick today, but my son made sure that didn't happen, because I ended up having to drive him to school. Figured what the heck, might as well keep going. And really, I'd probably end up working harder at home cleaning up the ever-present mess. Hee, my thoughts exactly!
  19. Well, you know that because Clay didn't mention ATDW tonight, it is more proof that it is just.a.dead.album. That was the cutest appearance. His voice was so funny with the laringitis. Not a big fan of the green vest but it seems to be a favourite colour of his. Loved the hair. I about died laughing at his facial expressions when Jimmy was talking about the horse's erection. BWAH!
  20. BWAH! I think that ad is very classy looking. It clearly identifies the name of the tour (An Evening With Clay Aiken) and what it's about. I wonder if the same ad is running in different cities? Has anyone seen an ad outside of the Raleigh area?
  21. Wow, I am sooooo jealous. Unfortunately I never got to see either John or George live in concert (but I've seen Ringo and Paul multiple times). My closest brush with George came when my daughter and I attended one of those BeatleRama gala things about 12 years ago, and Louise Harrison (George's sister) was present. We were able to sit and chat with her at length, and she shared a personal photo album with us (and the others present). She also autographed a picture of George for me. It was really cool - Cynthia Lennon was there (she gave a speech and did autographs) and so was a relative of Stuart Sutcliffe's. They had his collection of artwork on display. Oh, and last but not least, we got to meet Pete Best. *g* I absolutely adore the Concert for George DVD. I can't get over the resemblance between George and Dhani. I also adore the entire Brainwashed CD, but especially the song Brainwashed with the chanting at the end by George and Dhani. Gives me chills every time. Hee, I don't care how he wears his hair or whether he has stubble, I will just be thrilled to see him again!
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