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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Bwah... I'm on a Clay high, peeps! I just got an email to notify me that my weekly conference calls have changed some of the call-in codes:
  2. Gee, wonder who voted on that? Guesses? LOL!!! I bet we can!! Wee. Awesome recap from BFS... I'm thrilled she got to meet Clay! I don't really care how it happened...all of them deserve some recognition... like I said over there...it doesn't occur to me to thank my mods on getclayaiken, but if they asked, I'd be happy to oblige. Maybe they want a M&G with me... I'm still so fricking behind; I haven't even downloaded the pictures from my camera yet from NH... there isn't too much cuz the lighting there sucks, but I bet there's one or two gems to be had, as always! Good luck on your trip, Muski!! Hee, clayzor!
  3. Squeee... I'm under the most beautimous Shady!!!! Welcome to FCA, my darling friend!! Play, I loved your different-than-most recap! Claygasm... damn girl, your pictures are awesome! The big smiley one is the first time I can really ever say I liked his teeth... He's a handsome little devil, ain't he? I regret to say that there's no way I can do LA. I really want to, but it's not to be. It's ok... I know there will be more. When do you get in on Wednesday, Claygasm? Is there a chance we can all have dinner together? I can drive up there... LOL! Seriously, that was BEFORE drinking! Well, you know, RCA made him say that... :eusa_whistle: Great recap from BFS! I'm really glad the mods are getting this opportunity. They deserve it and more for dealing with that place. Holy Crap... this one is, well, I'm not sure what word to use, but me likey!!! We had a blast today!!! Thanks for driving over the hill gals! Lucky humping Ansa was priceless! He really, really liked her. Hee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA... oh, good... I see couchie back home. I can go to bed now!
  4. Lord, don't give me any ideas!! Just think... Gayle's Bakery.... mmmm....!
  5. I just want you all to know that each post you make makes one less thing clean in my house for tomorrow. Hee. I tried to catch up last night... I did. I laid down at about 7 or 8 or something for a quick nap...and woke up at 9 this morning. Whoops!!
  6. Good Lord, I'm finally home and kinda sorta catching up! Happy Birthday to the birthday twins, KAndre and Diva!!! OMG, that's IT! That's what I saw when I hit my seatmate and said, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?" Ahem. Yeah. Nice! There's so much to remember. It might take me a bit.
  7. Off to the airport... recap later, but for now.... Where's the I'm tired as hell but happily stoopid emoticon?? I took some pictures, but not many; the lighting there sucks... and I only took a couple snippet of video, but I don't know how much there is out there. Wah. Sacto IT all over again... Anyway, this one I couldn't resist taking is highly amusing!
  8. Honey, there was plenty to go around! Gah! I love that cute little shit!
  9. You guys are being good while I'm gone, right? Squeee from New Hampshire!
  10. I'm butting in, not caught up at all, to be totally self-indulgent (forgive me!) and say... I'm almost packed. I leave in a couple hours, so I wanted to say.... BYE! Off to NH to see my boyfriend. :F_05BL17blowkiss: See you all soooooon!!
  11. Aww, keepingfaith, that first picture is adorable and I can almost not even tell he has new teef. Hee. It's old AI2 Clay. Awww. Bottle... your recap is sooo entertaining! Sounds like you guys had another blast. Off to bed. I must finish packing in the morning. But first... some pretty from tonight: Damn. Boy looks good in dark clothing and the fence shots? Priceless. :F_05BL17blowkiss: 'nighty night.
  12. Me too. Love the YouTube format and Anderson! And thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for the WSJ link!!
  13. I don't remember if I read that or not. I'll have to go hunt it down somewhere. You know, to avoid packing. Hee. Thanks. KarenEh... that's some serious traveling schedule you have going on. I'm only going to Boston, NH, Boston home in three days... LOL. I already miss my cute dogs! Wah!
  14. Hmm... maybe not invented to create hype, but perhaps used and spun and accented to create hype. I can believe it happened, just like I believe Clay was told to do covers, but management can spin that anyway they want to make a point - as I believe we have proven over the past six months or so. The same story can be told six different way - the facts don't change, only the hyperbole. Perhaps her old management chose this route (ala ultimatum, mandate, blackmail, fight, win) and Kelly balked, but it was already rolling, so it happened...and now her new found management is cleaning up? *still not packing*
  15. I do agree 100%. Everyone has the right to be a fan in whatever way they choose, IMO. Thank you for saying it better than I do. Or did. Or should. I think something like this too... but why hairless? And it was something that made him sore and bruised him? Did he mud wrestle with Kimmel or something? Was it for something comedic? Serious? A spot on Jericho? Did he survive a nuclear attack only to have all his body hair burned off in the explosion? What? eta... I just realized that if all his body hair burned off... his clothes would have been burned off too... *ponders* OMG, I just had flashbacks to Nothing But The Truth and a wicked sunburn!!! I never did finish that story. I wonder if anyone has it somewhere? Would someone make me pack, please!?! Mmmm, little beads of sweat by the nose. Yum. *turns up the heat on that kettle*
  16. From CV: Guesses anyone? And lookie here, Kelly was manipulated, mandated, forced, blackmailed apologized to Clive. While I'm certain this is the work of some PR spinmeister somewhere and mostly bullshit, I'm pretty sure there was no loaded gun involved... Just like I think the "fight" (hers) was the same thing. PR, spin, and bullshit. Wee. The circles keep a turnin'. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,290458,00.html
  17. WOW... muski, your daughter is kicking some serious ass! Very exciting... I'm proud and I don't even know her!! Congrats!! I can't wait to hear more of the greatest sports moments evah! :Tour3: Yay, for tonight's concertgoers! Have fun, peeps!! I just had to copy this mostly because of the strikeouts! Too funny! And soooo true for me too. Yeah, I don't mind disagreeing on any of it... I don't mind mulling it over, and even yammering on about it endlessly. I just can't get my knickers in a knot (tm someone who went out for tea over two days ago - sob!) over it - and especially not more than once. Oh, I knew ya'll would be ever so articulate while I slept!! And you were. Can we not get on some sort of same schedule here? Why must I be a night owl AND live in PST?! Clay... LOL... "so right now people see what we do as singing"... who's WE? Dude, YOU sing. Unless your little friend sings too, which would most definitely be entertaining, and perhaps even comedic. Try me. A bird pooped on your head at a wedding and that was lucky? Bwah. Ok, then. Good luck with your painting today, atinal. I'm off to do my list from yesterday, and my list for today. I have to fly to Boston tomorrow to see my boyfriend! ETA... I don't think this was posted here... Here's a whole album of yum from Chautauqua: http://www.flickr.com/photos/10360492@N04/ This one seems to be particularly popular... http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=873742558&size=m
  18. Thank you. He's a keeper for sure! couchie... :F_05BL17blowkiss: I had a whole bunch to say, but I decided to bag it. It boils down to choice. Not stupidity; not ignorance; not naivety... choice. Remember, husker, over a year ago on the OFC in the album thread I posted something about a little boy not getting the lead in a play and instead of the parents being happy for their son and celebrating his acting debut, they spent the entire time complaining about him not getting the lead. Ruined the school play for the kid AND the parents. You wanted to hug me for that. Remember? Your mindset seems to have changed? Is that what the anger does? Or "the truth"? Well, no thanks. I'll continue to revel in the delicious ambiguity of Clay's life - as he "seems" to be trying to help us understand ala Gilda Radner. See? We can all learn different things from him. Same lesson... different meanings. As a teacher, you get that I'm sure. It's ok if we're all different. Really, it is. You see tough times; I see exciting, exhilirating times... just the way it is. 'night all. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Tomorrow I get to pack! Wee. :TourExcite:
  19. Well, I'm assuming you didn't just call us all stupid. Sorry, dear, but no amount of yelling and exclamation points tossed around is going to make me run screaming BLACKMAIL!!?!11 It's idiotic. And since you don't work in the business, forgive me if I don't take your word that it doesn't make business sense. I can believe he wasn't MANIPULATED as long as I want to. And I do. Pod thinking has nothing to do with WHAT you believe... it's the refusing to accept that other options exist...and running around manipulating, yelling, and talking smack around backchannels about fellow fans for not falling into line. Not that I'm accusing YOU per se... Why do you care so much what "we" think anyway? Never said he did. I get that. Deliberately? Please. It's obvious he knows the public doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it. And I'm QUITE (read: 100%) sure you're mistaken. I'm sorry, but be part of a community before you come storming in flailing around in your righteousness, please. It's really unbecoming.
  20. Things I was supposed to do today: Fold Mt. Everest of Laundry Buy batteries for camera Update iPod Buy presentable jammies and new summer shirt for concert Pedicure Pay Bills Do Client Invoices Write a Process Summary for a Client Find suitcase - it's been 2 years after all! Print out Itinerary Write Housesitting instructions Welcome new neighbor What I did today: Sat on my ass in front of the computer uh... ate popsicles uh... fed dogs uh... talked on the phone? uh... watered the lawn (which consists of turning one knob!) Nice job on the pin delivery!
  21. Well I have no doubt he was pretty much told to do the covers... and they way they told him was by telling him he wasn't getting to put out whatever was already prepared, so in my mind it was... this ain't flyin' (for whatever reason), so it's covers or back to the drawing board... which do you want, and I suggest you pick covers. Heh. And yeah, what anntherese said. Anyway, that's all so yesterday. Did anyone find any "puberty" clack yet? That's what I reallllly wanna know.
  22. Oh God, it was adorable and so full of awesome detail! I loved it. I'm thrilled people are choosing to share and whatever they share is ai'ght by me. No grilling from this nosy fan. And I AM nosy... first to admit it. 'welcome, LMF! I think Clay said Jaymes IS allowed to call him Clayton... He said "she's allowed to call me that..... no, not that!! Dirty, dirty, dirty". Not sure if someone said something or what "no not that" referred to... he was just bein' dirty.
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