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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Sorry to Taylor fans but it is exactly this look that turned me off from Taylor...It just looks creepy to me...

I haven't really seen any of their interviews in person. I hear Kat is turning out to be the one that tends to talk too much and ends up with the foot in her mouth. God...that does sound familiar.

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A musing:

We all know how some over invested fans have become haters. Almost like whne they find a new idol we should trapse with them to thier new idol site and still be their friends and if we don't, they hang around digging at Clay with little pin pricks. Well, I have been thing about some stuff related to that.

Since Last Wednesday, a number of long missing fans have been posting again at all the boards, including the procEZboard, where Princess Allison and others have returned and so many people have returned or come out of lurking at the Clackhouse I can't even remember or post all the names. Well, now I am wondering if, when Clay really comes out of working on his album, if a number of ex-fans will return to the fandom or if they will get more frustrated and and come back in their fan/hater garb.

Now I can understand how frustrating it must be to some people who want to move on from their Clay fandom to something new, but their friends are still stuck on Clay. Some handle it well and move on, but others, not so much. Will they come back all swoony or will they return to try and nudge ther friends out of their fandom again or, perhaps, come back ranting and raving, until they are banned or severly trouted?

One of the things I always found interesting is that there was never a real loss of boards during Clay's off year, but there was still new boards all the time. We, as Clay fans, entertained ourselves in his absence with Pins and video and stories and more. Since this is my first person fan board experience (now in it's 3rd year) I am not sure what is normal. My history is on political boards and general TV boards like Salon, TVclubhouse and a few others. These boards are always active, there is always another TV show or another political outrage. I have not noticed a fan of a TV show or politician to come back and rant on their old favorite after they switched allegiences, they just post about the new show/party or they disappear.

Well, just a few random thoughts, you might say.

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Interesting thoughts, playbiller. This whole long-term Clay thing is new to me, also. My interest in certain entertainment things in the past have tended to burn bright and then sort of fizzle out. My personal example is Lost. Loved it in the beginning, taped it, re-watched it, discussed at work, kept up with it on TWoP. Now it just seems like an obligation to watch each episode once, and I'm sort of relieved that it's in reruns. However, I would never feel the need to agitate or berate people who are still obsessed with and entertained by the show.

As for former fans returning as trolls? I'd say to them: Get over it already, you know? If you feel all smug and superior because you have kicked the Clay habit, good for you, but I don't care to hear about it. I much prefer squealing and fangirlying, along with reasonable, well-thought-out, non-paranoid analysis.

Maybe it's like kicking cigarettes or something. Once you do, you want to convince others about the errors of their ways. I have a lot of fun with my particular addiction, and I'm not interested in kicking the habit. The main boards I read (besides TWoP) are well-moderated, so I would hope the troll stuff would get quashed pretty quickly.

I firmly believe there will be a ton new fans wanting to jump on board once the new CD hits, not to mention sincere returnees to the fold. It's all good..... ;)

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First of all, I'll say this as a kinda-sorta Taylor fan (I'm enough of a fan to want to check out the CD when it hits, not enough to watch every single interview) -- some people thought Bill Clinton was hawt. OK? I don't find the picture skeevy. *shrug*

playbiller is wise to ask these questions. I've been a fan, or in fandoms, for years...but Clay's is my first true foray into internet fandoms. So, unfortunately, I'm not sure what the answer will be. My guess is that there will a little bit of both -- some will have the fangirl-in-them return, others will find that the magic is gone.

I also think bottlecap is wise with her "former smokers" analogy. Thing is, not all former smokers are like that. This country is built on freedom of choice (as much as some don't agree with that at all...*g*), and the people who think that Clay is now bad for them need to just grow up.

I'm missing Clay a whole bunch right now. I'm hoping he blogs before I leave on my trip next week. Ireland calls!

BTW, I don't care what Clay blogs ABOUT, I just want him to blog at this point.

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Going back to the picture of Taylor thing - I guess I should have explained my perception of it better. At least in my mind's eye, I see him as having a much rounder face than is shown on the CD cover. I'm sure it's all in the camera angles and whatnot, and faces certainly look different when they are in motion singing than when they are posed for a still camera. Again, this is just my memory of Taylor's changing looks, so YMMV. The CD cover reminds me very much of the early shots of Taylor standing in line for his Vegas audition. To me, as the show progressed, it seems like his face got puffier or jowlier or something. It could all be in the camera angle - shot from the same level, shot from slightly above, or shot from below, as much of AI seems to have been. I can't quite decide....and, again, it could all be in my mind. Hee. :clown_4:

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I was really thrilled by the number of familiar names that I saw posting after The AI5 finale. FOr the most part I do think these are simply fans that still love Clay but didn;t feel the need to hang around the internet boards when nothing is happening. I do think once he is in active promotions once again...when his songs are on the radio we will see many coming back and more new people joining in.

Now about the the former fans that have become haters...or that seem very conlficted in their Clay feelings...I think they may try to piss on our collective cereals once in a while...but as Clay gets more and more popular...and get more respect...then I bet they will either get back to their fan girl mode or get tired of being proven wrong...

I am getting more impatient...and I do hope he blogs too ldyjocelyn before you leave...about anything...

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I t hink the next blog going up is the which vegetable is not the favorite.  Are you sure that would be a satisfying blog?

Hee...I forgot all about that. I do hope he blogs about his AI experience...he can add the answer to the vegetable question in the end.

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I'd love to see a picture of Clay getting the HAIRcut. I'd also love to read a blog about the AI experience, but I suppose that would be pretty unlikely. I can't even remember - has he ever blogged about actually performing? Quiana is supposed to have Clay announce the birth of her baby on his blog, and I think she's due this month, so we at least have that to look forward to.

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I think his next blog will answer every and all questions mentioned above. Knowing Clay, he could easily combine the answer to his "favorite vegetable" question (and yes playbiller, it would satisfy ME if he blogged simply on that...because I'm easy) and the performance story about his AI experience. I mean, c'mon, remember "let's talk about something that REALLY happened?" He's a smart, snarky man. Plus -- maybe Quiana craved Clay's least favorite vegetable during her pregnancy.

There. Problem solved. Hee.

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Geez, I keep uploading better and clearer versions of the AI5 Clack. The latest version gives just a little too detailed view of Michael. Whoa! :o Some faces were made for long shots rather than close-ups.

Clay of course, still looks and sounds super fantastic - especially in the sooper-dooper HiDef. Awhoooo Hoooo!


So next week, maybe news? It has to come sometime, doesn't it? B)

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BWAH, BC, I can barely view it, my computer is full of junk. I will have to dedicate a day to cleaning out unwanted software. I have so much crap starting at start up that I spend the first 5 minutes, after turning on the computer, Just deleting things that came on at the start up. Somehow it is not as easy to find where to delete this stuff. I used to go to the start up file and delete the programs I did not want. I go there now and can't find these programs listed, but there are a bunch that did not start up.... Computers are getting less maintainable.

Heh, yesterday I spent the evening taking apart the computer and removing the dust bunnies. That did not make this clip run any better.

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BWAH, BC, I can barely view it, my computer is full of junk. I will have to dedicate a day to cleaning out unwanted software. I have so much crap starting at start up that I spend the first 5 minutes, after turning on the computer, Just deleting things that came on at the start up. Somehow it is not as easy to find where to delete this stuff. I used to go to the start up file and delete the programs I did not want. I go there now and can't find these programs listed, but there are a bunch that did not start up.... Computers are getting less maintainable.

Heh, yesterday I spent the evening taking apart the computer and removing the dust bunnies. That did not make this clip run any better.

I hvae the same problem ...my hubby says the only solution is a complete reformatting of the HD to clean up the registry.

My problem is...I have taken out a lot of my programs and still the computer thinks they are there. Last night Dreamweaver was moving like molasses. Sigh...I will have to bite the bullet and clean up this computer.

We gotta get ready for the oncoming clak onslaught... its coming for sure...

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That's what I ended up doing - a complete HD reformat and then updating all my codecs and drivers before doing anything else - Scarlett's little piece of heaven now runs on my machine much much better - to the point where I know I've got to seriously think about getting an HD tv....

And yes, I sorta hafta squint at Michael because HD is not his friend...

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I have an HD TV and there are pluses and minuses - the view is unbelieveable almost 3 demensional, but there are few shows that are really being broadcast in HD right now. Hardly worth all the additioanl fees I had to pay to get to see it.

[personal rant, like anything else I post isn't]

I got an HDTV which did not have a card slot, I will now only buy one that has that card slot because it makes it truely cable ready. FIrst think I learned was that I needed a cablebox to watch HDTV. Cable box is listed as $5 a month. So I traipse down to the cable company and pick up a box. While there, I am informed that there is a 6 dollar a month charge to use the software that is associated with said box. This charge is listed no where on the web site, has not been mentioned in my many discussions with the cable help people and is not in thier little chargesl card that is mailed to my house. So, I, of course, filed a false advertising claim with the state reglualtory division.

Get the box installed and find that I have to set the VCR up through the cable box, even though it is not HD. Can you hate that more? You can only program to record on channel because it has to be preset on the cable box and you can't record one channel while watching another (of course for an additional monthly fee I can get their version of Tivo - DVR). Now. I have the box and I can program it to skip channels I don't have, but I cannot delete channels that I don't want, like the 500 music channels. I can't use the TV settings for skipping channels, I have to either type in the channel I want (which takes about 30 seconds to change channels since it has to verify I have a channel each time through the software) or I can click through the hundreds of bad channels now available. Now various TV features I want are not programmable into thier cable box remote - like captioning and color adjustments - very important color adjustments because the HD channels come in very dark and I have to brighten them - I am told it iss my TV by the cable company - riiiiight, it just changes the brightness when I change channels (because not every station with HD comes in dark), so I am wandering around with 2 huge remotes. After a few weeks, I returned the box and am saving $11 a month, with only a little sadness. Upon return the premium channels I never ordered and don't payfor have become viewable again, but I lost the game show channel. [/end of rant - yeah, right]

I have to go and call the state agency about my complaint again, they have been leaving me messages to give them more details.

Edited by playbiller
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Ok, (KAndre quietly moves the date of her acquisition of an HD TV to "whenever they fix all the glitches")

I hate the cable/phone/electric/utility company and their 50,000 additional fees that no one tells you about. Why can't they just tell me upfront how much it's gonna be?!?!?!?

See, me 'n Clay have an understanding...he sells stuff I want, no more and no less, and I give him money. That works beautifully.

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bottlecap steathily throws a concealing tablecloth over her single 15-year-old 27" tv that depends on rabbit ears to bring in the five major broadcast networks plus the WB if the wind is blowing in the right direction. :ph34r:
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Oh, BC, don't be so quiet - you are saving your money for more important things like CDs and concert tickets.

I consider myself thrifty, where as my sister calls me cheap. I do have cable mostly because I have recurrent insomnia and it gives me something to do and I have grown to enjoy a lot of cabe shows. But family cable only (or basic plus the weather channel and CNN and other news programs). It used to be reasonable until a certain party decided that cable should be relatively unregulated. Basic cable is still regulated and is like 13 a month. Unfortunately Family cable has really soared in price, which is why I am just fine accepting all the premium channels that I get for free. I still don't watch much, but, eh. At the beach I have basic cable and it is a total 70 dollars for an entire season of 7 months.

I got the HDTV after my large television (27") rather than 19") gave up the ghost earlier this year. It was only 15 years old, so I was kind of surprised since I usually keep TVs much longer, like 20+ years. SO I did the HDTV hunt, rather than get a TV that might be obsolete. I can still get HDTV programs if I did not live in a hole and I had HDTV rabbit ears.. So I spent several months searching for just the right TV and leanred that Tubes (CRT) are still clearer than LCD or projection and they are a lot cheaper. That CRT is lighter than it used to be - My TV is 27", has an HDTV tuner (a must) internally and weighs only 80 pounds. CRTs are cheaper than the others. So I spent 400 dollars and bought my TV even though I don't likethe menu, I do love the picture and the sound, so how often tdo I have to go to the menu? Just to turn on Closed Captioning, annoying, but possible.

I have since learned that in the future, I would have a TV with a card slot because that is = to cable ready and you do not need any box or special programing from the cable company and it only adds 1.25 a month to your bill, unless they have more hidden costs and you only have to use one remote.

One warning about HDTV VCR/DVRs - It is recommended that no one buy one now becaues it is a replay of the Beta VHS thing with 2 incompatible formats being sold this year.

About Clay - I have to buy a cheap DVD player so I can see Clay on my TV in good format - I wonder if it would look better if I view my old AI tapes now - -skittering off to look at old tapes.

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Thats just sad....

I was hoping we would get some solid news this week. then someone reminded me that Kat still needs to have her press release out about her CD...so we might have to wait til next week. This is what sucks about Clay being in the same label as the Idols.

But ya know...he can still BLOG.

thanks for all the info on HDTV play...good things to know if we do get new TV.

SO the big buzz on the boards is that July will be a HOT month for Clay...so what does this mean...any fantasy scenarios?

FOr me...I think it would have to be the release of his single to radio. I HOPE the HOT news means that RCA is ready to give it heavy support on radio promotions...Kelly like support.

Fantasy scenario...the first single will be BFM..morning show concerts... magazine features...late night show visits...song is all over the place and he gets a number one song of the summer...sigh...nice dream

Wake me up when real news starts...

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I am so not good at the creative thinking stuff...

High profile magazine (Vanity Fair or GQ) with fabulous pictures in a ton of different outfits. (The shoulders - GAH!) Very doubtful for July, since I think Christina Aguilera has this kind of coverage in June, and I can't see two RCA artists in a row getting this sort of treatment.

A positive profile in some widely-circulated middle-American publication, like the Parade magazine that comes in the Sunday newspaper.

A week of co-hosting with Kimmel, including at least one show that is all about Clay. (Okay, maybe there could be a hot young chickie movie star on the show that obviously worships Clay, but DOES NOT GET TO TOUCH HIM. :angry: Whoops, I think I channeled Tsathy there for a second.)

:em0300: Kathy G.'s silicon face gets too close to a grill during a cookout, and after all her plastic surgery melts down to her ankles, she has to leave show business permanently and is forced to live like Tom Hanks in Castaway on a desert island in the middle of the ocean somewhere.

:kos: Simon Cowell's new talent show tanks so badly he is classified as a national security risk and is sent back to the UK and asked to never again set foot on American shores.

Honestly - I have no clue. The only thing I have ever successfully speculated about what Clay should do that actually happened was the AI5 appearance. And even that wasn't at all what I thought it would be.

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Ya know, I do not usually harbor ill will for most people and/or Ai contestants, but I do admit to getting some joy out of the failure of Cupid and the first real vote for the worst in action that had a measurable effect. I felt that the idea was stupid and the show was overpimped by SImon and the contestant was selling her soul to be on TV as were the "suitors". The fact that people kept voting for the guy she quite clearly indicated was not acceptable was truely amusing and was the impetus for me to tune into the vote reveal portion of the show because of the distaste on thefaces of the participants.

I might actually bear some ill will for Simon's new show, but I doubt it could be truely as vile as was Cupid. (but then I hate the pretense of the batchelor). I think the new show might be difficult to manage because it is much in the star search vein and do we really need two of them? If you saw the inventor, you could see how badlly that show was managed, it tanked in the ratings deservedly because it concentrated on bad inventions and inventors.

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I wondered how the Inventor did. Thanks for the information. I don't usually care about shows one way or the other but was very happy that Cupid tanked too. Though I miss watching TV, I won't be watching Simon's new show either.

As a long time TV watcher of both comedies and dramas, I'm not watching much anymore - probably more movies than anything else and occassionally old TV shows. Benson was on yesterday in a marahon on TV Land. I watched several of the episodes. The show held up well and is still funny. I just don't relate to the shows today. The old ones make me laugh. The new ones cause me to change the channel.

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I was at a high school graduation open house this afternoon, so I was keeping my eyes peeled to see if any of the teenaged boys there had "Emo" hair. Apparently the kids I know aren't too hip, because the guys mostly had fairly short hair. I am going to a graduation ceremony tomorrow evening, so I'll have a larger sample of teenager hairstyles to check out. I suspect, however, that my particular corner of the midwest might not be on the cutting edge, hairstyle-wise.

See, this is what I'm reduced to posting about when there's no new news....

I have been giving more thought to what might be going on promo-wise in July (presuming any of the very vague rumors are correct). I still think it has to be radio, TV, or print related. I had been pondering the idea of a series of concerts in Las Vegas, or some such deal, but I don't see that there is enough time at this point to handle the logistics of sending out tickets and such... Then again, as has been proven time and again, I know nothing about anything. :blink:

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