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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Yes, I'm willing to sacrifice Couchie's and bottle's virtue in exchange for possible false tidbits of information.

LOL... this is no way to wooo a minion. No wonder I resist.

Play -- so sorry about your mishap that spoiled your trip. That really sucks.

So Clay has been busy today unmercifully teasing his subjects. I like!

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I thought I would be out tomorrow morning, but.... the mildew started to appear, several inches thick, so maybe by Friday. Ihaveto bleach the walls tomorrow.

I think I bake muffins now.

I have not entered yet. I will before I leave, though.

I would not eliminate Q - quiet, quickly, quirky, quest, quill, etc.

for X there is X-ray, X-rated, etc.

Z is for Zipper, Zeal and other great things.

I was thinking of submitting FFFF - like in the four F or Friends, Family, foundations, fondly, whatever.

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What kind of muffins, playbiller? :nanalove: or :nanas: ?

My entries in the puppetmaster's blog:








I'm feeling feisty - like I might be rebellious and use a flash :foto: at the next :club0: I go to. HA!

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Play, sorry to hear about your mildew problems. Growing and growing like the blob that ate New York. Hopefully you can get some help with cleaning everything up. :) and muffins, I like muffins. I can come and help you for muffins, especially stud muffins (LOL). Hopefully you will be at the beach this weekend and just RELAX.

Bottle, you just crack me up. I loved your last post. Those are so true. I have not sent in mine yet. My imagination is on the fritz again. Just loved that picture. I really do like the nuhair. It took a while, but it has grown on me.

Have a good day everyone.



Can't you just see it now, Clay playing the piano while his little "puppets" just dance along. :)

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I'm shaking my head over the hair in the newest concert picture.  I think I'd like it better if it wasn't all brushed forward.  :blink:



I just pretend this picture doesn;t really exist...hee

not a good angle IMO

Play, goodluck on the mildew problems...hope you can have you beach get away soon.

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What kind of muffins, playbiller?    :nanalove:  or  :nanas: ?

My entries in the puppetmaster's blog:








I'm feeling feisty - like I might be rebellious and use a flash  :foto:  at the next  :club0:  I go to.  HA!

bottlecap, this is a brilliant post! And I agree with you....I don't even take a camera to concerts, but God knows I'd be leaving the Brownie at home if I knew he were sporting THIS 'do. :blink: As I posted on EAYOR, "If this were any other man than Clay Aiken, I'd be making all kinds of fun and...

WAIT....I already am. :lol:

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More of the Cluben pictures from Kelly's concert, including another demonstration of one-handed photography. How does he do that?

Okay, one last NuHair (tm georgiaclay) comment. He just looks so dingdang young! I prefer that guys I'm, ummm, interested in (shall we say) not look like they should be bagging my groceries and calling me ma'am with voices that are in the process of changing. ;)

Edited by bottlecap
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Okay, one last NuHair (tm georgiaclay) comment.  He just looks so dingdang young!  I prefer that guys I'm, ummm, interested in (shall we say) not look like they should be bagging my groceries and calling me ma'am with voices that are in the process of changing.  ;)

What? You mean don't believe that you're Mrs. Robinson? :P

I actually really love that about Clay -- his chameleon quality, both in looks and temperment. You're right bottlecap -- he frequently looks as if he's 12. I find that he sometimes acts like it too (this teasing about the NANA game on the OFC is a perfect example to me). And then he'll do something (like doing a UNICEF trip) that makes him just so ADULT to me, and I swoon all over again for the MAN. And then he turns 12 again. It does cause whiplash, sure -- but it's fun watching it too.

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More of the Cluben pictures from Zuma, including another demonstration of one-handed photography.  How does he do that?

Okay, one last NuHair (tm georgiaclay) comment.  He just looks so dingdang young!  I prefer that guys I'm, ummm, interested in (shall we say) not look like they should be bagging my groceries and calling me ma'am with voices that are in the process of changing.  ;)

Do you have to be a memeber to access the pictures on Zuma?

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brensmemaw, you have to have a media account to access larger versions of the pictures, but you should be able to look at the thumbnails through the link, just like Getty and Wire Images. (Although the link is not currently coming up for me - I think the ClayNation has crashed the site.... Just like old times!)

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brensmemaw, you have to have a media account to access larger versions of the pictures, but you should be able to look at the thumbnails through the link, just like Getty and Wire Images.  (Although the link is not currently coming up for me - I think the ClayNation has crashed the site.... Just like old times!)

Thanks! They came right up this time, but when I tried earlier they were all blanks. Our guy sure is a cutie, isn't he?

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OK, here I go with an offer.

I have not submitted my entry yet. I know there are people who can't submit entires. I will submit an entry for our non-us friends (like Ansa and if they win, I will send the CD forward, I will pay for thier membership.There is nothing I can d forthe phone call though.

just PM me your entry if you want me to do this.

Heh, instead of making muffins (milk was sour) I made tons of blueberry pacakes and froze them for if and when I would get away.

Tonight's task should I accept it, is to beg my neighbors to allow me to add my garbage to theirs, since we are limited to 4 garbages per person. It keeps delaying me further and further.

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He just looks so dingdang young! I prefer that guys I'm, ummm, interested in (shall we say) not look like they should be bagging my groceries and calling me ma'am with voices that are in the process of changing. 

Word this, woman. <_<

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See this is exactly why i prefer this hairstyle to the Insider/emmy hair or even the JBT...cos he looks young!When I look at JBT I feel like he is a bit dated, with this style he looks really hip.

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Okay, this is starting to slightly piss me off - people who hold off submitting entries are getting extra hints about the NANA answer? <_< How fair is that, dude? I feel like I've been penalized for being prompt. If you want to put a stake through the heart of the contest already, just say you'll do a random drawing.

Although if Clay and / or his peons have actually sorted through all 1800 + blog entries checking out the answers, I'm semi-impressed by his / their dedication / levels of insanity. :wacko:

Ansa, there's young and hip, and then there's what's known as "jailbait".

Off to look at my e-mail of randomly chosen 4 letter entries to see if any of them met the new criteria of a vowel followed by three consonants. :unsure:

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Bottlecap...did you actually send the answers to clique or did you just respond to his blog. I think the responses sent to clique will be the only ones officially considered...I think you still have time...

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I am really amazed at the blogs, what is that a record, three in two days. I am going to "fell out and looked at the sun" as one of our finest physicians in town dictated a few years ago about one of his patient's. Have I told ya'll that I live in hicksville U.S.A. (actually a military base in middle Georgia), but I am digressing.

I just love the child/boy/man that is our redheaded/brown headed/old hair/nuhair community boyfriend. Sometimes my conscious yells "jailbait", but I just can't help that "Mrs. Robinson" coming out in me.

Everyone have a good night and stay out of trouble.


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Bottlecap...did you actually send the answers to clique or did you just respond to his blog. I think the responses sent to clique will be the only ones officially considered...I think you still have time...

Yeah, I followed the rules (as I understood them at the time), and sent my six extra entries in via an e-mail yesterday. I hope people remember what they post in his blog is fun, but not a contest entry. That is, unless the Puppetmaster adjusts the rules yet again. Geez.

And you just know the winner is going to be one of those bi---, I mean lucky fans who have already met Clay a dozen times and own thirty autographs. Pfffttt! Not really mad by the way - just frustrated - and in need of a life.

geogiaclay, I get the idea that you are just full of fascinating hospital stories - you crack me up, girl! :lol:

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Well, I listened to Clay (and the CH title this week), it is better to wait.

Well, darn, I will admit it, my priorities is fighting the mold and mildew.

I never really met Clay, I could have touched his hand once by the busses, but it seemed so ..... unseemly, I stepped back and let someone else take my place. I was more thrilled to see Raleigh run towards where I was standing, than to see Clay, so shoot me, I am a bad fan and my dog had just died a few months earlier. I did get an autographed picture from the fan club and an autographed pass from Clique. No personally autographed anything, for that you would have to see someone who actually lives near him, like Fear. Or someone who could get to a book signing (none in New York!!!)

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aaawwww bottlecap....I can understand the frustration. Thats why from the very beginning I decided to just observe and ahve fun that way and not try to join cos I know I have no chance of winning.

I do hope you can have another chance...

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