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Everything posted by txflwrgrl

  1. That picture of Clay from the AMA appearance has to be one of my all time favorite pictures. He just looks so happy and confident.......and HOT! *sigh*
  2. This whole tour has just been amazing. Gonna miss you Clay!
  3. Yeah, EIH has never been a favorite of mine. But, he really does sound good on it.
  4. For some reason I can't get into the CV cellstream tonight, so I guess I'll just have to read about it. Drat!
  5. Measure of a Man - he sounds sooooo good on this
  6. I'm gonna miss ATD, but I'm glad he's changing it to something else if it strains his voice. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
  7. CV cellcerter mentioned meeting bottlecap and laughn. EEEEEEE!
  8. Has anyone else noticed that Clay seems to be missing a tooth? I was just now watching a video from Chautaugua of Everything I Have by Jojoct and about 1:30 into it she gets really close on his face (the right side) and it looks like there's a tooth missing. I went back to a close-up from Houston to make sure and yep, something has happened to his pretty teeth. I'm wondering if maybe he took a fall and damaged his teeth. Could explain why he's sore and bruised.......maybe?
  9. Tons of screaming! I think they loved the Classics!
  10. Amen sister!! I just watched that clip, too. Obviously, Angie's been working with Clay on his dance moves. Party All Night, indeed, dude! ... Hi ldyjocelyn and bottlecap! I WOULD have watched this earlier if I had known, but I had to go to work early and missed your post! Really, I would have! But, I ran as fast as I could to Clack Unlimited as soon as I read your post to check it out and now I'm gonna be up all night watching that "party all night" move....also like the "whip it" move. It's kinda amazing how much Clay's changed in a few years. He's sure learned how to move that body! Well, dang it! My quote thingys are not right! Sorry! fixed it/couchie
  11. I would just like to take a moment to pay homage to Scarlett for a very, very fine video of the Classics from Syracuse. I just viewed that marvelous few minutes and I'm dead. Yep, that just about did me in......but I think I might need to go back and view it just another time or two. Bows down to the clack goddess, Scarlett
  12. CV cellstream is back and it's the Classics! Oh baby, baby, I did it again SexyBack......please let there be clack tonight
  13. The Way You Make Me Feel........and boy, does he make me feel good!
  14. Now that is smutting at its finest! Subtle, yet visually stimulating to those of us with dirty vivid imaginations. hee :eusa_whistle:
  15. I plan on being here, but I listen to the CV cellstream and it was really bad last night. I'm hoping for better reception tonight. Last night sounded like there were planes flying overhead.
  16. Nope, thank goodness it's indoors in a concert hall, I believe. Yeah!
  17. What's happening? I can't understand anything.
  18. Just had a moment of panic when CV cellstream disappeared, but it's back! Bring it on Clay! :Tour3:
  19. Uh, cindilu2, I was thinking of going over there myself and posting, but now I'm kind of skeered. I don't think I've ever posted there at all and never read the forums anymore.
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