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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. I'll delete since Kim deleted. But her's my thing..if Clay knows these people and he would know these people then I think it would be far better to sick Jerome on them and ban them from the theater. Jerome used to climb over people to get to someone taking a picture..maybe he forgot how to I guess I don't know what we are supposed to do but be upset that he isn't coming out..certainly can't control other people's behavior. KAndre, you crack me up. I loved RIckey, LOVED! And I still listen to some of his songs and I think they hold up very well. Well, ok let me rephrase - I came to appreciate Ricky after teh show was over and still enjoy his songs today. Some of them were a bit obscure though. Couldn't stand the hercules schtick as I hated that movie.
  2. I don't think we'll turn on each other over this one. I certainly don't believe it was an internet fan and really getting the word out to these perpetrators is probably impossible. This is one area where I actually trust us so will give a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge benefit of doubt..
  3. Can't an usher just escort them out? Who knows if it was a Clay fan anyway. Maybe it was a King Arhur fan or someone not online who will never see what they have done.
  4. I lovd this and I get it!! beautiful...and now off to my errands with these two beautiful posts running around my head. Play..yes AI, the judges, RCA, Clive, AI rewind seems thought of as interchangeable which they are not. And if they were all working in tandem this would be the most successful conspiracy ever.
  5. well I actually kinda belive Corey's story.... but to try to make money off it or to revive his career was kinda sleezy.
  6. Have any of you figured it out yet? What is it about Clay? What draws you to him. Have you ever been this involved in another singer's career? Is it just the singing? What is the other key trait that makes you get on a message board every day or download some clack. And was it the voting and the nature of Idol that invested you so much? I was thinking last night and ya'll know how dangerous that can be. I'm amazed that five yearss later my interest hasn't even begun to wane. In fact I think it's even greater. Yes I am burned out on the fandom now, my life makes it harder for me to spend hours every night working on FCA and the other thinsg I used to do but that's not Clay. His voice remains my first and foremost. I still get shivers sometimes when he pops up on my ipod and the excitement over every new song remains. I think for me his humor is my second favorite thing. And I think it what turned me from a fan who would just buy his albums and go see him when he hit town to something slightly more invested hee. I love everything about his humor..first of all he's QUICK. And really I don't think I discovered this about him on Idol. This came later when he hit the interview rounds after the show, the radio interviews during AI tour, his stage persona..the more he showed me the more I like it. I love the sarcastic part of it as well. And I can take it when it's aimed at a group but I really think he'd leave me a babbling idiot if I got into a snark off. I need time to think. I'd get him two days later cuz I've have thought of all the things I should have said. My heart still gets full when something good happens for him. Still get a twinge when I want to kick someone's ass on his behalf. Yet I've had to learn, and that took awhile not to take on all of the slings and arrows aimed his way and to trust in his strength and support system that he has. Although I was never a voter on Idol the ups and downs and will he stay or go probably did cement my con nec tion to him. And the heady aftermath was just a whirlwind of fun. And it's still fun for me in a vastly different way. So while I haven't figured it all the way out, and stopped trying a long time ago...every now and then I do ponder it. Oh and I'd love to hear about other, let's call them, strong intersts, and how they differ or compare to Clay. About 10 years ago..I guess it is now I was really and totally hooked on One Life to Live..well I had always watched soaps my whole life but I think discovering the newsgroups and then the internet boom, it turned my little hobby into this whole interactive thing. You made friends, and discussed stories and met up in real life and all that jazz. And look how much things have changed..I remember one time when the soap got pre empted on the east coast for one of those episodes, you know..the climax of the story that had dragged on for 2 years LOL...and at that time there was no soap channel.. I remembering dubbing copies and sending them across the country. Nothing like our ripping WRAL 2 minutes after it's online LOL. I guess that lasted a good 5 or 6 years. Once I qut the soap the group slowly faded away. I still have a few friends from it, two of whom I'll see when I'm in NYC. WIth Clay, even though I have met so many people because of him, I really feel that they are true friends, not just people I talk about Clay with. Anyway, I think after the humor I think it's that he continues to surprise me. Constantly. Spamalot is a complete and utter suprise to me; that he conquered it. It just never gets old or boring.
  7. I didn't mind KimC and thought she was good the first few weeks but then I realized she didn't have much of a range so IMO as time went on she just couldn't compete with the front runners.
  8. No you don't need it. But can I suggest the 17 inch widescreen? heee Ah Karen..safe travels. And please please you must share your experiences with us...and lots and lots of pictures. Dang I want one of those guides to anyone going soon.. how long does each NYC guide last...a week or a month? Yep those get passed out like candy usually.
  9. I so agree with this. And you know what..IMO Faye taught him this - how not to let bad things destroy you. Some people would have never recovered or would need therapy for the rest of their lives. It's hard for some to believe he could get through that without it...but she's a tough bird and she passed that along to her son. Again IMO.
  10. Has anyone ever flown air trans. I can get my "going" ticket for 150 - pretty good deal. Thanks annabear for bringing that over!
  11. oh you expressed yourself just fine..I think I just said the same thing about what I found him closed off about. Exasperated and a little ticked at the whole discussion... I do think he was. I honestly don't think he'll have to go through that again. At least I hope not. I think he made himself really clear about it the last time around. except your adjectives and descriptions are much more colorful..fresh and stinky indeed. LOL. Bummer, I can't tonight but maybe some time this weekend? Softball season start yet? Yay for your response from Lynda.. I want to say thanks for the interview and the raw footage...just think how much we would have missed if there was only the interview. God it's just brilliant..out of the mouth of Clay Aiken.
  12. I also think he had some challenges but I guess I don't remember closed (seeing his happy face at Kimmell is what brought me peace and got me through the entire year to follow) - well I guess having to discuss his sexuality at every turn most notably GMA and Larry King. I honestly think it was by design now and they dealt with all that tabloid stuff without really discussing it except for his terms (great people article) and then he announced ..that's it..I'm not talking about it any more. The more I think about it the more brilliant I think it was to get that out of the way during ATDW. Now he is a couple of years removed from it and he can concentrate on his music. I've always thought that he turned down things because they wanted to discuss the tabloid stuff (and to me discussing his sexuality is not where near as horrible as it would have been to discuss the tabloid stuff and it was two different animals altogether) And i love that he and RCA are apparantly in tandem on this whole thing. They certainly aren't letting him do whatever he wants with their product on his own. I definitely think keeping them in the loop through the entire process was a lesson learned. As for the music rags... I know I know nothing about nothing but what the freak have they ever done for Clay. Where I think they can come in big time is in interviewing his grammy winning producer - let Kippers sing Clay's praises to those stuck up people who will probably drool all over him and then later Clay can deal with them directly. Thinking outside the box for Clay is important. He is not like anyone else. Oh sure he got some respect when he sold a shitload of albums but I hope this time it's about the music and the voice. This message brought to you by Not an Expert R Us which means I know absolutely nothing. This is an exciting time for Clay and I think the success of Spamalot is also attributing to that. I saw that there was only a small insignificant change in the grosses last week after going up 2 straight weeks. I think this is fabulous. And the good reviews can only help. The latest interviews are such a treasure. Clay hasn't really discussed music a lot and do treasure those times when he does - the ATDW podcast, this stuff..that interview on that countdown show after MoaM. I do think it was a comfort zone he has gotten to over the course of his career. I think he knows more now too..didn't he produce the brilliant Christmas EP? Or am I misremembering that.
  13. Excellent, about AOL. Again, I'm impressed so far. Take it to the masses I say. And I love the idea of one producer because that person will have spent time with Clay and will be invested in the project succeeding. It's not about being remote or spending one day with the man. It's about "relationships" and I think that's important to Clay.
  14. Oh that's cool for Ruben. Now, eeeeeeeeeee for the videos being available on Yahoo. Loving the roll out so far. People, WRAL..again Clay goes to people he "trusts" as much as you can trust anyone these days. Perfecto. The tone set is wonderful. I can't imgaine the same with snobby music people right now. I love that raw footage of Clay just going on and on and on. Go Team Clay. Yay it's Friday. Everyone have a good day!
  15. Cha Cha -- loved your captions Cotton you'll be great I took the night off. It felt so good. I just watched basketball games and finished filling out the stupid Nielsen survery..the thrill is definitely gone on that one. Glad to know Clay is feeling better or well enough to go on with the show.
  16. and on that note...heee ...another day in the salt mine
  17. Yeah that was funny... They had to modify the crotch area? heee so he can't sing and dance often at the same time hee.
  18. bwah CG..you and the hair.. and Bwah wandacleo..whoops These clips are keepers...I don't download everything anymore but these are keepers. I think I'll make an audio clip and put them with the ATDW podcast. I love it when he talks music! I think he used to define himself more by what he wasn't and more and more he's defining himsef musically by what he is. I think he's still in discovery and it's been a dream to watch it all unfold.
  19. my mother is watching Idol..and whoever is screeching out All By Myself needs to be put out of their misery. I shut my door and turned up my tv LOL.
  20. I got an I Survived You rhythm from it. F"ing YES! thank you cuz it was driving me crazy. Since everyone is watching Idol..hee or a certain video again I'll just keep on posting. I didn't listen to the demo..only want to hear Clay singing it. If the album comes out on the 6th I'll be on a plane for 6 hours that day...wonder what I'll be doing! Ha. I'm wondering how much pre promotion he can do if he's working on Spamalot though. ALthough I guess most things in NYC tape during the day. Ooh he's going to be one busy man. I think he relishes that though.
  21. can ya'll let me know when the WRAL videos are ripped and vaulted....these are definite keepers
  22. ok now i've listened to the first clip and I love on my way here or whatever it's called. It feels familiar though as something Clay has sung before but can't put my finger on it. I'm so excited about this Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  23. I just finished the long one and wow...I love it. Clay is owning every part of this album. And he's doing so confidently. I think this is a major step for him. His passion just shines through. Kipper sounds like the perfect producer for him because I think he will stretch him yet allow him to be himself. I did so many whoo hooos... but out of everything, him wanting to remain true to himself just made me extremely happy. I love this journey and this is going to be such a blast this year. I'm just so proud of him!!
  24. yay..this is all so exciting. They are doing an excellent job laying things out. Hopefully this news will be picked up all over. Clay's local media used to be so good to him in 2003 and 2004 so I hope this is a sign that they are returning to that. Parties are good. It's easier to organize parties in one location. I don't like RCA being any sort of defacto arm of the parties so I hope it returns to being a fan thing. Other than that...it's up to each individual to go or not. Sorry Cotton but am so happy you have such good memories to hold onto.
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