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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I personally appreciate the sentiment....but since so many of us read the board serendipitously at work....I would tend to stay away from a thread title that has the "f" word (or any other curse word) in it.
  2. CG, good luck on getting in. I'd forgotten that you live so close to the QVC studios. BTW, I read on getclayaiken that Barry Manilow sold 40,000 of his CD when he was on last. Not to emphasize the Barry connection or anything....but that's a buttload of CD's if Clay sells that many.... Gibby, I too am loving your posts on the musical analysis. I could definitely hear the ISY connection...and yes, muski, I can hear a bit of "That's What Friends Are For" too. *pets new signature addition lovingly*
  3. April 7, midnight: AOL Popeater Premiere of the song "On My Way Here" April 7: mp3.com Webisode (second in a series, started with AOL in March)
  4. I'm in for $250. Me too. Although I've heard he has a gadget.... Heard? Heck, I think any of us who've seen Clay on Spamalot, in the "guard killed dead" scene, has seen at least a HINT of his gadget!
  5. muski, I tried like crazy to scroll, but I just couldn't. I like to learn other opinions...and then share my own. *g* (BTW, :F_05BL17blowkiss: at you too!) I'm pretty much with KAndre in that what you hear as "sing-songy," I hear as "major earworm." The feel of the melody is what sticks with me, and that, to me, is what will cause me to wake singing the song. And IMO, I think the repitition is what keeps people remembering the hook. Most popular songs emphasize the hook by repeating them over and over again. To answer, your question -- yes, that is a guitar at the beginning, along with a solo piano. While I do love this arrangement, strings and all, I think hearing it as a stripped down version would be quite cool. Actually, I'm waiting for the AOL Sessions version any day now. (The version of MOAM from AOL is what made me finally LOVE that song....) As for "commercial success" for the song -- man, that's a hard one to actually define. Will it sell albums? Will it get played on the radio? I know not, in either instance. But I'm at the point that it seems Clay wants this type of music, and you know simpleton me.....if it makes him happy, I'm good to go. Honestly....I'm a bit afraid of the Kipper statement, "people will say "THAT'S Clay Aiken?"" right now, for it seems to me that people are putting their hopes and dreams on that, and not finding it with this particular song. As couchie said, this is only one track of the album, and I don't think it totally fair to try to emphasize the surprise factor on this one track. We'll just have to see. *off to listen again* YAY for annabear, and BWAH to playbiller. I vote "gizmo."
  6. Yes, I'm working....what of it? Heh. I had thought this morning that reminded me of something from a couple of years ago in this fandom. IMO, the first 9 months of 2006 was one big bunch of angst with a portion of the fandom, including my (then) home board. My thought during that time was that I personally had to have FAITH in Clay Aiken -- that my faith in him would allow me to enjoy whatever he had in store for us, and would prevent me from worrying about him. I even took it so far to have my personal designation changed to "you gotta have faith," because that song from George Michael kept running through my head whenever I would think of that faith that I had for Clay at the time. And now... "Faith has conquered fear....on my way here." And I just get all schmoopie.
  7. Gee, I can't tell...do ya'll like the song? I mean, really -- get off the fence, one way or the other! *g* The last time I listened to the song last night, it hit me in the freakin' gut. And the tears came. I totally see how the songs fits into Clay's life, and how it is simply HIM. At the same time, I can see how the chorus fits to MY life too. I've never been good at taking chances in my life, especially now in my life. So, now -- oh God, now I'm crying AGAIN. This is soooooo good. *waves to our newest non-lurker, Cori Clayverted*
  8. OK, I'm going to bed now...a very happy woman! 'night all!
  9. *sigh* I'm in love. Amazing performance, amazing vocals, cool instrumentation, and yes, I got the lyrics -- fantastic! "Faith has conquered fear -- on my way here." Wow.
  10. jmh, I totally agree with you on the harmonizing in that medley. It was a perfect blend of all four voices. Plus, each one had a great solo during that medley. I too laugh at the guys singing "Woman in Love." But for some reason, the thing that really cracked me up was what I called the "Bohemian Rhapsody" setup for "Good Morning Mr. Sunshine." Loved, loved, loved that staging. Wasn't that the week Oprah visited?
  11. I always loved Clay dancing with Ruben's Mom.
  12. I'm watching Rewind right now, and I'm having the same damn reaction to Grease that I did 5 years ago -- grinning from ear to ear! Oh, God, I love this performance. The first time I saw that he had real cajones, IMO, and I loved every minute of it! I too loved that pimp commercial -- favorite thing ever! And I loved the group medley from the top 4 too, I thought that was the best group medley during the entire run.
  13. muski -- I wasn't doing my taxes (need to get those filed this week) but my wallpaper changer came upon this picture (by sapphire): And I immediately said to myself -- "Good Lord, he looks sooooooooo young." And what an angular face at that point. I think he needed some weight at that point. He seems to be at a good place right now. Anyway, isn't it amazing how much he's changed in 5 years -- and yet, he looks the same. It's so strange. I'm going to try to stay up to make the AOL thing tonight. I hope I make it.
  14. Do we know there will be one? We haven't had lyrics in his previous Cd's, right? Which is something I RILLY RILLY want! Good point! I hope he does provide lyrics this time, though. Hugs to all those who have tickets for this afternoon....
  15. I think the blog article said that the interview in USA Weekend wouldn't be until May 11 (right after the CD comes out, and also Mother's Day). I will be virginal for the complete album, but not for the radio single. *g* Actually, with the way Clay's talking about this album, I think my first listen for this album will be something I haven't done in a LONG time: I will sit down, in front of the good stereo. I will put the CD in the player and hit play. And then....I will take the lyric booklet and follow along. If Clay's making such a big deal about these lyrics, I want to make sure I hear them properly! And then, I'll put the CD into my car stereo after that first listen and get the music/melody side of the equation.
  16. Thread title? What a great story. Thanks for bringing it over laljeterfan!
  17. I don't think Clay was exactly saying "don't call" so much as "call, but keep your reactions in check." I've heard WAY too many stories of fans who did call their local radio stations, right format for Clay, etc. -- and then either two things would happen. Either the DJ turned out to be a first class ass with some rude comments (which, IMO, the best thing to do is say "sorry you feel that way. Goodbye."), or, the person doing the calling gushes and gushes and gushes, and it turns into first class overkill. I know that Clay is the best thing to happen for many of us, and we (royal) want to share that excitement. But, just as I hated "Titanic" because almost everyone told me I would simply LOVE that movie, the same thing can happen with Clay if the reactions go OTT. And also what Clayzor said. kf -- MUAH! Glad to hear Mom is doing better. I'm at work now, trying to do some things before I head out with hubby to the local car show. I will be proudly wearing my new "Brave Sir Robin" shirt. *g*
  18. Post-hoing to respond to Clayzor... I think you just answered your own question regarding why Clay doesn't just post a blog as you suggested. I feel that some don't WANT to learn this lesson. Too much power involved. I think he could hit some of them with a sledgehammer and they still wouldn't want to get it. Having said that....as much as I find it personally distatsteful....they are, in essence, FANS of Clay. Their behaviors may suggest "good or bad," but I'm going to to not judge them for that. I'm just going to decide whether I want to hang with those people that I find do things that make me cringe...or not. It's why I don't go to many boards any more, and I stick with my little world at FCA, because I found my blood pressure boiling over certain behaviors of certain members, and I knew I couldn't change them....but I could change my reaction to them, by basically disassociating myself. The words "good fan" and "bad fan" make me cringe too. I'm not going there. I know it's hard not to be judgmental, and I'm certainly not perfect, but I've got to TRY. And yes, I realize that my "vent" last night was maybe not the best thing to post on a message board. Sometimes, though....I can't help it.
  19. Couldn't cut a WORD out of this post (heh), I think atinal summed it all up quite nicely. IMO, it seems that some in the fandom need a cut-and-dried "someone/something" to blame whenever something doesn't quite work to their standards for Clay. Unfortunately, the world isn't black and white. I can see every single one of these reasons being a piece of the puzzle in regards to radio play. I don't think any of them has more or less importance, and I also don't think blame should go to just one piece. The music business, just as in any business, is totally complicated. Like I really know anything about it. Heh. Do I think that "perfect storm" will happen for Clay? Actually, yes, I do. Why? Well, let me tell you a story. I searched high and low for a husband in my twenties. Nothing much happened. By the time I hit my thirties, I was frustrated as hell....and finally said, "I give up." Stopped looking entirely. Of course, this is when I met my now-husband. I think if some fans can let go of the "he MUST be on radio," it might actually happen. As for Clay -- if he's got this attitude of not caring as much, IMO he'll either get radio play (thanks to some great songs) or he'll be in a better place mentally to deal with it. One more thing: I reread that whole story again, and the thing that jumped out at me was that Clay asked the fans to try and guess the reason why. I think that is very interesting. It seems to me that he was trying to get "us" (royal) to look at our behaviors a bit...to see that maybe our enthusiasm, while he appreciates it, may be that infamous double-edged sword. Of course, when he blogs about "not reading things into every word he writes," people still did it. He can't win for losing. ____ In other things...claytonic, I've thought about getting the electronic book version of LTS, but never did it. If I remember right, though -- the paperback version has the same pictures as the hardback version. I'll keep an eye out for a hardcover version for you! YAY for aikim daughter! cha cha, your site is gorgeous!
  20. Thank you all for letting me know about the public knowledge of the publicity people for the press release (and waves to calclay in the process!). I guess I still find it a bit squicky, not necessarily because it IS public, but I think it's more like jmh said.... I know that she's using "exaggeration for effect," but....I guess I've been around this fandom long enough to know that someone, somewhere will take it upon themselves to contact people. And it takes just one person. And then, I think -- what are these people doing in Clay's business? Sure, it is interesting to know who Clay's PR people are. But it also seems to me that the curiosity then becomes MORE, and frankly, I don't feel it's my business to be part of Clay's business. My "job" in this whole thing is to buy his music, watch him on TV, attend his concerts, squee appropriately, sigh at the pretty pictures of the man, and (in my case) help run a fan board for him. I get frustrated at behaviors I see that try to do more than that. Reading muski's latest post here...it almost fits into what I'm talking about. When it was 2003, I did help a bit try to get him on the radio, placing a few phone calls now and then. Never got much of anywhere, but then, I live in Podunk. But I also did remember reading about discussions with DJ's that others had, and I frequently got a vibe of "I'd like to hear the DJ's side of the story." Three sides to every story, as Don Henley wrote -- yours, mine, and the truth. I can see this happening. Anyway....I love the man dearly, but I think he's a grown adult who has people around him who can take care of stuff for him, without my help. He doesn't need protection, or career guidance, from me. I just want to be a fan, and while I know I can't force others to be the same way....doesn't mean I can't wish for that. I think I need to go to bed. I'm in a bad mood, I feel. ETA: Thankful...again, three sides to every story. I think payola is only one piece of the puzzle, and we really don't know how big of a piece that is. Just as we don't know how many fans are spamming radio stations. And Clay knows about the people who try to "correct" people when they write something about him. He mentioned it to Ken Barnes at USA Today. I hate to say this, but sometimes stereotypes are based on a grain of truth.
  21. Adding another reply to...well, vent a bit. Does it seem weird to others besides me that we now know that this Amazon list is now "phony?" I mean, I thought it was kinda cool, and I guess I liked the illusion of it all. So I had no reason to follow up with Amazon to check the veracity of the list. *shrug* I also am reading elsewhere that people now know the person (and company) that came up with the press release....name, address, telephone number, etc. Again, I'm finding it a bit...unnerving. I understand that people were questioning who wrote this, originally because it wasn't signed. But I went back through my files, and the ATDW press release wasn't signed either. And maybe my memory is faulty (it very well could be), but I don't remember others looking around for who wrote THAT release. As a matter of fact, I'm seeing lots of interesting parallels between the release publicity for ATDW and OMWH. The press release timing is almost the same; also, the release of the first single. The first public place to see the release in both instances? USA Today. I honestly think the TV promos will be similar as well. Of course, I suppose this all means that RCA isn't supporting OMWH either. [/snerk]
  22. Don't look at me, I just do the polls and the basics of the banner changing.
  23. Reality TV Magazine blog Clay Aiken's CD Explores His Own Journey
  24. Idol Chatter Blog on usatoday.com My (Brief) Encounter with Clay
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