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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. I can't find it in my logical mind to doubt that Jaymes and Clay are expecting a child together, thus I think Clay is probably happier now than he's ever been in his whole, entire life. Since we all have a "Clay we think we know," the one I think I know is happier about becoming a father than anything else I can imagine -- including fame, wealth and career. The Clay I think I know is on Cloud 9. Clay parenting from the sidelines, or acting as a benevolent godfather? Don't know that guy. Can't see it ever. I have no question that Clay can have an active and wildly successful career for the rest of his life, if he wants, and simultaneously be a spectacular father. My Clay would put promoting OMWH in a subservient position to preparing for a baby. Musings about the particulars of his relationship with Jaymes is ultimately a waste of time. Nobody knows what goes on between two people in a relationship other than those two people. Jaymes has been a lot closer to him than anyone else in many obvious ways, but IIT, and I think that it is, this relationship is a very deep one, and regardless of what is said in any public statements, their relationship is unknowable to us -- if that's the way they want it. Good for them, I say. Thinking about this in terms of vessels and donors as if it's some business transaction between them just squicks me out. There's not the remotest possibility of that, in my world. I love smiling Clay! I also love to watch him sing. and I just love him for being his CUTE self. Thank you for that one, PermaSwooned! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Is this one hawt dude or what??? And, LUVVVVVVV the CLAYDAPS.
  2. For me some songs are all about the words, others all about the music, and some are a mixture of the two. When I listen to EIDN, it's ALL about the music. The only words that spring to action for me are What would I want from you? Cause I tried so hard to get who you are But there's no way I understand what you do. I love the way Clay gets into that refrain in the last part of the song. Totally excellent stuff -- the phrasing, the voice, everything.
  3. Just wanted to pop in and say that I don't think EIDN relates specifically to Clay at all. Kipper wrote the song, and he didn't write it for Clay because it was already part of Kipper's "This Is Different" CD. I tend to believe that Kipper nudged Clay out of his lane a bit for this song. God Bless Kipper.
  4. O HOLY NIGHT So am I too early with my picks? Is six months long enough for these lovely versions of O Holy Night to coalesce into something resembling "favorites" -- I've changed my mind on these over time, because O Holy Night is the dearest Christmas song ever to me, going back to the first grade. Could be the choice would have been easier if the song meant less to me than it does, but I requested this one, and listening to Clay's interpretations on any given night was pure joy and wonderment. I don't belong to any organized religious group, but if I did it would be one that makes it against our religion to analyze music, which for this song I prefer to leave in the realm of the supernatural. canfly_Kalamazoo 5142spooky_DC gerwhisp_Williamsport
  5. This is a heck of a URL: http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/esearch/cha...=06%2F21%2F2008 They list the CD at #162 today.
  6. Am I reading this correctly from Billboard? OMWH debuted at #29 on Hot AC? Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks On My Way Here Clay Aiken Chart Listing For The Week Of Jun 21 2008: This Week 29 Last Week - Two Weeks Ago - Weeks on Chart 1 Peak Position 29 Please click here to view the full chart listing. Imprint: S/19/RCA Distributing Label: RMG
  7. Right now, over at AOL Top 11 Videos -- Ashes is #3 Everything I Don't Need is #7 http://music.aol.com/top11 #1 is seriously close ...... even if it's not OMWH.
  8. Awwwww ... I'm such a pushover for the sentimental type. Your road or mine?
  9. Congrats jmh!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: The first night I lurked here, at the suggestion of luckiest1, the very first post I read was yours -- about the Walmart employees hiding all copies of Clay's CDs when "certain" people dropped in -- I knew then and there this was the place for me. That, and the "set list" for the DCAT tour that was being compiled, including Why Don't We Do It in the Road. Laughed hard at that I did, so what did Clay do? He sang SexyBack, of course! Wow, I haven't posted in a day or so and now my sweeties here seem to have abandoned me. You fickle sluts!! Get a few margaritas and a little gin in you, and look what happens! I have no one. Maybe I convinced myself I really was in love, but I've been wrong all along. So, now, I'm all alone, all by myself. Ya'll have fun with all that love and wonderful stuff. I'll just be off to bed and wait for a lonesome tomorrow, that will come anyway, and I'll be alone for another day .....
  10. KAndre picks up a piece of mesquite to hold off that other heathen, jmh... Tomato sauce?!?! TOMATO SAUCE?!?! Child, if somebody gotta cover up the perfection that is true barbeque (in other words, some serious smoked meat out of Texas) with ANY kind of "sauce", it ain't barbeque. Sometimes mothers can be misled. I'm sure y'all got some tasty dishes right there, yes indeedy! But a barbeque sauce is a condiment, not a main ingredient! And if it ain't pork ribs or some serious sausage, that pig needs to stand back from the pit for some brisket! KAndre knows of what she speaks. Brisket + Mesquite + Smoke = Barbeque. You can put any sauce you want on it. Or no sauce at all. Reminds me of the Test of a True Texan: Question: Do you like your chili with or without beans? True Texan Answer: There ain't no damn beans in chili. If there's beans in it, it's BEANS!
  11. Everybody's going to bed and I'm just catching up. Awwww, 00lsee, that was the most beautiful post. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you for sharing it here. Everything you said was so ... well Dylan said it: Then she opened up a book of poems And handed it to me Written by an Italian poet From the thirteenth century. And every one of them words rang true And glowed like burnin' coal Pourin' off of every page Like it was written in my soul from me to you, Tangled up in blue. I wouldn't know what's being said anywhere but here, but you're all giving me a pretty good idea of the wear and tear and gnashing of teeth going on out there. Good Lord! People who can't handle the truth when they don't even know what it is are wasting valuable angst that they could maybe use some other time when they know what the truth is they can't handle. Such a waste. Regarding Jaymes, how in God's green can people make "evil" assumptions about her. All I know about Jaymes Foster is that Clay keeps her close, she has special permission to call him Clayton, and for the longest Quiana has had a picture of Jaymes in her MySpace slide show captioned: When I grow up I want to be just like Jaymes Foster. How in the world can people be so shallow, obnoxious and rude as to attack her? For all I know, Clay could have fallen for this woman when he was on American Idol, and the story about how he selected her as Executive Producer may not be all there is to the story. He possibly could have directed his manager to talk to her about the EP job in the first place. He said he holds his cards close. Maybe he's been eaten up with love for her for years but she was first married, and then considered herself "too old for him." Maybe a deepening relationship has developed and Clay has been the one driving it. Maybe she's the one who doesn't want to get married because she's just been married for 20+ years. Maybe this will all work out and Clay won't be a lover all alone. Maybe they already live in a house with a white picket fence. Maybe maybe maybe. It's as good as anything anybody else has, as far I know. Hey djs111 re Bob Dylan music - Yes, I agree about Joan Baez's Diamonds and Rust. A great, great song sung with conviction. Wasn't it an answer to Dylan's Simple Twist of Fate from Blood on the Tracks? Speaking of, I have a huge soft spot for If You See Her Say Hello. Scarlett said: Oh you don't get away with that! When I said I love Dylan, I meant Jakob too! My favorite Wallflowers song for the last ten years has been 6th Avenue Heartache and some days I simply MUST hear it! Wow, Scarlett, you love the Wallflowers, and you're so adorably cute ... and the bond we have over this amazing other person of mine, the one who sings and dances at the same time, that just seals the deal. Yes you are MY PERSON!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. I heard this on TV somewhere just the other day, a writer was asked why he was a writer, and he said, "So I'll know what I think."
  13. Dang! Can I still be a minion if I prefer Dylan's version of ALL of his songs to covers? I don't think anyone else phrases his songs as well as he does. I understand that many many people do not care for his voice - but he does sing in tune, which can't be said for many today. I find his recording of "Ring Them Bells", for example, just blows away any other prettified covers of it. He makes me listen to the words. KAndre, if you weren't such a heathen it would be our loss. And also our loss if Dylan hadn't sung all his songs ... like that Subterranean Homesick Flash Cards Blues Song. The Animals? I can't think of a Dylan song they did. Ring Them Bells -- there are no words for how much I love that song. Also special is With God on Our Side with its incredible last verse: So now as I'm leavin' I'm weary as Hell The confusion I'm feelin' Ain't no tongue can tell The words fill my head And fall to the floor If God's on our side He'll stop the next war And as impressive as that was, it couldn't even touch Masters of War as the definitive anti-war anthem. Dylan was, what 25 or so when he wrote Masters of War? Oh yeah, "I used to care but ..... Things Have Changed" -- I love it and it did win Best Song. Wonder Boys is one of my top favorite movies of all time, and is one movie that requires watching alone, because the dialogue can't be missed. A very close friend of mine married a guy last year that she had been seeing for eight or nine years, and I told her before she married him that I didn't think she loved him. She told me that she loved her first husband and that didn't turn out well (apparently not with all the restraining orders she had to get). This time she wanted to marry her closest friend and confidante, and she didn't commit to marry him until he changed his religion to hers, had met and been approved by everyone in her family, until she went to Europe and met his family, until her child was grown and living independently, and until every potential problem had been resolved or eliminated. She strongly believes that "in love" is an illusion and nothing to base a life-long relationship upon. She is a strong believer that friendship is the only enduring love. It's a little cold for me, and I don't understand sex without romance, but they are two very happy and compatible people, so obviously there is no one-size-fits-all formula for love and family. Worth repeating. Although I am aware that self-realization and profound change can happen in the blink of an eye. I'm a believer that the only constant in the universe is change. And, finally, regarding Asian movies, has anyone seen the Korean film, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring? When I need to jump in the Zen Car, this is my go-to movie.
  14. You rang? Reminds me of my very first post on a Clay message board, the OFC, exactly two years ago. If "breathtaking" wasn't the first descriptive word I ever used about Clay, it had to be in the first paragraph. After two years, he's delivering on breathtaking in new and creative ways. I have literally gasped for air this past week. This makes me gasp, too.
  15. OMG! Wouldn't the PMS be totally freaking crazy? I think that would be an automatic disqualifier for admittance to the Fucking Cheerful Car!
  16. I'm sure you're right about that element of the population. Maybe these are the people buying Amy Winehouse records because she's so "in" and "cool" and "now." Yes, with all the publicity she's had, not to mention radio support, and that really cool meth addiction, not to mention the smack, it's no wonder she won Grammys this year. Now with this hot new ravaged look, she may be up for an Oscar by 2009 -- definitely a People's Choice Award, don't you think? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/02/a...e_n_104819.html I think the term "yellow journalism" was coined in the 1880's or 1890's. It's the devil we know. And that's all you can do in most cases, recognize the devil when you see him and turn the page. See, I am so cynical in the morning.
  17. Iseeme, I remember that as, "If wishes were horses, dreamers would ride." And liney, that's one of the things I like most about staying up late. I'm disgustingly logical and realistic during the daylight hours ... but the later it gets the more I kick that to the curb. I didn't even know what schmoopie was until I came here ... and KAndre got schmoopie one night and then I understood the meaning of the word. Regarding the appropriate age for pregnancy ... that was once a non-issue as it wasn't all that rare for a menopausal woman to conceive that "change of life baby." My aunt was pregnant at 49 and delivered at 50. One of my favorite people in the world is Elizabeth Edwards. I'm not totally sure what her exact age was when either of her younger children were born, but she had to be about 50. The Edwards wanted more children and she probably had in vitro, but I don't know that for a fact. Sometimes it just happens when you think it can't, and sometimes you make every effort in the world to make it happen ..... but it happens. It should still be a non-issue for anyone other than the parents.
  18. In 2003, Jaymes would have been very married to Leeds Levy. It's not a stretch to think they could have met, especially with her husband being the Chairman of ASCAP and in the process of clearing songs for the show, that would fit. Jaymes could have been his liaison with the show. I'm not saying they became BFF in 2003, but it's certainly plausible they could have met. And this would not be the first time we have heard Clay tell a piece of a story and not the whole thing.
  19. I just don't happen to see "yucky mess" -- I haven't read about any "yucky mess." All I'm aware of is "blessed event." This story is OUT THERE, all over, everywhere. Jaymes is pregnant. Her friends are confirming Clay's the father to People magazine. If some people need to wait until Clay announces it to them, I don't have a problem with that. I'm just pretty dern sure that Clay would have denied the story by now if he weren't the father. I think the last thing on either of their minds is how to break it to the fans. I hope that's actually the very last item on their list of things to do. I'm afraid people are mixing real life with entertainment right here in River City. Clay doesn't need something therapeutic -- WE DO! From all indications he's got an adorable baby on the way with the person he's closest to in the world. He must be absolutely elated beyond words. We're the ones freaking out. Hey, thanks for those pain pills, ldyjocelyn! Life saver!!!!
  20. I need one of your pain pills, LdyJ. I have this headache and I know it's from that staple you put in my head this morning! You owe me PAIN PILL!!! *** was that believeable??*** Do we as fans actually believe that we know everybody that Clay has met ... and when he sees them ... and how he met them? I have no idea how Clay met Jaymes. We've been told that his manager set up interviews with potential producers and Jaymes was one of them, and he thought the interview went well and asked for another meeting, and that one sealed the deal ... but he could have certainly already known her from his American Idol days. She had been a judge on PopStar or StarSearch or whatever, her husband was the Big Enchilada at ASCAP, her brother is who is he. The idea that they could have met when Clay was on Idol is a highly reasonable one to me. So, just because it's something we didn't know about, means jack, actually. Now, muski, I had to read what you wrote twice about wanting him to be at the Broadway awards luncheon to be surrounded by people "who have come to really know him and who, consequently, love him." And my thought was Clay is always surrounded by people who really know him and love him. I tend to believe that he's way beyond the need for that kind of acceptance. He's a huge star -- probably way bigger than most of the people at that Broadway lunch. Of course .... nobody gets too much love anymore ...
  21. If they say Jaymes pulled them over to tell them at her birthday party in March (Jaymes is a Pisces?) that she was having a baby, this thing seems very TRUE. These are her friends. I assume that means Clay knows them too. Word to live by: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't really out to get you, ... and Just because something is first heard from a questionable source, doesn't mean it can't be true. I used to have a little thing for Eric Roberts -- back when he made that movie with Rosanna Arquette in the 80's. Clayzorback, give it up, babe! You're sounding a little more intense than the Clintons-- who, by the way, will have their arms around Obama pledging to work for his election blah, blah, blah, blah... and the beat goes on. Hillary has been dancing to the Veepstakes Rag for weeks now.
  22. He doesn't look anxious or pressured or anything but PISSED to me. He was smiling only seconds before. To me that little glimpse says OUT OF MY FACE YOU FREAKING BASTARD! Also, regarding the AP story ... The AP has been reporting all morning that Obama has clinched the nomination and they are going by the super-delegates who have indicated they will officially declare today and tonight. At this point there's no way Hillary would admit to a concession before that actually happens, even though it's inevitable. It was inevitable three months ago.
  23. Well, I sure couldn't testify in a court of law that he pushed the camera, but (1) the filming does end abruptly and noisily, and (2) that's the same look my daddy always got on his face when when pulled out the belt. Cha Cha: Have seen the Concert for George? Paul starts Something on the uke and then Eric and the band come in and ... it always makes me cry.
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