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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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bottlecap No eggplants, but I have flirted with the idea of wearing a tee shirt that says, "They're Bigger in the South"...(is that right, CG?)...hee! I'd just pretend I was calling attention to my boobs (although they certainly don't need any attention being called to them...they do a pretty damned good job of doing that all by themselves... :angry: )...'course, we all know I'd be talking about Kimmel's guest. B)

OFC? Never go to any place other than Clay's blog...too skeery.

So couchie should we plan to carpool to the CD shindig? Did you sign up for the pre-party dinner? I didn't. I figure I won't be able to get out of work early enough.

I just put out a thought on EAYOR...what if Without You is NOT the first single? Hmmm? I mean, where has it been said officially that it IS?!?!?!? I could just imagine Clay and Team Clay jerking us around and dangling (heh) WY, getting us all riled up, worked up, pissed off and all those other reactions that have been hither and thither tossed about...

and then release something NEW as the first instead! :o ;)

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Heh. If I don't see any promotion soon beyond the DIY grassroots stuff the fans are doing, I will begin to doubt that there is a "Team Clay". Maybe it is all a figment of the Clay Nation's imagination, like the existence of "Rocker Clay".... :unsure:

Honestly, I am trying to pretend that Team Clay has arranged a huge EXCLUSIVE interview with some media outlet that will get tons of hype. Otherwise, I find it hard to explain the ongoing SILENCE OF THE HAIR.

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JustinT's CD is dropping a week or two before Clay's, and all I have really seen about him is that hilariously stupid interview in Fashion Rocks - and his CD has been lower than Clay's on the Amazon bestseller list this whole time. (Yeah, I know that list doesn't represent a lot, but still.)

I watched about 10 or 15 randomly placed minutes of that Teen Choice thing last night. Yikes!

I caught the introduction of Pauler and some interchangeably mass-produced cute guy as presenters, and I could swear the camera zeroed in on Corey's face, or else a lookalike.

I don't think Jessica Simpson is capable of "acting" that stupid. And I read where she won breakout role for Dukes of Hazzard - or was it her butt cheeks that won?

I cannot imagine Clay on that show at this point - maybe after years of success, as a favor granted, but not right now.

I am wondering if the dissatisfaction with appearance announcements has more to do with the desire to make travel arrangements than with P.R. shortcomings.....I really think the P.R. will be more aimed at the general public, and not fans.

This is because I have never paid attention to anyone else's appearances, and have still managed to buy a CD when I see it.

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djs111, I can only speak for myself, but it's not the lack of appearances that bugs me, because I know that they will come. It's the almost total silence on the part of RCA that Clay even exists. Christina's TV appearances are mostly past now, but the RCA Records site had a long list of the shows she would be on and the dates well before they were scheduled - morning shows, Letterman, Leno, etc. Not a word about anything for Clay, as of right now. It just frustrates me as the clock keeps ticking and the silence seems to get even more deafening.... <_<

Enough about that... I turned on the Teen Choice thing for about two minutes, happened to see Pauler :trink3: and whomever she was presenting with try to make lame banter (i.e. read the teleprompter), and it was too painful so I turned it off. I did mean to tune in in time to see Kevin Federline's big debut, but I forgot about it. Darn.... B)

I agree about Justin - the press I've seen about his interviews has mostly been bad, and his PR reps seem to have to hustle around after him loudly proclaiming "Out of context! Out of context!" Hee. Good luck with that, buddy.

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Yeah, EAYOR's talking about that 9/21 GMA rumor; evidently, it originated on Page Six, the gossip column, so whatever.

I definitely would like to see RCA actually PROMOTING Clay: a list of his appearances on the site, at least. It does seem that the fandom does most of the newspreading... :unsure: (and djs111, I have to admit that part of MY frustration with whoever Team Clay is or isn't DOES have to do with not being able to plan ahead for my travel and hotel accommodations' needs! ^_^ And the whole nationwide CD release party thing, with the designated PR/press contact network, is impressive for sure, but also a little creepy. :ph34r:

Teen Choice? Lord, I was unfortunate enough to click on that just as Britney was standing there, looking rather skanky (IMO) and basking in the prolonged cheering from the crowd :blink: and then introducing her husband. I couldn't watch his whole 'performance'; I just wished that once he DID get up from the piano bench to do his rap whatever he does thing, he'd have sat right back down on the piano bench.

Who IS that person and why would anyone consider him a talent on the music scene? (Rhetorical question :glare: )

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Yeah, that Page SixSixSix story has a certain gnat's fingerprints aaaalllll over it, so I will wait until I hear the GMA date from another source before I pencil it into my calender. Clay already told us he would be on GMA in his last blog, so I think certain parties are trying to push their fan fic version about how the appearance is going to happen.

Anyway, I can't get into photobucket at work right now, so I just have to do a link to the guy in the library. He hasn't been posted in a few pages, so it's about ding-dang time I'd say.


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Maybe now that Aguilera is well and truly launched, they will ramp up for Clay. And I really think they are wanting to add a bunch of stuff all at once.

I will be practicing my mad HDD skilz today, watching Xtina's sales as they are counted - DO NOT PANIC!!!!! DO NOT EXTRAPOLATE!!!!! - haha! easy to do when it is not Clay!

I missed Federline, YAY! - I would much rather look at dead bodies on CSI.

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muski, I about wet mahself when I saw that bit of animation posted on the CH last night. BTW, I read some references begging for a link to a video treatment you might possibly have put together for WY. Ya got sumpin ya wanna share iwth the class?..... ;)
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Ah, yes...the WIthout You video treatment. Well, I didn't think such fanfic things were smiled upon here at FCA so in addition to it being on EAYOR, I did put it on CV, too...

Here's a link. It's actually quite PG 13... :o , but I SOOOOO want Clay to do a sensual video like this one day....he's soooooo sensual...the touching, the looks, the smiles...the looks...the eyes, the fingers...and whatnot.

Without You Video Idea

Oh, and bottle? mind saying where you saw the references to my little WY ditty? Thanks!

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Some of the posters in the CH Block party thread were invoking you name last night, muskifest. Sorry - didn't mean to coerce ya or anything. I'll hit your link on my lunch hour shortly (if the work filters don't get it first. Hee..)

I like to see Clay's name (finally!) in this article from Billboard (via yahoo) about possible platinum fall releases:

From September through the end of the year, albums expected to join the platinum parade are due from Clay Aiken, Alan Jackson, Ludacris, Beck, Evanescence, Jet, My Chemical Romance, Keith Urban and the Killers.

So, EEEEEE! that his name is finally starting to show up on those lists of upcoming releases. And a little less eeee'ing over the article's contention that the 4th quarter may be so crowded with new releases that retail placement may get squeezed. I want ATDW to have those all-important end caps in the stores all to itself, ding-dang it!

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Oh, bottle...don't you worry; it's sorta hard to coerce Muski...unless you're Clay, of course. B) I was just all tingly to hear that I was being talked about on CH... :glare: :lol:

By the way....could you all remember that when I get old and difficult to live with...

"They shoot horses, don't they?" <_< .....

Calgon, take me away..... :blink:

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muski, I read your very evocative video treatment, and must admit that I was physically tilting my head while reading one of your sections. (Have I ever mentioned that I'm a heck of a baker... ;) )

Anyway, I was glad to see it was skateboard-free ... unless the couple was parting ways over the prospect of Clay leaving home to join the Vans Warped Tour?????

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Post-hoing to share the news (first spotted by a CH'er I believe) that the Living Room Leaning picture has shown up on Amazon (before the site crashed - was that us? Ha!) and Barnes & Noble. So maybe it is the cover artwork after all...

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Gotta say that it is frustrating to have to depend on the actual fan network for information about Clay and his CD...I don't get it. I read there's no track listing now on Amazon or B&N..which is weird....and makes me wonder if my throbbing bunion (down smutters) is trying to tell me something---like the songs we THINK are going to be on the CD aren't EXACTLY the songs that are going to be on this album...which makes me think that maybe WY is NOT the first single after all and he's just yanking our chains (down smutters.)

Yeah, he's a little shit.

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Here's another little tidbit - A CBer said there is a promo at the tail end of today's The Insider. It said Clay will be on tomorrow's show. I must say, I wasn't really wild about the Emmy thing last year, but maybe that relationship building is starting to pay-off. (I'm not prepared to go all dancing bananas yet until we know for sure that the appearance is album related. Stuff tends to somehow go sideways in this fandom... <_< )

Well, maybe just one :dancingbanana: THE HAIR will be on TV again...

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Post-hoing again to bring this little bit posted by lindylo at the Clackhouse:

Check out the pictures at Quiana's MySpace -- myspace.com/quianaparler.

Quiana has a slide show that includes Angela, Daniel, Felix, Andy and her. The group photo is titled "Reunited and it feels so good". There is also a picture of Quiana with Roger W., and one with another guy who is possibly Steeeeeeeve the new hair guy. No Clay, but it has to be for one of his dealies. EEEEEE!

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I'm back!!!!

I'm sorry I missed the block parties...those are always fun.

BUT I didn't really miss WY debut on Clay's myspace...a few minutes before I left for our trip I got to hear it and it was truly very difficult to pry myself away from the computer. I have it streaming now and I just can;t help lipsynching to it specially when he is wailing...ahhh...that video treatment..Muski all I can say is WOW!!!

SO I guess some possible appearances are starting to get scheduled. I can understand how you are feeling about the promotions bottlecap. I have to agree it could be better...but I'm not really worried...I JUST WANT MORE CLAY!!!!!

My Montreal trip was supposed to be for my daughter Cailtin. We were supposed to meet with some doctors so that she can get an overall evaluation of her current developmental problems. Unfortunately after more than 12 hours on the train we ended up with a jerk for a doctor. We only got interviewed by his resident. He didn't even look at Caitlin and he immediately figured we wanted to "fix" her behavioral problems and was recommending an experimental drug to use on her. I asked how this drug worked and he said he was not about to explain the pharmacology behind the drug...WTF!!! I was just too tired to argue, but I'm not about to drug my daughter just because she can be stubborn about goign to the potty, NO WAY!...but he said he would just recommend that we get psychological assessment in our area and get a psychologist to help with behavior modification. BUT the problem is...it is mostly French in our area...that is why we went to Montreal so we can deal with english doctors...but NOOOO....this doctor just didn;t want to be bothered. What a jerk!!!

After that disaster appointment we decided to salvage the trip by cutting it short and just moving to a nice hotel. We were originally staying in Ronald McDonald house since we expected to spend several days for her testing. Since fell through we just made this trip an all girls shopping expdition. We ended up having a great time. Montreal is a beautiful city and is so multi ethnic it was truly interesting. The languages you would hear people using around you was not only French and English but Apanish, Filipino, Lebanese, Hebrew...etc. Very interesting city. We spent a day in China town and found a great chinese buffet for 7.50...and the rest of the time was spent shopping.

I don't regret going but I just wish Caitlin was better served by this doctor.

Anyway...I am a bit glad that Clay promo didn't go on high gear this weekend. I didn't really miss much in Clay fandom....

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Ansa, missed ya! Sorry to hear about the jerky doctor, but yah for shopping and eating!

I just saw The Insider promo for tomorrow's show: Blah blah blah "and Clay Aiken". The picture was the one from my avi over there. <==== I will feel better when we get a clue about what the story actually is. I'm not counting on hearing THE HAIR talk just yet.

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I have to admit I'm about where bottlecap is these days. the one thing that bugs the hell out of me is that his main website is being redone...now, when they had all fucking year to do it. I expect him to have promotion, just not promotion to the level that i would have expected considering how well he has sold previously.

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Thanks for all the welcomes yesterday!

idlefan4ca at the CH said Christina's new and improved website didn't go online until her actual release date, so maybe that's how its usually handled?

It is angst city in the Clay Nation tonight. Every board from the CH to EAYOR to the OFC (ok that one is usually angst city...) is filled to the brim with angst.

I hope Muski's theory of the little shit is changing the track list on us is true, but even if its not, I refuse to angst. Que sera sera, whatever will be will be.... I don't normally channel Doris Day, but in this case it fits. :lol:

I suspect our clack cup will runneth over soon enough and I for one intend to enjoy the ride. :)

Or am I just this way because I have had several glasses of wine tonight..... :unsure:

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Someone at the CH just pointed out that Aguilera's website was NOT updated and running until the day her CD was released.

I really honestly don't get some of the the general unhappiness on some boards - there is still a month. Radio was prolly never going to be a factor. And any radio play was gonna certainly be accompanied by tabloid talk, IMO.

Excuse the expression - but why would RCA shoot their wad now?

Personally, I don't care squat about any other CD until I can buy it.

And really, if JustinT had all kinds of promotion besides looking his Schmoo-bald-round-smug self on a couple of magazine covers, all I can remember is that he trashed Taylor (man, I have to grit my teeth to be annoyed at that) and talk about coked up sex.

And funny how that coke statement is always repeated in the followup stories about his affection for Taylor's success.

Hmmmm...maybe he is being sneaky there - I am sure he would LOVE to have that recognition factor.

Like I was told when I was a kid, I don't borrow trouble. It has to track me down and find me.

Also, I don't think either Clay or JustinT have either the gravitas or the scruffiness to really be cover boys at this point in time.

Can't explain it better than that, sorry.

As always, I am in the FCC car!

Ansa, sorry about the doctor - we had a bad experience too - the doctor salted her report with gratuitous personal social extrapolations which had nothing to do with any genetic workup.

I was pissed, the reports are being edited, and maybe I am not the only one who complained, because the woman has been removed from the program.

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Excuse the expression - but why would RCA shoot their wad now?

OOooohh! djs111 smutted! :dancingpickle:

MWAHAAAA! Welcome to the dark side.... :ph34r:B):lol:

And CG said something just recently on the phone that rang true to me: Clay is a TELEVISION man....so RCA might very well be saving him for monstro TV promotion WHEN THE NEW TELEVISION SEASON STARTS IN SEPTEMBER!

Now THAT makes sense to me.... :)

And didn't anyone ooh and aahhh over my before and after cover shots up there? I thought they were rather....er... :unsure: ....



Yeah...THOUGHT provoking! That's the ticket! :P

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