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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. Hee, Couchie! Nice to hear nickname stories. It's been cute to discover that Solo and I shared the same "within the family" nickname. Even better that somebody has sung it lots and lots of times.
  2. We were waiting for you at the Kimmel line. Someone had an extra ticket! Liney, if you can either swim or endure shoulder-deep water, you're definitely in!!! Scarlett... Dang... I saw someone crossing the street who I thought m.i.g.h.t. be KAndre, but I didn't recognize who she was with (t'wern't you), so I didn't call out. Then got caught up in watching the filming thing, then just forgot about walking the line and trying to find you guys. I was there in the first part of the line. Next time!!! And, I am a good swimmer, so... YEAH!!! I'm in! Life is sweet! Liney, You were there?!! We need to get together next time. We had a bunch of things planned for the weekend so we had to leave right away but we'll be sure to PM you next time we're in the area. Thank goodness for another swimmer! kimiye's my moon & water twin from West Palm Beach but I'm sure we can get into trouble just as easily on the West Coast. Lol! Luckiest, I'm sure I can get it translated. My go-to friend for this is on a tour of Japan and China but I can find others. Are you going to post or PM the scan?
  3. It's so ME! And Scarlett didn't get to do everything she wanted - more squeamish members totally rejected the nekkid men! I've started on my recap....it's gonna be one...covering Friday to Monday...and NAMES will be NAMED! Since you were the one who found and brought us the brochure, I'm considering the nekkid men to be your pick. Too bad Solo and PerusingOne flat out nixed it. Pictures trump recaps! LOL!
  4. Never heard of that euphemism either. Wait, it's not a euphemism?!
  5. 20 years from now, we'll probably be bringing our own great acoustics! However, about Burbank... I just want to blow a raspberry at those *certain* people who balked at going to Universal for the opening of the Simpsons ride last Monday in favor of getting mocked for wearing clothes at a spa. *whistles innocently* My sleeping bag is always ready -- 'course I'd rather camp out near the Shanghai Museum with you (you're the one who PM'ed me about that, weren't you?) Maybe a trek to Xian as well? Definitely! We have ways of making you vote for us. Or at least of making you abstain. We were waiting for you at the Kimmel line. Someone had an extra ticket! Clay'll be fine. Last weekend, my bestest friends said this (after calling me out on a few other things and presenting me with an Oscar-like statue labelled "Hollywood Princess" for turning Solo's birthday weekend into a let's-do-Scarlett's-favorite-things weekend, what can I say, I needed to practice on my pouting and tossing and flouncing and arguing and general scheming. The beach was great, wasn't it?!! Liney, if you can either swim or endure shoulder-deep water, you're definitely in!!! Oh, and "Harold and Kumar" has some redeeming social value -- it's a graphic protest against stereotypes! Wait, I forgot what I was going to say about Clay. My friends told me this, "No matter what happens you always manage to get yourself rescued in the end." I think that's true, no matter how long it takes this time. And it's true about Clay as well, I think. I'm looking out my office window and the last rays of the sun are shining through. Not quite sunset yet, but it'll be here soon. I love sunsets even though they make me sad. And it's not just because the colors are close to my heart, but because a sunset need to come before a new day can dawn.
  6. I only heard ashes and it was live! Lots of bass.. Solo says they were playing the cd earlier
  7. So do we consider the demo CDs as professional or non-professional (eg. LWLHD, NSTLYA, HMTMKM, etc)?
  8. Missed y'all! I did try to make it in time to say that SL is pretty but the silent auction included this neat new ice cream maker & set of dishes that look like waffle cups and 4 different sauces, so I had to wait until bidding was over. LdyJ, there were speeches and videos and awards and so it would have been really rude to pull out the smartphone. :( I was thinking of how much fun you were having.
  9. You'd better not have a camera when I get there! (bye, see ya tonite)
  10. Nice to hear about your support for Race for the Cure! (would like to plug my local events too...) Thanks for putting up with us whiny folks on chat last night. (ok maybe it was just me) Unfortunately I'll probably get to KAndre's even later for today's chat since I got talked into helping represent United Way Young Leaders at SEARCH's 11th Annual "Celebrate the Children" Gala tonight, now that KAndre has explained what biker chick attire means. Wouldn't it have been fun if some of the TBAF Galas had had a theme like this (eg. "Bikers and Babes") instead of Black Tie? He could have recycled the JBT jacket. Have fun tonight !!! Gibby, yay for your Mother's Day Celebration!
  11. So late to the discussion since I swung by KAndre's pad and her TV system is so addictive, but not only did he eat a shrimp, and yes it's shellfish, but he also knew which sauce to use on it. Awwwww!!! Such a cute, cute, cuuuute clip! What a waste of a cute vest, though -- I wouldn't wear one of those to Benihana because it'll reek of Benihana forever. And he's right, during the last eHP road trip at least 4 out of 8 people were on the same cycle. play, I have both vinyls too. Had to go to Virgin at Union Square for them way back then since the Times Square one didn't have them.
  12. Wheeee, thanks annabear! MUAH! Didn't we have a "hello, sailor!" one too? ETA: Thanks, Muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  13. Dreamer..there are none so blind as those who will not see! But it sure is fun to watch people trip over themselves going, "but... but... I didn't really say that"
  14. Only just got home. haven't eaten, haven't changed out of my clothes but KAndre called and insisted I read a blog. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Do we have an "OMG he's so hot when he does that!" emoticon?!!
  15. Oooh, got the text message. merrieeee, did you get it this time? ETA: KAndre, he got us! Should I call merrieeee?
  16. Being sober helps too! You can get a decent pair of Sony headphones for 50 bucks at Best Buy. Does anyone have a Spork? Solo says a good whack upside the head would probably solve all hearing issues! Perusing One says she didn't know CD release parties were this much fun......and they sound good too! I'm having so much fun, I wish I'd stayed home for all the release parties. The Woodlands, TX CD Release Party rocks!!! -- thanks, merrieeee!!! (love your speakers, btw) *waves to luckiest1!! missing ya*
  17. Just wanted to say I really love the CD! (returning merrieeee's computer to her now)
  18. Hi luckiest! Sorry but no I'm not she. yay for the numbers though!!!
  19. EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK - I love those books. Have not read them in a couple of decades. *high-fives jmh123* Yeah, you only just happened to "know" books from two different series enough to talk about them. I won't mention any other guilty pleasures - I have no guilt about Clay.
  20. *throws self protectively in front of the shirt and while trying to rub against it at the same time* Hey, I love that shirt just as much as the Miami clingy so he can wear it anytime for me! Gulp! Choices, choices: Hallelujah, WAMLAW or Amazing Grace? *dies* If I had had time to log my 3 choices these would have been the very ones!!! *swoons while imagining him singing each one* I can't vote for all three this time because I'll just cancel myself out so I guess I'll have to pick one. What to do?!! Oh ok, "Amazing Grace" just because. KAndre, just funerals? Remember Orb's wedding, the closing scene from "Being a Green Mother". Just 2 more sleeps!!!
  21. Hoping to knit/crochet with you in line again!!! And this time we'll have Solo and KAndre for company. *crossing fingers for a repeat of the Virgin CD signing*
  22. Heh! I predicted that you each would say the above!!! LOL! ITA with the "shock people occasionally" part. Exactly 1 week less 1 day, I should be taxiing into Newark. Does anyone have room for 1 petite person on Thursday night? (I've slept with just about everyone here so don't worry about the ehp temperature discussion. And I promise not to open any windows unexpectedly. (see, no one predicted that one nor the Pala ravine) Happy Anniversary, ldj!
  23. But... but you're not sleeping with merrieeee, it's Segregation Week in NYC and we compromised at 75 in the <insert politically incorrect designation for our room with Solo & PerusingOne>. *checks suitcase for the large box of Instant Cold Packs anyway*
  24. Girl's Knight Out with the Camelot Gang (Peasant recap -- please don't copy to other sites) At the start of the show they always announce something about recording devices and cellphones and being dragged up to the stage and impaled by a bunch of well-armed knights. Everyone around me always seemed to be terrified at the prospect. Me? I chose to reserve judgement, since it *could* actually turn out not to be so bad depending on the type of impaling those well-armed knights had in mind. *shrugs* So, when Patsy came to take me up the stage Sunday night I didn't exactly have to be dragged. All the knights seemed to be very friendly and welcoming. The King got to go first because, I suppose, he *was* the king. He asked for my name and I said it out loud this time, because I didn't want the entire front row to have to yell it out like in Long Island. Since the King was nice, I also gave him my last name. He didn't ask for my phone number/s. I think that was because Clay already had 3 of my cell phones registered at the mozes site. The other knights played coy with me, wooing me with shiny sparkly stuff. They were fun. At one point I was completely surrounded by knights -- above me, below me, to my left, to my right. They kept repeating my name ecstatically. It seemed to go on forever. Before the night was over, I had Clay on bended knee raising his arms beseechingly at me and singing of some Holy Grail thingy or other. I was confused about this since he hadn't yet changed into his white tuxedo pants. *scratches head* Maybe he wanted me to help him with his clothes because Shannon was out that night? Anyways, I told him that I wasn't comfortable getting it on while a still photographer was standing in the room. I proposed that we do video instead since it was less distracting. So he went over to the photographer, talked to him and them walked back to my while holding and shaking his thing. He extended it to me and I gathered that he wanted me to touch it, take it and shake it too. Weird request, but I obliged! All in all, it was such a wonderful experience to be the darling of every knight at the round table, even for just 1 evening. Definitely a keeper and a scene I will replay over and over again. Special thanks to Gibby, luckiest1, annabear, ldyjocelyn, couchie, ansa, muski, cct, laughn, CG, playbiller, KarenEh, 00lsee, liney23, clayzedover and everyone else who sent virtual hugs and best wishes! (hope I didn't forget anyone)
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