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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. broadwayworld.com Photo Coverage: Clay Aiken Returns to 'Monty Python's Spamalot'
  2. While I've popped in here and there this weekend, this is my first chance to really POST here. aikim, thank you for sharing the pictures from the wedding. I'm glad everything went very smoothly for you! gbmifan, I'm also glad things went well for you and your family. Hooray for all the reports from the weekend. It's nice to see him again...I mean, really, really nice. I think it may just be that he seems happier to some at the moment because "we're" happy to see him after a few months off. I know that's how it is in my case...I'm so happy to see him, I could just siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! Congratulations Clay for finally getting first place, with the auction! And for a good cause too. Oh yum. Very yum. Lickable yum. As for the blog itself, I think it has to be hard to see someone in a role that you identify with so much. IMO, he wrote a good blog that really highlighted the good about Clay, and the play itself. OK, after this weekend...lots of celebrating...I think it's bedtime already. Hee.
  3. Intermission reports from CV~ From toni via irishbookgal at CV
  4. More stagedoor Clay from bigappleforClay Clack Unlimited download... *sigh* He looks so happy. I'm so happy.
  5. Ya'll can thank me later, for leaving my computer for a while, causing a blog. Hee. When I was out to dinner with hubby, I wondered what that smell was. Now I know...Clay's farts actually smell good! And he loves us, he really really loves us. Schmoopieness abounds. My hubby got me the Playbill Broadway yearbook for my birthday, as well as a day spa to be used at a future date. I think I'll keep him. Clay looks so cute in that video. I now love the hair again. Thanks for all the reports from tonight! EEEEEEEEEE!
  6. From this page (a place I would bookmark if I were you)...
  7. theatermania.com Attending the Tale Clay's picture is the third one down, with the following caption:
  8. One more thing... I've read a few SPECULATIONS that the reason the hair is semi-spiked is so Clay can return (or did return) to Scrubs for the finale. That would be way cool. But we'll just have to see, won't we?
  9. Playbill.com "Idol" Finalist Aiken Returns to Broadway's Spamalot Sept. 19
  10. Playbill.com "Idol" Finalist Aiken Returns to Broadway's Spamalot Sept. 19
  11. Broadworld.com Clay Aiken Returns as 'Sir Robin' in Spamalot 9/19- 1/4
  12. Broadworld.com Clay Aiken Returns as 'Sir Robin' in Spamalot 9/19- 1/4
  13. Morning everyone! After only four hours of sleep last night, I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed...only not. Hee. While I'm disappointed that me being away from the computer last night did not result in a blog or a picture of Parker with his father, I'm very happy that it resulted in a new picture of Clay! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Nice suit! Nice tie! Nice glasses! Hair? Uh, gotta get used to that again...but I'll love it by the end of the day today. Thread title poll at the top of the page! Geez, it was my birthday, and I still have to work around here. LOL. At least I'm pretty sure the other admins will have to, you know, star the next thread... Cotton -- BWAH! And I'd go to that show in a heartbeat...love me some Brad P.
  14. FYI...I've collected up thread title for the next go-around here! If you have any more, please add to that thread...and then hopefully Angela and Ansa will get the poll put up soon!
  15. Collecting all that I've found for this go around. I'm figuring that we'll suddenly burn up the latest thread over the weekend, and I won't be around to "collect the data," as it were. From keepingfaith: From playbiller: From Iseeme: From ????: And From cindilu2: From merryclay: From ????: From annabear: From couchie: And finally, from cindilu2: Thanks jmh!
  16. Oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfast foods. I actually have a recipe, thanks to my favorite celebrity chef, Alton Brown, for an overnight oatmeal, made in the crockpot. The hardest part was usually finding the steel cut oats, which is a particular type of oatmeal -- but lately I've found them in my local grocery store. This particular recipe also has dried fruit in it, which reconstitutes as it cooks overnight. Yummy. And I just found this... couchie, you've never heard of pumpkin pie spice? Wow. If you need more later, let me know, it's plentiful in these parts. Lotus, "Young at Heart" is on my Netflix queue. I read about it a few months ago and knew I needed to see it. Sounds like a blast. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I'm going to watch my hubby jam with his band friends tonight, and then will spend most of the weekend doing things I want to do...which seems to be a lot of eating out. LOL. I'll try to check in when I can. BTW, I'm really expecting Clay to blog tonight, just because I'm not going to be near a computer. Always seems to happen that way. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that quote. I think I'll laugh. claytonic, I love your quotations like these... Ansa -- we will meet someday, I am sure. Hopefully in Chicago next year, for the next Clay Aiken tour! Always knew Clay couldn't count very well... I've really honestly never stressed about birthdays...and so I laugh whenever I think about Clay stressing over his 30th. Hopefully he'll learn that life really begins at 30 (IMO). 42. (Douglas Adams joke...) aikim, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, and I hope the wedding goes well. gbmifan, I hope your child's wedding is good as well. Please tell us more about the feather bowling... I hope he's undressed from the waist down. And that I can lick the icing.... How cute! This should be another pin! *waves at Pink Armchair* Thanks for checking in! Wow, those auction items are great! In a weird way, I'd love to that that silly bust of him.
  17. Hee...wrong hair... Now the questions is...which IT hair? Could it be fedora hair? LOL.
  18. Paula's Party I think this will be very interesting... Spikes, huh? Heh. The always changing Broadway/pop star strikes again.
  19. We were worried about you desertrose. Glad you checked in, and that everyone is safe! Now all we need to hear from is keepingfaith...hope she is OK.
  20. LaLate is pop-up hell (even with pop-up blockers), and so I try to avoid it like the plague. JMO, of course. Hee. Reading Time magazine online today, and I found this article: Celebrity Worship: Good for Your Health? I find this kind of topic fascinating, since I've pretty much been a fangirl since I was 4, and pretty much have been one for my entire life.
  21. Not in my opinion. Oh wait, that was my opinion...this is gonna turn into a viscious circle real fast, ain't it? The thing is...it may SEEM that some think an opinion is "right or wrong." But opinions are really just that, opinions. Own them. And then, be prepared if someone doesn't hold the same opinion. Or a lot of "someones." I personally don't know what is going on with Clay's personal life. Having said that, my suspicions are that Parker (and Jaymes) will be joining Clay in NYC very soon, if they aren't there now. Some fathers get back to work almost immediately after the birth. Some fathers keep close contact with the new baby for a year or more. Some fathers balance between the two. Some bring their new babies along with them right away on trips. Some don't. IMO -- it's Clay's choice, and we'll never know. And that's my opinion. Heh. I just finished watching "Jon & Kate Plus 8" on TLC. If you don't know the premise, this is a RL set of parents with one set of twins (age 7) and one set of sextuplets (age 4). The episode this evening had them flying to Salt Lake City from their home in Pennsylvania. I would NEVER have done that. And yet, the Mom chose to take these kids on the trip. My point? Every family makes their own personal choices about what is right or wrong for their family.
  22. As a librarian, I've been following this story closely. From good old snopes.com, they debunk the "list of books." From what I understand, there was never a list. However... This link from American Libraries gives a pretty good summary of what Sarah Palin did. I'm still fuming about it.
  23. Regarding sump pumps -- if you do have one, get a battery back-up for it. When we moved into our house, we found our sump pump worked perfectly...until the power went out. A disaster was averted because I checked on it when we had an ice storm after a bunch of rain and the water in the pit was thisclose to spilling out. Since then, the batter back-up has been a life saver for us. Our sump pump has worked overtime this past weekend, but it has survived. I know of a LOT of people though that have had flooding. bottlecap, thanks for the new countdowns. MUAH! Well, I get to be the ONLY full-time librarian at my workplace today. Everyone is either sick, jury duty, or dealing with floods. See y'all later!
  24. Please add me and LrdJocelyn for Monday, December 29!
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