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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. OK Magazine! Clay Aiken: I Haven't Watched Idol in Four Years!
  2. Either it's "Clay time frame" or else, since it's OK magazine, it's lazy journalism: Clay Aiken: I Haven't Watched Idol in Four Years!
  3. LOVE THESE! God. I'm dead. And I'm betting couchie is wishing she could change her avatar with one of these... This is cool too! Love it that the tie picture is winning handily. *g* stacialynn at getclayaiken is a MySpace friend of Sean McDaniels, and she received this bulletin from him today (posted with permission): Interesting that the checks go directly to Jerome. Hee.
  4. muski, clayaikenpix had on their front page a few pics of the Clyra, but they've since taken them down. And I was a bad fan and neglected to save even the small links. I don't do it often, but I have done it in the past. I know I did it at least once in the past few months where I did some search for Clay and had the Spamalot web page come up as a sponsored link. I clicked on it....and I think I probably ended up with a ticket to the show. *g* I kind of figure that google has to pay their bills somehow, so once in a great while, I'll click on a link. *g* I love how both claytonic and atinal came to basically the same conclusion about ATDW: "new music FROM Clay." I'm kind of in-between both of them in that I knew and loved some of the songs he picked, and knew and HATED some of the songs he picked. But, I kept my mind open, because it was new music FROM Clay. And I truly appreciated those people who listened to the album a few times, said "I can't get into this" and let it go. IMO, at least they tried. But the feeling I got from more than a few was that they didn't even TRY. This was pretty much the story from the critics (and actually I expected that), but also within the fandom itself. It really made me sad when this became apparent to me. AND -- in 25 days, we'll get MORE new music FROM Clay. EEEEE!
  5. *vows to renew minionship to KAndre* But if it's at an airport, no problem, right? And how is that iGallop anyway? Sadly, that may be a problem now. They've disabled the "right click and save" on all their high res pictures.
  6. Yes! And again, I think Spamalot has a lot to do with that. There hasn't been a lot of TIME for the fans to be moaning about stuff, because there's been all kinds of recaps and stage doors and such. *pets the pretty that is ATDW* I'll drink to that! PERISH THE THOUGHT!!!!! And I would never kill you. But of course, there are other forms of torture. I could take away all your clack! Ah, but I have hidden stashes of clack. You'll never find it all! Heh. muski, I was talking to Ansa about this same thing the other day. The difference between the first verse and second verse is so very amazing to me -- the sweetness of talking about his childhood vs. the solid storytelling of standing up for himself. And he does it all with just changes in his voice. It's a beautiful performance.
  7. merrieeee -- preorder from iTunes, wasn't that on the 21st? And of course QVC on the 28th. I've been keeping an eye on the Sony/BMG website too.
  8. My plan is $0.15 per text SENT; but I don't think there is one for texts received. I'm not sure though.
  9. Gibby, I really like "academic" Clay too -- and think that if he had his glasses on in that picture, it would kill me. (Or else, CG would kill me...*g*) couchie, I think the main difference this time with the promo is really Spamalot. That's provided Clay with a LOT more opportunities for publicity that he didn't have with ATDW. I still don't believe that ATDW fell from the sky though -- I think there was more out there than people wanted to admit, it just didn't have the -- apologies to those who don't like the word -- "narrative." As I said, though, in many ways, the timing is the same with the promos for both albums; it's just that this time with have a hot Broadway star to deal with as well. *g* ETA: Cool new website! Who is Gupta media?
  10. Here ya go couchie! April 7: Call 919.883.5111 on your cellphone, and receive a message from Clay! At that point, if you hit 1 when asked, you will join Clay’s “team” and you’ll get two text messages from Clay on your cellphone. The first text message thanks you for joining the Clay Aiken mobile group; the second one gives a link to a web page where you can download a ringtone for your mobile phone of Clay saying: There will be other text messages as the album release gets closer to May 6.
  11. Is that a "come to mama look?" I think so. *renames self "mama"* laughn, YSRN, and bottlecap, I hope you both have a wonderfully safe trip, and that you enjoy seeing boyfriend in his starring role in Spamalot! So maybe Clay's "Tour Family" is getting together again? Maybe for Tyra? EEEEEEEEE! I think it's cool that his "tour family" is meeting his "Broadway family" and that his Mom is there as well. A bit of harmonic convergence, I would say. Heh. I think you need new slippers. Killer bunny slippers. Heh. *damn it, beaten to the joke several times* I too think that ATDW was put out there partially to deal with the "crap" -- but I still love it dearly. I've also been thinking about a comparison of the publicity between ATDW and this....and I honestly don't think that the publicity was THAT different. In many ways, the timing is the same -- the release of the single; the press release; heck, even about 3 weeks before ATDW we discovered ringtones from the album. IMO, it's just a different feeling about this release that is FAN driven. More excitement because it's an album of originals. Don't get me wrong, I love the promo for OMWH dearly, and I'm sure there will be differences. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not a marketing expert, but the promo seems somewhat similar to me at this point.
  12. April 8: Planet Hollywood (NYC) Handprint ceremony
  13. broadway.com Spamalot Star Clay Aiken Lends a Hand to Planet Hollywood
  14. The Insider Online New Video! Clay Aiken in NYC
  15. Me thinks Professor Aiken is definitely hawt. Stick a fork in me. I'm done.
  16. To pass the time while we wait a few more weeks for a new episode... Three seasons. One word.
  17. I think Clay's said in a few interviews that by now, even HE doesn't know what his real hair color is! Hee. Another busy day at work for me. Ciao!
  18. I can get the texting, but one of the messages that they send you is a website that gives you an mp3 ringtone (which I CANNOT do with my cellphone). But I loaded it on my web browser. "Hey, I know ya'll recognize this voice. Yep, that's right, it's Clay Aiken, and I'm telling you, you MUST pick up your phone right now. It's really important, you don't want to miss this call." Heh. Clay's voice as a ringtone. Heh.
  19. And MORE Planet Hollywood Pictures See, all you need is for me to go away to a conference for a day (IT'S DONE! WHOO!!), and you get new clack from Clay. You can thank me all later. [/big head moment] He sure does love that purple shirt/purple tie combination. And some of those pictures that muski posted a link? They skeer me. What the heck was he doing with his face? *g*
  20. muski, I understand what you're saying about Clay's fan base growing and expanding. I love seeing new faces in the crowd at Clay's concerts; love meeting new people on Clay fan boards who literally "just" discovered him (such as our own kf with the AI5 appearance); and the like. The thing is, though -- I think Clay's talent is the main reason he'll get new fans. Let his talent speak for itself -- like the blogger mentioned earlier, who heard him ONCE and that was pretty much it for him. Clay's got his foot in the door in so many things (besides radio) that I think he'll continue to have a career for a long time. He'll continue to be on Jimmy Kimmel; that almost always seems to bring in a few new people to appreciate him. He'll continue to do other talk shows, and maybe one day have that talk show of his own. Spamalot seems to be doing a great thing for him as well. And if he does get radio in his career (someday), that will help as well. I still believe a lot of this within the fandom is impatience. "We" want it all for him, and "we" want it all for him NOW. But Clay seems to be taking a different path in that regard. He's building his career....one brick at a time. Or in this case, one new fan at a time. I truly believe that by the time I'm gone from this earth, the name "Clay Aiken" will be one remembered as a guy with a fantastic career -- and that generations to come will know his name as well. I'm out today, major conference that I've been planning for the past few months. Not many registrants though. Oh well. Anyway -- everyone have a great day! ____ From Ms. Marm at the CH:
  21. EEEEEEEEEEEE for the iTunes preorder! EEEEEEEEEEEE for the iTunes bonus track! EEEEEEEEEEEE for the iTunes BOOKLET!! HA! We're getting a booklet! I hope it has the lyrics. Edgy? Um...U2 is Edgy. 'Cause they have a guitarist named "The Edge." *thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week, try the veal!*
  22. Talks about having one producer for the album, and so the vibe recording this album has been very laid back. "No one has whipped me yet to get something out!" (I think that's the gist, but it could be that I've been hanging with muski too long....) The last albums, the different producers had their own favorite studio musicians, and also frequently the tracks were done except for his vocals. This time, he's been there to hear the recording of the backing music, and it's been another new "family" for him, getting to know these musicians. He's now got his family at the theater, the family in the studio, and the family he takes on the road.
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