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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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There is a message board where you can postthat under the section Fan club

If you go to the store - they have a help link. From there , you would click on ticket submission and write them your complaint. They rarely answer

I think your best bet is to post on the message board.

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After doing some poking around on the Official Fan Club site, I did find an e-mail address:


brensmemaw, did you sign up online, or via mail? If you signed up online, it seems like you should be able to sign in with your username and password almost right away. (It's been about a year since I joined, there, so I can't remember the specifics.)

Also, you need to check your spam filter for e-mails from the OFC. Sometimes people find their notifications from the fan club get dumped in there. Look for e-mails from clayonline.com.

Good luck, and welcome!

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Now that summer started my days seem to be filled with activities with the kids...

but I am still constantly needing to check the boards for news...I just want all this wait to be over!!!

I can totally understand Play...I am really not caring about the little rumors...insider infos anymore...I am trying to be zen about this and remember that old Doris Day song...

Que sera, sera...

The lack of news is not really baffling to me...IF they are planning to introduce a Clay with a new sound and attitude. I think the tight lid on info is helping build the anticipation among fans and maybe even within the industry. I just hope all this build up is worth it.

I also hope that we will have lots of CLay in the coming months...meaning full press promo....

oh well...at least this is not like christmas when its all over in a day. I think once the promo start we are in for an exciting year or so ahead.

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After doing some poking around on the Official Fan Club site, I did find an e-mail address:


brensmemaw, did you sign up online, or via mail?  If you signed up online, it seems like you should be able to sign in with your username and password almost right away.  (It's been about a year since I joined, there, so I can't remember the specifics.) 

Also, you need to check your spam filter for e-mails from the OFC.  Sometimes people find their notifications from the fan club get dumped in there.  Look for e-mails from clayonline.com.

Good luck, and welcome!

Yes, I joined online and have my username and password, but when I put it in, they say it's too long or something to that affect. I did get a notice via email saying that I was now a member. Sure wish it was as active as so many of the other sites seem to be even though there is NO NEWS! Thanks for the suggestions, I will try those. Everyone have a great weekend!

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There is a message board where you can postthat under the section Fan club

If you go to the store - they have a help link. From there , you would click on ticket submission and write them your complaint. They rarely answer

I think your best bet is to post on the message board.

Thanks, I did that and got an email saying they would respond within 48 hrs. Hopefully I will get something soon. There doesn't seem to be much going on on that site. It's still telling everyone to be sure to watch AI5 finale! Kind of old news, isn't it? Thanks for your help.

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brensmemaw, if you want a ton Clay news, unfortunately the Official Fan Club site is not necessarily the place to get it.

I assume you've poked around here at Finding Clay Aiken, and have checked out the links in the directory to a ton of Clay websites.

If you haven't done it already, I highly recommend you go to Clay Nation News, and subscribe to the newsletter. This will send you e-mails about upcoming Clay events and appearances, and when things start picking up, links to articles, Amazon stuff, pictures, etc.

The Clay Report is a quick stop to get links to current articles about Clay, with some content on the other American Idols.

Another fun site is The Ideal Idol - lots of montages, pictures, and other creative stuff, along with news.

Don't forget youtube, where you can search and find lots of little videos of Clay's performances, among other stuff.

In other words, there a ton of great websites out there that you can check out while we wait for updates about Clay's new CD and tour from the Official Fan Club site.

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Hi everyone! You keep asking for the lurkers to come out and play and here I am, but there's nobody here to play with. I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I have been reading everything. You guys are such fun and always have something interesting to say. I guess I haven't had much to say lately.

There was so much excitement when Clay appeared on AI5. All that talk about seeing him again and his new "hair style". Of course, you can only talk about the hair so long, then it's time to move on. I do understand that Clay and team are working to get everything ready and when that happens it's going to be great, but in the meantime there's just not a lot going on except rumors. We all know that you can't put much faith in all the talk about when the cd will be out because it's just speculation at this point. I do have full faith that it's going to be a wild ride when he does come out of hiding. We are going to be seeing Clay in all his glory everywhere we look and hearing that beautiful voice of his.

Oh and I was searching for an appropriate emoticon to add here and realized that there are a lot of dancing bananas, dancing broccoli and drinking emoticons here. This is just such fun bunch! :dancingpickle: Hey, that says dancing pickle! I thought it was broccoli! :blink:

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Hey txflwrgrl - long time no see! :nanas:

Yeah, it's been pretty quiet around here lately, and Clay hasn't been very accomodating about giving us some new stuff to post about. What's up with that, dude?

It's early Sunday morning, and I am taking a vow that this week I will not do my usual thing: I will not get my hopes up that this will be "The Week" and then spending the later part of the week whining that it isn't "The Week"; I will put my EEEEEEE's in the freezer because they're starting to smell a little funky; and I will actually start cleaning up my hard drive and doing a defrag - no reason in particular since there doesn't seem to be any new Clack in the offing. :unsure:

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hey txflwrgrl...glad you de-lurked. Sorry wasn;t around too much. I ts been quiet in most boards yesterday. I figure poeple are just waiting for any news.

Hopefully Clay fans all around will be very excited and be talking very soon...oops theres that word again. the new four letter word in the Clay fandom... :D

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Hey, are there going to be people posting here today?

I was reading the Taylor nterview and thiniking in reference to Clay, of course - becaseu all things go back to Clay, except my political rantings.

So, back to the interview - I laugh to myself as I read it - yeas, he is taking charge, he is the first person from AI to know who he is musically and can take control of his career - I am starting to see why Simon would not sign him - too many opinion, heh. Well, a I was reading that, besides getting that I write my songs and play instruments, so I am more talented than those who just sing vibe, It seemed that he felt he could control the recording process and that everyone respected his opinion, so he was going to get to do what he wanted to do. Now there is a lot of more power to him, if he gets to do that. But... I did see that CMT special with Bo deciding what he wanted to sing and who he wanted his musicians to be and having the cameras follow him into the producers office where the producer told the cameras to please leave and he closed the door to talk to Bo and Bo came out and record "the real thing" album. Can we all guess what happened there? It made me appreciate that Clay went into recording with an open mind, acknowledged lack of experience and knew he had little control, thereby controlling what he could.

Continuing with the interview, there seemed to be a major diss of all his fellow season prformers, which might have been what he said or may have been restated incorrectly by the interviewer, but you got teeling he was saying he was t he only musician of the season. The others came out and rehearsed their song, and then Taylor came out and took control - sounds like a diss to me. It is nice to know that he feels that the tour producers agree with him, that is very fortunate if true, but I don't think it means the others performed under less approval. Bad vibe all the way around, too bad, he seemed so poised in the leno interviews.

On the other hand, Clay has had very limited foot in mouth disease, despite being picked apart syllable by syllable by lovers and haters alike.

Where is that Clay Aiken guy anyway?

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Where is everyone, playing in the fun and sun??? It is to HAWT in Georgia to go outside, so I will just stay inside in the A.C.

Play, I totally agree with you. Taylor was never my favorite from AI5 (loved Chris), anyway, Taylor always looked so smug and like a know it all, so that does not surprise me at all that he comes off sounding like a complete moron. I really don't mean to diss him, he did win AI5 right!!!. Simon did not sign him?? That is an interesting piece of information.

Where is Clay when you need him and I am tired of that four letter word (soon).

Everbodoy keep cool and maybe this will be the week.


:schwirr: :clown_4::dancingnana:

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Lordy, Lordy...delurkers and others are here and there...cool.

I'm on the same train as some of you---gettin' into the whatEVAH mode. I mean, there's only so much teasing, foreplay and bringing us to the edge, only to withdraw (ahem) again into silence a woman...I mean, a fandom can take. B)

Meanwhile, I'm feeling a bit better since I made the decision NOT to do a July 21 jaunt to NYC for the GMA performance that I feel in my bones will happen. Got a free plane ticket but want to save it for a bigger bang for the buck trip---multiple concerts, you see. I also couldn't imaging being able to explain that particular Clay trip to my family. Cross country just to camp outside for a glimpse of Clay singing one or two songs maybe and then back on the plane? Plus it's the same weekend as one of my younger daughter's softball tournaments and she's the team's ace pitcher! My family is on board with my Clay love, but...I mean, really. <_<:lol:

Meanwhile again, my older daughter got her report card for her first year of high school and has a 4.0! :party038: Most of you don't know her situation but this was her first full year of school after having spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis and she's been SO brave and wonderful through it all. She's flourishing, finally doing the soccer and volleyball things again she so loves (after being forced into total physical inactivity for 12 months post surgery), going all out in the community theater she so loves (This summer she's Daddy Warbucks' secretary, Grace, in Annie---she has two solos and and other solo parts in five songs!) and is accepting a paid intern position in the theater organization to help on other productions.) I'm so proud of her...she's taught me a lot through the whole ordeal.

Ok...enough mama pride...hope you scrolled when you started to yawn... ^_^

It's a gorgeous day here in the San Francisco Bay area....taking my older one and two of her buddies to the movies :POP: ...and then off to softball practice for the other one. :blink:

Life is good.


WHOA! Those bananas are on speed! :o

ETA: Yeah, if you're talking about the People interview with Taylor, I came away from that not liking him much at all. Of course, we've learned how the written version of an interview can be slanted/edited etc. to create an impression different from reality, but I just got an 'ewwwwww' vibe from reading it. <_<

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Well can't agree with you more there Play...yup that Taylor interview really made him sound like a big arrogant delusional jerk....And this was condcted by a fan not regular media. Maybe thats why Taylor was so candid in his opinions.

See I don't think artist are supposed to be paragon of virtues that are always humble understanding and kind behind the scenes. I do expect them to have big egos...strong personalities and to have grandiose ideas. BUT...on interviews, you have to realize that you live by your word...this is the way you present yourself to the public and you have to be careful of the image you project...specially when you don;t have a body of work to support you.

I really think when you follow and artists PR and read their interveiws you will eventually see their character. From what I have seen of Taylor...I don;t really like him that much. I think his filter is on...but somehow his arrognace still does come out and the idea that he thinks he is way above AI is front and center.

Someone wondered how they will feel if they read similar things from Clay. Well I don;t think we will because Clay is a very different person. He is confident and has a healthy ego... he is competitive and opinionated...but he always had a realistic view of his place in the industry. He was very grounded cos he was very aware that AI was not a one way ticket to the top but just a chance to make it there.

At this point, I believe Clay has more rights to speak this way cos he has been on 5 concert tours...have sold over 5 million CDs...and have been battling TPTB for 3 years. Taylor has been a working musician for more years ...but he has just as much experience with the recording business as Clay when he started...I don;t blame him for fighting for his own sound...I think that is his right. But he has to realize that in the last 10 years he has been working as a musician...he has gotten nowhere in his career. How much records has RCA sold...how many great artist has Clive discoverd. Now I am not saying that they are infallible...BUT I think they would know what would be marketable and what is not. So I think Talor would have to decide if the bottom line is marketability or his own artistic vision. If he goes with his vision...I sure hope he has some genius hiding in there cos I haven;t heard anything from him that makes me think he will be an innovative and important artist for his genre.

eta: AWWW muskifest congrats you proud mama...I am so happy for you and your daughter surely is an inspiration.

about the Taylor article...the people articel is bad enough but I am talking about an interview he did with gray charles. here is the link to Taylor's interview.

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Well, I am still taking the fan interview with a bit of salt, it could be edited to reflect that particular fan wants to see Taylor as (theonly real musician from AI). Even fans have agendas. WOuld like to be the proverbial fly on the wall when he meets his cd producer, though - J records does not seem to have the same promotion interest or success record (Carrie is really Nashville more than J) in AI grads.

muskifest, good for your daughter. It is hard enough to do half that when you have no body probelms. I had a lot of friends with scoliosis and saw them in those huge braces when they were young. I had really hoped they came up with better treatments by now.

As for Clay, I remember the big whoo hah over "rotting souls" and could not quite grasp why people from LA took it personally, even though it sounded quoted out of context by the article. Seems obvious that it was about the people he interfaced with regualrly in LA - the business people and the assistants. I think that Clay will put his foot in his mouth occaisionally, or have some one try and stuff it in there for him. The difference is that he does always share any credit and sincerely seems to enjoy other performers around him.

There was a discussion on another board about Ruben, after he was on MSNBC, I won't go into detail, but with all the competitiveness of the AI show, there always seemed a genuine appreciation of Ruben's singing by Clay and I do not believe it was put on. After all, Clay is rumured to have gone to two of Ruben's shows, quietly sneaking in and sitting in the back. Why mention this? Well, because Clay never semed to look down on any of his fellow performers. Last I heard, he was still giving free tickets to his show to Charles. In other years, he had Carmen and Kim L come on stage and sing with him. During the AI tour, he really seemed to enjoy singing with all of them, the only problems seemed to be caused by the fact that he had so many more fans and other performers egos were hurt (not saying which one, but you would have to go to the early eliminated ones).

Well, the future will tell all - is it Soon yet?

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Waves to playbiller....

I just think it funny that Taylor is also dissing his voters, because they voted for his "dancing with the devil" stuff, not his "vision". Sounded like a horse's ass to me.

Oh, well, sales will tell.

And prolly somewhere deep inside a Tay-Tay fanboard, someone is saying the Clay fans are scared that Taylor will eclipse Clay and that is why some are calling him a jerk.

Business as usual.

Went into ticketbitch today looking for baseball and dixie chicks tix - no, not at the same event - and decided to wait and see if I needed the money for Clay tix.

I am dreading June 28 - I want to be at my keyboard in case we can re-up, and I have to work. And Wed. is the busiest day.

So someone or two will have to email me so I can do whatever the Aiken requests, if indeed there is an announcement. I can do anything at work except read the CH - people come into the room all the time, behind me, to see how things are going. And they don't mean Clay.

I love hearing the rumors that make me happy. To be honest, I am dreading real news a bit, because I hate when people complain about stuff like that.

They should just commit board suicide and go straight to Sucks. Or the Tay-Tay board.

I keep thinking if I say Tay-Tay enough it won't make me feel bilious. Not working.

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Whaaa? People posting? Here? I thought this was my personal blog site....

I keed, I keed. Love ya all. :lol:

djs111, one of the CVer's actually got a response from Clique about renewals that I posted a bit upthread. Some pertainent bits:

Please note that an email regarding account expirations and membership renewal

was sent to some members in error. Please disregard any renewal email

notifications sent out prior to 06/16/06, as renewal options are still currently

under development. Please stay tuned to the fan club website for further

information on how to renew.

Also please note that you will be able to renew even if your membership does

expire. Once we have further details we will contact you with that information.

My take on the matter - Clique doesn't have a clue what the heck they are doing, and probably just figured out all the eager renewers will overwhelm them at once. I won't be holding my breath over the timely receipt of those "further details".

I've got comments about the Taylor interview that he did with one of the fan sites (see MJ's Big Blog for a summary), but I'm on my way out the door. Surprisingly, I think I am more upset about the Soul Patrol co-opting "Thud". They are more than welcome, however, to take over the crazy fandom mantle, along with the attendent haters' attention. :ph34r:

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Oh,... Clique - Clique sent me my order over a month ago and left 3 tshirts off the order - after opening several tickets because the earlier tickets were deleted without any response, Clique has decided to send my my tshrits- except they are out of the larger sizes, so they are sending them in the smaller sizes - and this is satisfying my order because why?!?!

I ordered the largest sizes so I could wear them as a beach cover up - too cheap to buy those nice terry things...Now it will not be all loose and flowing - Arghh! - no returns on delivered merchandise though!

Clay content - ick - it is his fan club

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From the interview:

On why TPTB are letting him run the show, "'Because I can. I’m not going into this to try and sound shitty or let that happen. I’ve gone in busting, I’m serious about that music, you can’t argue with work. They know that I’m a serious musician who worked his ass off to get here. You don’t screw with the musicality of someone who you know is competent. They’re not idiots either. They never had somebody get into the game like this and use it for what it was to be used for.  All the other kids come in and sing their songs, I come in and do six or seven songs and it’s different. The band and the producers are siding with me musically.'"


And some think Clay is conceited or arrogant.

The Soul Patrol can have Thud, as far as I am concerned.....I wonder how long it will take Hicks to declare the S.P. not his style....actually, the name makes me think of grannies all decked out like the Mod Squad, with tshirts that say "We heart you TAY-TAY", and rainbow-colored afro wigs, and clunky running shoes.

I myself am a granny, so don't throw anything!

I am going to obsessively check the OFC starting at midnight Tuesday.

I did get my Clicque sale order all complete and almost in a timely fashion!

Musikfest, that is a wonderful story....congratulations!!!!!

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I guess the reason why i ahve very little complaint about clique is that I never actually bought anything from them... :D

I just realized I am really a very bad fan. I haven't really given Clay too much of my money...just my damn time....

OK...I was telling couchie that this week is my pollyana threshold. If this next week goes by without any official news I may start to step into the worrywart car....

Okay what bargain can I make with fate to make this happen....couchie already has her blog threat out there...

I won't clean the veranda till some official news comes out...can I get away with that? :D

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What? You haven't bought a lot from Clique?

What about believingthat Clay will be a big star and that all our clack will make us retirement money in a few years? If we can't profit from new fans, who can we profit from?

tongue firmly in cheek

ick, I can never just post without seeing a spelling error.

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I'm back and have spent a little bit of time reading some Taylor comments elsewhere. I feel like I've gone through the Looking Glass - this must be what it feels like to be outside the Clay Nation looking in. Taylor is okay, but these people that are so passionate about him, and are determined to put a positive spin on an interview that I thought made him seem extremely arrogant and entitled - I don't get it. But fair enough - not everybody gets Clay, either. [i don't understand how that could be, but it's their loss.... B) ]

I look forward to reading about the AI5 Tour this year; or should I say "Taylor Hicks and His Nine Inferior Back-up Singers Hit the Road". I hope they have a separate semi to haul around all his "Music Cred". <_<

Good luck with that cleaning boycott, Ansa, I'm sure that will work. :D

muskifest, I get just the slightest hint from your post that you might just be a tiny bit proud of your girls. Am I right?

playbiller, who needs a 401K when you've got vintage Clack tucked away? We just have to start working on recruiting all those pre-teen fans who will be in their prime earning and spending years when we need to start e-baying stuff.

djs111 thinks Clique is going to do something in a timely and organized manner. She's funny! (Of course she'll have the last laugh when she ends up hitting refresh at the exact right moment, is the first to renew, and receives the top-secret, highly confidental, not-to-be-shared definition of "Soon" as her reward.)

Hey there georgiegirl! :bounce:

Maybe Couchie will stop by later. Watcha doin' now that basketball is over? All that's left is baseball, golf, and NASCAR until football starts up again.

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soon....hmmm maybe it stands for something...

anyone wants to take a stab at it...

Bottlecap...yeah its interesting to look at another fandom. I would like to think that I will be objective enough about Clay to truly recognize an arrogant statment made by him. I didn;t even really cringe at the rotting soul statement because I knew he meant LA to be the industry and wasn;t meant to be encompassing. But I think if Clay made this kind of statement that I would be truly disappointed.

as far as I'm concerned Clay has never said anything that put my fandom to the test before.

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Go Muski Mom!! 4.0! cool.

As for Taylor, who i have only heard singing on his commercial, more power to him if he thinks he can bend the record company to his will. None of the AI hype interests me because the bottom line is that until we hear the album that's all it is is hype. Could Bo's hype have been any bigger? he was a real musician. He was going to make a real album. He had all these stars saying how cool he was. And he was going to be another anomaly by outselling the winner. And what happened? He got a soda jingle as his record title and has been stomped all over by the supposedly less popular winner. And worst, he put out an album that most of his fans didn't want and may never see one million in sales. Bo was also more embraced by radio Djs and the media but that didn't help him at all in the long run. So, now he'll be trying to re-establish himself on album#2, if he gets that opportunity.

bottlecap: My calender is FULL...even i can't believe it. I have something planned every weekend until the end of July and only one thing has to do with Clay. Whoo hooo. Now, watch Clay come throw a monkey wrench into everything...actually i hope he does!

I've also decided to spend more time exploring my state and we're going to take one weekend a month to explore...you know, Carmel, Napa valley...over to Monterey, etc etc. I don't want my mom to become too housebound and this is one way to get her out and about. i'm already starting to feel some angst over an aging parent and she's she's still young. But what's it going to be like in 10, 15 years. The one place that i'm very lucky is that my mom has 100% health care. Even if I had to only pay a small percentage of her medical bills the last three years, I'd be in a bread line somewhere. The cost of her latest week in the hospital ending in an angiogram/plasty was mindboggling...and thank god and glory hallelujah, next to patient owes, was a big fat zero. She pays nothing for medicine either, and she's on at least 10 different things per day. when i watch the news and see so many people who can't even afford their medicine it breaks my heart. That is one thing i won't ever have to deal with.

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