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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. You mean like this KAndre? One of the few pictures I took of Clay during that tour...still a sucky picture, but the subject is good, and the jeans are there. LOL
  2. I bought three copies of the People magazine. (The clerk at the store looked at me a little weird, but I just said "yeah, I want all three" and paid for them. Heh.) Now, you gotta remember I'm a librarian, which is related to being an archivist (matter of fact, my husband has archive training). One copy will be put away, never to probably see the light of day again...until I need some money in my old age! One copy, for now, has not left my bedside. If it will be anything like the LAST People magazine, in 2006, it probably won't leave there until early 2009. It will also get mucho fingerprints, and probably a few coffee stains on it, in the process. I don't normally buy a third, but in this instance, I think I will probably cut the magazine up and frame a few of the pictures in it. I don't have a shrine either, but I do have a bunch of stuff in archival boxes. I'm sure I'll probably get rid of it in a few years. OTOH, I still have all my Star Trek stuff from 1994. And my Huey Lewis stuff from 1987. Yes, I have living space in my house. Why do you ask?
  3. I was watching, but I was also updating the Fast Forward (HA!) News Section of FCA here (Clay coming out is MAJOR media!!!), so I think I missed a lot. My favorites, hands down, are the geeks. Which means, of course, they are going to come in 4th place. No seriously, I really like them and their style. The Mom and Son could be cool too. I'm not crazy about the frat boys, and the couple with the girl in the glasses (Heidi is right, they led for a bit). It's a little too soon, though, to make much in the way of decisions, IMO. I would have done the knee thing, hands down, even after having knee surgery earlier this year.
  4. abcnews.com After Birth of His Son, Aiken Says It's Time to "Let the Guard Down"
  5. people.com Lance Bass: "I'm Happy" for Clay Aiken
  6. people.com Jaymes Foster: Clay's a "Natural" Dad
  7. newsobserver.com Fans Adapt to a New Clay Aiken
  8. Associated Press Clay is Gay: Aiken Comes Out of the Closet
  9. etonline.com David Foster on Clay Aiken's Family Life
  10. people.com Former Idol Contestants Show Support for Clay
  11. people.com Clay Aiken Left "Speechless" by Supportive Fans
  12. people.com Gay Groups Applaud Clay's Decision to Come Out
  13. Associated Press Clay is Gay: Aiken Comes Out of the Closet
  14. etonline.com Update: Clay Aiken Reveals He's Gay
  15. newsroom.mtv.com Clay Aiken Flashback: We Asked THAT Questions Two Years Ago...and It Wasn't Pretty
  16. Heidi, it just started for me too. Love the comic book geeks. OK, I'll take this to the TAR thread soon. LOL.
  17. OMG. Do you think maybe, just maybe, Clay LIED when he said he thought that was good? *sigh* I guess that's it for me then. *g*
  18. They caught me off guard too, but I think they may add to the wig for the show. JMO...especially since I'm not fond of the sideburns. *g* Now that just sucks! It's fine for her to believe what she wants to believe and leave the fandom if that's what her conscience dictates. It's not fine for her to keep stating it over and over again. It's like she's trying to force someone to believe her beliefs. That's where I lose patience and sympathy, too. I loved Clay's comment about some people having minds so open that they circle around and close back in on themselves. I've been thinking about that a lot this morning. I hadn't really thought much about people being so open-minded that they become closed-minded about closed-minded people. Does that make sense? Makes sense to me. Well, crap about that CB person. ITA with Bookwhore here. I love being a Christian, but the one part I've always had a problem with is the "go forth and teach" aspect of it. IMO, I'd rather SHOW than teach, and this poster, if she continues on like this, really sounds like "forcing the issue." Don't like it. How CUTE!!!! And extra loud cheer is a given and giving him a big hug is my dream!!! If I can, I will! (But I have a feeling all the hot young guys will relegate me to the back of the crowd.... ) Good for you! Coming as someone who was pretty much raised in that kind of environment -- it IS tough. What saved me was going to college, getting away from my home area. I didn't move THAT far away (only 3.5 hours), but it was a huge college town, and it gave me great perspective on other people and their lives. And, honestly...being on the Clay boards has done a lot for me in this regard too. I've learned so much from many people in this fandom, and I hope some people have learned from me that being a small town farm girl doesn't necessarily mean small minded. I think I need to watch the Paula Deen show again...or maybe the stage door...
  19. BWAH! I thought that adorable too. Man, that whole thing was really adorable. I knew the "rubbing of meat" thing would make a few people spew their drinks when it happened...it did me. LOL. merrieee, you are me. I've known for years that I'm invested in the man, both financially and yes, emotionally. But I've also always known that I had to "keep it real." He's shown me time and time again how human he is, from the way he dresses (loved the Broads' thing the other day) to the way he sometimes shoots from the hip when speaking. Personally, I love that. Another thing: I know I spend a lot of time on the boards, waiting for Clay news. And yet, I also spend time with my husband (who comes first for me), my cats, the rest of my family, and yes, even my damn job. There has to be times to just step away. I think that keeps it "real" too. Explaining that difference to my husband is hard though. For a while, he thought I was too invested, and maybe I was. And then I tell him the stories of FBM, and the people who are upset about this, or upset about him being with RCA, etc., and he now gets it. He understands me a whole bunch better. Seconding this request PLEASE!!! As for that poster from the CB...it's her choice, and I'm actually OK that she's made the choice. Do I understand her reasoning? Nope, and it makes me sad as a Christian that she feels this way. (Clay's mention on Friday about the stereotypes of Christians rang very true for me, and I was glad for him to try and clarify that.) But I actually don't fault her for making that choice, as long as she follows through on it. There's been a bunch of people in this fandom who have said "I don't like what he's doing, I'm leaving," only to come roaring back and making life a living hell for others who simply want to enjoy Clay. JMO of course. cindilu, lovely banner!
  20. My friend Betty897X created this wallpaper a few days ago, and I think it is simply beautiful.... And as for my feelings on the OFC message board at the moment...here it is in a nutshell...
  21. Hearing him talk about OMWH, about his "journey these past 5 years," knowing the show was taped in May....kinda blew my mind. In a very good way. And I definitely want a "Bakin' witn Aiken" apron!!!!
  22. Clay's segment is over.... Several mentions about the album, which is nice. Now, you gotta remember that he was making Blue Crusted Bass with Blueberry Sauce while talking to her, but to me, that's what made it so damn charming. The man is NOT a cook, so he was learning from her. OTOH, it was decided that Paula definitely has the bigger accent that Clay. LOL Gay or not, the man still makes me laugh like a schoolgirl. I love him.
  23. Paula's Party report so far: He's adorable, as usual. Yes, Paula is mostly "Idol" focuses, but that's OK by me. She's charming with him, he's charming with her. I missed seeing him on my TV like this. Oh, and they have mentioned Spamalot, and shown two pictures!
  24. :F_05BL17blowkiss: jmh! I was hoping someone had your cell phone number to call you....guess not. But in a way, I'm sure it had to be interesting to learn the news via seeing the People magazine cover first. I'm guessing you've not seen the two GMA clips yet. You're in for a treat, IMO.
  25. As someone who follows the media and some entertainment sites for fun (yes, it can be done!), I have to sadly say that this is simply a pattern. TMZ has sources out the wazoo, I think, and after read that article about them, I think I simply figured out that they do tend to be right a good portion of the time. Do I like their sleazy methods for getting their information? Oh hell no. But it doesn't change their batting average. As far as those other initials go...I still hate him with the passion of a thousand suns. Why? Because he doesn't allow anyone to self-identify. In my case, I just find it easy to let him go. He's really not part of my world. It seems to me that many people who are having a hard time with everything from this past week are ones who have had particularly brutal experiences with co-workers and family members. Not all, of course. I think the answer for this one really doesn't change for me after the news this week -- these people would have given me a hard time ANYWAY, and so, I'll still answer with the "he doesn't sing with his dick, why should it bother me?" I might add now "Why does it matter if I find a gay guy hawt to you?" *shrug* Ah yes, the emotional versus rational. I've seen a lot of this in the past few days. In my mind, there is a nice little section in the middle there...the emo-rational area. IMO...the gut always seems to speak first, but then my brain kicks in and starts to wonder about things. Finding a balance between the two is difficult. I think my answer to this one can be applied to most of the questions above too – be confident in yourself. Be secure in yourself. Realize that not everyone is going to agree with you. Realize that some will see you in a new light – good or bad (that’s THEIR choice, not yours, BTW). This question takes me back to 00lsee’s posts, with her struggle with her church. As a Christian, in many ways, it tore me apart to read it, but in the end, I support her 100% in what she did. Also, it’s like what Clay said in that interview yesterday, one that was making me pump my fist in the air, regarding the stereotypes of Christians. Yes, there are some that aren’t very tolerant at all, but I’d like to think that I’m one that supports and loves ALL people. OK, except for maybe PH. *g* Anyway, I think if someone is secure in their beliefs, they will be fine with this in the end. Scarlett, can you reword this question? I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around it. Will these answers help? Honestly, I doubt it. I think it is getting to the point where people are getting weary after a long week, and emotions are getting frayed. I stepped back fairly early in this whole week, partially because I knew it would be better for me mentally. I just want to say that I do feel for those who aren’t quite “there” yet. Hugs all around.
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