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Everything posted by JennaZ

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience, artquest. It's gratifying to hear from someone who actually was at the event.
  2. I'll be at Pala and LA. Maybe Indio, depending on how things work out.
  3. Thanks for sharing this, Claygasm. I do think it's important for all of us to appreciate what we have when we have it, because one never knows what could happen tomorrow. That's why I find so much of the whining, complaining, and doom-and-gloom speculation exasperating. I mean, I understand the desire to vent, but there's so much in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate and savor. Claygasm, I don't know your whole life, but I tend to believe it isn't a waste because I've seen your ability to see the positive in things. I think the real "wasters" are those who choose to spend their time wallowing in bitterness and paranoia. Very true, ldyjocelyn. When one thinks about the starvation of children around the world, or the deaths of innocents in our own country, the "problem" of whether one can make it to to three concerts or four seems rather petty. Perspective is an important thing, and I hope others in the fandom begin to develop a sense of it. Terrific news about Unicef reaching the $139K!
  4. Hi Couchie! Right now, I have plans for Pala and Los Angeles. I don't think I'll go to San Diego, but Indio may be an option if the situation is right. I'd only go if I had someone to drive back to LA with that Sunday night. I just can't justify a hotel night at Indio, or a day off the next day. Wow, though. Suddenly Southern California has an abundance of dates. I hope we do see more dates in the west and midwest.
  5. The new web site is gorgeous! Great job! I love the layout and color scheme. Very sharp and modern! Planet Earth is an amazing show, isn't it? The shots they get are incredible, with absolutely stunning clarity. There have been countless nature programs on before, but this one seems to have captured images rarely seen before. Great Ripa comic, muski! So true! Good luck with the cataract surgeries, merrieeee.
  6. Awww... Those pictures are great, YSRN. I must confess, though I'm not typically a facial hair fan, I think he looks absolutely adorable here. It's great that his fundraising drive has accomplished so much so quickly. I can just imagine what would happen if he were to actually get even more national exposure for this issue. What, muski? You're NOT going to see Pen Boi? You haven't been so personally offended by Clay's touring schedule that you've thrown him over for JPL? I mean, JPL clearly cares since he came all the way to Albuquerque to perform for you!
  7. Edited because it was a duplicate post, something that seems to happen often when I try to post from my Blackberry. Terrific post, keepingfaith! Good to see you here!
  8. Let me just say how happy and proud I am to be a member of this board. You don't even know what it means to me to read what I've read here. Without the board, I would have left the internet fandom long ago. I would have found the hatred, bitterness, viciousness, condescension, irrationality, paranoia, and overall negativity too painful to bear. I would have remained a fan, but I would have felt isolated and alone in my belief that the world (including RCA, AI, Diane Sawyer, Jay Leno,etc.) was NOT out to destroy Clay Aiken. Too many presume too much. They sit behind their computers miles away from LA and haughtily insist that they really know what's going on. They don't, and it's infuriating to watch them gather approbation and adulation for spouting pure, unadulterated crap. It is, however, life-affirming to see that there are still places in this world where Clay fans have maintained a sense of perspective. FCA, I salute you and thank you. You've stayed sane in an insane world.
  9. I remember reading a post some time ago in which a woman declared that because Clay was not going to perform near her, she would become a Constantine fan because HE cared enough to tour in area (for the AI tour). Guess what? She couldn't resist the excitement on the boards, and of course, the Clack was so inviting, that before you knew it, she was in the audience with everyone else. If someone needs to tke Clay's concert schedule as a personal insult, it's hard to stop her. However, the Clack addiction is not always so easy to break.
  10. Though I don't love reading constant criticsm of Clay, I do think that people should be allowed to express negative views. I just wish that 1) non-critical views were not so often dismissed as naïve, angelwingy, or simple (as if negativity were some measure of intelligence), and 2) that negative comments could be edited for tone. There's a difference between expressing criticism in a diplomatic, respectful way, and tearing into Clay with words so vicious and inflammatory you'd think they came from a hater. Sadly, the latter will rarely get so much as a mild eyebrow lift from the moderators of most boards. eta: hee I don't think Jenna meant to have two identical paragraphs...ansa
  11. I think that when one looks at his shortage of radio hits, the fact that he's on his sixth solo tour is actually hugely impressive. And these aren't exactly club dates either. I suspect that he's going where promoters think they can earn money, which includes a lot of areas where he's done well in the past. My guess is that this evening with the orchestra is being sold to a more sophisticated crowd, but the fact that many of these are outdoor venues, to me, means that there is the potential to draw more casual fans. In some areas, the venue itself is nearly a draw on its own, especially where the evenings are cool and comfortable. Many orchestras may bring their own audiences as well, audiences who may find Clay even more entertaining than they expected. I can already imagine him charming the crowds with his wit, and stunning them with his vocal prowess. To me, this tour sounds like a smart move. No, it's not a rock concert, but how many in the general public really look at him as a rock star? It does promise to have some pop songs, even if there is an orchestra present. I don't believe it will be used to support that phantom album so many of the poddies seem to think exists. However, I do think that by the end of the tour, a fair number of people will buy ATDW, maybe MCWL,tickets to a Christmas concert,and quite possibly, his next album. It won't drive ATDW up the charts, but I do believe it will win him more fans. ETA - fan age. I do think there are still a lot of under 40 fans. We just don't have the time or resources to travel to many concerts or buy broker tickets.
  12. Great post cha cha! Muski, I went on a cruise to Mexico. Very pleasant. I actually wasn't required to check my work e-mail (our department believes that when one is on vacation, you shouldn't have to work at all). I just get worried. Internet turned out to be so bad on the cruise that the ship ended up refunding most of the charges. Claygasm, it's pretty sad, isn't it, how EVERY tour cycle, fans make the routing personal. I guarantee that even if he were to hit all fifty states and every foreign country, some would complain that he was snubbing them because he wasn't performing in their back yard. I am actually impressed that there does seem to be an effort to go to areas that haven't seen a non-Christmas concert in a while. Maybe I'm naïve, but I tend to believe that he and his people are trying for some regional representation. However, there are so many factors at play here: venues, orchestras, logistics - not to mention any other commitments he may have. Truth is, he will never please all of the fans all of the time. I prefer to be grateful for what we do get than bitter about what we don't.
  13. I think you're right, Ansamcw. I really don't think the OFC makes the ultimate decision as to what information should and should not be put on the web site. It's not as if Clique is negotiating with the venues or coordinating Clay's schedule. My guess is that SAM is primarily responsible for giving them the dates. I do think they're aware that fans rely on what they post. I also think they have reasons for making changes. I understand that people are angry and disappointed, but I hesitate to term this a mistake without knowing what happened. With Dallas gone, there's a bigger gap between July 6 and July 17. Perhaps that makes other venues logistically possible. Maybe he has some other commitment (i.e., a television taping) that requires his presence on July 7. What if Nokia decided to go with another artist? What if the local orchestra backed out? What if both parties believed the booking would be made, but final negotiations broke down at the last minute? It's possible that if fans had to wait for each venue to be fully signed and set in stone before it was announced, we wouldn't have much advance notice at all. I don't blame people for feeling disgruntled. I know a lot of people made plans. And it's easy for me to react this way as I had no intention of travelling to Dallas in the first place. However, without any real knowledge of what happened, I personally tend to give TC the benefit of the doubt. Thanks, ldyjocelyn! I had a great time on the cruise. It was definitely an escape. Internet access was frustratingly slow (it took over 10 minutes to pull up a single page of my e-mail) and exhorbitantly expensive (75 cents a minute) so I didn't even try to check on the message boards. Have a great time in Florida, though! I've said it before. This may be a better opportunity than people think. Discerning Clay fans with multiple venues to choose from may prefer an air conditioned theatre on July 7, but many of the not.just.us crowd do look for things to do on the 4th of July. This soccer concert could conceivably result in higher revenue and broader exposure. Again, this schedule change may not represent a "screw up" so much as a calculated business decision. Some die hard fans may not be happy, but it could be better for him in the long run.
  14. Lots of great posts. Many of you echo my own thoughts. There was a time when I felt much more addicted and desperate for all thing Clay Aiken. However, my neediness has dissipated, though I still find myself interested and excited. Just not quite so obsessed. My heart goes out to all of you with Dallas plans. I'd be disappointed too. However, I tend to give Team Clay the benefit of the doubt. There is much we don't know as to why it was scheduled and why it was cancelled. Should the OFC have announced it without everything signed and confirmed? Perhaps not, but fans had been screaming for a full schedule. And who knows what had been originally planned, and what may have changed? What if his Frisco orchestra backed out? Yes, Texas in summer can be hot. But it is July 4, and if there will be fireworks, perhaps his concert can draw a good not.just.us crowd. People often seek July 4th events, and this may be a better opportunity for him in some ways. Welcome, Artquest!
  15. Playbiller, I know what you mean about fans. I've often felt that the passion of his fans really is a double edged sword. It's brought him enormous benefits, but it's also brought him more than his share of problems. Thing is, I doubt he can have one without the other. Djs, thank for the Procusteus story. Certainly seems relevant. Speculation and extrapolation have long been part of the fandom. People will take the smallest bit of info/rumor/or LACK of info/rumor and create elaborate scenarios around them. What I've found disheartening, however, is how frequently speculation is being presented as fact, and how many formerly reasonable voices seem to have lost a sense of perspective. But hopefully, happier times are ahead. I wish all the gala gang a great time! Enjoy the cellcert. BTW, I'm leaving for vacation today, so I may not be on the board for the next week.
  16. So true. I sometimes wonder if what people really want is for Clay to be "cool" so that being a fan would be "cool." I've begun to suspect that he sings what he loves, even if it isn't the most commercially current sound out there. It always amazes me how easily people rationalize away Clay's role in the creation of his album. It must have been strange for him to read that the songs he put his heart and soul into were being dismissed as Clive-dictated products he was "obviously" unhappy about.
  17. JennaZ


    You're not alone. I've never felt the Sawyer love. I find Jack a little dull, but I still like him better than Sawyer. My favorites are Sayid and Locke. Sayid, because there seems to be so much passion and conflict within him (and he's not bad looking). Locke, because I find his motivations intriguing. I wish they'd do more with Sun and Jin's story, and I find myself increasingly drawn to Desmond. Now here's where I am alone. I hated this last episode. Found it pointless. Could care less about Nikki and Paulo, and the whole "buried alive scenario," while very "Twilight Zone," just didn't satisfy me on any level. My feelings might change if this show turns out to have any relevance to the overall story arc, but honestly, I kind of felt like I wasted my time watching it. I enjoy the show most when it explores the core set of original characters. For me, the show lost its way when it started concentrating on the "tailies." I'm hoping they don't get too carried away with "The Others." However, I like the way the show generally fits together. They've opened up some fascinating possibilities.
  18. Heh heh! I think it's clear that Clay likes these songs. Maybe Clive wanted him to do a covers album. Doesn't mean Clay hated the idea and is unhappy with the album. Why are so many unwilling to believe the middle ground?
  19. Sorry, double post. I always press the wrong buttons when I try to post from my Blackberry.
  20. The charitable world has an interesting landscape. There are many, many worthy causes (poverty, disease, education, animals, etc.) all competing for the attention and dollars of the public. It doesn't bother me that celebrities are used, because as long as the benefit to the cause outweighs the expense, I think it's justified. If a $50K event pulls in $500K in donations, to me,the end justifies the means. I did the Wrap for Inclusion one year. It was fun, but after a full day, we only made about $89. Not bad, but I couldn't help but think that one Gala ticket probably brought in more income. I don't think anyone should feel bad about not donating to Clay's charities. I would hope that most, if they can, would occasionally do something (donate, volunteer, spread the word) to make a difference in the world. Clay's causes, while worthy, are not the only ones deserving of support, which I'm sure he'd be the first to say. Personally, I don't mind the badge reminders. I just hope that people don't feel guilted into giving. Clay's causes are good ones, and I've given money myself. However, I think people should give because they believe in the goal. Clay helps make us more aware of certain issues, which is great. But I doubt he'd want fans to donate just because they think it benefits him or his image.
  21. I thought the Houston article was a good one. It shows that there is a public demand for him. Historically, Houston has not been his best-selling market (I was there for NAT), but hopefully a successful show here will put the city on the map for future tours. Idyjocelyn, I have to concur with you regarding the need for fans to gather advance information. I understand it, but I think it also can create problems. 1). I sometimes suspect that it can border on harassment, as venue personnel and others get bombarded, and 2) I believe it can create unnecessary angst and/or expectation. Quite honestly, I doubt Clay has finalized his set list at this time, and I would not be shocked if it isn't firm until the day of his first performance. Even then, he's often switched songs around after the tour starts. Often, one sees a lot of anguish and debate over what this venue rep said or what that ticket seller described. However, I'd bet that many of them are not necessarily in possession of the most current, complete, and accurate set of information. But why can't fans wait? Is it really that critical that one know the specifics at this time? Are there really that many who won't attend because of the set list? Some may say it matters, but you don't hear that voiced during ticket salesm
  22. (Sigh!) After only pulling up Row 18 tickets for Pala, I panicked and took Section A, Row 17 when I read on other boards that people were getting "Tickets Unavailable." After I finished the transaction, I decided to torture myself and see what came up -- and pulled up Row 15! :angry22: This ALWAYS happens to me! Ah, well... I guess I was getting a little too excited after reading about the fantastic tickets fans got in Houston. And I suppose Row 17 is still better than the regular sale. It is still Clay. And I'll get to see some of you there! Anyone else with seats in that section?
  23. That is exasperating. So much of what this fandom assumes is true is really just speculation declared so frequently that many forget the lack of real substantiation. Why is everything always a battle? Why have so many put aside the idea that we can just "agree to disagree"? And why is it that anyone takes Clay at his word is accused of trying to squash public debate or "tell people what to post"?
  24. Before every tour, fans have always seemed to predict disappointment. Before the Idol tour, people turned up their noses at the idea of seeing Clay with other idols. They said he'd be on stage only briefly, and many said they'd save their money for his solo tour. Before the Independent tour, fans raged at the concept of Clay performing with Kelly. There were those who declared the pairing a horrific miscalculation, one they could not and would not support. There was a lot of excitement about the NAT, but again, there were some who predicted that the venues (which included several state fairs), were not up to par with the arenas he had performed in previously. The Christmas concerts were not universally approved, with some fans expressing anger that he had put aside pop music for traditional Christmas carols. And of course, the Juke Box tour was widely criticized because it meant that he'd be singing (gasp!) covers, thereby cementing his reputation as a karaoke king. Yet, despite all this, fans rushed to buy tickets--upgrading, buying from brokers, joining subscriptions and memberships. The clack demand never ceased, and despite all the complaints, fans kept coming. Why? Because the guy delivers. Brilliantly. Beautifully. No matter what. Through illness and inclement weather. For the full value of the ticket price. Other artists may sing for an hour on stage, but Clay gives much more, never holding anything back, singing some of the most difficult songs at the very end of the show. I'll admit, I've enjoyed some tours more than others. However, I can't say I've ever left a concert feeling like he was "just doing it for the money." So, I read some of these negative posts and think, "Yeah, they say this now." But wait until they're actually looking up at him on stage. Wait until those lights go on, when he strides on to the stage, flashes a rakish grin, and opens his mouth. Wait until the music pours out and engulfs us all. That's why he continues to sell tickets, despite all the bitching and moaning. He is irresistible, and we know it.
  25. Awww.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes. I spent the day at California Adventure, so I just got back. SO sweet of you all! I hear there's news of his playlist? So true! This is EXACTLY, what I'd expect. Something from AI. Something from the albums. Covers. This is Clay we're talking about--not Metallica. I'm actually even more excited.
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