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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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I do remember the message from Faye regarding this book. As far as I can remember she didn't tell people not to buy the book...but she made it clear it was written without their permission and that this woman really didn't know Clay. She only made sure the fans knew the background of this woman's "knowledge" of Clay and left it to fans to buy or not to buy.

As far as I know Clay never said anything about this woman. And there are witnesses to this woman;s encounter with Clay in Hawaii. She just posed for pictures with Clay in the VIP reception and Jerome never manhandled her in anyway...unless there was another incident that people didn't see. Unfortunately it seems like this womans need to exploit Clay is boundless.


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Clay's response to Ms. Holleman, per foxnews.com:

Aiken, in a statement issued by RCA Records, said Monday that he had "instructed my attorneys to not only vigorously dispute the claims that have been made but to also pursue all possible remedies against those involved in the perpetration of these untruths."


In his statement, Aiken, 27, also said:

"As a so-called `celebrity'I have become used to scurrilous allegations and untruths being made about me and my work. I have always taken the path of not reacting to these matters and have accepted them as, somehow, coming with the `job.'However, I cannot, and will not, stand by when these attacks are made on my family."

I'm not surprised - you can diss the man, but if you go after his mother, than watch out! :ph34r:

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Wow...I love the response. I have to admit it took me aback a bit that he actually DID respond, but now, I'm thoroughly impressed by the statements. Very directly and clearly stated what his rules were for responding to allegations. JH went after Mom...and that brought out the animal in Clay.


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Hi! Remember me? Real life has been a bitch lately, ladies...but I finally caught up here and had to copy and post this gem from Bottlecap

That library-leaning dude, on the other hand, is right up my alley.

heh. I'm sure you'd love to have that library-leaning dude up your alley, my dear, but you'll have to be in line for quite a while, I'm afraid. B)

Obviously, my mind is still deeply entrenched in its usual den of iniquity... <_<

I am so in love/lust with that picture. Good God, that's a man. And his response (even if it is a publicist-crafted one) gets me all hot and bothered when I imagine Library Dude making it.

and when I imagine me making Library Dude.

It's a sickness. I can't help it. :unsure:

Edited to add: Yo! Couchie I REALLY need a brew with yew! It's past time to mosey over to the local saloon, don't you think? ;)

Edited by muskifest
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Hey, it's muskifest! Smut on, babe!

I am almost unbearably excited about this whole CD deal. :lol: I have butterflies in my stomach from anticipation (unless I had some bad fish or something :blink: ), and I have a continuous mental EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! running in the background of everything I do. Yeah, some Xoloft would probably help.

:bounce: :00000442: :bounce: :00000442: :bounce:

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Hi there muskifest!!!

hee some great rumors around the fandom this morning...remember keep salt handy

> there seems to be a hot video

> there will be a single

hope these are true...

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I'm using my psychic powers to send subliminal mental messages to TPTB about my song choice to be the lead single:


And strangely, Clive Davis has a sudden unexplicable craving for chicken.... :em0200:

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I'm using my psychic powers to send subliminal mental messages to TPTB about my song choice to be the lead single:


And strangely, Clive Davis has a sudden unexplicable craving for chicken.... :em0200:

Oh, yeah....I LOVED Mr.Mister's album back in the day and remember the video to Broken Wings. Richard Page was driving a convertible in a desert-like place and an eagle or a hawk or some such bird was flying overhead...wow....LOVED this song best from the album...and from the beginning of my Clay journey hoped to hear Clay sing it. His voice is MADE for Richard's songs...CanNOT wait! :P

I want Library Dude. In at LEAST a thousand different ways. That is all.

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You know everyone, I got to thinking (dangerous pursuit) at work, that I cannot get away from that blasted place. Either I work there or I live there temporarly (although all of the nurses and o.r. staff were very nice).

I am hoping for BROKEN WINGS too. I loved that song and I can just see Mr. HAIR singing the "snot" out of it.

Just got home from the horsespistol (hospital for those that don't know southerese). I have to go scan the boards and see what has been happening during the last 8 hours.

I am going to say this one time, LIBRARY MAN is MINE. ALL. MINE. So that means get back LADIES and that world dominixtrix with those spikey heels. Bottlecap, that also means you too. (LOL). Just kidding ladies, don't go getting your panties in no wad.

I can't wait until the new album drops. I am so sick (not really) of listening to the old stuff, like the JBT :)

In the meantime I will do this :wein: a little of this :04: substinance (cannot live on HAIR alone :POP: more of this :ura: and then this. :trink3:


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ldyjocelyn, I checked out your blog via the link at the CH. Beautiful pics. Did ya eat anything in Ireland that was still "walking around on the plate"? :P

Also, I checked out your link to the celebrity "READ" posters. Man, Clay soooo needs to do one of those, and they need to sell bookmarks and keychains, too, like they do for Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom.

georgiaclay apparently doesn't include me in the "Lady" category, so this tramp will just turn on her heel and slink away. Hrumpf. <_<

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ldyjocelyn, I checked out your blog via the link at the CH. Beautiful pics. Did ya eat anything in Ireland that was still "walking around on the plate"? :P

Not that I remember, although the black pudding for breakfast was interesting. I think I only ate it one day. Here is a link if you want to make some. There's also a link there for making a white pudding as well.

Actually, I thought most of the food was pretty darn good. And, let me tell you...Guinness in America is NOTHING like Guinness in Ireland. It is SOOOOO much better.

Also, I checked out your link to the celebrity "READ" posters. Man, Clay soooo needs to do one of those, and they need to sell bookmarks and keychains, too, like they do for Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom.

The Orlando Bloom one makes me swoon. My secret wish is for Clay to actually do one of these posters, and then keychains, and bookmarks, and all the other stuff. I'd be buying all kinds of stuff!

georgia, I'm sorry, but I'm the librarian around here. You may NOT claim Library man as your own, or I'll have to throw you out.

I'm willing to share, though. :D

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First of all, I tried to post a missive this morning, but my moron self emeged and vamoose it went into wilderness somewhere, so I am going to try again.

Bottle, I did not mean to hurt your feelings "little one", you are one delightful lady if I may say so. I am trying to get back on your good side. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. I want to be your friend again, LOL.

I was reading the other post this morning and thought to myself (again a negative aspect of myself, talking to myself all the time), self "I wish I had some friends that I could get together with, sip some brew and talk about the HAIR". Unfortunately, most of my friends are very "uncool" and could careless about music unless it is that operetic CRAP. They are such snobs. :P I haven't a clue why they run around with me, but then I am always at work, so that must explain that.

Lady, there is no way in this world, even for HAIR that I would eat that "snuff" that you gave the recipe for. All I have to say is UGGG. It must taste better than it looks.

Lady, since you are the libarian, I will dutiful let you have the HAIR for the libary, but after that, "FAIR GAME". :ph34r:

Have any of the "minions" heard from the world dominixtrix lately.


p.s., I would definitely buy the "READ" poster, key chain, book mark, himself.

Edited by georgiaclay
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Perhaps, since I am in a fairly good mood tonight (i.e. my teeth are glued together from eating too many Starbursts), I will consider forgiving you, georgiaclay.

I think the World Dominatrix has been away on another one of her international research trips. I believe she is back home now, so everybody look busy.

I hear ya about having nobody in real life to squeal over Clay with. The only person I know who has potential is my pastor's wife, and I just would feel a little uncomfortable discussing, um, say, jeans with her. I am keeping on eye the CD Release Party board to see if there is any local activity. I need to meet some of the Clay Nation in person!

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Morning ladies and Bottle (oops, pulled a Britney and "did it again"), LOL.

Just read part of the complaint that the Goggle alert sent to me. I said I only read PART of the complaint because as in such matters it completely bored me, so I lost interest about 1/3 of the way through. The only word that is pinging around in my brain is "IDIOTIC". This woman must have balls of titanium to take on Clay, "his mother", BAF, and the Claymates. Either that or she is so so STUPID. I would guess the later for the most part. Sounds like she does not have a brain in her head and the lawyer that is handling the case is just as stupid or an "ambulance chaser"

I chalk this up as to be a "nut case" run amoke. People like her "Holleman???" need their own island in this world to live on and to run the way they feel the need.

Waving at everyone. Going back to the doctor this morning to see what the ole blood work as to say today. Pray for me. I will definitely need it.

Hopefully they won't find much of this :trink3: in my system so I can be doing this today: :)


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hope all goes well with your tests...sending you prayers and positive vibes.

Mizz Holleman is a nut!!!

I hear she has a TV interveiw where she calls Mrs McGhee a liar...thems fighting words!!!!

The thing is this woman has been trying to make money off of Clay and his fans from the beginning. I think the problem is she found a publisher and a lawyer that are just as unscrupulous...and money hungry, delusional and stupid as her. The brief that the lawyer sent out and the review she put up on Amazon (that was quickly taken down) just shows what an imcompetent abulance chaser this person is.

I am really not worried about this...the one thing that pisses me off is that this is a distraction from the CD pr that Clay is about to start. At least this lawsuit is keeping Clay in the news and I think this just keeps reminding people that his CD is about to come out.

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KAndre strolls in, gleefully flinging bottoms of rum is every direction...

I personally like conquering tropical islands. Especially those with rum. And perfectly sweet tourists. And natives. Most agreed that I would clearly be superior in running things than the currents administrations in London, Santa Domingo and Washington; and that they would vote for me. I decided not to enlighten them that I was planning a dictatorship as that may have put a crimp in our samba.

Timing, children; timing is everything! Ask Clay. I landed in the Dominican Republic just as the remnants of Tropical Storm were fleeing in terror at my arrival; I had one rainy day (which I will cover in excruciating detail in the appropriate thread because it turned out to be the most fun I had wet in a PG kinda way in years [through some censors might slap an R on it just because they are stuck up meanies. Poot.]); and left just before orange crap would have seriously annoyed me.

Hmmm. It seems interesting things have been happening whilst I was gone. Clay has started to show appreciation of a little bling (showing that he loves me best); the Clay Nation is running around with a hi res picture in one hand and a drool bucket in the other (I send Clay in for a little research, he lollygags around with a photographer, people start reviewing the Dewey Decimal System with their tongues); stupid people are being annoying in the courts; but y'all know all that. Let me get to the stuff you were waiting for - my opinion on EVERYTHING! Heh!

Tracklist - perfection is every way. Especially Here You Come Again, which superficially appears to be a simple pop song but actually is a deep and dark existentialistic commentary on the nature of ephermal yet irresistible relationships. The line, "Lookin' better than a body has a right to"? Clearly objecting to the contradiction to Satrean l’en-soi. Man, that Clay is so deep we need hip waders!

Without You (Liked that original; don't remember having heard in it in at least 15 years)

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (Love to death)

I Want To Know What Love Is (You know he's gonna wail on his part - not particularly thrilled at the duet thing, but as long as he sings the crap out of it, I'm cool. And always loved this song)

Broken Wings - couldn't remember it, looking on YouTube (found on YouTube - I like it! Remeber it now)

Right Here Waiting - remember it, like it, again, haven't heard in years

When I See You Smile - can't remember, looking on YouTube

Everything I Do (I Do It For You) - can't remember, looking on YouTube

ATD - Love it (but not as much as TRD - ding dang you Clay! Ding Ding You!)

Everytime You Go Away - remember it, like it, again, haven't heard in years

These Open Arms - never heard of it

Everything I Have - never heard of it

Lonely No More - never heard of it

Because You Loved Me - Love every cheesy, bombastic minute of it.

I like the notion that Clive and Clay are peers (Clay, doll, remember: Age before beauty. Then you can stab it in the back. Not that I am suggesting stabbing. No, not me!)

Insane people really incredibly bad peroxide blonde dye jobs who sue the willing subjects of their so-called tributes because oddly enough, lots of people refuse to purchase badly written crap that appears to come with it's own trash bag for proper disposal? Hmmm, can y'all guess what my opinion of that is? Really? You can't? Well, I think she owes me 5 minutes of my life back for even knowing about her.

Georgia, I am sending all sorts of positive thoughts your way. And will consume rum in your honor.

bottle, I invented the alt-tab manuever - real work is required of you. Ease into the discussion of Clay's jean by discussing the pastor's jeans. I'm sure his wife would appreciate that you took the effort to notice, and then work your way around to discussing Clay's jeans. And their contents.

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YAY Kandre's back...and with the promise of some interesting tavel stories...go for the R rating I say...Just don't tell couchie I encouraged you.. :D

So maybe now Clay's PR can go full steam...you can now co-sign his world domination plans...

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KAndre, I see another dictator-type had a spot of heart trouble while you were in the general region. Did you perhaps make a pitstop in Cuba and have a little chat with Castro while you were traveling? In any case, welcome back and I am glad you are pleased with Clay's humble offerings.

georgiaclay, I am going to assume you are still drugged and wish you well dispite the continued disses. :P

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Bottle, dear-dear-dear Bottle, how are you today. See I am being NICE. Have you talked to the preachers wife yet??. I agree that you should go with the jeans line and go from there. Boy HAIR can sure fill out a pair of jeans well in all aspects (LOL). Now I wish they were just a tad bit tighter.

KAndre - so glad that you are back and in one piece. I hope you left the "islands" in good condition and one question; did you make Castro sick??? :) Good job!!! Hope I did not offend anybody :) :)

As for the health matters, thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. Went to the doctor today, took more blood, go back in two weeks for more blood to be drawn and go from there. The only thing that has be a little worried (not to much) is that my spleen is enlarged. They sent in a hematologist/oncologist while I was in the hospital and he said not to worry. My primary doctor also told me that he was going to "back-burner" it for now until we get this anemia situation resolved. The doc also said that if my blood dropped more over the next month that I would have to go back to the surgeon for a "camera pill". Can you image swallowing a pill with a tiny camera in it?? I told him that I do not photograph well, but he insisted (LOL). I guess I will be a guinea pig for this exam. I have heard of it in the past, but nobody I know has had this. As for the guinea pig thing, at least let me wear a nice "party hat" and be seen with HAIR.

Love ya all,


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georgia baby, you know I love to pull out the party-hat guinea pig picture, so here it is again.


Thoughts and prayers as you go through the process of getting your issues diagnosed and treated.

Clay says stick out your tongue and say "Ahhh"...


No, no - "Ahhhh", not "Ooohhhhh babeeeee"..... :P

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So, I was lurking around on the RCA website this morning (no new Clay news, of course <_< ), and I checked Christna Aguilera's tv appearances, since her CD drops next week. Besides Leno tonight and Letterman next week, she's got an interview showing over two days and a Friday concert on GMA. Hmmm, interesting. What other RCA artist do we know that is a great favorite of the GMA peeps, and might he reasonably expect to get the same type of coverage when his CD is released next month? Here's hoping.

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EEEEEEE! A Friday afternoon Blog!

No GMA on 9/1 (that was just speculation, and Clay didn't want fans to make plans to travel for no reason), and no JNT this year as he concentrates on album promotion. (Waves to Couchie, who I believe called this one correctly). Clay did, however, indicate that "we" (which I take to mean "he", unless he is planning on including the backups) would be doing a few Christmas programs with various symphony orchestras. EEEE! for those who get to see him in their city, Booo! for my local symphony who already has a Christmas concert with Sandi Patti on their schedule.

Oh, Clay says he will be visiting "Diane and the Crew" on GMA closer to the album release date. Now, why does that idea sound familiar? ;) Oh, yeah, 'cause I just suggested it in my last post! HA!

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