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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Hey guys, my name is bernard, but I am a woman, I know it's a wierd name so you can call me inoclay. Because I really REALLY do know Clay, the man we all love. You can email me at inoclay@hotmail.com if you have any questions about Clay. ttyl

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Welcome inoclay...

hope you jump in on any of our discussions.

Right now the biggest discussion is whether or not Clay will be on the AI finale on Wednesday and what he will be doing there.

I am pretty psyched for anything...its better than nothing...and we have had too much of nothing lately.

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Welcome inoclay...

hope you jump in on any of our discussions.

Right now the biggest discussion is whether or not Clay will be on the AI finale on Wednesday and what he will be doing there.

I am pretty psyched for anything...its better than nothing...and we have had too much of nothing lately.

Really? i thought clay was dead because of the fight with 50 cent

but i am very glad clay is still alive because he is my hero


i will not be posting very offten i am going to California

i will be mising you very much guys and gals

tata from way up north :D

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EEEEEEEEEE! Thanks for the ET link, playbiller. I about set as landspeed record mowing my lawn, but I missed the opening of ET when they did the numbers comparison. The concert grosses are really astounding in that context. And even better: "Rumor has it Clay Aiken will perform on Wednesday". If ET and the Insider are reporting it, even as a "rumor", it has to be a done deal.

EEEE! The Insider confirms Clay is "making an appearance". Clay can be backstage helping flat iron Katharine's hair for all I care, I just want to see him on tv again.

Off to make a "May 2006 TV Appearances" folder on my hard drive.

ETA: Just for giggles, I checked out Jimmy Kimmel's guest schedule for this week. Thursday shows as TBD. Hmmm, Clay will probably still be in LA on Thursday.....

Edited by bottlecap
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Wait a minute....

bottlecap...hold on to your temper but E! news has the guy asking Ken warwikc if the rumor about Clay is true...and Ken says he does not know but as far as he knows its not true.

NOW...Insider guy was also talkign to Ken and they said the appearance is confirmed...so now the question is, which one is the latest info.

THINGS sure are never simple around here.

eta: another CH poster who has a friend working on AI said Clay is not scheduled to appear.

we dont; know how good the info of this person would be if the negotiations for CLay;s appearance just got done.

sorry as far as I can tell...I don;t know anything :P

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I no like this rollercoaster - the internet is too fast, I am holding on with white knuckles - let me know so that I can decide - I wanted to go to the beach tomorrow, but I won't have bravo there to see the top chef finale and my life is so reduced to trivia, I will want to be home to watch it even though it is going to be 80 degrees at the beach, and then get cold and rain.

Do you need a link for the insider and access hollywood?

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OK...here is the latest...still very unsure...

Insider on line

this says that he will be in the audience...they even have a small picture of him on the side saying Clay in da house...cute

Bill and Sherri...on Raleigh radio...said that they got lots of calls about this and their info is confirming CLay;s appearance and performance tomorrow. They say they don;t get why there is confusion about this.

the same info was heard in other radio stations in other cities...

so once again...WE DO NOT KNOW....

just be assured that the clack will be captured and we will try to have it up as soon as possible.

One thing I am pretty sure of...he will be there, but doing what we don't know.


just to add to the confusion...from CH

from Tomiehawk at CV:


WRVR in Memphis, Tn just said that Clay would be performing tomorrow night. They said that Carrie would open the show with Kat and Taylor. I didn’t catch the beginning but someone? had taken a picture of the rundown (script) of the show with their cell phone and Clay’s name was listed as performing.
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I don't care how it gets spun today - I'm holding on to the hope that Clay will be performing. One way or another, I'm convinced we'll have new Clack of some kind - even if it is just red carpet / waving from the audience glimpses.

The Entertainment Tonight teaser I saw this morning included the phrase "Clay Aiken's American Idol Comeback" with footage of him in the AMA rehearsal yellow and brown striped shirt, so I would expect to see more coverage on the show this evening.

Geez, what a day to be actually very busy at work, and to have to be away from the computer all afternoon. I'll be scrolling like crazy when I can get back on, so I appreciate the quick "Here's what we know so far..." summaries, Ansa.

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oops sorry bottlecap...had to go out and do some shopping with RL friends...


when I got back the buzz about perfoming seem pretty strong...from an interview of Paula saying she does not know if Clay is going to be there but if he is he will do something on stage thats fun...WTF? as usual your coherence Paula is astounding :o

Insider once again says that he will be there...

the strongest indication that he will perform is the announcement from GDLA that he is indeed performing also Carrie.

HOWEVER...ET had promo teasers about the secret of Clay's AI comeback...but they didn't have the story on the telecast...now the prevailing theories are...that AI pulled it cos too much emphasis on Clay...or maybe it will be on tomorrow's show. I think if ET has definitive info that Clay will not be on they may correct their story...but so far no retractions...specially from the Insider....

So far so good....

eta: from ch:

E! news just confirmed that Clay "will hit the AI stage on finale night." Don't know whether that means performance or not, but since E! news was the one saying last night that Clay would not be there I see this as good news
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On the Insider I just saw, PAULA said Clay would be singing.

Anyway, I'm not watching the show unless he is really there. better yet..hopefully there wil be fast clack.

waves to everyone... life threw me for another loop...probably be back more next week.

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My sister (fear) will not watch Fox (political thing) and wants me to let her know when Clay is on so she can just turn on the TV for that and then she can turn it off again.

I can't see why they would want Clay on to blow there people away. I can't see them looking too good in comparison, espectially with the new improved (i.e. seasoned) performer that he is.

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My sister (fear) will not watch Fox (political thing) and wants me to let her know when Clay is on so she can just turn on the TV for that and then she can turn it off again.

I can't see why they would want Clay on to blow there people away. I can't see them looking too good in comparison, espectially with the new improved (i.e. seasoned) performer that he is.

I am still totally nervous about this whole thing. I don;t think he sill sing but will be on stage...

My one crazy prediction that I got from another CH poster...a duet with taylor...thats the only duet they haven't announced...

Play...don;t explode...its just a hunch :D

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Man, I don't know what to think anymore. I should have a busy day at work tomorrow, so maybe I can avoid the boards for a bit and just skim. I can quit any time I want. Really. I'm not addicted at all...:kos:

Ha! [Refresh, refresh, refresh]

The one I really feel for in all this is poor Roger W. I'm not sure who are all his Idol clients besides Clay and Bo. Can you imagine how many phone call his office has had to field and make? I hope he has some good assistants, or he may end up pulling all that stringy blond hair out. :blink:Party on, Garth.

Couchie - smoochies, miss ya, and I hope things turn around for you soon.

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Well, I don't think that Roger has Carrie, so he would be RCA only. This year, I would be surpised if Taylor is signed to RCA, I think of the top 4 only Kat and maybe Chris would warrent that.

I thinkit would be a mistke to sign the top 4, but, hey, Clive has someone's money to waste. And no, that was not the usual anti Clive ravings that have been bounced along lately. It just seems that too many people get signed. I guess that even with the failures, that it is better odds than signing others off the normal way.

On the other hand, I was reading the usual anti-Clive rantings about how Elliott should avoid being signed by BMG and keep TPTB hands off - well there are alternatives, he could be signed by a small jazzy label determined to develop him and be dropped like John Stevens when 20K are sold. I think being signed by a big label may be the only chance these people get and why they etered the contest to begin with. Kimn is signed by Curb and she workks like a dog to keep her head above water. If there is an interview, she does it, if there is a job, she takes it. JOsh got the support and is doing moderately well, but he sings country on a country lable. I can't see anyone doing well on an independent label.

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The one I really feel for in all this is poor Roger W.  I'm not sure who are all his Idol clients besides Clay and Bo.  Can you imagine how many phone call his office has had to field and make?  I hope he has some good assistants, or he may end up pulling all that stringy blond hair out.    :blink:  Party on, Garth.

Oh no...don't mess with Garth's hair...it makes him interesting.

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Geez, I'm not digging this "So nervous I feel like I wanna puke" feeling. If we just knew for sure what was up for tonight... Singing, just appearing in the audience, <cough*being in a skit*cough>...What? <_<

Ah, well, I'm putting on my NAT CD, listening to WTSHNN, trying to chill, and maybe, you know, WORK a little bit.

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Geez, I'm not digging this "So nervous I feel like I wanna puke" feeling.  If we just knew for sure what was up for tonight... Singing, just appearing in the audience, <cough*being in a skit*cough>...What?  <_<

Ah, well, I'm putting on my NAT CD, listening to WTSHNN, trying to chill, and maybe, you know, WORK a little bit.

I woke up with butterflies in my stomach too...haven't had that since AI2 Tuesday mornings...HEE...

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I want off this roller coaster - 3 days is 3 days too much!

A cameo - is a short appearance and would not take much rehersal and maybe many people would not know - could this be why not - but, but, but, but, a sip is not enough!

Perhaps we are like the person in the desert, when they find water, they cannot take a gulp, but get just a few drops at first.

sigh, I am just not young enough for this crap.

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