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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Yep, bless you and your mom, couchie...you are indeed lucky not to have the financial worries that usually accompany aging parental care. You guys have a great time in Northern California! There's a lot to see!

I think I'm learning how too excel at avoidance. You'd think that without Clay actually DOING something, SINGING somewhere...I'd be able to be oh-so-productive in real life.


heh....(insert innocently whistling emoticon here....)

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djs111 thinks Clique is going to do something in a timely and organized manner. She's funny! (Of course she'll have the last laugh when she ends up hitting refresh at the exact right moment, is the first to renew, and receives the top-secret, highly confidental, not-to-be-shared definition of "Soon" as her reward.)

Nope. I think maybe a person in the Clicque office will send everyone an email that says not until July 1, and then Clay himself will direct the cleaning crew to actually start up the re-up process at 12:02 am June 28, and only send a notice to 1 person at a time, until 20 have actually responded.

The faithful and bizarrely trusting-because-why-else-be up-and-refreshing fans will get the new CD, the new Aiken-for-you iPod loaded up with not only the new CD, everything Clay has ever sung in the last five years, but includes, just for us, the "unreleased Jaymes tracks", plus 5 of the limited-to-the-first-20-people Sign Up Again With Clay pins for each of us, complete with pre-formatted eBay sales templates.

Also included will be a full-size Flat Clay, autographed by The Man, of course - there will be a list of possible poses on the sign-up sheet.

I will be getting the Clay Sitting on the Bathroom Floor pose, because the standing Flat Clays are so much more noticeable to my family.

Choice of jammies or tux with unbuttoned shirt.

There will be a complete, custom-made Paul Smith Clay Aiken tshirt collection, with Clay's actual signature embroidered in thread he personally picks out on each and every one.

Yes, orange does too go with everything.

There will be two front row tickets for 10 concerts of the lucky fans' choice.

Three M&G's, with a special wristband that ensures that the wearer will get a hug, a peck on the cheek, and some conversation.....but does not specify with who.

A DVD tour of Clay's new house.

A picture of Raleigh.

Four pairs of striped socks.

A used bucket hat.

And Clay will call each of the lucky first 20 people personally, RIGHT THEN, and congratulate us. He will even send each of us a recording of the conversation:

Clay - Congratulations! And welcome back!

Winner - EEEEEEEEE!!!!! Is this really Clay???? EEEEE!!!!!!!!

It could happen!

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djs111, isn't awfully early on Monday morning to be totally falling down, Paula-levels of drunk?

Heeee!!! Ask playbiller....I am like this most of the time!!!!!

If you called and woke me up at three in the morning, I would try to be funny. And snarky......

Now, off to work!!!!!

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To expand a bit on the prize pack djs111 [cough *:clown_4: *cough] thinks she's getting:

A DVD tour of Clay's new house.

But will it be as impressive as Jemock's place?

A picture of Raleigh.

Just remember that the camera adds ten pounds and don't call her "fat".

Four pairs of striped socks.

Matching pairs, or pulled randomly from the big ole pile of striped socks Clay got as gifts during the JNT05?

A used bucket hat.

Will we be able to do a spectral analysis on any residual hairs to determine just what the natural color is?

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As long as you limit the hair search to a used bucket hat and not the used Christmas shorts, I am fine with that.

Looks at posting time and thinks- hmmm, someone is late to work. 'nough said.

Vouch for DJS?....OK.....uh.....DJS .....is ....uh.....a .....an original. Yeah, that's the ticket, an original.

I liked the bucket hats, I got 2 of them. What I should have gotten was two mugs.

Let's not even bring up the candle holders, but then that was giant.

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djs111, I'm sure your entire list of goodies is dandy; however, I lapsed into a stupor after reading

tux with unbuttoned shirt.
:blink: and then, when returning to conscousness, found that I was late for work and needed a change of....some articles of clothing....heh B)

Ever since those pics in Elle and the "Splendor in the Grass" pics in the NAT tour book, I've had this fantasy of him in a tux...the little bow tie undone, then the shirt unbuttoned and his glorious chest bare and begging for my fingers and lips and tongue...

Then, of course, I wake up. <_<

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Ever since those pics in Elle and the "Splendor in the Grass" pics in the NAT tour book, I've had this fantasy of him in a tux...the little bow tie undone, then the shirt unbuttoned...

muskifest, I think the TV Guide picture is as close as you're gonna get.... I'll leave you to work on the buttons in privacy. :ph34r:


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Hmmm...that pic doesn't do much for me....

except for his HANDS...

Damn, his hands are to die for in this picture. His body appears so slight but his HANDS..... :o

Lordy, lordy, lordy....just the idea of those hands.... :blink:

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Sorry I have been missing.

May I give belated birthday wishes to Ansa and Couchie, two very sweet and most excellent Clay fans. I wish I could do those fancy birthday thingies but I can't. So I am sending you a Clay dream, hope you got it!

I organized my clack and now have a whole bunch of room for new stuff. I didn't realize how many cds I had in that box. I won't be ordering any MOAMs in the near future. How do you store autographed pictures and cds?

Seems like a lot of fans are getting edgy! I guess this waiting game is a little stressful. Good thing we can't all see each other or a lot of fistfights might break out. :5:

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How do you store autographed pictures and cds?

I don't have that problem since the only autograph I have is in the Easton Press LTS. :em0400: Sniffle.

Seems like a lot of fans are getting edgy! I guess this waiting game is a little stressful. Good thing we can't all see each other or a lot of fistfights might break out. :5:

I don't know about other fans, but there are a few trolls out there that I wouldn't mind seeing get hit by a brick. :em0300:

C'mon, Clay! We're bored with each other, and you are supposed to be sensitive to when we rrrreeeeeaaaallllyyyyy neeeeeed to hear from you. So spill something already. [And we've already seen pictures of Quiana's beautiful tiny little man, so that doesn't count. Fresh content only.]

BTW, I really deserving here. I had to wait half an hour past my appointment time at the freakin' dentist this evening, so I had plenty of time to peruse Taylor Hick's big bachelor article in last week's People. I think I've suffered enough.

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Hee, I have the autographed phjoto from the fan club - you would have it mounted and placed in an archival picture frame.

Autographed CDs should be good crammed in with all the other CDs - I had a bunch of magazines up in the attic, printed on cheap high acid paper and one day, I decided to see if they were auctionable, and they had all been preserved because I stuffed thim in so close to each other, but the ones on top were all orange and crackly and basically unsalvagable.

Magazines have archival storage places as well, but the big thing is to vacuum pack them and keep them out of the sun and extreme heat (like attics. My issue is dampness in the main house - a good word for central air and not using window fans.

Pretty funny, I think I have one unopened Moam, One unopened soliMOAM, one Singapore MOAM and that is it. I never did buy those 7 copies. Waste not, want not. I did have a few singles (one now because I gave the other 2 away) and I wish I bought more of them - the Clayboard store is selling them for 19.99. Mostly, I have one of everything.

Don't hold your breath for you birthday present, Fear. If I were at the beach, I would have finished it, at home, even in the rain, I am always busy and my crooked fingers always seem in pain. Hope you like maroon.

Found a guy to redo my kitchen, I am going to talk to him tomorrow. Of course, redo is a bit of an over statement since there is not much there to begin with since the ceiling fell in and there were never more than 2 cabinets - so let's say a guy to do my kitchen.

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Where did you find those pictures of Quina's "little man"???? I have not seen them. I feel so out of the loop. :P:P WAAAA. Stomping up and down. Okay so much for my temper tantrum.

AND YES, Clay can give us a little bitty finger to scratch that itch that he has caused. Now ladies, get you minds out of the gutters LOL (or maybe mine is just in the gutter). :D

It has been a long day filled with sick patients and more sick patients. I swear if I have to type on one more person that is having a "nervous breakdown", I am going to scream. Hey those psych patients don't know what a "nervous breakdown" until they have talked to a few Claymates in one room who are rather anticipating a CD that may or may be not released in the year 2006.

Ya'll have a good night.


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Since it's quiet -

clayladylei at CV found this little bit of cuteness on youtube. The photographer makes an interesting involuntary noise about halfway through. I think you'll recognize it - you may have made such a Clack-induced noise yourself at one time or another.


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bottlecap.... :D I watched that YouTube thing....and ended up playing it twice coss it was loading and whatnot....anyway, the guy who shares my office (on the other side of a partition) said (after the second 'uunnnhhhh....' from the speaker)..

"Uh...you all right over there, Amy?" :PB) I ended up showing him the video. He's a former school teacher and said..."Whoa...that looks like a computer lab at a school. That's a riot!" :lol:

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I don't have any wallpapers on my computer either, but its not because of embarrassment its just that my desk top is covered with icons.

Does anyone have any guesses as to what the highly secretive PR plan is for Clay's cd?

I think they might put concert tickets in some of the cds or maybe even a chance to win a car. Nothing original but it sure seems to encourage sales for others cds.

I think he will be in a fashion layout. I thought he looked great in those old Rolling Stone pictures. Maybe there will be pictures of him playing golf. Everyone in NC plays golf.

I think they will announce an international tour and its high time. Perhaps he will appear at some international festivals.

I also think he will appear in acting roles on tv and in films.

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Ansa, I haven't had a Clay wallpaper in a long time either. When I did, I found that I had a difficult time clicking on the "Turn Off Computer" button on my laptop. ^_^

What do I want to see for Clay's promo? Good question. Is "For it to start" a valid answer?

I agree that I'd like to see a high fashion photo spread that features lots of shots of elegant jackets curving over those broad shoulders. You don't have to run in golf, so maybe Clay actually does play. Are you hinting that you've seen him tooling around town in his blinged out golf cart with plenty of chrome and customized rims, Fear? Spill it, girl! B)

How about Clay does a live chat with the regular posters at one of the smaller message boards, just to touch base with a few fans? I could suggest one to Team Clay. ;)

playbiller, are you under that great big green blob of rain I see on the weather radar? Bummer.

muskifest, did your co-worker know you were a Clay fan, or did you just tell him your were searching for MAC videos? :P

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BC I doubt I would ever run into Clay anywhere. I live about 100 miles from Raleigh. But there are golf courses everywhere. I even played golf. My husband just got the OK from his surgeon to play golf in a month from now. He is a long-limbed six footer and has played golf since childhood. But I digress.

Boy, if Clay ever chose a board to do an exclusive chat, even FCA, we would really see fireworks. I would like to see a question and answer section at the OFC though. :nanaonacid:

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So Taylor Hicks is the performer on GMA July 21.

A freakin' blog would be nice. Just a few words. I honestly don't see what that would hurt.

Yesterday was the 'show n tell' to Danel Powter's song "Had a Bad Day", so waking up to the Taylor Hicks news did nothing to turn my frown upside down.

In the immortal words of George Costanza's father,

"SERENITY NOW!" :angry:

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Ah, muskifest, it seems to me that the sad girl ends up with the cute boy at the end of the "Bad Day" video, so hang in there sweetie! Our "Cute Boy" may be just around the corner.

In the mean time, I'm giving up on fan-based rumors. None of the stuff I had our hopes set on (calender, GMA) was ever listed on the OFC, and if I am disappointed, it's my own fault.

Speaking of the OFC, is there not a sufficient level of whining going on over there right now? Maybe the chorus of "Please Blog Now" singers is not loud enough to reach Clay's ears. Let me add a few choir members:

:00000462: :00000462: :00000462: :00000462: :00000462: :00000462:


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Topic Clay - OFC

It is funny about the OFC, it does tend to keep people from posting on other boards. I have seen a definite slow down in posting by some of the more prolific posters. There are a lot of kids posting there, a lot of adults, a lot of different types and the modding seems to be pretty random, but I have been feeling that a lot lately anyway. Many of the experts post at the OFC in the same thread, so never say the board doesn't have it's uses.

The post threads just seem so long it is like a bunch of linear threads with little communities forming in each thread and no one to keep them on topic. I guess it is in the nature of posters to form subcommunities on threads.

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I never go to OFC unless I hear that Clay has blogged (so that should tell you just how infrequently I frequent the joint <_< ) or to see a picture or some such. Too lazy to search through anything else. Got my hands full just being 'at home' on EAYOR, popping in here to add an unnecessary comment or emoticon and browsing CH to see what new 'expert' opinion is being challenged.


'Course, every now and then I do a little work here at the office, go to a kid's softball game or musical production, take mom to one of a million doctor's appts., give hubby a little attention, walk the dog and write some....stuff.

Nothing different from the rest of your lives, I'm sure...

(well, except maybe for the writing...stuff part... :P )

Still don't see why a blog would hurt some GRAND PROMOTION PLAN....Lord, he could tell us he's got an annoying hangnail and we'd :dancingpickle:


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