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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Cool pin design, and I can't wait to order more than a few! Also, I cannot wait order a t-shirt....or more than a few of those too! I'm so bad.
  2. I don't have a lot of "visible" signs of my fandom, other than two things: 1) I do wear my vast collection of T-shirts quite a bit. Of course, they have his name on them too, and I think most people who see me in them realize that he must be some sort of celebrity. 2) I have some zipper pulls that Beagle3 from the CH gave me. They are like those picture key chains, except they are smaller, and meant to be hung from a zipper. I have 4 of them on my purse (my purse has a LOT of zippers!). THOSE things are the ones that get people to say "is that your son?" And I usually just tell them no, that's Clay Aiken and he's my imaginary boyfriend. Some people get it right away, some people look at me like I'm weird. No biggie. *g* That was "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" -- I love the Food Network, and I love that show. They did three places -- one in California (of all things), one in Texas, and one in Charlotte called "King's BBQ." What was interesting to me about that place -- they fry chicken, and then dip it into their barbecue sauce. It actually looked pretty good to me, although I'm not as fond of the vinegar based sauce. Isn't that amazing how gussied up we get for our Clay concerts? Nails done? Check. Haircut? Check. Legs shaved? Of course! Tanning lotion for me? Yep. Listerine breath strips in purse (cinnamon flavor)? Gotta be done! And so on. My hubby gets jellus.
  3. Looking at play's list -- I'd have to say that early on, I fell victim to her number 1 and number 2 points. I really was worried about not seeing him again. OTOH, that's what got me to the fanboards, and cemented my fandom. So, it really worked out the best for me. Other than that, though -- I totally agree with the rest of the list. Life is too short to worry about someone that as much as I like to think I "know" them, I really don't. I do still admit to worries about him though -- and they usually involve travel. As much as I know he's being treated well by UNICEF, the idea of him going to some of these countries, with their sometimes unstable governments, or unstable weather, makes me nervous. Also, the night of the Detroit Christmas concert in 2004. That long bus ride in the snow -- I was a nervous wreck for him the entire day. Other than that....I've got nuthin'. Loving the family stories (GO MUSKI MOM!!!!). And Gibby -- I like your ideas about parenting. It's just hair. Hmmmm....I think I've said that a few times before on this board. *g*
  4. muski, you're evil is posting that picture. I love it. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh dear Lord. I cannot understand that. Now, here is a place where I disagree with you. I think Clay does do things that he knows will make the fans a-titter, wet, etc. (heh), but I see that as mostly things he says -- he's the master of innuendo. For some things, such as this gif (which I have to admit makes me hawt too), I think it's simply something to keep his hands occupied while he's talking (hey, more smut). I really believe he didn't do this on purpose as all, he was just fidgiting! We all do things like that IMO (or at least I do) -- it's just we tune into every.single.thing Clay does. As has been said many times before around here, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Celebrity Fit Club is my latest guilty pleasure show, and KLo has been rocking lately. The asshole who was causing her to cry is Dustin Diamond, otherwise known as Screech from "Saved by the Bell," and also famous for a porno tape now. He's a first class idiot who is using the show simply for the screen time, not for the losing weight aspect. The rest of the cast is totally cool. Remember a Veteran today!
  5. I can add you claymates3, but your use of "our" suggests more people. Do these other people want to be on the representing list too?
  6. I really like this suggestion! Simple, straightforward, and yet with a sense of humor (the connection between the symphony and the musical terms is excellent!). Just my two cents.
  7. Thanks, muski...I needed that... And how dare me to talk about the fingers without posting a few pictures... An avatar I made and used for a few weeks, reminds me of a wonderful night... And how about them feet! Almost forgot -- STUNNING BANNER! *sigh*
  8. Heh...see, it's easy to get the conversation in a different direction, just by mentioning a different body part! husker, I'd suggest "Hands to Heaven" by Breathe. Lyrics: And thank you ALL for the hands pictures. I've got quite a few of them on my bulging hard drive (heh), but there's some news ones there too. *sigh*
  9. Karen Eh?, you were talking about Waldo in this instance, right? I mean, here you were talking about the hair, and then you shift gears and start thinking about dreaming about Waldo. Pretty typical for the fandom, eh? *g* And now, on that note...off to church. So going to hell. huskerfalcon, to use some really old terminology....THUD! Thanx. And I'll start the fanclub for the fingers. Anyone else in?
  10. Aw geez, still talking about the hair? Where's the Cheez Doodles? Seriously -- well, first of all, I don't mind the discussions about the hair as long as it comes with pretty pictures. But I guess, for me, it just got to be such a fixation for some people that it just floored me, and really sensitized me. As long as people don't take it all so personally, I'm pretty OK with it. But then, as I think I've explained before, I sometimes read criticisms of Clay, even for as something as shallow as the hair, and I have a knee-jerk reaction to recoil. Yes, that's ME taking it too personally, and I know that. Just as long as everyone around here realizes that, we should be good to go. And since we're talking about that hair -- heh -- CG, I actually agree with you on points one and two. A bit too dark, and those bangs would drive me nuts. But, I got used to it, and I felt the electricity in his performance, and I was a goner from then on. OK, I'm sitting here with the laptop and hubby next to me. Therefore, I had to scroll muski's latest post....
  11. Happy belated birthday to Carrie (ie., muski daughter) and Mom couchie!! Well, the poll has been closed now, and the winner for the upcoming FCA chats is this Friday and Saturday, June 1 and June 2. Add the dates to your calendar now! Don't worry about forgetting either, I'm sure there will be lots of reminders throughout the week! Favorite Clay hair? Honestly -- I just can't choose. I think the entire look that impressed me the most lately was the AMA's, but there was so much more than the hair in that appearance. It was the clothes too (loved that outfit, especially when he took off the coat), but more than that -- it was the ATTITUDE. Screw you, Kelly Ripa! Anyway, as I'm sure most of you know already, his hair is his hair, and while some looks make me groan and moan (in both good or bad ways), I just have a hard time criticizing his hair. (Maybe it's because of where I used to hang out, and someone in particular who constantly critiqued the hair....) It's just him to me, and I'm not particularly shallow, I just love the man. Time to cook the burgers!
  12. I'd do a converse to husker's question as well: what does she see the record industry doing right, if anything? What does she see as more important for selling an album: radio play or television appearances, or is there something else in this new day and age?
  13. I know that's much of my reason as well...and that's why it frustrates me sometimes when people want to put him simply in the rock star box. The man has personality galore, and frankly, it doesn't come through via recordings very often. Live is definitely the way to go, but I think there are even more ways to see that entertainer. If that long rumored TV talk show comes through for him (and I still think he's been collecting audition tapes with all the appearances he's done in the past year or so), I really believe that many people will see what an entertaining little cuss the man is. Do you think one of the clack gatherers will be able to pull their camera off Clay for a few minutes just to get her reactions on tape? I'd love to see that as well. I know. Thank God. Plus, that means a short four day workweek next week! Heh, I don't even know what a Cheez Doodle is, but it sounds suspiciously not low fat. I just like the hair! Cheez Doodles -- the official snack of the eHP (and I think they should be the unofficial snack of FCA....) luckiest1, scroll down on the page....they DO make lowfat ones. But my question is: WHY?!?!? *g*
  14. I'm so glad things worked out couchie! Man, I forgot about this thread. I may have come in here soon and vent. I have a feeling I'm going to need it, and soon.
  15. Thanks for the good wishes clayzorback! Lost rawks! *sob* I'll just sit in the corner with the Cheez Doodles and pet the dorky hair, OK? When he looks like that, I do have to admit that the nasty is the last thing on my mind. But hanging out with him, goofing off, joking around, things like that -- that's what I'd be doing. And hey, who knows where that could lead. *g*
  16. Entertainment Weekly's blog on the final episode I've always enjoyed their blogs on the show, and this one is no exception. And check out their description of Ben after Jack beat him up...I laughed, anyway....
  17. Ahem....we have one already...it's not big though, so it gets lost in the shuffle.... I agree, usage for KAndre in this instance is warranted! Now THIS is something that I like "reading between the lines"! OMG, was that great!
  18. alliesmom2 :bday2: That's pretty much me as well. Jaws were hitting the floor all over the world that night when he showed up. I loved that. But then, things had to get ruined, and so yeah, I do have a hard time watching that clip anymore. As for the hair -- it really was too dark that night, IMO. BUT, I think the cut is exactly the same as, say, the ATDW cover. And the hair during the skit is just poofed a bit more than usual, but is really the same as the Gala hair, without the highlights. Or, lengthen it up a bit, and we're back to ATDW hair. (Personally, I can't stand my bangs in my eyes....don't know how he does that!) But then, again, I'm not a hairdresser. I will always contend that his hair is his hair, and he can do with it what he wants....and sometimes his hair does what it wants without his or anyone else's help. *g* Amen. Looking for clues in one freakin' word is so pointless to me. Besides -- it's just to me that this focus on what he says, or what Clive says, or what anyone around Clay says, seems to miss the point. I just want to have fun, you know? Pearl-clutching over a word overlooks the fact that Clive mentioned Clay's name in a positive light. Focusing on "mandate" eliminates the joy of that wonderful Tyra appearance. And so on. Frustrating. Yep. Hearing that Clive mentioned Clay's name is good enough for me. I think I'm glad I didn't watch the AI finale. But Lost rawked, even if was watching it in a sickness fog.
  19. I was sicker than a dog last night....and yet I was enthralled by the entire episode. I believe Jack's story was a "flash-forward." When I saw Kate, that's when I knew. True, his talking about his dad as if he was still alive throws a wrench into that theory, but I think that was the drink/drugs talking more than anything else. Another clue for the flash-forward, to me, was when the bystander at the pharmacy said, "hey, you're the hero doctor. Two times over." Saved the lady and the kid in her car...but what else would he be a hero for? Of course -- saving the people on the plane! My question: who died? I think it must have been Sawyer. Locke is also another possibility. Anyway, to me, Jack having a "flash forward" gives me hope that they will be rescued. I really felt bad for Hurley last night, when everyone kept saying "we don't want you around." So, when he saved everyone, I cheered! Seeing Walt blew my mind -- another apparition from the island, it seems. Charlie, we hardly knew ye. I agree though that we'll probably see him again soon. That's the way this show works, isn't it?
  20. Ever have one of those days when you just feel totally "off," and kinda blechy to boot? Well, today was one of those days for me. I bought a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch at work, and couldn't even finish it. Ended up coming home and sleeping for four hours! My stomach still feels a bit quesy, but I think I'll survive at this point. couchie, yes, I've left my ATM card in the machine -- and actually didn't realize it until the bank called me! As far as TV tonight -- what AI finale? I'm watching 3 hours of Lost this evening! (The "all your questions answered" special is on first, don't forget that!) Once again, Karen Eh? and I share a brain. Can I have it in two weeks? Summer school starts then and I'm gonna need it....
  21. cindilu, I don't think it would be limiting. I know I bought several pins during the craze years that had the board names all over them. I think the idea is to make the pin unique to the FCA board. JMO.
  22. I'm not entirely sure Sanjaya didn't make out like a bandit - and deservedly so. He figured out how to capitalize on the show and a huge opportunity to his own benefit - the American dream... Hell, he's MY American Idol just for that alone. Yep. See also: Hung, William. Although he was not a kid (and I think AI doesn't really care about age, it just hurts worse when it's a 17 year old, or in the case of Kevin Corvais, even younger), he took the "buzz" and made some money out of it. I get the feeling that Sanjaya is strong enough to not care about the jibes after he left the show, and will make something from this attention. As for the AI machine vs. other television shows -- I basically agree with most of what you say CG in that the AI show will still be around for a long while, even though the ratings are down. What I find fascinating though is all the media attention to those down ratings though. But, OTOH, season 3 had "down" ratings too if I remember correctly (especially compared with season two and some cute singer there)...and the show survived. As for the "competition" aspect between it and DWTS -- that's the media for you. ITA with couchie that it IS a competition. That's why both finales are capping off the sweeps period, and that's how advertising rates are set. While there was no direct competition between the two shows, the media will play that aspect up for a long time to come. But in the end, I'm mostly like luckiest1 -- meh, although I did get sucked into the DWTS machine this year, mostly due to my Mom (86 years old, who LOVES the show). It's all just TV to me -- a great way to waste time, have fun, maybe expand my brain a little bit (or lose some brain cells *g*). In the grand scheme of things.... BTW, I got 20 votes in for Clay that evening, and I wasn't even trying all that hard. When's Clay's next appearance? *g*
  23. CG, don't worry about that -- there will be LOTS of reminders! *g*
  24. It's a new day, and I'm resuming my post-whorring ways... Luann comic for May 23, 2007 There's also been several mentions of Clay's appearance on the web. The CH ( :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Ms Marmalade) has them listed here!
  25. Ansa, the winner of DWTS gets....that mirror ball trophy, and bragging rights. That's it. HOWEVER -- the fame that comes with it is enormous. No kidding. A prime time appearance filled with his self-depricating humor probably shocked more than a few people. That reminds me -- my Mom is addicted to DWTS. I hope she was able to stay up and watch the entire thing. And will I get a phone call from her today saying "I saw Clay last night?" Another "no kidding" moment. Those early jokes by Kimmel (grrrr). Clay appearing on the show for the first time and seemingly making a great impression. The next appearance, though, is the one that I think really "sealed the deal" -- Clay beating Jimmy up for all those jokes. I really believe that Jimmy thought at that point "hey, this guy can make fun of himself, and yet stand up to me too." While I will never believe that they are fast friends, going out together every time Clay is in LA, I really appreciate the on-screen friendship they seem to have. And yes, if the Climmel ever breaks up, it will be a sad day in Whoville. Sadly, the skit wasn't one of AOL's top 5 clips for the night (Apolo winning was, of course). But I still will be listening around to see if anyone will be talking about it today too. Does anyone have the screencap which the CH banner is made? I think I need a new avatar....
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