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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. KF, I already explained to Solo that having 2 brothers is no excuse. Why, Clay has 2 brothers too! Does he get all Russell Crowe when people are stupid... .... er, uh.... without good cause. (pssst... and Solo, he looks hawter doing it) Here's a copy of the .mpg file (75 MB): 080509_MSNBC_UNICEF_Myanmar.mpg
  2. Hopefully someone already has another copy available, but I'll start uploading one to a share area just in case. (mine's the 75 MB one so it'll be about 15 min).
  3. So many nice posts today... could I just quote them all?!!! (sorry if it looks like a mini-thread) So.... how much does "what the hell ever" go for? *upends and shakes piggy bank* KF, that was so nice. Thank you.... and I ::heart:: you even if you belong to wandacleo! Nothing to add, just wanted to see this again! That was a great way to handle the dinner friends. Hopefully, they'll remember this and be more considerate next time. Liney, just remember that you have another family in Texas. Anytime you're in or around here just let us know. Or else we can bring a family party to you! wandacleo, I've been wanting to tell you this a long time ago -- I'm a lot happier when you post on every page! That's so good to hear, justclay12. Yay for you!!! {{{{{ldyjocelyn}}}}} I hope you feel better soon!!! I'm starting to wonder -- do I look scary? I don't think I do but no one's given me any trouble yet. Especially about the preference thing. Once, my kids asked that our vacation not be a continuation of a concert trip and I understand that. But I haven't had the word 'gay' said to my face. Maybe it helps to establish a stand early on, like years before Clay. It's weird because I work in a "good ol' boy" type of company; I guess it's a good thing we're particularly sensitive to lawsuits. Most comments to me are just regular, neither gushy nor icky: "We saw Clay on AI5. New look, huh?" "Clay was on 5th grader. We tried to call you." "What were you doing in Times Square? Was that a Clay Aiken trip? Oh ok." I think it helps that I don't expect everybody to fall in love with his music. A lot of people just enjoy things within their own genre. There are some I know who like the same type of songs so I tend to chat a lot more about a new CD with them ('course that means that in return I have to listen to a lot of their favorites, eep! because I'm not into Sunny 99.1 unless Clay's singing). And it helps me a lot to take an interest in what others like. I can chat easily about Terminator movies, football, baseball, Grand Theft Auto IV, High School Musical, SFF, wine, fishing, etc so the eHP and Clay are easy to slip in. Muski, thanks for the Red Hat explanation. Someone once asked me about them... and I started talking about Red Hat Linux, eek! LOL! My DS loves tennis and I used to watch with him a lot more during Roland Garros/French Open time. It was just nice to hear so many random "clay" mentions. Great for "white noise" too! ETA: Oh, no! I just hope the *cough*text-messaging-people-why text?!! if my bf had a pretty voice I'd insist on voice mail"*cough* don't move here just to be able to write "Clay Aiken" on all their forms. The eHP needs to be ready to run them out of town. ETAA: While the cast I see the most times of a show tends to remain v. v. dear to me, I used to belong to a Broadway fandom and we had as much fun discussing different people in different roles all the time. Kinda like the way we discuss different hairstyles or shirts or ties on Clay. I must say though that these two guys (Jonathan and David) are v. special so those shoes will be extremely hard to fill!
  4. djs111 and Ansa, I only just got home and realized that you'd made the "seafoam" photoshop on the other thread. BWAH!!! Thanks for the cute pic -- I'm saving the "proof" for future use!!! (couldn't see it earlier since I *sigh* block images from our servers) :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. We all want different things. Me? I want to hear him sing "Once Upon A Dream" (the Wildhorn J&H version, not Disney SB) and TITM with the bridge and an a full orchestra.
  6. Eeeee! Thank you!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: ...and we were talking about how he could be in such a dangerous place... LOL! I'm sure the Presidential Security could've handled anything!!!
  7. Awww, I'm in the office (actually the server room) right now -- could someone please describe the pictures? MUAH! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I heard mature, gorgeous, mighty fine... more details please?
  8. Oh and Wildhorn also wrote "This is The Moment" which Clay performed for the "Pieces of Gold" (?) competition when he was in high school -- wasn't that the reason his music teacher got upset and cut him from his senior year musical?
  9. Awww, Squeeee! By coincidence I was listening to a bunch of other Frank Wildhorn songs today. That's right! Same guy... he was in JCS as well as The Civil War. And I was listening the "The Last Supper" today as well. Sighs!
  10. Hey wait a sec... speak for yourself! Now people may assume that I think Clay's perfect because I haven't posted anything particularly hateful but you see I'm really v. picky about the people I hate. While I'm generally open to the idea of loving any person on earth I have to admit that I'm a bigot when I comes to hating. I can only feel hatred towards people who are in the same class and standing as I am. Everyone else gets a few words here and there and hardly more than a brief passing thought. So going back to Clay, he might just barely make it into my league for hating. However, since my hate issue list is extremely short: unkindness, dishonesty and intolerance, er, I guess that's about it. Anything beyond these, I'm easy. Yes, even with people who make me sleep on the wet spot. So, there just hasn't been a lot of opportunity for Clay to go over the line on my hot items. When he does, though, I will definitely hate on him. Oh, and I wasn't born. I came out of the sea foam on shore of a Greek island. What.
  11. *smiles and jiggles self at kf* Are you here on your own? Aww, you already found someone else? *totally crushed*
  12. While we're at it let's keep those people with abilities different from our own in the attic where they belong! We don't want them associating with us normal people. Wait a minute. I'm a superior being. Why am I associating with you normal folks?!! When people tell me that I should only date people within 10 years of my age, I tell them that I only listen to people whose IQ is within 10 points of my own so I'm not taking their advice. Oh, and if you were to say this to me at my workplace, yes I would sue. And I would win. ETA: Ever heard of Cinderella? Every other romantic flick out there is about different people finding friendship and love, not to say that the people we're taking about are actually very different. Just because Jaymes isn't important to you doesn't mean she's isn't highly accomplished in her own right.
  13. I didn't realize that we had this thread. BWAH! to everyone... And the "cryingwithlaughter" smiley really means something here...
  14. Gosh, I didn't realize how many people were feeling down about things. {{{Hugs to everyone who need them}}} I wish things were better. But this is how things work. That world that Clay sings about in MGUCL? It doesn't exist. What we have is our world today. It isn't fair. Being good or deserving or working hard or being the "best" doesn't guarantee that things go your way. S**T happens. But here and there, sometimes good things come and if we keep chugging along, good will prevail. Babies are always nice because they help us remember what is good about everything. They bring joy and hope. Each of us (including Clay) needs to find joy in ourselves (nope, nobody swallowed it). There's no one else who's going to provide this and so we need to take care of ourselves; what good does reading and responding to nasty stuff do? Nasty people will always exist, like cockroaches. Responding angrily to them will not change things. There are some good people out there and we need to surround ourselves with the right sort. Family, we can't choose, but we don't have to take cr*p from them either. Meanwhile, play nice songs and good interviews -- like the AP Broadway one. Get some hyacinths for the soul. Hang with good people. Laugh at the nasty ones. I'm not so worried about Clay because I think he knows how to handle things like these. Somehow, more than ever, I think he's going to be ok. Really. ETA: We all deserve to work in a place where people respect us and treat us well. If co-workers cross the line regularly, someone needs to get reported and/or maybe even sued.
  15. So how am I doing? Did I ever get a better job than being a test subject? Bwah...still, that's better than my "wet spot" eHP designation. Hee couchie! I'd rather take the "wet spot" designation but it was KAndre's game and her house. And since she graciously turned on the AC for the occasion, I didn't want to push my luck. 'course now I could go out and get my own... heh! heh! Did you catch the names of her male characters? Maybe you'll get to like Sims too! I still think LGOP is the most fun in the World Domination genre -- for starters, it begins in Sandusky, Ohio, my fav place on earth. Ooops, sorry about that accident in the kitchen. What can I say? I love these lyrics... With all my heart I believe The end of burnin' Was a dream Deep in me When everything went up in flames I still walked away ETA: Eeeep! *wipes egg off face* Thanks, laljeterfan, can't believe I've had it wrong all this time!!!
  16. Wizardry, Bard's Tale, Morrowwind, Might and Magic, Zork, Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Sticky Bear Bop, Crossfire, Norad, etc. I suppose y'all know this theme? So how am I doing? Did I ever get a better job than being a test subject?
  17. I know I"m a terrible post-ho today but I was supposed to be cleaning out my junk and didn't feel like it. It was so much more fun to hang around you all today... thanks for the company. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Red room? Nope. The yellow one's where PerusingOne and I sleep. The media room sounds great! I can easily fall asleep curled up in theatre-style seating with cup holders. So, should I should bring a Playstation3 and either Guitar Hero or RockBand or both to kimiye's pool party? They'll work so well with the 52" TV. Gibby, I want to get AoE too! I'm just too lazy to get in the car and drive 15 min to Fry's.
  18. Permaswooned's DS (or DD's BF, not sure which) works on WOW, I think. Might help to have a connection there. I wonder if merrieeee has Guitar Hero or Rock Band? It'd be fun to see us attempt to play Nirvana -- KAndre has never heard the songs but has musical sense; I've heard the songs but have absolutely no concept of rhythm -- maybe we should take bets? Either way it'll be entertaining! (for us, not merrieeee's neighbors) I ::heart:: Gibby!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  19. *shamefacedly puts away Tetris* Oh, um, yeah I really like Sid Meier's Civilization, really I do! *lol* No, actually Centipede is my thing -- hardly any thinking & lots of moving lights and cute sound effects.
  20. Oh, I quite agree! I just think this is not such a big deal that Clay should take time out from a UNICEF mission (if that is where he is) in order to address a TMZ report. I would hope that he would not. Oh, I completely agree with you that he doesn't need to address gossip. I was pointing out that he wouldn't be out of touch with TC because of a UNICEF mission, addressing the point about existing infrastructure, location & inability to communicate, not the "need to respond". It's mere speculation on my part but MHO is that if it were true that he's in a dangerous mission right now, then the news story is completely false because it would be really stupid to endanger yourself if you may have a child getting born in the next few months. On the flip side, if the news story is true and I were Clay, then I would put myself in the safest spot in the country between now and August.
  21. Global network infrastructure is part of my line of work... Our company operates in almost 200 countries, in the remotest of regions and the people we send to those places can always get in touch with people back here, everybody from the CEO down. It would be a huge liability if anything happened to them and they couldn't call. Even when Chavez took over Venezuela, I was on the phone chatting with an Australian guy at our site. He was being protected by people with automatic weapons and things (you could literally hear gunfire) but he had a phone. And no it wasn't a "you've only got 2 minutes" sort of thing. Images of the last days of Saigon when people couldn't find people or some got left behind are very last century. So IMO, it would be horrible publicity for UNICEF if they endangered some of their ambassadors by providing less.
  22. Too true and by the way we will eat any and all snacks period!!!! Not just cheezy flavoured ones! You know you could always come over to my place...I promise to try and find a cute pool boy for Scarlett! If your place is free... On Saturday, instead of going to a Greek restaurant why don't I just pick up kimiye early in the morning and then we can either have some Greek food delivered or *someone* can bring food from downtown (or vice versa, I can get the food if someone else picks up kimiye). We also need one person to get some ouzo. We can hang by the pool and KAndre and I can put our new swimsuits to good use. Alternatively we can make some Htapodi me paprika or Htapothi sti Skhara at your house... (Chinatown's on my way here to kimiye's sister's place) -- LOL! /just kidding! :cryingwlaughter:
  23. I understand this and I personally am not comfortable with with the term either. Both friends I mentioned lives in the Philippines...and the term "cougar" has evolved in the popular culture there such that it now connotes a strong attractive woman who knows what she wants who has a younger male partner. I don;t know how it is used here in North America cos I was not familiar with it until I visited the Philippines. I also have to add that both my friends with younger male partners didn't go after them either. They had a lot of personal reservations and these guys had to go through a lot of hoops to prove they were worthy or at least mature enough for a relationship. *utter dumbfounded look* I also know someone and didn't even realize it! My closest cousin is 5 years older than I am because I was born "between generations" and I remember now that she married a guy who went to my high school -- only he was a freshman when I was an outgoing senior. Thinking about them, they probably didn't fuss about the "social impact" either. In their case, they were both very active in the underground movement during the Marcos years and I'm guessing that living on the run while working on a cause that's very dear to you creates a special bond. But I can't believe I completely didn't even think about it until Ansa mentioned people from the Philippines. *slaps forehead* My cousin was right here in the US a couple of weeks ago for a Women's Health seminar at the UN, and we were on the phone for hours and hours just chatting away about our lives (oh ok, mostly my life because it's all about meee!) and nothing even clicked for me; didn't think about him/them beyond pausing to ask, "so how is <her dh's name>?" I'm just mystified that I completely didn't see it or think about it until I read Ansa's post! *still shaking head* Do you think this is a genetic thing or it's because of something we're taught as we grow up? I'm very curious about the different reactions, especially after realizing that I'm very blissfully unaware (ok clueless) about people's way of thinking.
  24. Fans questioning their imaginary "knowledge" of him and feeling "betrayed" or "lied to"? Uh, there's a place where they fix that. Yeah, and those are fluffy clouds not padding. LOL! The topic is of the moment is about things that disgust us? *Oooh, pick me, pick me!* Things I find classy: - great friends caring for each other, helping each other, standing by each other - people wanting others to be happy - people waiting to verify news - Clay never using the word "weird" in relation to his fans no matter how much we drool over his body parts or smut like there's no tomorrow or post embarrassingly lovey-dovey comments on his blog without regard for our "status/standing" in comparison to him Things I find skivvy: *nevermind*
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