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Everything posted by Gibby

  1. Scarlett, I think that using your very own color is a great idea!! CG, tell your lurker friend "THANKS!!" for the cuuuute picture! Cotton, did you mean these cuuute pics?
  2. Thanks for the color suggestions, Scarlett! Yes, this is MUCH more to my liking. I tend to wear bright, vivid colors, although I don't decorate in them. This color is very pretty! I love the sparkle in Clay's eyes in these recent stage door pics!
  3. BWAH, that's a funny picture! Does this mean that you secretly want Clay to ogle your backside? Heeeee. Thanks for posting about my color, Scarlett! Although, I really do hate this color. THIS is the kind of color I like. Or, this one. Anything bright, happy and bold! Shy, retiring and fading - not so much.
  4. My color is misty lilac, which is a color I pretty much hate. But, I'm described as being inspired, charming and vivacious; I'll take that! And some of the activities where I 'excel' are dance, healing, music and the arts. Hmmmmm, sounds familiar - I'm a social worker in a hospital, and a musician! This is funny - I don't have a 'normal intellect, but rather a particular intelligence.' Okay, I've always known I was a bit wacky! I 'possess an uncanny ability to read people and situations', which makes me wise and profound. :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  5. Great minds think alike, lucky! I was just coming to post links to a couple of youtube videos: I Will Carry You Star Spangled Banner Those are the only two I can find with a quick perusal of youtube before I run off to work. The vaults have more clips.
  6. Aw, bottle, thanks for the cuuuuuute Clay pics! We had to have the outside of our house painted a year ago. Got four quotes, and we ran into those arrogant, hard-sell people, too! Didn't give them the time of day. Who needs people like that working on your house?? Here's what I wanted to do when they acted all superior and nasty: Hey, people who are reading the Twilight series! The final trailer came out today, and it can be found here on YouTube. EEEEEEEEE!! I think it's gonna be a really good movie! ETA: A higher res version has now been put up on the official Twilight MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/twilightthemovie
  7. goldarngirl, I'm so glad you're doing Pala!!! I'm really looking forward to your montages, cuz that was such a funnnnnny show. Smoochies for all of the work you and lucky do to bring us such great entertainment! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. Yup, this is where we are. We have money saved, but costs have gone up A LOT. And we will have another daughter in college a few years after our older daughter starts college, so we have to be careful with the money we have earmarked for college. Right now our older daughter is making DVDs of her singing to apply for music scholarships. I went to college on a piano scholarship, and I'm hoping that she may be able to at least defray some of the cost of college with a music scholarship, too. Whew, it's a lot of work to make those DVDs! They have to be nearly perfect. She is working with her voice teacher, who has good sound/video equipment for recording.
  9. THANK YOU for posting that link!! It was hilarious!! Muski, we are in the process of figuring out how to afford college for our daughter, too. Scary stuff! I'm still rilly, rilly hoping for a scholarship of some sort. *prays* My daughter is applying for a number of academic and music scholarships. I guess we will see what shakes out! Ah, but cha cha! If the vampires are like Edward in the Twilight series, I'm leaving my windows unlocked... just sayin' merrieee! You HAVE to watch that Clay Remixed clip! Heee, I wouldn't mind Edward peeking in my window at night! My daughter read the Twilight books, and was all for Jacob, but I'm still all for Edward. YUMMMM!! I've been looking at the previews and stills for the Twilight movie, and the actor that plays Edward is rather hot, even if he is waaaaay to young for me. Just like Clay! I guess I like them young. Even hubby is younger than I am!
  10. Scarlett, I'm glad you went home to get some sleep. Yikes, what a crazzzzzy schedule! I hope you can sleep during the day. Hey, play! Good to see you posting. Thanks for the info about the cheap flights. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Great picture k'eh!! Thanks! I bet Clay wore socks because it was chilly out there tonight!!! I have mostly skimmed the past few pages - DAYUM! you all have been chatty!! I have finished the first two Twilight Series Books - Twilight and New Moon The second two are winding their way here from Amazon, I'm hoping they will arrive before Friday, since it's not very far from MD to NoVA! So far I am trapped in the happenings of Forks, Washington! I didn't see anyone post this yet - but - even if - it deserves repeating. New Montage by mariedrummond called On My Way to Clay - it details her journey to finding Clay through youtube. I didn't know this but she's never seen Clay in concert, she found him on youtube in Dec 07! (Get out your hankies!) And I know you've stopped discussing the Mystery Song in favor of UNICEF, striped sox, and Larry King.... but I found a video of that song on youtube. The group is called Da Vinci's Notebook, and they are from this area (No VA) - I saw them perform at a park way back before Clay was on AI (looong time ago!!) - it was probably 01 or 02. Here's their performance: Da Vinci's Notebook - My Enormous P***s btw - LKL was on 9/28/06 Chach - Cool about finishing the first two Twilight books! They get longer and longer, so it takes more time to finish the last two books. The last book is my favorite! Heeee - that 'penis' video is hilarious! And I love that montage by marie drummond. I didn't cry, but laughed uncontrollably about her comments on the AI5 appearance! :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  11. Well, since Clay's out, the media apparently needs to find someone else to accuse of being gay. *rolls eyes* Queen Latifah Speaks Out on Gay Rumors
  12. I'm sorry it was a difficult day, Cotton. Would some pics of a smiling Clay cheer you up?
  13. I listened to POYB a couple of days ago, and still love it just as much as I did when he first recorded it. There's a lot of beautiful nuance in that recording. And it's a good thing he can talk so fast, because some of those words have to be sung reallllly fast! And I remember that 'mystery song' very well!! Hubby and I got a lot of laughs from that song. :Kolobok_Laie_haha: I still have it on my computer. The guys who sing that song are actually quite talented! Heeeee, Muski, did your friend listen to the rest of the song??? Did you hear at the end where the guy says, 'Size doesn't matter!"
  14. The author picked out a few things from Clay's blog, and did a fairly good job of summarizing it. Those articles are usually short, so they couldn't quote much of the blog. And it's written in a respectful tone, so overall I like it. But, I disagree with this statement: "many Aiken fans expressed feelings of betrayal by the American Idol alum." I really think it's really on a few of us who are feeling betrayed. But unfortunately they used a picture with bad hair! Ah, well, it's a great smile! BWAH, cindilu and annabear!
  15. Thanks for the interesting info about pyloric stenosis. Sounds like little Parker is doing much better after his surgery. The peds unit and nursery at my hospital are really, really busy in the winter, too, usually because of kids with RSV. The poor little things feel so awful when they come in, but rebound pretty fast. I LOVE this pic of Clay. RAWR!!!!!
  16. Um...actually that's Gibby's longtime avi. I'm just keeping him limbered up for her. Aw, thanks so much, bookwhore! Yes, it's quite a selfless gesture. I still sometimes do a double-take when I see that avi, thinking that it's one of my posts! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: Hey, chach, I recently started reading the Twilight series, too! And finished all four books within a week of starting the first book. Those books are thick, too! I enjoyed them a great deal. I wouldn't call them classic, great literature, but they sure are a fun read! I'm looking forward to the movie. I've seen the trailers, and it looks like it's going to be really good! Twilight got me and my girls together this summer. Pretty much like the HP books. It was cute cos we read at different times...daughter 2 and I read it first so we had to keep some things from daughter 1 so we don;t ruin the books for her...It was fun when we all finally read the four books...great way to talk about different types of love. That's cool, Ansa! My older daughter and I both read all four books, too, and talked about them as we read them. She LOVED Jacob, whereas I thought Bella was better off with Edward because she loved him so (don't worry, I'm being careful not to give anything away for those who haven't finished the series!). Did you and your daughters have different ideas about how you thought the series should end?
  17. Hey, chach, I recently started reading the Twilight series, too! And finished all four books within a week of starting the first book. Those books are thick, too! I enjoyed them a great deal. I wouldn't call them classic, great literature, but they sure are a fun read! I'm looking forward to the movie. I've seen the trailers, and it looks like it's going to be really good!
  18. Well, I had a fun day! I played piano for a couple of choirs at a huge Women's Choir Festival. A bunch of women's choirs got together to perform their own pieces, and then they all sang together in a mass choir. It was thrilling to hear 500 voices singing together! They did some really fun music - a gorgeous piece that was composed just for this event, a piece from Zimbabwe (complete with African percussion instruments), a Vivaldi piece, and a gospel number. Fun times! Gibby... I agree with the bolded above a LOT!!! However, I need to say definitively that my name is not Limey!!! I do drink sparkling water with lime all the time, but not enough to change my name to Limey! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Heeee, liNNNNNey - sorry 'bout that. That's what happens when you post when you're feeling (1)schmoopie about a fantastic blog, and (2) rushed for time cuz some musicians are gonna be pissed if you're late! CONGRATS on the weight loss!! *CLAPS WILDLY* Annabear, your bio entry was really cute! I loved all of the Spamisms. Yikes! You're going to have a heartbroken Mom. And I'm so sorry about Shadow. What a week you've had! *sends positive energy to Muski*
  19. WOW, what a FANTASTIC blog!!! I'm going to be gone all day at rehearsals and performances, but decided to check in here before leaving. And am I ever glad I did! Like all of you, I'm enormously impressed and pleased with what he had to say, and how he said it. As I suspected, he tried his very best after that RS interview to never definitively answer regarding his sexuality. He really tried NOT to lead us to believe he was straight, and yet retain his right to privacy. I really don't think he could have tried any harder. He is such a turn-on! He is articulate, intelligent, kind and assertive. That kind of man, whether gay or straight, is amazingly attractive to me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LINEY!!! :bday: And now, I'm off to play the piano. See ya'll tomorrow - have a great day!
  20. Welcome, clazycoffin!!! I'm so glad you found us!! Hopefully you'll be glad you found us! Oh, yeah. Definitely. I prefer my penii to be . . . um . . . visible and long-lasting, if you know what I mean, and I think that you do. *blushes and waves back at jmh* :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  21. CG, I'm sooooo jellus! Have a FANTASTIC time. And I hope you get close to Clay at the stage door, and are able to get some mouth-watering pics!
  22. Oooooh, Muski, that is quite a delicious picture! YUMMMM! *uploads the pic to photobucket faster than a speeding bullet*
  23. It's pretty easy to find it - it's just: http://www.findingclayaiken.com/ I've found lots of great stuff over there. Hey, Couchie, about those Christmas recommendations - I'm starting to listen Clay's Christmas music again, and I'd sure like to have some great recommendations for CITH! Nudge nudge hint hint!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh, and Claygary, about that playbill - I'm in the dark about which fan won. I wonder if it was announced when I was really busy with work and I missed it?
  24. will it be life size? If it's life-sized and anatomically correct, I might need to be really mad at Clay for something, too.
  25. More pics of Clay in the double-breasted sweater from last night. I particularly like the profile in the second pic:
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