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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Wasn't me couchie, I'd never kick you off your own board.... jmh -- I think the beauty of this upcoming tour is that he'll get a LOT more men in attendance. Why? Two things: 1) the romance factor. Wooing a pretty lady by taking her to a show with some good romantic music (and Invisible thrown in for good measure *g*) will help later that night, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. 2) Many families will attend the outdoor shows -- Mom, Dad and the kids. It's a win-win situation, IMO -- he'll gain a houseful of fans, not just an individual.
  2. That's true play -- but I guess I see the "die-hards" as the ones being up in front. The ones that stay connected via the internet. The ones that chat with their friends (such as we are now, heh). And that die-hard group is definitely over 40 and female. The question really becomes -- who is a casual fan? Does Clay have casual fans of the male persuasion? The younger persuasion? I believe he does...but they are not traveling all over the country for him. And I think most of the casual fans give two twits about marketing. They just see the CD on the shelf, or (ideally) hear a song on the radio (hot AC, IMO), and buy a copy. Simple. Painless.
  3. This is the most insightful sentence I've seen in a LONG time. Thank you.
  4. I know I already proposed to YSRN this evening -- KAndre, are you into polygamy? *g* I'm proud to be "Clay's market demographic." Just because I'm a female and approaching middle age (some would say I'm there already)...does this mean that my money's not good? Does it have female cooties? As for expanding to other demographics -- listen, Clay doesn't care about cool all that much, IMO. So getting those teen age boys to buy his album (even if it is a heavy metal disc) is probably pretty low on his list of priorities.
  5. play, I think it could be WY (if he's looking for big and bombastic, like Solitaire)....or it could be LAA (for the soft and quiet, such as ICMYLM (sorry YSRN)). Final question for the night: 6) What is Clay's market demographic at the moment? What do you think should be Clay's market demographic? How can any of these demographics be expanded?
  6. I think the opening song will be RHW -- with Clay striding onto the stage as if he owns the place! I also don't think there's going to be much of a "set," not enough room on the stage!
  7. Agree! Hee. I think he was really getting scared there for a minute that he only had 5000 fans that follow him around. That's gotta be kinda freaky! Especially when those same 5000 like to sit in the front row! Hmmmm...that reminds me of the last question.... But that's in about 5 minutes.
  8. Hair discussion, tomorrow night. *g* ITA. I'm not sure that symphonies = cheap for touring, but I think he got a major rush last Christmas performing with all those orchestras. First of all, that rush of sound behind him had to be major cool. But also, he got to control a LOT of people. I bet that felt pretty good too. Forgot about LAA....IF he does sing it (and I'm not positive he will either), I think it might be the encore. {{{{{{{those not getting to a show this year}}}}}}}}}}}
  9. I definitely think the focus of the music for the tour will be ATDW. I'm wondering if there will be a song that gets left out, and I'm deathly afraid that this song will be BW!!! (I HOPE NOT!!!) MOAM songs as well -- especially MOAM itself. I also giggle every time I think of him doing Invisible on this tour. Will he do new songs? Maybe one or two. I think he may also pull a cover out that didn't make any album or digital download. I think what I'm most excited about with the tour are the arrangements. I'm looking forward to the extra lush sound of the orchestra backing him. I also think Q&A will be there (Angela singing the Suzi part on IWKWLI), and I hope that Daniel the bass player is back -- love him.
  10. Ansa -- why would David Foster want Clay? Because he's a) a singer! I mean, a real singer -- and DF likes those. DF likes money, right? Hee. Question 5: 5) The Upcoming Tour -- what songs will he sing? Who will be with him besides the orchestra? What will the musical arrangements be like?
  11. Yes, a duet or collaboration would make me HAPPY! It could work in a couple of ways too -- someone who is a bigger star than Clay, working with him, bringing him up to that level. Or, CLAY could be considered the star, and work with a new up-and-comer. What I'd like is for that mythical collaboration to get a movie soundtrack. Do we need two more minutes here?
  12. Oh yeah, forgot the "where" question. Will he continue with RCA? While I have no facts on this whatsoever, I think his contract is still probably with RCA. I can see David Foster's label collaborating with them though. I do think that if he DOES leave RCA, he'll go with another company that will still try to fit him into a box, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the crooner/song stylist box too. Also, I think companies will be falling all ove themselves to sign him if RCA ever does let him go. This is one of those topics where I get kinda mean -- because I think heads would explode if he does resign with RCA, and for some reason, I get hungry for popcorn when that happens. You know, that's a fantastic point. I would venture that while he's proud of MOAM, it felt like a major rush job to him. I'm sure he doesn't want that kind of feeling ever again.
  13. I'm sorry...was there a fan fiction free for all question that I missed? What? I bet there will be singing on it! When? When its ready! (tm Clay Aiken) Where? In a store near you - and online of course! How? Well, he'll go into a studio, sing and voila! Why? Because he needs to pay for that 9000 square foot house and feed the pups! OMG, I love all you guys! My opinions: I don't think this album is coming all that soon -- maybe by this time next year. Will it catch a buzz, after almost 2 years? Yeah, I think that's about a normal time for album releases any more, and I think it could happen [/cock-eyed optomist]. As far as what's on it though -- you know, I have no clue, and don't even feel like speculating. This is one of those things known as "I love the surprise." That's why I can go unspoilered before the album releases. I'm just along for the ride.
  14. Who let Paris Hilton in here? This is so much fun! Question 4: 4) The next album -- what? When? Where? How? Why?
  15. Just gotta send a :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Nelle, and ITA with your answer. I get the feeling (and I've been saying this a lot this evening) that many of the fans expect his musical direction to be set in stone by now. It's not, IMO -- and I don't think it ever will fully. He may be "just a singer," but ATDW showed to me that he's an artist too -- one that is in a growth period. He'll keep changing. Yep, muski is missing some prime smut. Heh.
  16. Musical direction -- one of the most overused concepts in the Clay Aiken fandom, IMO. Yes, I know that Clay is almost 30 years old...but does that mean he knows what he wants to do musically? I'm not totally sure about that. I mean -- some people don't settle on a career until their mid-40's or later. I guess I just feel that musically, Clay will do what he wants, even within given parameters. As someone said earlier, I think too that he chose all the songs for ATDW -- songs with pretty melodies. They are SINGER'S songs. Now, will he challenge himself in the future with something else? I have no idea!
  17. Or potty breaks. You know, for us old people. Oh yeah, that's the demographics question later.
  18. I definitely wouldn't. I wouldn't want that for my kid, or anyone else in my life either. Clay needs to stay on solid ground and that means working through life's issues right alongside the rest of us.... (like you said later, but I wanted to say it too!) YSRN, will you marry me? *g* Loved Ansa's reply to this one too! So, in summary, I think most people think that everyone wanted Clay to be a success. Capish? Question 3: 3) What do you think is Clay's "musical direction?"
  19. couchie, I'm glad you said that. I'd love for Clay to have everything in the world handed to him....but that's not the world as we know it. So, Clay puts his pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. (That's for muski) He's trying his best to be a success, and I think Roger/RCA/Clive want him to be a success too. I'm giving the topic 5 more minutes!
  20. YSRN, you speak the truth in my eyes. (BTW, I missed your earlier post -- fantastic viewpoint, I may have to go back to that later). As for Roger -- I think many of the fans think a couple of things: 1) Roger can just call people and they fall at his feet and say "we'll take Clay, sure!"; 2) Roger (or someone else) should have only Clay as a client. Neither of these things happen in the business from what I know. Publicists work for many artists, unless the artists is a huge superstar. I don't think Clay's there yet. And my first point kind of ties into Clay's star power as well, as Karen Eh? and couchie said -- he's still a celebrity, but the buzz from 3 years ago had dimmed a bit (reignited a bit during AI5 though). In the end, Roger is doing his job the best he can -- and if Clay didn't like what Roger was doing, I do believe Clay could have had that changed.
  21. RCA -- they are businessmen, pure and simple. Trying to get the best return for their dollar. So, where does the artist fit in there? Sometimes, it doesn't. I actually think Clay and RCA did a good job of some sort of compromise. Clive -- again, a businessman. And IMO, a successful one -- in a previous era in time. He may be a bit out of touch now, but that doesn't make him DUMB either (and that's the feeling I get from so many fans). Also, I really resent that because he LOOKS old, and is considered OLD in physical years by some, that they think he's stupid. That attitude burns my butt. Need to think about the Roger thing....back later.
  22. BINGO! Question 2: 2) RCA/Clive/Roger -- what do you think is the relationship between them and Clay?
  23. I'll give everyone 3 more minutes -- while I clean up the slight flood from my dishwasher. (Good news: tomorrow I get a new dishwasher, which I've wanted for a while!)
  24. Just quickly adding that I totally agree with couchie on the People article! It actually served two purposes -- it DID mention the album, but it talked about the gnats in an indirect way too. Only 2 minutes left -- want to go on with the next topic?
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