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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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sometimes it is perfectly normal. There was no one to reply to.

I have been catching up on promosquad - still working for that free nanopod, I am close. Anyway, the first thing that hit me was the 6 Jessia Simspon songs. Blech. I know that she had recorded an entire hip hop R&B album and hd to go back and rerecord, she is no Beyonce. After hearing the sogs from the album, so not interested in her. Not that I cared first. Now why couldn't we get 6 Clay songs? (sneakily back on topic)

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Yay it's the weekend. I'm still on a high about seeing Kimmell next month. Those are some of my favorite appearances. I don't believe they are best friends or anything but I do love their chemistry. Not looking forward though to be treated like I'm ourside studio 54 - where all the PYTs get the front seats. heh.

LOL at Mr. Lima bean eyes..oh lord if that is the example of her writing the judge should laugh this out of court.

I think i have listened to WY at least one hundred times already. I'm wearing it out and I don't even like the song and wasn't gaga over the promosquad clip although I did like deep voiced Clay. lord help me on the songs I love. I think he's going to absolutely kill Broken wings.

Why am I up, it's saturday.

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I'm so Jealousss - (TM CHA) of you Californians, but the rumored 3 NY/NJ concerts may make up for it, heh. Might even get my sister back up north. Clay loves the east coast - we still have our hearts, heh, heh.

Here is my problem with Without You. Last week, I returned home from the beach. As I was unpacking, my neighbor of a few years came up my walk looking very, very bad. Her husband, not yet 50, suddenly died of a heart attack a few hours earlier. I find it hard to play that song at volume in my house with open windows. It makes me pretty sad, even though it is about somene who just packed up and left. But I did clean up my lawn before I left so they don't have to look at weeds and such.

So is anyone going to post on the CH as the evil Clive Davis?

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Another rare post from me........

Sorry to hear about your neighbor....

I must have missed out.......what are the 3 rumored appearances in NY/NJ?????

I did snag 4 tixs to PA on 12/9............... :D:D:D:D:D

I realllllllllly like WY on the RCA site.

The wait is almost OVER!!!!!!

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Without You is now streaming on clayaiken.com! I have been wanting to send a link to the song to an acquaintance of mine, but I hesitated to send her to myspace, since some of the comments can come off as a little over the top. (Ha!) I feel a little more comfortable sending out a link to Clay's official site. I think she'll be knocked out by the voice.

Yeah, that....I have an friend on the other side of the country who's lived her whole life immersed in music---she sings, she teaches both voice and instrumental music, she conducts, plays many instruments, etc. I had her listen to Solitaire on headphones when it first came out and she gave an honest assessment, pointing out the strained high note at the end (the 'OH'..he didn't always sound strained when he sang live, but in the recorded version he does sound without breath support on that note, IMO and hers too...), but also about the amazing control of his voice he has in the higher register, etc.

Bet she'd tell it like it is on this one, too....

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So is anyone going to post on the CH as the evil Clive Davis?

I dunno. Do you think Clive can appear in the daylight? I always assumed he was holed up in his casket at this time of day....


Then again, the times I HAVE seen him in daylight, he LOOKS as though he's still holed up in his casket... :blink:

Yo, bottlecap let's go crash block party or two...(Dang it, couchie! I'm STILL waiting for that "innocently whistling" emoticon! :glare: )

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Hey, I've been out wandering around a bit, drink in hand....


Partying a little ...bbear1.gif

Maybe I'll dance my ass off later when the guys show up....


Also, I don't like to spread rumors, but I heard something about a stripper or two being hired for one of the parties, so you may want to have some singles handy...


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If its stripper time, I will be there with bells on with dollar bills in one hand and banana daquarie in ther other. Just send me the time, place, and I will hire my own bail bondsman. Hopefully DOG the bounty hunter. ALOHA, then HAIR (life size poster board) and I can send some quiet time in Hawaii. Just me, HAIR (the poster board) and plenty of Tranxene or Halcion (antipsychotic drugs), which I will probably need after hearing WY and Broken wings back to back. Plus everything I do, I do for you. (The Bryan Adams song from that "bad version of Kevin Costners Robins Hood")

You can ether send it in care of GeorgiaClay psychiatric fund or to the GeorgiaClay get out of jail fund. I am aiming for the first one though.


:manynanas: :nana: :nanadance2::dancingbanana::dancemexicannana::nanaonacid:

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bottlecap slides into the FCA party, yells at the Tomato to get her ass up off the couch and start dancing, throws a handful of pills at georgiaclay, stops to listen to WY for the thousandth time with clay4shore, throws a ball for playbiller's dog about a million times, sez "Whassup" to FearofH2O, admires ldyjocelyn's pointy princess hat, bows in the general direction of KAndre (World Domintrix extraordinaire), and pretends not to know what muskifest and her date are up to in the closet that involve various vegetables and a laptop.

Ansa, see what happens when you're away for a few days?

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HELLLOOO!! Heeee. been busy all day... hope everyone enjoyed the parties all over clay nation.

Looks like Clay may be on Leno on the 15th...yay! That wa surmised from Danie's MYSPACE. I'm so looking forward to seeing my tv boyfriend all over hte place.

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Sigh, I so want to rant about the release parties and "not inclusion" that is going on at the local level, but there is no way i can do it without sounding petty, so I guess poor Fear will have to listen to more crabby me.

I miss the way it was when it was being run by strangers and everyone wated to have a good time rather than the feifdoms. I have already written to people about it and how it will adversely affect attendance, but i guess it is too small potatoes. actually, I have found this in states outside of my own, so I guess i should just shut up.

It must be party angst. I wish the jelly fish were out of the water. It is a beautiful beach day except for the jelly fish.

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At some point, RCA has to get off its collective fat arse and actually start promoting Clay's music and appearances, don't they? This is nuts - it shouldn't be so hard to figure out where Clay might be showing up. :blink:

Anyway - I was at the store yesterday, so I coughed up the bucks for the September issue of InStyle magazine, just to get one little picture of a sexy crooner. The other 603 pages are there to remind me that: I am inadequately shod, clothed, blinged, and made-up; I have no chance to pop out a kid with Brad Pitt; I live in a poorly-decorated hovel; and I ain't all that fabulous in my forties. Huh. At least I have a tremondously hawt and talented pretend boyfriend to make my dreary and unstylish life worthwhile. B)

And Madonna, I ain't buying that fugly white $29.90 track suit jacket from H&M that you are modeling in the magazine. Honey, that's just sad...

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I saww that mgazine and decided it was too thick to buy for one photo. It would take up too much future clack space.

I do believe the indians are restless (no offense meant to our native american fans) and it is getting a little close.

Ok, I don't like behaving like a spoiled child and Holly reminded me that she wanted a walk, so I am off for a few more hours to be spent on real life.

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Just here to say hi! My dear friend Muski said its nice here - angst free. Just stop by, say what you want to say and move on with a smile!

I thought since I am going to Kimmel with Muski I might meet some of you who are also going. I am VERY excited about this! :nana:

As for Leno, I think Clay will be there. Kimmel was on Daniel's MySpace too and now its gone, so my guess is Daniel wasn't supposed to say anything yet, or maybe Daniel won't be there.... :unsure:

Promotion - what will be will be. I was over at the OFC and people were complaining that 9/15 was TOO SOON for Clay to be on Leno! These were the same people who complain that there has been no promotion! Geez!

The way I see it is there WILL be promotion. There WILL be lots of clack. Clay will look HOT. He will sound AMAZING! We will all be puddles of goo!

Works for me! :)

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Oh, JOY! CG is here! :dancingpickle: I call her CG, you see, because I'm not so much a fan of her board name...heh...but I love HER!

I know you'll make her feel welcome.

Anyway, playbiller, I'd love to hear more about the release party thingy...to tell the truth, I just let the partie happen. I'm an event/meeting planner by profession and would just as soon let somebody else do the work in my Clay world.

Except, of course, when he's on tour and I open CASA MUSKI for the pre and post concert happnin' when he's in doing a local debacle of everyone on stage. B)

Heading out now with my hubby and girls to the movies...we deserve this. Have a good one, ladies!

You too, bottlecap ^_^ By the way, I hear you about the InStyle mag. Unreal. So many pages of bad messages to women. I like Clay's message to women better, especially his message just to MEEEEEEE! :P

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Promotion - what will be will be. I was over at the OFC and people were complaining that 9/15 was TOO SOON for Clay to be on Leno! These were the same people who complain that there has been no promotion! Geez!

WTF too early? it's the Friday before the release. Last time he did Prime time the week before the release. You don't wait until the day of the release to start promotion. People need to get a grip.

Can't wait to meet you Claygasm. Muski and I are "neighbors and friends" so I've heard all about you.

After planning the JNT pre party I just want to show up for the next thing. I think they will be fun and really, our bay area group knows how to get things done. We had great press and attendance the first time around. It will be interesting to see how it goes this time. But we're such a close knit group that I think it will be a raging success.

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Well, I signed up for my local CD release party, so we'll see how that pans out. It seems to be Clayboard oriented, so hopefully they won't mind having a "foreigner" or two in attendance. I've already decided to take that Tuesday off of work, as I expect to be a mess with the late night and the long-awaited Clack and whatnot.

So, if ATDW streams someplace (AOL, MTV or VH1) in the week before its released, will you listen? I have to admit, I'll be on that stream like white on rice. I was never one for delayed gratification... :unsure:

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Promotion - what will be will be. I was over at the OFC and people were complaining that 9/15 was TOO SOON for Clay to be on Leno! These were the same people who complain that there has been no promotion! Geez!

WTF too early? it's the Friday before the release. Last time he did Prime time the week before the release. You don't wait until the day of the release to start promotion. People need to get a grip.

Yeah, well, I think some people aren't happy unless they bitch about something! Me? I just want Clay. B)

Can't wait to meet you Claygasm. Muski and I are "neighbors and friends" so I've heard all about you.

Oh dear. You've heard all about me? That meakes me VERY nervous! :unsure:

I have heard a lot about you too and I can't wait to meet you either! :D

This will be sooooo much fun, fun, fun!!! :dancingpickle: (One question - Is this a dancing broccoli???)

CD release parties? Around here they can't even decide where to have them. I don't know anyone who is planning it or who is going. Most of my local Clay friends aren't even aware there are going to be any!

Looks like I'll be partying alone and will have to wait until I come home from work on Tuesday to listen to the album. Unless its available for download from iTune at midnight, which somehow I doubt.

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Aha rubs hands together, another vict..uh. person walks into this trap ... uh board. Hi claygasm, your name certainly fuels the imagination.

Yes, no jelly fish in the water - no shark either - I had to reassure some children at the beach, Where do thye hear these things? This must be a sign - of what I don't know,

Well out to dinner before I trail after Berkley on the CH seeing if she misses anything in her modding (heh, I caught one thing, but didn't say anything about it, just quietly fixed it.)

Cotton has a fun thread on Clayversity, clay singing songs and he original artists singing them.

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Heh. The OFC has too many self-perpetuating DRAMAS going on for my tastes most of the time. I read a few pages of the album thread from time to time, check out what the "Inside Sources" are predicting now, and slink back out again.

Are y'all going to wear matching shirts or hats so we can recognize you in the Kimmel audience? Maybe muskifest can wave an eggplant at the camera or something.


Welcome Claygasm!

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I have to add that for the first time in my life I am speachless except for welcome Claygasm. I hope you enjoy the board. We are a very friendly group of women.

Play, how is Holly and the fleas coming. We are fighting the flea fight here right now with the "devil cat". Usually, I am usually fully of witty remarks, snarky remarks ect, ect.

Who is up for dancing nana's.

na :nanaonacid::dancingnana::nanadance3::nanarow::dancingbanana::nanascary::nanadance::purplebanana::music::dancemexicannana:

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