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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. *sniff* I'm going to miss couchie while she's away.... ...but she's told me she'll call a few times, so I guess it won't be so bad, huh? Have a great time, my friend. Yes. However, I will say until the cows come home that the reason RCA gave him a more freedom for this album is because of the negotiations for ATDW. I'm POSITIVE that there had to be some "give and take" 2 years ago between him and RCA. My opinion is that he KNEW if he did what his bosses asked of him last time, he'd get more leeway THIS time. To me, it's been a successful journey. He also knew, IMO, that he had time in his career to get the album he wanted, and that there would be detours along the way. I still don't believe that many of the fans believed that -- they needed the LAST album to be THE ONE. Unfortunately, I don't see much of Clay Nation as particularly patient. In my case, though -- I tried to be. I love ATDW, and am going to love this one as well. Totally agree on all points. I know I've said this many times here -- that by his not "trying" for radio play, he'll either GET it this time, or else he'll be totally prepared if it doesn't happen. I'm ready for either scenario as well. Of course, I'll be happier if he does get radio play... I listened to the clips a few times last night, and will put them away now. I'm with jmh that my enjoyment of the full album will come when I actually HAVE the full album. I still don't know which song is which except for a few. I will say, though, that while I like the uptempo ones (such as Falling) as fun, boppy songs, I'm just more enthralled by the ballads that showcase his voice, like The Real Me.
  2. Mother's Day greeting? WHERE?!?!?! Nebbermind. Found it.
  3. Hell, I'll listen to the snippets....twice. New Raisealot auction: Signed score of Spamalot
  4. Upcoming on the Tyra Banks show Look on the left hand side for Wednesday's 500th episode show. Brief glimpse of Clay...but he's in the section she's titled "superstars." I like that.
  5. Like...I think you're right...but like, we're not totally sure...like, maybe it might be TITN...like, it might not be too. *g*
  6. Iseeme, according to this beauty from Clay's MySpace page (which I just wanted to post the link again, because I love all the banners in it), KMart is offering a special poster with purchase. cha cha, I think a Canadian can pre-order OMWH using Canadian iTunes. They cannot, however, pre-order the special edition of OMWH from WalMart -- they need to have a friend in the states get one for them. ETA: I also have plenty of KMart's around me -- one 5 minutes from my house. I've got merrieeee covered.
  7. Don't forget the signed Playbills and the posters. I actually think the Playbills might be getting them even more money -- they are more affordable than most of the other collectibles for this drive out there. Sorry, I read that and it made me think of Clay with the hat on backwards doing the fake rapper thing from the NAT. BWAH! P.S. For those who've not seen it before (or haven't in a while) --
  8. luckiest, I wondered that too.... That's almost $51,500.00 there.
  9. Walk on role with Clay in Spamalot -- $4725. I'm surprised that this went as low as it did. Link Congrats spooky!
  10. Dinner with Clay Aiken and cast of Spamalot -- $22855.00 (started at $14,780.00 an hour ago). Link The dinner bid effectively doubled his earning power. *g*
  11. Iseemee, you have to go to the "completed" listings to see the final price. Clay's gloves went for $5755.00 (up from $3290 with 56 minutes remaining). Link Working with Sean ended up going for $711.00
  12. Heh...actually, it went for $6278.88. Link And it started at 3351.00 with 50 minutes left in the bidding.
  13. washingtonpost.com Post Rock: Six Questions For...Clay Aiken ___ From Clay Aiken, the Same Old Refrain
  14. Well, they must -- they've let me, a twelve-year-old, have one. *g* Anyone else having trouble getting into the CH? I can get into most other websites just fine, but not the CH. I'll try it when I get to work in a few minutes. I just noticed this disclaimer on the Spamalot bidding: Wonder if they turned away a few bidders because Jerome recognized their name? I also just noticed that they've changed the date of the dinner with the cast -- the listing is wrong. It will be held this weekend (APRIL 26). OK, off to work. *sigh* OTOH, that's where I will update the news section on FCA with the articles luckiest1 found!
  15. I'm crashing fast....too much adrenaline earlier tonight, so now I'm hitting a wall. Just wanted to pop in to say that I'm happy to see txflwrgirl and that she has a really great son. Glad you had a great time this past weekend!
  16. I love that they showed the "Idol of my Age" part. Hee. Wow. What a day. And it's only going to get better in the next few weeks, isn't it?
  17. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Nice piece on Clay on Broadway on AI tonight! That was really, really cool! He's so freakin' CUTE!
  18. Posting from my PDA w/wireless access. Did ya'll get boyfriend's latest text? He wants you to call him, and then he asks if you've seen him in Spamalot. I love getting messaged by Clay. *g* Nice banner cha cha!
  19. You mean you don't add his appearances to your daily planner calendar? I certainly do -- it was one of the last things I did before leaving work today. Buy them all? Well, I guess maybe that's only in my case. And for this, I don't care how big my credit card balance will be! Gah! What a beautiful set of pictures. I honestly can't pick a favorite at this point. I love the "shadow/looking over the city of NYC" one very much, because it's kind of "arty." But the one with the KMart ad? Wow. Those eyes. And I love that can see the texture in that blue shirt for the iTunes ad. He's so gorgeous.
  20. Sorry to "drop and run" but ETOnline has picked up the QVC blurb for the album.
  21. The latest via the RCA Marketing Guy, from the CH: I'm very intrigued by the Craig Ferguson appearance. And I think I read somewhere lately that CF recently beat Conan's ratings. Heh.
  22. Clay said: That number is amazing...and a good one for him.
  23. prnewswire.com Multi-Platinum Artist Clay Aiken to Make QVC® Debut
  24. EEEEEE! Adding a new post: prnewswire.com Multi-Platinum Artist Clay Aiken to Make QVC® Debut
  25. Hey Canadians! Good job! From lindylo at the CH: I've also heard that Clay is now number 5 on the American side of iTunes (not sure which chart though, and I don't have iTunes on my work computer for some silly reason).
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