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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Yeah, that. Although, I think my first response was truly sadness -- sadness that it had to come to that. And then, pissed off that the whole thing basically just degenerated into one big ole pissing match. Stupid fucking idiots. Claygasm, that is a great point though about the "dirty laundry" aspect of it. I wish I wasn't that way either. I'm ashamed to say this, but I bet Clay blogs tonight. Meanwhile, on a more fun note or two... Thanks...I think we all could use that. Everyone can use a hug now and then. I really think "Gah...and stuff" should be a thread title.... Work with Clay? Or play with Clay? Your choice...
  2. Fur-lined handcuffs, right? RIGHT? Personally, I've always been intrigued by Clay's neckties and what could be done with those.... luckiest1, that's interesting about Macca (and no, I don't know the story either, sorry). Not even 200,000 sold for Paul McCartney? Wow. Man, the recording business sure has changed. Clay's doing good, IMO. ETA: According to this answer on allexperts.com, it's just a shortening of McCartney's last name, which is supposedly a common pracitce over in England. Very astute observation, and a damn fine paragraph too. I've always tried my best to see all different points of view. Granted, some days I just can't, or just won't. But the only way to learn is to read other viewpoints, and then try your best to see where this person is coming from. One of my favorites too -- I was so proud of him that night. BWAH!!!!!
  3. I think cindilu2 means THE WHOLE THING -- including "Moon River." There was a lot of footage that was hinted at in the previews for that show that was never shown. There's LOTS of early clips of his that I simply treasure too. One is the advertisement he did for the "Let's Just Play" on Nickelodeon. The one with him and the hula hoops on his arms. Adorable.
  4. Welcome oldnaiken! I hope you find this to be a welcoming place...and it sounds like you have a few other cool interests besides Clay! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. Why yes, muski, yes I did. I just thought I'd mention it again in case someone else missed it. :medium-smiley-070:
  6. Oooo, I'm gonna have pretty music at my wedding.... couchie, you realize that's like choosing your favorite child, you know? Man, that's really tough. I adore every and all appearances he's made on Kimmel -- he really shows his snarky self there, and the chemistry between the two of them is such a hoot. Conversely, I also love him when he appears on Leno. He does seem to turn to his "country boy" shtick when he's on the show, and I know that bugs some fans. But I really love those interviews too -- to me, it's just a different side of Clay. The combination package is what makes me love the man. BTW, did you see the package in those latest Leno photos? But I think I've gotta go with the Tyra show as my favorite appearance. Maybe it's just because I'd really like to BE Tyra during that show, because the man had the major flirts that day. Good Lord. No wonder it spawned a fiction story. From the strut out onto the stage to the final kiss at the end, he was smokin'. I'm drooling just thinking about this.
  7. I'll let you decide... I had trouble seeing them too this morning....and then they were there....and now they seem to be gone again. This is linked to my own photobucket site though.... And I'm marrying the first of these three pictures. Ya'll can come to the ceremony...no gifts though please. *g* *slaps on PP badge* Can we market these PP badges? Because I'm pretty positive I'm a member too. Proud of it too, damn it. But let me add a definition here, as couchie alluded too -- being a PP doesn't mean I think everything has gone fine with Clay's career. It really doesn't. It just means that I prefer to look at things in a positive light. So -- ATDW didn't sell a gazillion copies. Big deal. Clay will still be around for a long time to come. See, isn't that easy? Also, it doesn't give heartburn/high blood pressure/heart attacks. If I'm being truly honest -- I need to go through my bulging hard drives and delete almost everything. I really don't go back and watch a great deal of it either, and the stuff I DO watch more than once, I have burned to DVD already. I just hate the idea of "losing" all that clack. luckiest1, just a big fat WORD to your entire post.
  8. Ansa, your pictures didn't show up again....ETA, you fixed it. But I've got different ones. Neener neener. Heh. So, here they are: First of all, here's a link to a YouSendIt for a fantastic HIGH RES picture....I don't know how to post it in high res on the board though, but yousendit will get it to you.... http://download.yousendit.com/CBA785DA48345294 And the last 4: mee2u2 promises pictures from the Megan show later tonight....
  9. Oh my.... I think I do have a case of the vapors right now.... Dreaming is going to be very sweet tonight.
  10. I'll second that. Man, he looked so good that night. And I love that suit.
  11. Oh man, I take an afternoon off to get a bunch of errands done, and ya'll turn into a bunch of postwhores! But I can see why though too -- what a great class of new people here. :garfieldodie-grouphug: I really, really, really like your style. Your post made me smile so much. Thank you. Oh, and thank you for all the montages too....they are so fantastic. I can watch pictures of Clay scroll by on my computer screen for HOURS. cindilu2, I love your montages too. I'm shocked, I tell ya, shocked! Only not. *g* I think this sums me up too. I do have to admit that most of the singers during the NAT made me a little like "get out of the way, please"....but then there were some priceless ones too, and we couldn't have had them without having some bad too. But my point is that yeah, I go with the flow when I'm seeing Clay live, and then later, cuss myself out for being stuck in the Clay Aiken vacuum cleaner. Another reason why I'm a minion, because this sums me up pretty well too. I suppose I can deal with some venting...as long as it lasts no more than 5 minutes. And like KAndre, I too am learning that some of the complaints truly are just venting. I've learned a hell of a lot about myself by being in this fandom. Bolding mine. This sounds like the perfect song to sum up the :Tour3: And you would think I would know that, being a Star Trek fan and all. Talk about whiners if things weren't "cannon." But, I wasn't an internet Star Trek fan, and I think that's a big difference for me. I love that show, and thanks for letting me know that I should probably just stay away from that board. clayzedover, I loved your post about how Clay is learning in this business. I know some people would NOT say this, but I believe he's a risk taker. He tries things -- some work, some don't. In the process, he learns from that. It's a great quality to have, one that some people never develop. And this: I'm with him all the way too. Love this paragraph. I'm getting there, but there have been many instances where I don't want to know everything either. It's much more fun to hear that song for the first time without hearing other people opinions first. I keep thinking to myself that I'd love it if Clay read this board. I think we've got a good balance here.... And to end on a freaking funny note: "You're full of nice shit?" Just because this made me LMAO.
  12. Oh great...I'm rooming with a lush. Bring enough for me, OK? *g*
  13. luckiest1, I'm going out to get the new McCartney this afternoon, as soon as the dishwasher guy leaves. I'm also picking up the new live Springsteen album. While I'm waiting, I'm watching the first episode of "The Riches." Very cool. I had read about it 2 months ago and thought I would like it, but just forgot. Clay's gotten me hooked on it though. Later taters.....
  14. My guess? At least half would say "what a sweet gesture." The other half would be confused, and maybe upset. But I think your point about the availability of clack is a darn good one. IMO (and I frequently get taken to task for this viewpoint) that too much clack can be a bad thing. There are constant comparisons between what he did at this show and what he did at that show. (Example: the round box lid vs. the square box lid. I was rolling my eyes about that for over a week when that hit.) And soon, it feels to me as if someone can't just enjoy the moment but instead has to make comparisons. Honestly, if the John Martin show had been my one and only concert -- I would have probably cried my eyes out and been extremely happy. But then, I'm a sap. I also think -- well, what if the Waukegan 2006 Christmas show was the only one I had attended? Would I have let the "note" ruin my experience? Probably not. As it was, my only show for that tour was the next night at Merrillville, and I'm thrilled that I was able to see that magical moment (IMO) live and in person. As KAndre said....one person's magical moment is another's WTF? And I see that luckiest1 types faster than I do. jamar, great first post on the main thread. And I too feel that my life on the message boards, in a totally strange way, have helped me see some things way differently in my work life. But my question -- I though Dave Matthew's was going bald? He really still has hair? *g* Just 'cause....
  15. Hey Claytonfan20! Welcome! Hope you join in on the discussion in the main thread, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you more....
  16. See, I guess I'm perfectly happy that he wrote a song...but would be just as happy if he never wrote another song again. I think he could have a fantastic career as a "song stylist" (as someone described him not long ago). I know that songwriting is considered by critics to be the "gold standard" for having a musical career...and frankly, that idea burns my butt. My husband and I go around and around about that all the time, because he thinks songwriters who sing have more cred. Maybe that's true....but why? And why can't someone who sings and interprets songs and turns them into ART have a career without writing a song? As far as the comments on the blog goes....I understand that some are simply joking. It's hard to tell tone in a written comment like that. But, at the same time, there's a consistent feeling I get that some just don't want him to do something, they NEED him to do something. Big difference. The key really is Clay -- what does he want? And as a fan, that's what I want for him to -- what he wants. Call me simplistic, that's fine, but that's really how I feel. My final point -- there's lots of grey area between wanting to Clay write songs continually and Clay to never write another song again. I think that area sometimes gets lost, on both sides of the coin. The whole issue isn't a black and white thing. I'd certainly celebrate if Clay continues to work on his songwriting craft and comes up with another winner like LAA. OK, I'm off the soapbox now. Peanut butter and butter together? FANTASTIC!!! Love it.
  17. ok details on this show...what network..and when is it on...I want to check it out. Creature Comforts, CBS, 8:00 EDT Monday evenings Sorry, don't know if it's on in Canada or not. From what I know, it's based on a British short film or TV series of the same name. I LOL'd a lot, and looks as if a few others did too. I think I saw the same boast that you did, Ansa. You're right -- it makes him sound like he should be a "dancing monkey" catering to the fans needs and desires. I can be as selfish as the next person when it comes to Clay (especially when it comes to getting tickets for shows), but in the end, I know it's about what Clay wants, not me. Again -- I'm just a fan who buys his stuff and goes to his shows. Doesn't give me free reign to tell him when he can work (or not) and what he should be doing (or not). Grrrrr... Heh, and since he suggested I watch "The Riches," I suggested he watch "Creature Comforts." Suggested, not told. *g*
  18. Maybe I don't hear it as much because I do the same thing myself -- when I'm extremely excited about something, my voice definitely gets louder and higher. My husband yells at me all the time about that! (And it's a trait I inherited from my mother -- Me: "Why are you yelling at me?" Mom: "I'm not yelling at you." Me: "Sure sounds like it...") *sniff* That was me who said that. *sniff* Kidding.... I actually do agree with you on this. For me, it just really depends on my particular mood on a given day. 98% of the time, I'm fine with almost everything written about Clay, even the stuff that can be taken as a diss by others. But then there's the other 2%... I just wish I could predict when it happens for me. I think there are more than a few in the fandom that are like me too. Unfortunately, there are also a few in the fandom whose percentages run at least 50-50. Those are frustrating to me too. Oh no!!! I thought you had that all worked out! Crap for you! And yet, I'm not going to hope that Carrie's team loses, because I want her to be a winner! Tough, tough situation. BWAH!!! ETA: laughn, "Celebrity Fit Club" is a show on VH1 where a group bring together a bunch of C-list celebrities who've "let themselves go" and try to whip them back into shape with a diet and exercise plan. There are group activities and then every two weeks they "weigh in." The reason play and I are having a hard time with the word "screech" is because one of the "celebrities" this season is Dustin Diamond, who used to play "Screech" on "Saved by the Bell." He's showing himself to be a first class asshole -- snide, sexual, rude comments to all his other cast members (including Kim Locke), and he's simply not trying to lose weight. He's eating all the stuff he shouldn't be. He's a jerk, and no one on the show likes him. The rest of the cast is cool, but he's an idiot.
  19. You know, that was the word that set me off with this article too...and I also watch "Celebrity Fit Club." The connection must be there! The rest of it I really did find mostly funny...but I'm sorry, IMO Clay does NOT screech. Yell, maybe. Express displeasure, you betcha. But screech? Maybe while he's in bed with someone special.... I didn't just say that, did I?
  20. Your husband and bottlecap's mom remind me of my mom as well, so I don't think it's a "male" thing. My belief is twofold: 1) they don't want to "bother" them, think it's rude that they keep bringing up each and every little thing. Of course, you tell parent/husband/wife that it's the doctor's JOB to care about these things, but it doesn't sink in. 2) I think money is also an issue. My mom is extremely frugal, and by telling the doctor about other things, that just adds more to the bill! BTW -- {{{{{{{Clayzorback}}}}} on the money thing. I hear ya! Actually, since I'm the one that mentioned the thing in the first place -- I agree with both you ladies (except for the "bad fan" bit, hee). I did laugh a bit, but didn't like their phrasing on a few of the things. My problem. And yes, he probably was snarking to the airport people, which of course doesn't translate in the game of telephone tag very well. And Paris? Why is he going to Paris? Or was that more of the piece's attempted snark? Maybe we'll find out soon....
  21. play, sorry to hear about your mixup. I think I've finally got my travel plans straight, after the clusterf**k I did of making flight plans for Texas before everything truly shook out. I guess I'll be watching "The Riches" on my lunch hour today. Glad to know I can find it for free. This is one show that I'd been meaning to watch from the beginning (because I LURVE me some Eddie Izzard *waves at djs*), and muski, I read the Entertainment Weekly blurb again yesterday too. Damn you Clay...I'll probably get hooked on this one now. (Heh...didn't even try for Jericho though...) I'm thinking that he's at home, rehearsing all day for the tour -- and then he comes home at night and just chills in front of the TV. Speaking of TV, did anyone watch "Creature Comfort" last night? It's produced by the same people who made the Wallace & Grommit things...and it was hysterical! I got a Google alert this morning for a Page Six blurb in Canada. I'm not going to bring it over, because most of the piece was bitchy-trying-to-pass-as-snarky, IMO....but the reason for the blurb in the first place? Clay lost his passport. Does this not sound like our guy? I think the man needs some of those chain things to hook things like keys, passports, etc. to his clothes! The last line of the blog totally has me intrigued. I cannot wait to see what he's got going for us.
  22. From KSChristian4Clay at CV: Maybe Julia did his hair that night instead of Jamie? Heh.
  23. Thanks for the heads-up...I made it into the top 30 respondees. Now THIS TV relationship I've heard much about...and have been thinking about watching it. Now, I've got reason to make time for it! *sigh* Love him. ETA: KAndre...empty your PM box!!!!!
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