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Everything posted by Gibby

  1. We had quite a few kids trick or treating tonight, but we ran out of candy a little while ago, and turned off all of the lights at the front of the house. So it's been quiet for awhile! A few more Clayloween pics:
  2. Ewwwwwwww!! And to think that I found my daughter's stash of candy corn last night, and enjoyed having a handful. Blech! I think I'll leave them alone tonight . . .
  3. I think I'm finally sleepy enough to go to bed. But first, I have to post a couple of pics in honor of Halloween:
  4. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'm all hyper because I was in a concert tonight, and it was great! We had fun doing the concert, and the audience enjoyed it, too! :bliss2-1: :nana: :09: :nana: So, now I have to try to chill out so I can eventually go to sleep because I have to work tomorrow and it will be a really, really long day if I don't get enough sleep, and drinking coffee all day to stay awake makes me cranky by the end of the day so I don't want to do that. Was that a long enough run-on sentence? Heeeeee. Maybe I should listen to some quiet Clay music.
  5. Yikes, I AM skeeeered! Cindilu, I'm glad you're cleaning up the emotes. I think there are a few duplicates and some outdated ones (from previous tours). Giving them more appropriate names is good, too, because then you can just type the code rather than going through the loooooong list!
  6. Thanks for posting the pics, Desertflower! Yup, Jaymes is a little thang. And cute, too. And her babydaddy is cuuuute, too! LOVE the banner. I think the leather jacket JBT look is one of Clay's hottest looks EVER. See? He's just smokin' up the thread:
  7. This one, Muski? Hmmmm, maybe we'd better look at multiples so that we can study it real good.
  8. I have just a couple of tongue gifs: And YAY for them Phillies!!!!
  9. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the gala 'best of'!!!!!!! Yes!!!!! Sorry about the snow. I'm sure we'll have the same situation soon enough in Colorado. Aw, how nice that Parker got to have his own backstage visit! Yep, I bet everyone had to see him and coo over him. It's cool that Clay's friends got to see him in Spamalot, too. Thanks for the pics, chach!
  10. So sorry about those of you who are getting cold and snowy weather. I'm sure we will have our share in Colorado soon enough! Right now we're enjoying unseasonably warm weather, along with the rest of the western U.S. It will be in the low 70's for the rest of the week here. We almost always have snow on Halloween - it will be a first for us if it's actually somewhat warm on Halloween! anna, I'm so sorry about your bad day! *HUGS* I had migraines for years, but seem to have finally outgrown them. I hope that you will eventually do the same! You're a brave woman, Fear, and I admire your determination! You probably looked better than you think. But the important thing is that you were able to articulate your views. GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm dead!! That was fantastic! As lucky mentioned, jtgranny's EIDN mp4 is in the vault. An mp4 of jojoct's RHW is in the vault, too, along with the other songs she filmed. I've already put them all on my phone! I came home early from work today, battling a bit of a stomach virus. Slept like a baby this afternoon for three hours, and it felt soooooo good! I've been burning the candle at both ends, between work at the hospital and rehearsing and playing for concerts. I played for a concert last week, have another one this Thursday, and then will play for a contest next week. It's my busy time of year! But it means that some extra dough is on the way, which is always welcome, especially with teenagers in the house. Somehow they manage to cost a lot of money!
  11. Sooooo.... do you think this weight loss method could apply to humans, too? Probably not, unless you eat dog food, too. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. I'm sneaking in from work to wish Cindilu a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :bday::bday::bday: Thanks for the recap, play. Cute pic, Cotton!
  13. Wow! That is a highly intimate act. Thank you all for the kind words about my Gala photos. BWAH!! And you're welcome!
  14. Our state allows mail-in ballots, too, and I think it's an excellent way to vote! In fact, I'm on permanent mail-in ballot status now. I like being able to sit down at home, research the propositions and amendments and fill in the bubbles. And then mailing it in is so much easier than standing in line! I'm so glad you are having some fun now, Couchie! You deserve it, after all of that running around for your Mom. Thanks for sharing the pics, NCGurrl! Beautiful!
  15. :word: Yup, I agree! And the fact that they 'roasted' him, too, shows that people are taking notice of him. All of the insulted people were important and notable, so it's a compliment for him to be insulted. What a crazy world we live in! But the jeans, and the stance, were mighty nice:
  16. Welcome, Claytonsgirl!!
  17. I hate her. Now, Muski, you stop right now. You look damn good, so you have no reason to hate her! I'll have to spank you if you insult yourself again. Don't tempt me, girl!! :thdom2:
  18. I'm so glad you're feeling better, crimson! Rest up this weekend, okay? *HUGS* Yikes, it WAS really raunchy! Some of the jokes were pretty funny, and others were just plain dirrrrrty, and not in a good way. Ah, well, I guess that's par for the course. And that Clay was the butt of a couple of jokes just shows that he's still enough of a celeb for people to take notice. He looked cute! I hope we get a bigger picture at some point.
  19. Glad to hear that couchiemama is on the mend! I already voted, via mail-in ballot. I'm on permanent mail-in-ballot status by choice. It's so nice to avoid all of those lines, and I can study the ballot at home and take my time deciding on the issues. This year there are a ton of issues in Colorado, and the ballot was reallllly long. So I'm very glad I'm not going to the polls, where I'm sure the lines will move at a snail's pace, thanks to the long ballot! Have a great time this weekend, Scarlett and play!
  20. THANK YOU!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hey count me in for that trade-a-kid deal! I have an almost 14 (in 3 days) year old who is temporarily banned from all electronic entertainments and has taken to practicing his debating skills to pass the time! I think a 20 odd hour plane trip to see auntie muski or auntie gibby would do him the world of good!......and get him 20hrs away from his long-suffering sainted mother! Sounds good to me. Let's set a date, okay? Yeah, I pretty much did nothing but read for an entire day when I started Breaking Dawn. And I LOVE Midnight Sun. I really hope Meyer finishes it! *HUGS* for Couchie and Couchiemom.
  21. Something about this pic is giving me heart palpitations. He looks so manly, so casually confident, sooooooooo handsome! I'm in a puddle!! Be sure to click to biggie size - the bigger, the better!
  22. I'm glad crimsonice made it at least partway. It really sucks to fly when you're sick. I hope she can rest up once she finally gets home!
  23. Aw, Muski, I'm sorry about your day from hell. *HUGS* Hey, I have a suggestion. Why don't we trade kids for a few days? You can have my 14-year old, and I'll take your 13-year old. At least we would be dealing with different issues for a few days, which would be refreshing. What do you wanna bet that we'd both be ready for our own kids back after a few days, problems and all?
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