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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. Thanks, couchie and ldj!!! OMG, did I really attend every single one of those shows?!!! Thanks for the memories, Gibby! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. But I *am* here for jmh's travel tips! Runs to squish Gibby!!! At the risk of quoting myself:
  3. Heidi, ok we'll use Splenda next time. LOL! BTW, shouldn't we have a thread title poll pretty soon? I think we had a bunch of great ones today!!! Cotton, I ::heart:: it!
  4. *fans self -- too hot under those pics!* hey ldy, could I have a virgin Cuba Libre, diet, pretty please? (oh ok, I meant a diet Coke)
  5. *quickly hides Sailor Moon outfit behind back*.... nothing to see here!!!
  6. I don't think annabear was handing out water... another one for me, please? ETA: Snap, Ansa! ETAA: annabear, go to bed sweetie! I'll open a case of Pinot. There's a reason why that's my favorite wine but it's too mushy for tonight...another day.
  7. I guess some people yell "Fore" before ripping into someone. *shrugs and wonders if oatmeal soaks it up better than Wheaties* Hey, I made it to Page 69!!! Wheeeeee! Oh Ivy, that's nice....but I already belong to Scarlett. (snicker! snicker!) And you're on top today. Based on all your posts today you deserve it!!!
  8. 50 now -- pretty soon we might need a PR person....not!
  9. Too many great posts today. I can't quote them all but I'll make up for that tonight when the pages have moved a bit... For now, I'll just say ITA with djs, Iseeme (both times), KAndre, play, oh and for the matter at hand, Clay. I make an exception for the "we have a large number of unbiased witnesses" part from KAndre, though, because witnesses have an unfortunate habit of disappearing. How often can I say that Iseeme's my girl! Would love to buy you that drink!!! And about that that lying thing and how he "deceived them and misrepresented himself" -- unless he actually talked to them while pretending to be someone else, the deception part clearly does not hold water. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Gibby! I love your quote and I do hope it's the next thread title!!! (starts campaigning for it)
  10. I really and truly don't get this mentality. HOW, do they feel that he deceived them? Tell them to go watch some Unicef footage. Tell them to go watch song Long Island NAJNT footage. We may not know everything that there is to know about Clay Aiken but just looking at those 2 things should tell them what kinda of man he is. I probably have selective memory... what parts of these clips should I be watching and what would they tell me about "what kind of man he is"? MHO about the people saying that he "deceived them and misrepresented himself" is that they took certain experiences and memories, read out of them what they needed, projected even more stuff they needed on him, and expected him to spend the rest of his life continuing to fit the image they built in their heads. Everyone has their own private 'Fake Clay', though very few have attempted to communicate via text messages. The Unicef footage and LI NAJNT footage will always be special to me, Unicef because of some things I did way back when and because I was at LI NAJNT, but my memories will always be my own and will necessarily be from my own POV. And for all that y'all may know, I could have edited the LI NAJNT footage to make him look like "my image of him", eg. like TMZ could make it appear that he did a Russell Crowe instead of simply blocking a lens. When Sinatra did something like what TMZ insinuates Clay did, people would have been doubled over or on the ground. Oh, and the hat thing in LI wasn't real. I just put that in, fameho that I am. Just kidding. All I really did was delete the part where after asking for my name, he also asked for my phone number. Speaking of names... Thanks! I like the part where you can't say her name without smiling. I'm more ok about it after having a couple of days to chew on things but.... I still wish I had staged a coup, taken over the Philippine government, and issued a Presidential Decree stating that no one could name their child Charisse (or anything that sounds like it) for the next 500 years... /jk ETA: FromClaygary, Spikesmom & annabear, Thanks for your generous offers to help on the next Craft Sale - wow!!! I can't knit anywhere near as good as you (y'all) so I'm going to Knitters Connection on Saturday. Anyone up for a yarncert?
  11. Five is right out! (cut-and-paste isn't my friend) I dunno - to me, "stubborn" implies someone is not doing something they SHOULD do. I don't think Clay is stubborn, I think he is right and people are wrong to ask! Sounds like Clay is right about the radio play, too! Slow and steady, and then who knows what the effect has been of some fans pushing Ashes, instead. Some day when Clay is appearing here near Tampa, y'all can all come over and party with my Scarlett statue. promise to spiff her up for the occasion! Actually, we do put string lights on her and have baby spotlights on her at night; she looks awesome with jewelry and a hat, too! A statue with our kind of bling, yesss! We probably won't wait until a Clay appearance in Tampa if that's ok with you...
  12. Somewhere in Texas....a crumpled ransom note was found: We have your cellphone. Do not call anyone, not the police, not the FBI, not TMZ... Bring our Clay Aiken posters, a red pillow, and the bags of Cheez Doodles you snuck out of the house this morning to the Greenspoint area and await our call. You do not want this to happen (We will send a separate ransom note about releasing your clientele directory to National Enquirer)
  13. Fear, actually our reeeeeeaaalllly irreverent suggestion included Buddha, Shiva and every deity known to man... On the personal side, claytonic's post about David's new protege made me take a sidestep. You see, a few years back when MiniScarlett was born I made sure that I would have a lot of say on her name. A year earlier when DS was born I didn't get to have a lot of input on his name because I ended up with an emergency CS when DS's heartbeat was faltering and I was exhausted and out of it. I liked the name DS ended up with but it's nice to be able to pick. For MiniScarlett, I'd always loved the show Brigadoon (those hundred-years apart relationships just get me -- Brigadoon, Sleeping Beauty, Somewhere in Time, etc) and I liked the last name of the actress, Cyd Charisse. David's new star is very talented but I'm kinda sad that the name I picked (which was not very common for Filipinos at that time) could end up being a one-name celebrity one like "Madonna".
  14. Eeeeeee! Thanks so much, FromClaygary! geekette is also starting to talk about the next StripedSockSirens Fall Craft Sale for TBAF. She made this gorgeous swallowtail shawl and is considering putting it up for sale. Spikesmom, I still have your large bag of items for the Craft Sale. I'm sorry that I ran out of time to put it up for last year's sale but I want you to know that they're safe with me. Whenever I don't watch a Houston hometown game we win big, so here's hoping that your karma turns into something like mine... claytonic, ausdon, can you help me make an honest woman out of Cotton? No, not like that. And she isn't. I wouldn't do that to Iseeme while she's in Lake Tahoe. What I'm hoping is that one of you (or anyone else from Australia) could buy a CD or two for me and I'll reimburse you via Paypal. Or exchange them for more Clay DVDs. How about it? Pls pm your e-mail addy if you're ok. Thanks! (Eeeeee, and that means that I can send Cotton the other tracks!) So will you or Ansa be making the announcement on TMZ? *runs and hides* I'm with you there, too, KAndre. I got the Sims2 "Bon Voyage" pack and we have a problem... the locale with the spa and a masseuses? It's the "3 Lakes" mountain camping one -- complete with roasting marshmallows over the campfire. So y'all will have to compromise. Else you can switch to "Takemizu Village" for mahjong & Tai Chi or "Twikki Island" for sandcastles and parasailing.
  15. FromClaygary, when my mom had me at 42 it was considered to be such a blessing. I'm not sure the eHP would call it that but she had 2 friends in the same age group who tried that same year and lost their little ones. Yes, it's not an easy thing even in this country and with today's technology; they need all the love, support and good thoughts they can get! Because I've been there, I'm more concerned about the child. People tend to be overprotective when a pregnancy is particularly difficult. C&J are great people so I think they'll be fine, however some people may view this as a 2nd coming (or 3rd if they think Clay's the 2nd). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, life. One day you're humming "I'm All Alone" with duckyvee and today... *googling for the nearest abandoned polygamist camp -- good thing I live in Texas* What should we name our polygamist camp FCA spa?!! Too bad it's already June -- I was going to say, "It's May, it's May, the lusty month of May" 2nd place could be a marvelous thing!!! and besides... love is lovelier the 2nd time around... Instead of a press release, let's just have KAndre sells it to PH's site -- she's close enough to be credible and yet cast some doubt. We can use the proceeds to buy cat food for all y'all's (plural) cats, so they'll stop biting me. Oh you don't get away with that! When I said I love Dylan, I meant Jakob too! My favorite Wallflowers song for the last ten years has been 6th Avenue Heartache and some days I simply MUST hear it! I saw them just once when they swung through town but it was enough!!! *carefully smooths out the concert T-shirt to wear to kimiye's partay* :F_05BL17blowkiss: bwah... YAY, someone likes me; they really like me. heee hey maybe I could come visit the jersey LOL Oooooh, sharing jerseys now, are we? *makes sure to set aside a place in the polygamist camp for KAndre's, luckiest's and Iseeme's cats.* Need to bring these posts over from yesterday... Wow! I would never have heard this and I loved it. It sounds like something from Musical Theater - I want to see the show! HAHA Yes, I think he does travel from chest through to head voice without an obvious break. Although part of that may actually be the melody itself not hitting the difficult "break". I don't know if that makes sense. Maybe Gibby can help. But - vocalist have a note - or three - which is their break. And if a melody line doesn't hit that "break", the singer may not have trouble with the transition. ??? Clear as mud? But thank you for linking that. It was lovely and I plan to listen again! I just loved this post. I don't think Clay always sings perfectly. I don't expect him to. That doesn't stop me from cringing when his voice cracks. One thing I don't think he ever does - is lose pitch. But I admire that he sings live. When you hear Clay in concert, you know you're hearing Clay in the here and now! I love that. And I love his interpretive skills. He is an amazing actor in song, if you will. And he can vary his treatment so much from one song to the next. I mentioned favorite notes this morning. So - I listened to MOAM this morning on the way to work. I forget how much I love this album. I do. I loved it the first time I heard it and revisiting it this morning, I find I love it still. Fav. Note - one of them - SONG - in NMSS. It's at the end. The 4th from the last time he sings the word "song" - with a bell like clarity and a bit of vibrato. Very nice. Although I love some of his "HOLDS", the long-assed notes that I can eat an apple in the time he holds the, I also love the way he can power a note, then feather off of it with a whisper or a breathy cry. Lord he can make love with his voice. luckiest, this is where I'm having trouble, too. I'm thinking - "What?! You think he's betrayed you somehow? " I just shake my head. You know what I think Clay's trouble is? I think he's too damned progressive. He has a broader view of the world. How is that possible for a lowly North Carolina guy? An ordinary guy who was going to college and decided to enter reality show/talent contest? But he is. Progressive. Religious, yet open to a variety of religious views. Very aware of current events. Opinionated, yet accepting of a variety of opinions from others. Doesn't seem to be judgmental, yet has high expectations of people. Patient with people with learning differences. Impatient with laziness and unprofessionalism and intolerance. Injustice. He's intelligent. He's a character. He has a wild sense of humor that sometimes doesn't translate in print. And - then - he sings "off the chain"! People are just used to celebrities who are less substance. More shallow. Especially as young as he is. It throws people. And some people just don't see the intelligence and the snark. Some people don't recognize sincerity. So - I guess they are right. He's odd. And some people are just greedy bastards who want to sell magazines and papers and they aren't even aware enough of the world to see consequences. Others just don't give a damn. I think I like odd. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I still wanna hit somebody. Still waiting for suggestions. ETA: Geez! That turned out to be War and Peace! :lmaosmiley-1: I loved your post. And you said the stuff about his voice much better than I could. And what you said about Clay, the man, was just perfect. Are you already taken? I get so confused on who is with who on this board. And then you start talking about sharing and stuff. I'm rather monogomous myself. Heee....I don't think it happens here, but on other boards there really are people who believe that since Clay joked about not liking avocados: He will never eat them ever He would never have a relationship with an avocado lover He would never eat in a restaurant that serves avocados He would never buy a house with an avocado tree in the yard The nutrient content of avocados is listed and Clay is reprimanded for not eating them And is sent books and lists about what he should eat Faye will be blamed for Clay not liking avocados Faye just prolly prepared avocados incorrectly when Clay was a poor pitiful child, because those southerners don't know how to fix or appreciate good food Clay is only saying he doesn't like avocados because he wants the California Avocado Association to pay big bucks for him to recant and say he loves them now Saying he hates avocados is a sekrit signal to fake baby mamas Saying he hates avocados means some tortuous intrusive clue about Santa M.....sorry, just typing that makes me pukle Saying he hates avocados means he is leaving RCA There will be a thread at OFC denouncing his disdain for avocados There will be a thread at OFC praising him for hating avocados and showing support for Cesar Chavez I honestly could continue for another 20 minutes, but SOME people have deliberately and willfully chosen to regard my humorous sense of irony as, um, sarcasm...... If he is seen eating avocado: He is a liar He prolly lied about OTHER STUFF TOO He has betrayed his fans, who have given up avocados in a show of support Some of us just get an uncontrollable tic when we hear how Clay hates something :-O (edited because my sense of irony does not reside in a bone in my arm) I don't post here often, mainly because I usually don't have the time to keep up, but I just had to pop in and say this is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time! I had to read it to my DH - a Clay fan as well.
  16. Oh, I'm so sorry Iseeme!!! *ashamed* This'll give me an opportunity to say your name 500 times... Iseeme, Iseeme, Iseeme, *hopelessly sighs* Iseeme, Iseeme, .... *squee!* and goodnight, Cotton! ETA: Iseeme, both! I'll either "rescue you or be the death of you."
  17. Cotton, Thank you so much for your beautiful post!!! :clap: And your explanation about singing and voices. That was from Miss Saigon, btw. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Awww, I lurve you but I just found Iseemee.... Let me introduce you to Solo (or have you met before)?
  18. Me too! I've seen just about everything expressed today......anger, jealousy, comtempt, agendas, conspiracy theories, you name it, it's out there. Good thing I was watching DVDs instead of venturing outside FCA. I'm not making fun of you luckiest (hugs!) nor anyone else nor pooh-poohing feelings; I just realize that I'm in a different stage compared to most (especially compared to OFC -- apparently, don't really know since I haven't visited in ages). I'm in my happy because: 1) I heard the news via PerusingOne and she knows how to get to the heart of the matter, skipping the angst but not the humor 2) I liked the first scenario presented -- lifelong friends deciding to have a child. Any other scenario from romantic love to mistletoe magic would work for me too mainly because C&J always seemed to care a lot about each other and probably provided support for each other through some v. rough times. 3) I usually get past things rather quickly (a~3 min for rage, 3 days for anger, 3 weeks for resentment), though I never stop ragging on reminding people (Solo, can I say Clio one more time?) about what they missed lessons learned. Works much better than botox too! My father loved me unconditionally. My mother--not even close. She loves me, deeply, but she just isn't able to feel unconditional love. ETA: I don't think putting up with abuse is about unconditional love either--I think there's some disagreement here about what that term means. To me it means total acceptance of who you are as a person, loving you for exactly who you are, not for what you do or don't do--it doesn't mean taking a bunch of shit from someone cause you looooooove him. I believe in unconditional love since I received it from both my parents -- what can I say, I was adorable. I think unconditional love is something one person gives another because of who they (the giver) are, not because of something the other person did. It may be rare but I think it exists beyond parents and children. I remember that skit! ROTFL! Sure miss those days... I was going to ask you out seeing as keepingfaith was still faithful to wandacleo, but I'm afraid basic geography is non-negotiable to me. Would you be willing to take classes? /jk LOL! See, someone with unconditional love would say, "I'll go to Congress and create 2 more states just for you dear." You and kf can share Dylan, I'll take the Wallflowers. Thanks once again for the movie advice, djs and jmh! And I also found a Blu-ray disk of Raul Esparza in Company, Eeeeeeee!!!
  19. Oh, I love Eat Drink Man Woman immoderately - and I am afraid I meant Chunking Express, which can be had from Amazon for not very much. I should buy a copy, myself. I have one of those DVD players that plays PAL and NTSC, which comes in handy. I'm heading to Fry's on my lunch hour to look for it -- this is the movie where he's a cop and it's about him and his partner, right? I just remember someone raving about it and that it was called something-or-other Express. Will report back... (unless I find something else interesting in Fry's, LOL!). ...and BWAH! on the avocados. So... do you think would arranged marriages be about unconditional love, at least the ones that 'work'? ETA: Love Raise the Red Lantern and Scent of Green Papaya. Haven't see the other two but I'll look for them. In Japan I used to watch Hong Kong movies all the time, most of them not "arty" at all, but just plain entertaining. Fell in love with Leslie Cheung, who later tragically killed himself, and Chow Yun-Fat, who ended up coming here to do some good movies and some not-so-good ones. I also love Tony and Maggie, and Eat Drink Man Woman, and Farewell My Concubine (with my beloved Leslie). Pushing Hands is a lesser known film directed by Ang Lee that is definitely worth watching for its exploration of cultural conflicts at home, with the same man who plays the father in Eat Drink Man Woman. Funny fight scene in a restaurant kitchen. Once a Thief (directed by John Woo, with Yun-Fat and Leslie Cheung) is a big favorite of mine, even though it's 100% Hong Kong cheese. Another movie I love for sheer spectacle and its homage to old Hollywood movies is "Run Tiger Run" (Liang zhi lao hu, 1985, also directed by Woo). There's a wonderful scene--an epic battle in a massive living room between a bunch of kids and the bad guys--that is so camp and so funny. Oh and another movie I recommend is "King of Masks," made on the mainland, about a Peking Opera star with an unusual skill who is looking for an heir to teach. Edits the Fry's shopping list -- thanks for the v. timely post, jmh! Can't wait to watch and discuss!
  20. Oooh! I love more recent Asian movies - Raise The Red Lantern (stunning), The Scent of Green Papaya, The Vertical Ray of the Sun, anything with Tony Leung (I do love Hong Kong Express!) Eeeeeee! I can't believe I read Tony Leung's name here --- "In The Mood For Love" (with Maggie Cheung) was sublime! I've been trying to get a copy of Hong Kong Express for ages! Thanks for sharing these movies, jmh and djs! Other favorites -- "Eat Drink Man Woman", "Farewell my Concubine", "Kagemusha - The Shadow Warrior" and "The Road Home". Was expecting more from "Hero" but I enjoyed it anyway because of Tony and Maggie. Gibby and Cotton, thanks for the explanations about Clay's voice. I have to admit that I've been playing hooky lately and listening to this guy (who's Australian BTW, Hee!) who I think, after reading Cotton's post, swings between his head and chest voice as easily as Clay runs his hand through his hair. Cotton, can you check this song (Bui-doi) and let me know if that's what you were talking about? I now have 4 CDs from Australian guy with another one arriving soon but if Clay were to sing these songs they would get tossed so quickly that heads would spin faster than Tsathy's. He's kinda like Josh Groban with a personality but it's the sound of Clay's voice that I love!!! A few other songs from the Australian dude (for now) that I wish Clay would do some day because it would be absolutely gorgeous... Luck Be A Lady, Lily's Eyes, Hello, Little Girl!, Manhattan and Once Upon A Dream. Wouldn't Clay just kill on these?!! I agree with KAndre, what drought?!! I have tons of stuff to render (including laughn's Christmas Story and a "few" things I owe some other people here... *hides face*)!!! Thanks for all the cake recipes -- should I make some for kimiye's party this Saturday or is "Better Than Sex" cake too dangerous to serve at a pool party? {{{{ all who hurt }}}}
  21. Glad your kitty's ok, luckiest! Gibby, my rolly thing has a removable pouch for the laptop -- best of both worlds? If you're not picky, I recently received a nice free messenger bag as a giveaway at a recent virtualizaton seminar and it'll hold a 17" laptop. If you're just looking for something useable, let me know. It's a shoulder-slung canvas messenger bag -- red, gray and black. {{{Hugs to everyone living with aches and pain}}} Hope you have a restful and comfortable night. Nice banner...
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