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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. OMG PLEASE DO!!! We could have a party and watch clack together and go play tourist in Santa Cruz or wherever you want to go and, and, and... I would LOVE that. Seriously!!! Wanna? Sorry clack is up! lightmyfire... thanks for adding your experience and perspective. Yes, as much as there are asswads in every industry, there are also lovely, well-meaning people in every one of those environments... and moreso, of course. Oy... I played around too much today and now I'm suffering... Back to work... my deadlines are over tomorrow... yay!!!
  2. A.M.E.N. treenuts, I'm just saying there are politics in any profession, including education. And had Clay entered another profession (using education as an example because that was apparently his choice), he'd still be dealing with political decisions and facing frustrations. And I'm sure he would act with the same moral standards no matter what job/profession he was in. Because (as I see it) he is who he is, regardless of who he's surrounded by. I see that kind of strength in him. My view. My opinion. ooo, Half Moon Bay... now you're gettin' into my territory! It's been lovely over here. Enjoy!
  3. OMG, really!??! Cool! BWAH... yeah, timing IS. Good Lord...the illegal tunnels in his house unbeknownst to his wife? Eep! And puke! What a freak.
  4. Exactly. BFD. That's how the corporate world works. Clay will maneuver his way along just like the rest of us poor working saps. Oh, wait, I work for me. Oh yeah, I'm a bitch too. Personally, I do admire Clay... but not for sticking it to anyone, or having titanium balls, or whatever... more for just taking care of himself; understanding that the world is a shithole and still coming out with a smile on his face and his heart in the right place. There are politics in every profession. Shitty ones too. Clay would have been fighting them even if he were a teacher, or a principal. He doesn't have to like them to play and come out a winner. He's a smart one, that guy. Smart enough to know when and where. That's why I admire him. No bitter death threats to his "enemies", no being mired in hatred for him. The best revenge is success and all that. He deals, he refocuses the attention, he laughs, he moves on. That's why I admire him. treenuts, I disagree with your "statistic". There are just as many deceitful, fucked up people up in high tech corporate america as in any other industry. Try sports. Try Religion. Meh, people are people. Power is power. Money is money.
  5. Hee. {{clayzor}} Bad arm fur day... These Open Arms.... I have a farmer/gardener tan. Sad, really. Especially my feet. I wear flip flops all summer and I have a ridiculous thick stripe across the top of my foot. So, I'm stuck wearing that style the rest of the summer now. It was important that I share that. Hee. What's a spacious manner?
  6. I musta missed what ya'll are stressing about or whatever happened (I did see a shitload of lurkers here today - like 75 or so... wow!), but I most definitely agree with this sentiment. Dude gets paid a ton o' cash to do some things he loves and some things that probably aren't so fun. He had to grow up kinda fast there for a bit, but he's settling in nicely it seems. He's a sarcastic shit and I bet all that snark helps him deal, but I don't think he's really feeling all that sorry for himself and he certainly doesn't need me coddling him along. I just can't see him as anything but strong and smart as hell. Suggestions and Feedback? Everything here is just perfect IMO. I feel free to express myself alongside people who may not always agree with me, but treat my thoughts and opinions with respect nonetheless. Who can complain about that? Not me! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Squeeee... my Kav and Sylvie are here! I get to see them in six days! Oh, and Clay too! I lurve that shirt...and that hairdo from Philly. Yum. I get Dent, Ears, Sideburns... all the good stuff. Hee. Clay Acres!? Never heard of that one? Hmm... Is there a tractor? BWAH! Self-tanner is liquid or gel or even spray. For us pasty whites. But yeah, I prefer natural pretty much everything. Er, except apparently my own gray hairs. Stealing this from the OFCMB... sue me: Heh, I quit GH cold turkey on May 22, 2003. And now I'm all hooked again. I DVR it and watch it about once a month in a marathon. I'm behind about a month right now. I wish I could put it on my iPod and take it on the plane... ooo, I'll have to look into that somehow! Good luck with your job tomorrow, Claygasm! I'll miss my twin around here!
  7. Oh, look... lots of lurkers. *waves* OMG, I LOVE that M&G pass, and I'm so proud to beat Muski in saying... Clay can plow my field anytime!
  8. Heh. I'd say Sean's shirt was a wee bit too small. Thanks Sean! Hee.
  9. Oh, I think he's just warming up. LOL! He was funny as hell, and he sang kinda purdy too, no?
  10. Yeah, and I hear you almost had an eyeful of his man-er-hood. Spill. *begs* There were cameras, right?!? Heh. Dang. Clay was a funny, funny man tonight! Am I in the wrong thread? Am I gonna get in trouble? *runs*
  11. Wah! I'm too busy to have fun and I'm not liking it at.all! But I got time to wish the birthday girls happy birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Caro, you sweet thing, you! Happy Birthday, Play, you emoticon, animation queen, you! Happy Birthday, ???, you little sneak, you!
  12. Wave when you drive by the Mt.Hermon exit, muski! I'll be listening for the rumble of your car. I'm off to the beach today, too. Seacliff. Partay.
  13. I tried. I tried really hard. I wanted to stay up until midnight to wish my friend, jmh123 a happy birthday. I wanted to be first. I made it until about 11:50 - 10 more minutes, I said.... I'll just go turn off the lights in the rest of the house and go off to bed right after I click submit. Heh. I turned 'em off allright. And then promptly forgot what I was doing. Old age is a bitch, no? Ok, Clay, you win this one. Happiest Birthday, jmh123!!! ...and speaking of oldies... Some of your old faves, as I recall. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope to get out to see you very, very soon! Have a spendiferous day!!!
  14. I am SO easily amused! Morning peeps. Gotta run. I have a body to guard.
  15. "I shoulda kept my hand over her mouth while it was there, huh?"
  16. I LOVE that picture. I don't know what he's really doing, but it's a great WTF? face/pose. Believe it or not, last night I was watching JNT06 clack. It started out me looking at YouTube for something and running into Chardonnay's Banter montage thingies, which are awesome. I watched every single one. Dayum, he was yummy! Anywhooo... It reminded me of two of my favorite moments from that tour, not counting singing of course. If you'll indulge me in the midst of this summer tour, these are them... Clicky for the video to play. He just CMSU! I cannot watch either one of those without laughing out loud! Ok, back to summer....
  17. I just have to say... this work thing? Is pissing me off. How in the HELL do they expect me to keep up with my hobbies? Seriously.
  18. I wondered the same thing. Anybody know? It was. I don't know if it's vaulted, but pax posted a link to download it here: http://www.theclackhouse.com/bb/viewtopic....=podcast#538989
  19. Go National League. Pretty Please?!? *begs* Break a record < ---- *jinxes it* It's weird to watch the All Star game in your own ballpark! ETA.... _______ing popups! *sniff* We'll never win! :medium-smiley-070: Oh, I love those extra answers... Hee. I'm like Whoa!
  20. Ooo, triplets. Or as WMS would call them, clones. Heh!
  21. Cute as hell. And duh, it only took me how many shows to realize his "forgetting" was on purpose! It's the fan interaction segment -- well the planned one. Heh! Jesse is a.dor.able!
  22. I am fast trying to figure out what I am doing... it's all dependent on work schedules and they keep messing with me. But I shall know SOOOOON (original definition). I want to do the 4-fer, but I may only be able to do the weekend...not sure yet. ETA... thanks Claygasm! I'll definitely keep that in mind. Are there any extra tix for any of the other shows or should I go a huntin'?
  23. Heh, why did I read that as Jesse is a toy to watch. My sweet doggie's name is Lucky and we call him Licky... Just sayin'. Happiest Birthday, Claygasm! Though I'm not sure how you can follow up the weekend you just had.
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