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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. I usually can't either! I cannot believe how seriously close to the stage you all were... intimate indeed! Fun times... thanks for sharing!!
  2. I had a few extra minutes. I started downloading stuff and watching clack. That was 4 hours ago!! LOL! Spot's MOAM from Tulsa has my interest right now. I can't stop watching/hearing it. It's purdy. Real purdy.
  3. Smart guy. Smarter than most. Smarter than the dumb____s employed by the news agencies, that's for sure. ...not to mention a few other people *cough* He's taken steps to prevent foot wandering...? What? He'll just turn that thing around backwards? *visualizes that* *wait for KAndre to finish so I can read all at once*
  4. That crap is getting MORE media attention...? Good Lord. Nice rant, Clay! LOL. Too bad it'll go over their heads. Ahhhhh, I finished a HUGE work project just now... what.a.relief! Now I can truly catch up! After coffee and a bank run, of course --- and aren't ya'll glad I shared that?!
  5. I can't conjur up anything right now except to tell ya'll I have the BIGGEST GRIN on my crying-ass face (that's crying-ass, not ass-face lest anyone get confused) right now!!! The first post I ever read by KeepingFaith told me who she is. I'm so fricking happy for you. You are teh cute! And Clayzor my friend! And all of you all that had a great time together... ldyjocelyn, Merrieeee, KAndre, Scarlett, Solo, KarenEh!, Play, muski, CG... (and whoever I'm forgetting... oy) ... All your happy spilled over. If I wasn't so happy for you sharing your fun with all of us, I'd be MIGHTY JELLUS!! :wub: I'm sorry, but that airplane story still makes me laugh my ass off. It's no thang. It'll be gone before ya know it and Clay ain't getting hurt by it. I'm glad he and TC or whoever isn't playing the celebrity BS game right along side them all. He plays, it lasts longer. He stays out of it; it dies a boring death. Yawn and snicker and yawn again. I'm off to dream of happy fans all cuddled up in their beds with sugarplums swirling about their goofy heads. I imagine they're all lying there with shit-eating grins on their faces; trying to sleep, but giggling and thinking and remembering and sighing... I remember it well. Sweet dreams, newly deflowered! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  6. Too funny! Thanks for the recap, jamar! Glad you had a nice salad! What? Hee.
  7. Aww, CG, you made me cry, first with the excitement of your first paragraph, Is it too late to add 'You really turn me on" to the thread titles? ...and then with your wrap up of the entire event. Anticipation is a powerful thing... and in a way I can see how your Frisco experience made your Houston experience that much more awesome! I felt the same, albeit on a WAY smaller level, kind of thing. Houston, even over a cellcert was AMAZING! Thanks for sharing your feelings (all the way up from your heart and soul). They're yours; nothing to debate about. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. Ahhhh, coffee! I LOVE the Vignettes... still watch 'em. I met you in NY at one of those shows, play... do you remember? Looking forward to your recap, whenever you finish it. What clack did Quiana rebuke someone/thing? in the name of Jesus?
  9. Welcome back, Claygasm! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I didn't like it (overgeneralization) and I wasn't there. Doesn't change my right to have a reaction and to share it with my "friends" on the internets. That's what friends are for... sharing our thoughts, our joy, our disappointments, etc. I'm happy to know every single day that I have friends out here *waves to my little box on my desk* who I can share all of it with. I hope that people view me as someone they can trust with their feelings too. So, yeah, anyway, thanks for sharing... Good point, chach! I betcha nobody would notice if some wacko was hitting me on the plane. But then I might not yell as loud as I bet Clay is capable of. "She Hit Mah Toe!" Hee. I need coffee... wah, I'm out of milk which means I have to get dressed. LOL! Later, peeps!
  10. I dunno.... I think Google Alerts completely removed the heirarchy of news which gives the illusion of more importance to nonsense. Try searching for other things -- you search Clay Aiken on Google News it returns 320 items. You search Iraq War, you get 78,820. Hell, you search butterflies, and you get 2,498. The day those numbers switch around is the day I'll start to worry. Until then, blip. It's Entertainment News (i.e. gossip and celebrity garbage) and it has it's place. I don't see it as replacing "real" news though the state of newscasters/reporters is a whole 'nother topic.
  11. Nope, you're not the only one. Just proves people like gossip more than they like to admit. All kinds of people. Bring on the clack!!!
  12. Oodles of Tulsa shots from the CB: Heh, the board only let's me post 10 at a time!
  13. It's so fun to watch you all return from your events... Wee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Clay cussed? That audience did suck... hugely. Who the hell was the woman with the water bottle or something like that who said she waited 3.5 years to meet Clay. And he said, she'd have to wait longer? *passes couchie some ice and drugs* Sorry. I can totally relate. Especially to the five minutes to figure out how to roll out of bed before you pee yourself. God, maybe Clay's right. We are old ladies. Hee. I'm gonna git him for that!! Can't wait to hear from everyone about their trips... everyone. All of it. Good, bad, and snuggly!
  14. OMG... never a dull moment is right. Can you imagine him waking up to that?! LOL!!
  15. Yooohoooooo.... KeepingFaithhhhhh... where are you?
  16. I didn't even hear a cough! LOL! Ansa... GBB is putting it up on YouTube. ETA... here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63gzh2DofUw
  17. Oh God. LAA Spot Go Now. Oh. That's not even my favorite song, as you all know. But. Oh. God. Perfection in every way.
  18. _________ me! That's the best shot of the tour so far, IMO!!! YUMMY! I am pumped from tonight's show. It worked so much better for me than Frisco. And he sounded more sure of himself and more beautiful tonight too. Awesome!
  19. I've been peeking in that thread all week waiting for you to talk to me!
  20. LOVED IT! Much better. I wish I was with Muski and Claygasm, cuz I think I'm in the same space they are. Well, not that I'm not happy to be with ya'll. Heh. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  21. BWAH... KAndre is a riot! Too bad she's not having any fun! This is INFINITELY better than Frisco. Yay.
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