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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I think I'd really like to see Clay modeling Sean's shirt.... God, I love hearing him sing WY live....
  2. Who is doing the CH cellcert? Is that Solo? Yes it is!!!!
  3. uh...you know I am one right? EEEEEEEEEEE! No, I actually didn't! EEEEEEEEEEE! Heh. EEEEEEEEE! Librarians rawk! Glad to meet another Clabrarian. Go Quiana!
  4. jamar, you'd make a great librarian. All kinds of useless crap in your brain, and multitasking besides! :F_05BL17blowkiss: He really hasn't changed the tenor of the show much, just tightened up a few things. I think I figured that would happen. TOA....sounds great.
  5. Totally agree. *sheepishly admits that I watched the show* I agree. I even liked the show. Loved the show. Need to search out the DVD's. Clay does Archie Bunker quite well, if you ask me. But I know you didn't.
  6. I love him doing WKRP in Cincinnati -- one of the best themes ever.
  7. You know, I'm glad Clay's got a sense of humor about that....because it actually kind of pisses me off. Someone actually wrote a letter to Quiana about this? The nerve of some people. I really like the West Wing theme, even if I never watched the show. A catwalk, eh? Cool. WTF is this? Oh dear, he's adding to this.....heh. Love him.
  8. Hmmm....rivet polisher as a custom designation....I think I like it. OK, so what's causing all the screaming during this song?
  9. Hmmm...no banter between WISYS and EYGA. But longer banter before WISYS. He sounds fantastic tonight.
  10. Wonder if he has made a donation to Clack Unlimited? *g*
  11. Ditto on everything! Man, that was hot! So it was Angela! Heh. Frisco outfit. Guess he's got an outdoor outfit and a a couple of indoor outfits.
  12. Minor crisis in household -- hubby not home, and no internet connection! Fortunately, hubby got my frantic cell phone call, and I'm now a happy camper. CH cellcert sounds pretty good, actually. muski, are you getting a post orgasmic phone call from CG after the show? jamar, I love your style. Keep us up on the game too. *g*
  13. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE stitchie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a fantastic time! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:
  14. muski wrote: :00003653: Ms. playbiller! May you have a fantabulous time this evening! EEEEE! Concert this evening! EEEEEEEE!
  15. Yeah...she's out of practice....I can tell....'cause she wanted to relive Frisco again on this date. I changed the location to Philly. *g* :medium-smiley-070:
  16. muski...thank you. I really do appreciate a good eyeboink. *g* There are days when he'll give looks like those in the montage, and I'll swoon and faint and think "OMG, where the hell did that come from?" (Today was one of them with that montage...) And then there are days when I'm just not in the mood for that, you know? Why, I can't tell you, wish I actually knew the answer. I just think there are days when I'm out of sync with so much of the fandom because I find Mr. Make-Me-Laugh sexier than anything, and I know that this isn't the case with a few people. JMO, YMMV, and all those combinations of letters.
  17. You know what? I must be kinda weird....I love PermaSwooned's original killer picture. The banner made from it? Not so much. Too much "up his nose to see his brain." But that's just me. IMO it needs balance, and that banner doesn't give it. (Can I hope that someone does a grinning Clay banner soon?) Oh, you mean like Scarlett being called out in the first row at Houston! Hee. It actually is. I'm incredibly glad that I was with friends *waves at Heidi, CG and muski* for my first show of this tour. But Tulsa was fun too, for a different reason -- the one mentioned here. I was surrounded by people who were not just us, and it was a hoot to watch them react to Clay (when I could tear my eyes off Clay myself. *g*). There were also two ladies directly across from me on the aisle that I think might have been more intense and possibly connected fans, but didn't know anything about the show. I could tell this because I could see their faces during several portions of the classics medley where they were simply cracking up. It was a lot of fun. That is one good thing about seeing early shows -- the schtick isn't routine to the diehards quite yet. It always frustrated me during the JBT with the 70's routine; toward the end of the tour, his joke about being born in the 70's was always lost because too many fans knew that what was he was leading towards and blew it before he got there. The introduction to the classics medley may turn out the same way. I hope not, though. And that was my one and only JNT2005 experience -- from a balcony fairly far away. Sure, I didn't get to see the pretty upclose and personal -- but I got the full idea of what Clay was trying to accomplish, and it was pretty cool IMO. I look back at the pictures of him from that tour as well, and just grin. He seems so young -- and that was only two years ago! I love Mr. Chameleon.
  18. My husband and I went to see it, along with two friends who have only seen the movies, not read the books. My review: I loved the casting of this movie. The lady playing Umbridge was perfect; Luna's casting was also fantastic. The acting by most of the actors is very very good, and I think Daniel Radcliff has improved greatly over the past few years. I also think that Emma is a good little actress too. I liked the movie as a whole, but I think they really started to cram a lot of stuff in at the end of the movie, and I also feel that they didn't explain a lot of stuff very well -- stuff that I think will have to be explained better in the next movie. The whole thing felt very rushed to me. I think my problem with books 5 and 6 (and hence, this movie) is that J.K. Rowling really didn't have contained stories any more -- those two books felt like build up for the final one. Books 1-4 all gave the mythology, but at the same time had stories that felt finished by the end. My friends who went to see the movie with us were just OK on the movie -- the one in particular said it was just a lot of Harry trying to figure out who he was and not much more than that. I do want to see it again, because I think I missed a lot, and there were a few things that I need to see if they mentioned during the movie or if a certain plot point was missed. I may wait until the DVD comes out though.
  19. Happy birthday and :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Carolina Clay!!!! I'm extremely jellus of all you who get to now start your Clay adventures. I miss Clay already. Everyone from here have a wonderful time (and very safe travels) in the next few days/weeks! lickiest1 wrote: Amen. I've been extremely lucky to have excellent seats several times, and was eternally grateful that I got great seats for both shows this tour. But at this point, I'm always just so thrilled to be in the same room with the man, breathing the same air, that if I'm in the 20th row, or in a balcony seat even, I'm good. Besides, it's really not like he's going to notice me or anything. I'm not the type to stand up in the middle of the concert and announce my intentions toward Clay while he's talking. *g*
  20. Well, I ate the extra ticket money when the Houston-Dallas show changed for me into the Houston-Tulsa show. Cost me more money, money that I really didn't have....but I did it anyway. I'm easy like that when it comes to Clay. Besides, I could do that because I knew those two shows were going to be my only ones. I don't know....there's always choices to be made, by all parties involved. TC chose to release the dates the way they did (don't have to like the way they did it, but I can't change them either). The fans choose to go to particular shows....sometimes way earlier than they really should. I mean, I learned my lesson this time. And I do think that waiting isn't always a bad thing anymore. If I would decide to attend another show later (don't look at me like that Ansa, I just CAN'T come to California...*g*), there are people who would be willing to put me up (or put up with me). I'd have tickets offered to me at the drop of a hat, probably. Anyway, it sounds like the NJ show will be doing OK anyway. I'm not sweating it. JMO. muski's telephone story reminded me of my office mate. I got back in last Tuesday to work, and she said to me "what happened with Clay? Was it a slow news day or what? And he was asleep, wasn't he?" She had the whole thing figured out in 30 seconds, and I keep hoping that people will be smart like her and see it in the way she did. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like that's always the case.
  21. Well, someone must have been watching it, because according to IMDB, it was on TV for 6 years! Actually, that was one that I did know -- I never watched the show, but damn it if that isn't a catchy one, IMO. The two I didn't know at all were Growing Pains and Who's the Boss. The theme I think he should have added? I would have keeled over in laughter if he had added The X-Files for the orchestra. And again, I'd love to know who picked the songs. Clay? Jesse? A combination of the two of them (which is probably true)? Clayzor, thanks for posting your pictures. Sounds like you had a fairly cool vacation. {{{{{{{muski}}}}}}}}}} BWAH! Oh, sorry, I should have laughed, should I? 'Cause I know I'll get hit the next time you see me. WARNING: MAJOR HOTNESS AHEAD!!! Gurgle....
  22. The Syracuse Post-Standard Clay Aiken, of "Idol," to Perform with SSO
  23. For posterity's sake, since Clay issued a statement: Clay talks to ET about Airline Drama
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