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Everything posted by Gibby

  1. Good luck in your first day at work, merrieeee and kf! Happy Birthday, Aikim! :bday:
  2. zena - It's great to hear from you! How cool that you've gone back to school! Don't be a stranger, okay? Hmmm, let me see if I can help you. I can't find ATDW signing in my photobucket, but I do have Mr. Delicious Library Guy: And here he is on Kimmel (same day as the ATDW Virgin signing): And those fantastic pics at the piano have the same hairstyle: Gala pics - I love the beard, too!
  3. That's what I think, Cotton - the style makes a bigger difference than the color! Clay thought that the blond color would make him look younger, but I think the short style makes him look younger. IMHO he looks more mature in longer hair, whether it's blond or chestnut.
  4. I watched Clay's most recent Leno appearance yesterday, and noticed that he said he wanted blond hair because the darker hair was making him look older. Hmmmmm. I wonder if blond hair really does make him look younger, or if it's more the style that makes the difference? Here are two pics with great smiles, one with longer blond hair, and the other with short brown hair. Which do you think looks younger? And for comparison (and because I absolutely ADORE this look), here's Clay in longer chestnut hair:
  5. I read James' blog twice, too. My first reaction was that he was very nicely trying to say that he was underwhelmed by Clay, but on second read, I realized that he was being complimentary. Especially if you consider that he identifies himself as a stage actor. He compliments Clay's instincts and timing, and says that though he plays the part differently, he is consistent in his interpretation. Pretty darn good, I think! I liked it that he said that Clay's voice is effortless and amazing. Indeed! It's absolutely gorgeous weather here in Colorado these days. Highs in the mid-70s, and lows in the 50's. Autumn is so pretty here. I did a bunch of yard clean-up today, and though I loved being out in the beautiful weather, yard work isn't my thang! It's much more fun to relax with my laptop. Aw, Fear, I'm so sorry! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  6. Aikim, what beautiful pictures! Everyone looks so good, including you! Thanks for posting them. The Broadway Cares Flea Auction is happening this afternoon, and can be watched via a live feed! Here's the link: http://broadwayworld.com/livetv.cfm Just click, and you can watch it live! I was just looking at stage door pics from yesterday's performances, and wow, is Clay ever looking great! Scarlett, it's great to see you right up there having fun at the barricades! I'm so happy that you could go to the opening weekend.
  7. Aikim, I'm glad that everything went so well at the wedding and reception! I'm looking forward to pictures. gbmifan, will we get to see any of your pics? I'd love to see them! Wow, Clay looks sooooo happy at the stage door this weekend! Last time he usually looked so serious. He had a lot going on, between the album and being concerned about Jaymes' pregnancy. I loooove the big, gorgeous smiles this time!
  8. Thanks for passing along the 'Amen' report, play. I wonder if they sang it just as Clay did, in kind of a bluesy style? When I heard it he didn't sing the traditional Amen, but actually sang 10 notes with a dotted rhythm. You didn't have to change it, kf! We could have the same avi. But I really like the one you chose instead! You really like his smile in that pic, right? No???? It's something else?? Hmmmmmm . . . oh, I got it!!
  9. Yeah, Cotton, those striped socks are a hoot! Hey, keepingfaith, you and I chose the same avatar! You posted with the avatar right after I did. He has a gorgeous smile, doesn't he? I edited mine a bit so they don't look exactly alike.
  10. EEEEEEEEEE!!! I'm lovin' all of the new clack. Thanks for the link to the CB pictures, cindilu. This one kills me - gah!!! He's so happy, and cuuuute! It's a smile of joy, with sparkling eyes. (I couldn't resist - it's my new avi!) I don't think this one has been posted here - heeee - he's having so much fun!
  11. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! A new blog! And Clay's triumphant return to Spamalot!!! What a great Clay day!! Heeee, I'm love him forever forever, too. Even if he farts at me. Yeah, that! And ldyj, belated happy birthday to you!!!
  12. I agree, Bottle, the Gawker siting is a good thing. I just wish the person who wrote it took had taken a cell phone picture real quick and posted to the Gawker site! I'm with all of you - I neeeeeeeds a picture! Preciousssss!!! I neeeeeeeeds it!!!
  13. It cracks me up how much we talk about Clay's hair! I personally prefer longer hair on Clay, but it seems that he likes to change his hairstyle a lot. I'm looking forward to a picture of his current hairstyle. It's going to be difficult to maintain the spikes under the wigs, though, so I don't really expect to see spikes in stage door pics.
  14. I'm so glad to hear from you, Desertrose!! Sorry about the damage to your house, but the most important thing is that you're okay. Looks like all of our FCAers weathered the storm! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Let's celebrate! :nana: :schwirr: :fest30: :laola0:
  15. So glad to hear that you're okay! I hope your power is restored soon. YAAAAY!!!!! :laola0: Thanks for the update, PerusingOne. I'm glad to hear that the eHP are managing so far! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  16. liney, most of the vaults have mp4s. I just looked at Clack Unlimited, and mp4 is sometimes one of the options for the type of file to download. If you're a member at Clayversity, the vault there has a separate category for mp4s. ETA: Heeee, lucky and are on the same wavelength. annabear, it's good to hear from you! *HUGS*
  17. I want to add my YAY!!! for ldyj going to Spamalot! And I'm hoping, too, to hear from KF and desertrose soon. I agree with this 100%!! Clay likely could have overcome the 'uncool' image right after AI by doing things that aren't true to himself, but at what cost? I'm so glad he's stayed true to himself. It makes him sooo much more appealing to me - he is someone who is genuine and doesn't bow to pressure to do things that may be popular but aren't authentic. EEEEEEEE, I'm getting excited for Spamalot! I can't go again this time (sniff), but I'm so excited to hear reports and see stage door pics!! Thanks so much for the update! It's good to hear that KAndre and Scarlett are doing alright! *HUGS* to you, jazzgirl! Good luck to both you and annabear.
  18. Hard choice, indeed. I still LOVE BOTW, and thought that he did a fantastic job, so I voted for it. Could have as easily voted for Solitaire, though. BWAH!! Great recipe. I hate to say it, but we have absolutely lovely weather right now. It's sunny, and the high is 76 today. The next several days will be just like today. Autumn in Colorado is usually gorgeous weather. And we're so far inland that we don't get hurricanes. What we do get, though, is huge blizzards. Not every winter, but people who live here any length of time can remember several specific horrible storms. I'm glad that we're hearing from people in Texas! Hopefully we will hear from a few more soon. Is anyone here submitting a bio for the playbill?
  19. Thanks for the update on Scarlett, Iseeme. I hope all of our other members in the path of the storm are doing okay! What a devastating storm. Play, it's good to see your totals posted again. Wow, Clay really is a force for good in the world, isn't he? It's gratifying to know that he's been making a difference, just like he said he wanted to when he first became a celebrity.
  20. I'm still sending positive vibes to the eHP, DesertRose and anyone else in Ike's path. Stay safe!! *HUGS* And YAY for Couchie's ipod!! And now, I'm off to work, where I have to work on the booooorrrrring project some more. I don't mind it for awhile, but get so bored after several hours. My pocket pc is freshly charged so I can at least listen to Clay!
  21. I'm still at work, and I'm soooooooo bored!!! We don't have very many patients right now, so I've been asked to update a manual I put together awhile back about our computerized medical record. Even Clay's singing isn't keeping me entertained while I do this booooorrrrring job! And I rilly want to click on all those fun links up there, but I can't until I get home. *sniff* :women23:
  22. Sneaking in from work to send positive vibes to all those in the path of the hurricane. Stay safe, everybody! Annabear, thanks for sharing that lovely story. How wonderful that your Mom is still here to enjoy life! And Clay, of course!
  23. Thanks for posting your parody, Jemock! It's hilarious.
  24. Oooooh, he looks so fantastic in that pic. It's one of my all-time favorites. I'd love that poster, even if I didn't go anywhere near that concert! *Gibby quickly logs into her bank account . . . * You and me both, Cindilu! YUMMMMMMMM! He's so hawt and lickable!! It's a good thing I already checked my bank account. He wants me to give? Yes, sir!! Thank you for the screencaps, Cotton! I see you grabbed my favorite one as your avi already. Please post a lot so I can keep drooling, okay?
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