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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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annoying whiny voice> I'm sooooo bored. Somebody post something to entertain me.

I need some pictures, a good story, some positive news, a joke, an amusing anecdote, a blog link..... Just something..... :unsure:

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OK. I am here listening to promosquad, waiting for the gutter cleaner. Life is good.

RIght now, not so good about amusing stories, since I am annoyed at my nasty neighbors, but .....I am studying alternatives to usendits and megauploads. So I found this thing called 4shared, where you get 500 megabytes and can add or delete what ever you want, for wvm video, you can click the little grey arrow to the left to get a video player so you don't have to really download it so much. Downside, the clips are limited to 25mb or less.

Clay content, it is the all Clay stuff I am sharing with the Clayboard.

ETA - here is my files - duh link

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Yeah! The stuff in the Clique online store is marked down even more! I finally decided that, since it was marked down to $8.00, I'd spring for the bucket hat. And this little sentence makes me very happy indeed: "With a new album and tour in the works for later in 06', this is your last chance to purchase any merchandise we have left in our warehouse."

:polon::polon: :polon:

Fingers crossed that this implies Clique and their spotty customer service is getting the boot.

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back for a moment from the depths of hell - dial up - to say.. CLAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Anyway, I'm going to check out the sale.... there were a couple of things I wanted ...I guess now is the time.

Hopefully my new cheaper DSL will be ready to go by Monday.

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Talk about Clay, isn't that what we do?

Well, someone asked for some old CLack and I was looking through my files when I ran into the 1997 Pieces of Gold MP3 that was found by Deborah760 and tweaked by Spotlighlover. I forgot I had it, wish it was video, but hey...

It is in the vault under early Clay, but for lurkers, I have 2 links -

1997 pieces of gold Click on this link, then click on download.

One issue with this software, only one person can download at a time, if someone is using this download, it will tell you to try again, so wait a couple of minutes and try it again. But it does not run out like usendits. It does get bendwidth exceeded and then you haveto wait until the next month to download.

here is a rapidshare of the same file if you can't get it from the other place. Go to the bottom of the page and click on free.

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Talk about Clay, isn't that what we do?

Well, someone asked for some old CLack and I was looking through my files when I ran into the 1997 Pieces of Gold MP3 that was found by Deborah760 and tweaked by Spotlighlover. I forgot I had it, wish it was video, but hey...

It is in the vault under early Clay, but for lurkers, I have 2 links -

1997 pieces of gold Click on this link, then click on download.

One issue with this software, only one person can download at a time, if someone is using this download, it will tell you to try again, so wait a couple of minutes and try it again.  But it does not run out like usendits.  It does get bendwidth exceeded and then you haveto wait until the next month to download.

here is a rapidshare of the same file if you can't get it from the other place. Go to the bottom of the page and click on free.


I had not heard that before....what was the occasion??? A play??

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I think this was in learning to sing or something.

Clay sang in the choir at high school. Every year there was a multi-school contest and the schools could enter one person or group. Clay wanted to solo, but his choir teacher wanted the whole choir to appear. Clay kept after her and she finally agree that he could solo in his senior year. Well, the senior year comes up and the choir teacher wants the whole choir to appear again. So Clay went to another teacher to be sponsored (you could not just enter) and competed for a place in the show. He did get his place beating out the school choir. After he sang, he thanked the boy that accompanied him and the page turner, shades of the future. Anyway, he brought the house down with that song.

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I think this was in learning to sing or something.

Clay sang in the choir at high school. Every year there was a multi-school contest and the schools could enter one person or group. Clay wanted to solo, but his choir teacher wanted the whole choir to appear. Clay kept after her and she finally agree that he could solo in his senior year. Well, the senior year comes up and the choir teacher wants the whole choir to appear again. So Clay went to another teacher to be sponsored (you could not just enter) and competed for a place in the show. He did get his place beating out the school choir. After he sang, he thanked the boy that accompanied him and the page turner, shades of the future. Anyway, he brought the house down with that song.

Yes...apparently he got a standing ovation for that performance...and this is that piece of clip that Jay Leno showed one time Clay was on when he had that sparkly blue vest and he was belting out a song. I loved that story...I always wondered if this was why he wasn't a part of their high school production of Guys and Dolls...I think Clay was still bitter about that when he mentioned it.

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I thought he was not part of Guys and Dolls because they gave him a small part and he wanted a larger part. I think it was the "he does not look like a popstar" thing only not like a leading man. Was it on TWOP where someone said the teacher took offense to his complaint about the casting and fired him.

Some teachers are great and some teachers are not. I thought I had a lock on Lady McBeth, the teacher liked me, I knew the lines and I reheared them enough that the teacher applauded my audition. Then the listing came out. She gave me Lady McDuff and gave Lady McBeth to someone who sounded like they wwere eating when they talked (not a lot of people came out for this show).. Why did she not give me this part? Was it because I could not protray rutheless? No, she thought I acted the part fine, but she knew me so well and thought I was sweet, so she did could not accept me as ruthless. A lot of people there told me I was robbed. Trust me, I can be ruthless - How often do I carry my ruth with me? not all the time, I tell you what (tm Hank Hill)

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See I guess I wondered if he got the smaller part because there was friction between him and the teacher. THis is all just speculation on my part. But I just don't think he would be so bitter if he didn't expect a bigger part. He was in his senior year and I think he would have fit the role that Frank Sinatra played in the movie. I thought that role was more comical than romantic. So I doubt they have anyone there who can sing better than Clay and he ahs been in a lot of production so I'm sure he is up to the acting part.

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This is interesting...and confusing to me. Allison, the music teacher who was in JNT, where does she fit in with all these stories of Clay and his bids to be a soloist here or there or get the lead part in this or that? :blink:

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This was his high school teacher that Clay holds the resentment against. I know we have quotes somewhere on this, but there is so much Clay stuff now, that we are overwhelmed and I, if not anyone else, can no longer find anything.

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I think Allison was grade 9 music teacher so not his senior high school music teacher.

I thinkI remember him telling this story when he visited this high school choir for TRL. He was interviewed about music in school and he told this story...if I remember correctly. You guys will correct me if this is wrong right?

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I just realized I haven't listened to or watched any audio or video Clack since the Ugly Duckling download at the end of April. Hmmm, can I keep up this Clack Fast until something new appears, or will that mean abstaining until late summer? Yikes!

My big project this week-end was gathering up the Clay-related crap (Clap?) scattered around in my spare room and tucking it away in a big honking three drawer cabinet that I bought especially for that purpose. I really bit the bullet, and tossed or recycled all the original shipping boxes and envelopes, 'cause honestly, is it really that important to keep all that stuff from Giant and Clique? (Please tell me I didn't just dramatically reduce the value of my retirement fund...) Anyway, I can actually see the floor. Hee. And since it is May and all, I even tucked away my festive display of Clay Christmas pins....

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My big project this week-end was gathering up the Clay-related crap (Clap?) scattered around in my spare room and tucking it away in a big honking three drawer cabinet that I bought especially for that purpose.  I really bit the bullet, and tossed or recycled all the original shipping boxes and envelopes, 'cause honestly, is it really that important to keep all that stuff from Giant and Clique?  (Please tell me I didn't just dramatically reduce the value of my retirement fund...)  Anyway, I can actually see the floor.  Hee.  And since it is May and all, I even tucked away my festive display of Clay Christmas pins....

Heh...I just recently splurged on archival boxes for all my Clay magazines and newspapers. They are all now beautifully organized and sorted, and bought extras for room to grow later. They also sit much better in my closet.

Topic: am I supposed to have a topic? OK, here's this -- Clay's cute. I like him. A lot. The end.

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Putting all that librarian training to very good use, huh ldyjocelyn? I hate to admit that I didn't sort my magazines out by date - just stacked 'em up and shoved 'em in the drawer! At least it looks tidier from the outside....

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I've got my own little filing system for my Clay magazines. Most were put in alphabetical order, and then by date. However, a few subcategories emerged, and they ended up with their own boxes -- People magazine; Us Magazine and InTouch; and all the assorted teeny bopper magazines that he appeared in early on after AI. I also bought special boxes for the smaller TV Guide size, as well as the Rolling Stone/Billboard sizes.

Yes, I'm obsessive. What of it? :P

It was fun pulling out all these magazines and looking at them again. Such a huge reminder of where he was. And now, from watching concert clack, how far he has come. It's been such a fun journey, and one that I'm not willing to quit any time soon.

Clay, miss you. Love you. Come back soon.

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I'm embarrassed to say I'm completely haphazard and unorganized with my Clay collection. I was put to shame the first time couchie came to my house. She had a big plastic storage box of Clay things and I felt like a kid looking through the window of a toy store---looking, coveting, but.....

She, being the generous soul that she is, however, did give me an extra copy she had of one of the UNCC mags that had a bunch of stuff about Clay in it. :P

But I have a shopping bag, a box, a stack of this, a few of that here and there---whatever, but it's all over the place.

Unlike Clay himself. <_<

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Thanks to Karma4Clay for delivering us new clack!

Here are unexpiring links for

Secondhand heart MP3 mooload

Secondhand heart video mooload

Save the following links for those who cannot download

Secondhand heart MP3, you can play without downloading - You can see it the button for download/play button is at the bottom of the page.

Secondhand heart video. Downside of software, only one person at a time can access the files.

You can share these links with anyone, on any Clay friendly board. No enemies, please.

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Thanks for those links...

I enjoyed watching this clack even if I didn;t like the song. I just love how expressive he was and how deep and resonant his voice was...really weird to see it coming from a guy that looks like he is 12.

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bottlecap, did I miss why exactly you are on this "hunger strike?" :P

I've listened to all three pieces, and like the first duet best. Great balance between Clayton and the female. She also had a good voice. Second duet...not such a great female voice. The solo? Love deep voice Clay, so that was a plus. The song? Eh. It's OK, and again, Clay does a nice job on it. But it didn't grab me.

Watching that 12 year old sing though was interesting, especially when he really is 19 at the time.

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Well, the nerve of some people. They were looking for an MP3 and I gave them your link and they had the nerve to tell me you did not have it, when I could see it quite clearly. Nope, they wanted me to make a usendit - not likely. I swear some people are just in such a rut about what they will use.

Did anyone here use the mooload? I would like to know if people like it, I am playing with a few different ones. I think that rapidshare is by far the fastest, but people don't like going through a few extra screens or they just can't adapt. It is far past the time when we should still be using usendits with it's new limitations.

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I was off-line for a few hours watching Alias ("Why won't you die?" tm Austin Powers) and Lost ("Whoa!" tm Keanu), and saw a link to today's Ambassador Aiken picture had been posted. Guess that answers the question about whether he's gotten a haircut or not lately....

Since Clay still seems to have his "off-the-clock" hairstyle going on, I wonder if any of the photoshoots have happened recently or not. Hmmmm... Maybe that's why the calender stuff seems to fluctuate around - no official pictures yet. Then again, what do I know?

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Camera, camera, bo bamera. I thouoght he had the pictures taken a while ago. I figure this is just a home grown comb of his new look.

Now, to get back to Clay - there are times when his name comes up taht I am so sick of it. leave him alone. He is not the person everyone on this planet needs to be compared to. Are there no other men left on this planet? Is there no one else from AI that can be compared to?

The first of the mentions I hate is the - OOOH, I would love if XXXX is the opening act for Clay or I would love if XXXX was Clay's back up singer. Geeze, Clay is not the AI employment agency, let these contestants get their own damn jobs!

The second is when some one decides that XXXX has a fan base like Clay. I seriously doubt if we will ever see a fan base like Clay's again! Go compare yourselves to Carrie, she has a large fanbase, too, only hers are not the same.

Finally, there is the Talylor and Elliot fans who are always comparing thier idol's show experience to be like Clay's - Simon is picking on him.....etc. But, this is now, not then, and no one out there is comparable to Clay, no one on this show has had almost continual standing O's and a few of Simon's insults randomly thrown in. No one in this show has been consistantly good and frequently excellent.

End of rant.

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