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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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I've never seen Buble in concert, but I've seen his show that he did for PBS, and loved it. Could the context of the "incidents" cause some of the problems? I mean, I think I could understand the MJ put-downs, and if he was talking about MJ...well, that's what MJ was doing. (I seem to remember that from the PBS show, as a matter of fact...and thought it was hilarious.) His comment about Clay, if I remember correctly, was "yeah, I see you ladies screaming for me now. Tomorrow you'll be here screaming for Clay Aiken." I don't see a put down in that at all.

As far as the "comparison" with Clay...again, some people had the dickens of a time with WDC and their children. And crotch grabbing? Wasn't that at the Valdosta JBT? :P To me, it's apples and oranges. But then, I'm not a parent either.

However, I have to say that I'm rambling, and that everyone is going to react differently to different things.

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I saw Michael Buble last summer and it was a great concert. He does mention Clay. It's in the context of women screaming "I love you Michael". He responded "Sure sure. Last week you were screaming "I love you Clay"". Not bashing. Just teasing his audience.

He's definitely more crass than Clay. There was some unexpected crude language and I wouldn't bring children to it.

He's an amazing singer and a really great entertainer.

Here's a link to my photos from the concert.

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Well, I am going off line to help you nudge Clay into responding.

I will be back, late tomorrow. I need to check the winter damage down the beach, but want to get back before the storms of the weekend hit. - SOmeone tell me why I was not there yesterday when it was 82 degrees?

Have fun and keep out of trouble.

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playbiller, spending the week-end at the beach - that's rough. My condolences. ;)

Thanks for the Michael Buble comments. Since you guys brought up the language issue, I do remember reading something about that elsewhere. (I wouldn't be taking any minors, but I had thought about taking my mom, and she might not appreciate off-color humor.) Actually, so far, the only tickets I've been able to bring up are in the nosebleeds, so I still haven't had to make up my mind for sure. Since the only other national acts that are coming to Toledo in the near future are Train, Willie Nelson and Kid Rock, I guess the local concert scene had some pent-up demand for a good show.

Maybe it's Karma's way of telling me to keep the money on hand for Clay's Magical Mystery Tour. HA! Failing that ever materializing, maybe I should just use my travel funds to get some liposuction. If I can't get Clay, at least I can have thinner thighs. :D

:nanarow: Just because I haven't used any of these little dudes in a while.

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Ahem - it is pouring rain and last night it was 40 degrees in my unheated trailer. On the way back home I was stopped by the police (this is after I turned around and went back when I realized I left my check book at the trailer office). Yes, I had actually gotten on a place in the road with no one else on it and managed to get stopped doing 80 on a 65 mile area - well, it was going down hill. I should have watched, but it could have only been for a few unlucky minutes. I guess being old has it's comforts, that and having an umblemished driving record for 15 years. The cop saved me from a $3000 increase in my insurance, but ticketing me for not wearing a seat belt. Weird choice because I have worn seat belts since they came out and they have saved my life in a few accidents.

So I see Clay has pissed off some people by taking an event that has religious overtones. Nothing new going on in the fandom, the usual angst, defense, accusations , etc. Same old, same old. I thought you would really get some news while I was gone.

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hell if I had more notice I'd be there in a heartbeat. But damn if it's not true about the clothes...even for my 3 year old neice I see some crazy outfits in the stores, bascially miniature grown up clothes. Somebody gave her a "hoochie mama" skirt for Xmas last year. And she has this one tshirt--and I know it's just a brand name but i hate her wearing it...JUICY.

Anyway, if this were a full concert rather than one song, the short time frame and distance and money wouldn't really stop me from going. I miss the voice that much!

Can't wait for the clack.

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So I see Clay has pissed off some people by taking an event that has religious overtones. Nothing new going on in the fandom, the usual angst, defense, accusations , etc. Same old, same old. I thought you would really get some news while I was gone.

Yeah, it's one of those uncomfortable religion / politics conversations where puppies end up getting torched for some people. Sometimes, I think this fandom does a little too much projecting of individual values onto Clay, and when he does something that doesn't quite match up, it seems like things can get a little meanspirited. YMMV, of course. I'm looking forward to the prospect of fresh Clack.

I'm also looking forward to hearing the Quack Clack. I followed the last few minutes of the ebay auction, and held my breath until I saw that the CH had won the goods. For a while, I was thinking about being able to download the story the next day, until I remembered "D'OH!" - this isn't concert Clack - there is shipping involved!

For those of you following my Michael Buble concert: yes or no story (all none of you), I can't even get a single ticket to come up today on Ticketmaster. Who knew he would be so popular locally? Having learned about the irrational ways of Ticketmaster, I'll keep looking occasionally, but so far Karma seems to be saying No. Skatejoy, I forgot to say thanks for posting your Buble pictures the other day, and it was good to hear from you again! Hopefully things in the Clay Nation will start humming along again soon, and we'll see you more often.

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WORD Bottlecap...Clay ahs his own values and opinions...which he is totally entitled to. He is going to make his decisions according to that. I am constantly surprised that people keep hoping that Clay would change and do things according to what the fans think is right for him. WON'T happen!!! Thank God. I like a man who knows who he is and follows his own compass.

I really don;t think there is anything significant about this appearance. Its a gig that came to his attention through David Foster...it totally make sense.

I am hoping we get a new song though...new clack is always exciting.

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Yeah, it's one of those uncomfortable religion / politics conversations where puppies end up getting torched for some people. Sometimes, I think this fandom does a little too much projecting of individual values onto Clay, and when he does something that doesn't quite match up, it seems like things can get a little meanspirited.

I agree. And it's hilarious to me that people that spend so much time on Clay even in the midst of 4 month drought still like to remind everyone that they're out of here any minute if he ever does anything they don't agree with. From where I'm sitting, that's a joke and you are still CA's bitch. And since when has everything christian become right wing?

Anyway, back to b-ball. 3 games down, 1 to go.

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Skatejoy, I forgot to say thanks for posting your Buble pictures the other day, and it was good to hear from you again! Hopefully things in the Clay Nation will start humming along again soon, and we'll see you more often.

Awwww, you're too sweet. I've been enjoying diving into other areas of my life over the last few months. I was talking to a friend today and telling him about some of the fabulous adventures and some of the moments on the tours that have touched my heart. It was a fun conversation and neat to be able to give some depth to his one-dimensional view of "Claymates" and Clay himself.

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hey tell us more Skate. I mean do people outside of the internet really know about "claymates." I always thought we were too full of ourselves to think that outside of the internet AI fans, the lovers and haters that we were a known entitity at all.

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Yeah, it's been....er...interesting reading all the angst and anger and prayers and pissed offedness and general blah blah blah about it. My opinion, since you asked so nicely!! :lol: , is that it's a shame this organization presents Christianity as the package in which values such as self-worth, dignity and common sense in clothing choices must be wrapped.

That is, the 'rules' that they list as 'Christian' and part of their instructional retreats are values that I've always considered part of my parental duties. And it is also part of my role as a parent to help my daughters make good choices and to develop a healthy sense of self-love and respect that will guide them after they're not in my house.

To me, it's the sound of self-righteous ownership of such values in some of this organization's communication that polarize people.


Whatever...I think that it's a smart move if indeed it is true that he's doing this as a favor to David Foster. Can't hurt to be owed a favor from that guy. But as far as this gig being reflective of Clay's musical direction...

huh? :blink:

Clay has a musical direction? News to me.

And although I'm sure Clay supports girls dressing in a self-respectful manner and all that...I keep remembering those pics of him at the Kenneth Cole fashion show ogling the boobs on the woman sitting next to him and doing everything but drooling as he watched the model in her sheer blouse. :lol:

He's singing in public, y'all. And that's always a good thing, IMO. B)

Got a cold. Gonna sit at home all day and write my nasty stories about Clay. Don't have to worry about how my female characters are dressed. In many of my scenes they ain't wearin' nuthin'! ^_^

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Hmmm...very interesting Muskifest...making me curious about fanfic...don;t really read them but you may tempt me.

I went to the site of Pure Fashion...if this is a Catholic organization I think it may be organized by opus dei...this sounds very much like their rhetoric when it comes to dress codes. I knew some girls whose families wer members of opus dei and they are very strict.

I do believe participating in this activity is up to the parents...the kids are pre-teens so they are still under parents guidance. This sounds like something my mom would try to get me into when I was growing up. I do understand the concerns though. As a parent of 3 girls I worry about the message they constantly get that they need to be sexy...I think they dopn;t need to concern themselves about this at this age. They can look attractive without adding overt sexuality into the picture.

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While I can get behind a program that gives young girls an alternative to dressing like hoochies in training, I'm not sure it's inclusive enough. Do you think it's too late to get them to incorporate something about teenaged boys no longer wearing those annoying baggy, droopy jeans? You know, the kind where the crotch ends up around the knees and you wonder how they can walk without waddling like a penguin? Perhaps they could send Clay down the runway in a couple different versions of the black pants of perfection to demonstrate a more acceptable alternative.

cough* :nanaonacid:PANTS PANTS PANTS:nanaonacid: *cough

Sorry that just slipped out. I'm so ashamed.

So, georgiaclay, is this little shindig anywhere near you? A little live reporting would be cool.

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While I can get behind a program that gives young girls an alternative to dressing like hoochies in training, I'm not sure it's inclusive enough.  Do you think it's too late to get them to incorporate something about teenaged boys no longer wearing those annoying baggy, droopy jeans?  You know, the kind where the crotch ends up around the knees and you wonder how they can walk without waddling like a penguin?  Perhaps they could send Clay down the runway in a couple different versions of the black pants of perfection to demonstrate a more acceptable alternative.

cough* :nanaonacid:PANTS PANTS PANTS:nanaonacid: *cough 

Sorry that just slipped out.  I'm so ashamed.

So, georgiaclay, is this little shindig anywhere near you?  A little live reporting would be cool.

Hah! Just yesterday I was saying that Clay should go to this thing dressed as he was in the AI2 Tour---white pants and going commando! Hee!

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Sadly...after all the discussions...CB is now reporting that Clay had to cancel this appearance due to scheduling conflicts. I understand they are going to give refunds to people who already bought tickets...

sniff...no clack...

when will we get the quack clack...

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Well, crap. I have to admit the whole vibe of the thing had me puzzled. :blink: Maybe I can extrapolate this out to suggest Clay has to be in New York to appear on Letterman or LA for Kimmel. Isn't next Monday the start of sweeps? If only he would pop up some place unexpected, but Clackable...


Sorry for the premature "PANTS"ing.

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:club0: Bottlecap and everyone.

I was doing the happy dance because the "thing" was only 90 miles from home and would have been an ideal chance to go to the "ATL-big city" and believe me, I don't ATL for just anybody (hate the traffic and congestion). But then I heard about the cancellation and I am :( , so sad. I had planned on getting some "good Clack" if cameras were allowed!!!.

But I got to thinking, may the conflict of dates has some to do with the new CD :dancemexicannana::dancemexicannana:

Hopefully we will hear something very soon.


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On the CH I proposed that the woman announced it before it was set in stone - i.e. jumped the gun. So it becomes a cancellation, rather than a never was.

I wouldn;t be surprised....but his name did get added to the website...so I think theres was a point that the organizers thought it was a go.

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Some people have a problem discerning between what they want and what is.

Let's say it went something like this.

David Foster asks Clay if he could help thme by appearing. Clay said he would like that.

David Foster calls up this woman and tells her that he asked Clay to appear and Clay thought it would be good.

So they are this point where it seemed like a good idea, but no one has really commited.

This woman is so excited she emails some people, then the people ask why it is not on the website, so she adds it.

Well, Clay's people get back to them and something would not work - maybe the timing or what they want to hear him sing, maybe Clay thought he would talk instead or there would be no security, and WE know Clay needs security or maybe he needs to finish something on the album. What ever, Clay cannot come and tells them - this is treated as a cancellation, instead of a never was.

That is my story and I am sticking to it. Why? Why not!

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Couchie, I was thinking about you yesterday. I was watching Dreamlarge's Atlantic City montages, and grinning like an idiot over the whole teacher Clay "Put your hands up and keep 'em up" 70's schtick.

Hope Clay knows we're still sitting out here in the darkened theater with our hands up in the air, waiting for the show to start again. <_<

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