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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. play, Heidi and I will be at the Hyatt on the 5th, Heidi will be there on the 6th too I think. keepingfaith, yes I have your cell too. The problem with your plan is that Heidi and I will probably go from IAH to the hotel to settle in and such. So, you'd have to pick us up from the Hyatt to get to the party at merrieee's, and then take us home again. Maybe we can call you on your cell when we get in?
  2. Current news and stuff will go here. Hopefully there will be some good stuff as preconcert information!
  3. merrieee, I'll have to check with Heidi and see. I think we're both going to try and go unspoiled for Houston...and also, we will not have a car, I don't believe. So, someone will have to come get us at the Hyatt!
  4. Damn. No M&G email yet. Damn. *refresh, refresh, refresh* treenuts, I'm thinking there won't be much TV promotion for the actual tour. IMO he doesn't seem to do that all that often -- but I certainly won't complain if he does! And you're right -- we'd know already if he was going to do something soon. Has that Houston podcast been posted yet? Hubby and I spent several hours at the Mall of America today, and more than a few of those hours were spent at the Apple store. Yes, we played with iPhones -- they are cool, but I can see a few kinks too. I'll wait for version 2.0. OTOH, I've got him convinced that an iPod nano is the way to go for a music player! Hee! I may soon be in the 21st century yet! I can't believe it's coming so soon! And yet, I'm going to stay away from the boards probably on Wednesday and most of Thursday -- I want to be unspoiled for my show!
  5. CG is right -- I'm not going to be in Frisco. *sob* I arrive at IAH about 11:30 a.m. on July 5, where HeidiHo will be waiting for me. As far as I know, we have NOTHING planned for that evening in Houston. Suggestions welcome. *g* On the 6th, Heidi and I will drag our sorry asses out of bed about noon or so (heh) and then eventually make it to the preparty. Then, we walk to the show....and then promptly die, only to be resurrected to party again. Actually, that's not quite true -- we'll party for a bit, and then I meet up with keepingfaith and sister for a bit of travel, and then we'll try to sleep. HAHA. And then on to Tulsa! I have CG's and muski's cell phone numbers, if I remember correctly. I think I may also have KAndre's as well.
  6. Greetings all! Just spent a gorgeous day outside at the local zoo and botanical garden here in St. Paul. Lots of fresh air, so of course, I'm now dead to the world...but still at my computer. Hmmmm.... treenuts, from everything I've read about that play, it sounds like a lot of fun to me. It sounds like it could be "Bye Bye Birdie" for the 21st century, substituting Clay Aiken for Elvis Presley. (luckiest1 loves that description, I'm sure...) To me, it just suggests that he truly is a 21st century cultural icon. Sometimes we've got to take the bad with the good that comes with this status, but I'm willing. I've read reports of people who saw it and had a wonderful time.... And maybe Clay will actually go see it in a few weeks on a day off! AHA! I've thought of what he'll sing that will surprise us, and I think luckiest1, that I'm going to substitute this in for the AI medley -- he's just gotta sing GREASE!!! Right? RIGHT?!?!? Can you just see it?!?!? Heh. Actually, I think the 15 song limit is rather short too. I know there are songs I missed from ATDW that I'm now sure he'll sing (such as BYLM) and I totally forgot about Moon River. But, my game entry stands.... Welcome crimsonice! Give your Mom a hug for me next time you see her! Karen Eh?, my travel mate Heidi and I are staying in the Hyatt on the 5th. Maybe we could meet up? And, pardon my ignorence, but what exactly IS The House of Pies?!?!
  7. Scrapping4Inclusion From what I can read on their site, it looks like they organize different vendors to get together to sell scrappinbg supplies (and as I know from my sister, those who scrapbook needs ALL KINDS of supplies), but the benefits go to the BAF. It actually sounds like a pretty cool moneymaker for the BAF. Clayzor, I'm actually glad you asked because I never really could figure it out either, but now I know.
  8. treenuts, I remember that story, but don't have time now to research it. I think it was fairly early in the tour, though. Maybe someone else can help you? cindi, I think I have to agree with you on the differences between indoor and outdoor shows. I think that could be a deciding factor. We'll just have to see, won't we?
  9. Hee! I'm at a Caribou Coffee, drinking a skinny iced mocha and sucking up free wi-fi as well! My hubby is out at a favorite store of his, one that takes him at least an HOUR to go through, so he drops me off here and I'm a happy camper. luckiest1, my 15th choice was the AI medley. *g* I knew I'd get more than a few people's attention if I said no BW. And as I said, I'm deathly afraid of the revolt that could happen if he doesn't sing that song. I really want him to sing the song too, but I've also just got to be prepared for any and all possibilites. That's the way I am. I think I'm with playbiller that I do think the Frisco show will be different from the Houston show, and subsequent shows thereafter. I don't think there will be THAT much of a change, but I can see the time factor being a big thing with the Frisco show. With a scheduled time for fireworks, that could be a reason to cut a song or two out of the set. I also do wonder if there will be time problems/union problems with some of the shows too. You know Mr. Chatterbox -- once he gets going with his banter, especially in later shows, I'm fully expecting his shows to run 3 hours. Hee. (Of course, this also makes me a bit sad, since I'm only going to two early shows....) I keep telling my husband that a spa day would be a good present for me for Christmas some year. Of course, I've now also told him that I want an iPod for my birthday, and a new set of cookware for Christmas. That spa day will have to be in the future. Glad you had a great time couchie!
  10. Clayzor, I ordered mine on a Monday, and it said it had shipped 2 days later. HOWEVER -- they use a weird shipping system, first through UPS and THEN through the postal service. I think my shirt came 9 days after I ordered it.
  11. Morning gang! Not a lot of time, and I'd love to comment on stuff....but I'm gonna throw my game suggestions out while my hubby is in the shower. From MOAM: MOAM Invisible IWCY (Clayzor, the only time I remember him messing up the lyrics was during the Oprah performance, but that was so beautiful I easily forgave him) ISY From ATDW: RHW (opener) IWKWLI SSTBTHW ATD (last song of the concert proper) HYCA EID LNM WY (encore) EIH LAA And an AI medley of some type. You'll notice that I did NOT put BW on there. I know, it kills me too...but I'm thinking that might be rather difficult to pull off, especially in an outdoor situation. It's such a complicated arrangement. I hope I'm wrong; as a matter of fact, I worry more about this one being left off the set list than LAA. I think 15 songs is too limiting!
  12. He is such an iGeek. I iheart him. So, is this podcast going to be on iTunes? Or will it be available on a general website? And where is it? I went out for dinner, and was fully expecting it to be up by now!!!! I really can't believe that by this time next week, I'll be basking in the glow of losing my concert tour virginity (again). It is going to be outstanding, I just know it.... So, we have the new drummer's name. Cool. I'm too tired to think of anything else..... When I get back home, I'm going to have to download a bunch of new gifs.
  13. Greetings all from Minnesota! We're here! Thanks to all for the avi's! I've got several at home too, but none on the laptop. Happy birthday to georgiaclay (miss you!) and Totally! Other than that...I'm just too tired. Time to go out for dinner soon. Ribs...yum... Topic: I bet Clay's ribs are yummy. *g* OK, time to go. I'll be back later when I'm coherant. What's this about some new Clay ringtones for the iPhone? :F_05BL17blowkiss: to luckiest1 for getting me tickets to Merrillville today! EEEEEEEEEE for the podcast! Welcome MyZiggy and to the lovely goldarngirl, whom I've met before. She's a sweetie!
  14. I've been praying for good weather next week for the past few months now....heh. But I do seriously hope that the people in water-logged Texas get some relief soon. keepingfaith, I hear ya -- I'm getting so pumped for next week. I can't imagine how it will be for you, being you're a virgin and all! CG, I'm certainly not an "expert" but I did do a little bit of research this evening, and my speculation is John Shanks. Please note the Clive Davis connection. *g* OK, I'm done for the night. See y'all from Minnesota!
  15. I stole my avatar from pax's site....I love her.... muski, I so agree with you regarding the fascinating aspects of this man. He can be a goofball. He can be a sex god. He can be so many damn things. *sigh* As far as the free-for-all goes -- it might not be as bad as you think. When I saw Clay at the Illinois State Fair, I had tickets for the track directly in front of the stage, with no assigned seating. I was expecting pure madness -- waiting for hours, massive pushing, etc. Never happened. And I had a fantastic time in the "mosh pit." But the Illinois State Fair wasn't the first show of the tour either. I'll be praying for you all. *g* Off to pack for the first of two trips. Boy, that second trip is gonna be a killer time...
  16. God, he soooooo had me with the excited talk at the beginning. Yes, Clay, I'm excited...really, really, excited....oh wait, you mean for an iPhone? You little shit. I love him. Grammy winning producer? Hmmmm....I wish I was at work, I'd pull up a list of Grammy winners.... And I can't wait to find out what he and Jesse have up their sleeves. Should be a blast!
  17. So....is there anyone else who is counting the minutes until 10:00 a.m. PST, when the M&G cutoff is? I think for me I'm paranoid because I'm going to be on vacation for the next few days, with very little turnaround time before leaving again for my concerts. Yes, I'll have the laptop, but still.... I wanna be able to lick meet Clay. *waves at bottlecap* :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite:
  18. This whole discussion got me to looking at my past Netflix queue, which is the main way I see movies anymore. My husband actually gets most of the stuff, but I have my own little queue too, and so I went back to see what I've gotten in the past few months. Moulin Rouge -- what a mindblower of a movie. I loved Ewan MacGreggor! I also need to get the soundtrack to that one. I really felt that you needed to know your pop music to understand so much of it, but it was still really cool. The Devils Wears Prada -- Meryl Streep is fantastic, but I also loved Anne Hathaway. Lots of LOL moments to me, which I wasn't really expecting. Thank You for Smoking -- an anti-smoking diatribe disguised as a fictional movie. Thing is, I'm wondering how much of it was truly fiction.... Cars -- best movie I've seen in a LONG time. I loved the story, and I thought the animation was great. The voice casting was excellent. The tractor tipping scenes had me on the floor -- maybe it's because I'm a farm girl and that rang so very true. kd lang Live by Request and Down From the Mountain -- my hubby and I love to get music concerts on DVD, and both of these were excellent. Down From the Mountain is the music from "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" live in concert, which is one of my favorite soundtracks ever. For Your Consideration -- any of the Christopher Guest ensemble is a favorite of mine, but this one didn't quite rack up to their usual standards. Best in Show is still my favorite. I do see movies in the theater if they are BIG -- both Spiderman3 and Pirates 3 were seen there. I liked both movies, but wasn't WOWed by either. Dreamgirls is on my queue to come eventually.
  19. OMG. Hottest.Song.Ever. You could cut the atmosphere in the song with a knife. God, I need to dig that one out now too. I have a friend who wrote one of her college papers on the music of the Moody Blues. I've been fortunate enough to have seen them once, about 10 years ago. It was a fantastic show. And my favorite song from them is one of their more recent ones -- "The Other Side of Life." I'd love it for Clay to sing that one...."baby, baby, baby let's investigate, the other side of life tonight." Gulp. That's me too. I like to think that Clay is taking notes as he watches Bono go to Africa, visit with politicians, etc. And oh yeah, the music too. I just got finished watching an award show on PBS, presenting a songwriting award to Paul Simon and featuring his music. Fantastic show -- Art Garfunkel showed up to sing BOTW with Paul. I love Clay's version, but to me, theirs is definitive. I honestly can't compare the two, it's like apples and oranges to me. Oh, and the best song of the night was a total reimagine of "Graceland" done by Alison Krause. Amazing. Oh yeah baby! :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: KAndre, I'm glad things went great for you. Do you have a bling-encrusted cast?
  20. My husband, the really eclectic music person in my family (I'm just eclectic) has FINALLY started ripping music from CD's using Windows Media Player. So, I'll probably start in with that soon myself -- if I can find the damn time! Of course, this means I won't be starting this project until after August, right? And if I could just dump the job and have someone pay me to, oh say, surf the web and download music, I'd be good to go. I, of course, really want an iPod, but hubby I think would rather have a non-Apple mp3 player. Actually, it's interesting -- I have an old 3 CD changer CD stereo in our music room. Well, the CD player is dead -- skips constantly. Hubby and I were at Best Buy a few weeks ago looking to replace it -- and found a great one. What's interesting is that it has an iPod jack, of course, but it also has a USB port, so I could plug a 120 gig hard drive into it with all my Clay music! Hee. Jenna asked, what am I listening to at the moment? Well, I mentioned Brad Paisley (he's got a new song out called "Online" that's a stitch). I've recently purchased a couple of old kd lang CD's...I love her voice, and would love for her and Clay to get together for a duet. I bought the latest Michael Buble CD...which I don't think is as good as his last one. (And I know I should be ducking at this point, considering how many people do not like him in the Clay Aiken fandom. *g*) I'm really loving the new Paul McCartney CD as well. But my favorite, hands down, right now, is Bruce Springsteen Live in Dublin. I used to HATE Bruce, with a passion. But last year, he released an album called "We Shall Overcome: the Seeger Sessions," which is old folk music with a dixieland/jazz twist. Actually, it's songs some of you might know from grade school music class -- "Erie Canal," "Shenandoah." The live album follows on it, and I think it's FANTASTIC! Talk about a party! What's ironic to me is that I first heard tracks from the Seeger sessions album when I was in Dublin, looking for traditional Irish music! And then he releases an album live in Ireland! Hasn't the tour started yet? I want it to start now! treenuts, I agree with your last statements -- but it will unfortunately never happen. Clay fans, IMO, are just too opinionated. It's how they express opinions that frequently causes some problems.
  21. Sorry if my little joke confused anyone.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think one of the reasons I've resisted doing much with iTunes is that if I DID start, I'd probably never stop! And then I'd be in massive debt, and that would not be good. (Yeah, I know...limewire, etc. I just feel kinda skeevy getting my music that way....) I guess I really need to push for that iPod or mp3 player for my birthday present, eh? ETA: I think one of the good things to come out of this "buying a song at a time" thing is that we CAN be so diverse in our musical tastes. I'm wondering if muski will back me up here with this statement -- I really think back in the days of AM radio, radio was much more open to all different styles of music on ONE radio station. That simply isn't the case today -- everything is so compartmentalized. But yet, looking over others playlists, I find a mix of pop, rock, R&B, musicals, and country, among others. There's no radio station that will play that. As I said, that is a good thing, IMO. I keep thinking about the opening of the upcoming tour, and what he'll do. I still think that his opening song is going to be RHW (although I've been known to be wrong). What I can't figure out yet is what his encore song will be. I think he could go two ways, based on past history. IT, NAT, and JNT2006: he ended with big, bombastic stuff -- so that to me suggests WY. But the other two JNT's were Good News -- soft, contemplative. If he goes that way, I can see him finishing the show with LAA, just him, Jesse on the piano, and a solo cello player. Either way -- I'm totally pumped for this tour!
  22. OK, here's my first 12 on my iPod: And here are my top 10: I think my list matches Claygasm's!
  23. CG, I was wondering about the rain situation in Texas too. At this point, we just have to hope a LOT. I can agree with those that like to listen to Celine but not watch. I think she's got a faboo voice, and also think she's just a fun person too. Groban's voice doesn't move me, but I've seen him do some shows where he shows his goofball side. *shrug* Ya'll are making me feel so...so...I don't know. As I said, I LIKE my CD's. I have bought stuff from iTunes, but I think for me, I'm at the point where I just buy CD's from artists that I know I will like (and a great many of those are ordered from Amazon). My latest is Brad Paisley -- love him, love his guitar playing, and he looks mighty fine in a pair of blue jeans. I know I'm going to have to switch over to this idea of getting mp3's (and knowing, for example, that the iTunes version of Macca's album gave more than just the album, or Clay's extra track for ATDW) is probably what will switch me over. Someday I'm gonna have to break down for that mp3 player -- and I'll venture a guess that I'll still burn CD's. *g* muski, I'm an AM radio girl too -- except that I was the 70's. And I'll shamelessly admit that I really liked a LOT of the disco out there. Punk? Never heard that on radio, so I didn't know it existed. But then, I was a cheesy music lover, and also a teeny bopper queen as well. I'm sure I've mentioned this several times before. The whole last half of the seventies was one big tartan thing for me, with the Bay City Rollers. Shaun Cassidy was another. I think for me I was more into "cute" than "music." *g* *waves to fellow BCR person luckiest1* I can't believe it's just over 9 days for me! I'm staying away from the Frisco cellcert, to stay unspoiled. I'm still imagining RHW as the first song... EEEEEEEEEEE!
  24. BitTorrent and Torrents *sending a virtual massage to Claygasm*
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