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Everything posted by Gibby

  1. EEEEEEEEEEE!!! A new Clay blog! Somehow I'd forgotten how fun it is to read new blogs and hear from him. Did I say EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!??!!!?? It's so good to hear that he and Parker are doing well. He sounds terribly busy, but what new parent isn't? I CANNOT wait for new stage pictures! And an introduction to Parker sounds fantastic. What color is his hair? What color are his eyes? Does he look more like Clay, or like Jaymes? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  2. Thank you!! There are some good recommendations in there. Heeee - one of them is mine, cuz I got mine done. *HUGS* Yup, merry, they do still have gym! It's a requirement in most schools, although in high school they don't have to take gym every semester. My daughter is taking weightlifting all year, and I'm jellus! I really enjoy lifting weights. I do hope that Clay won't be quite as sore this time around. I guess that depends on how much he got out of shape during the summer! Oh, yeah, he was GORGEOUS that day!! YUMMMM!! BWAH!!
  3. Thanks for trying to get the CITH recommendations done, ldyj! I'd like to put some different versions of CITH songs in my pocket pc soon, and it's always good to get people's recommendations. Right now I have mimefans' DC wavs, which are gorgeous, but I'd like some variety. The CITH arrangements were so gorgeous - I think CITH is the best Clay Christmas music yet! I really enjoyed that youtube! He has a totally different vocal style than Clay, but his style really works on that song. GUH, to hear Clay sing that song - it would incinerate me!
  4. BWAH, Scarlett! It does sound she has a plague, doesn't it?? I second the vacuum idea, play. When we were kids my younger sister was deathly afraid of moths, and would totally freak out when they came in the house. The vacuum was a wonderful way to get rid of them. I remember babysitting her many times and getting out the big vacuum, attaching the tubes and wielding them like a weapon against those horrible moths! She thought I was so brave, and such a hero!! Heeeee. The vacuum should work with flies, too. Happy Birthday, ausdon!! :7254:
  5. Very nice, Pax! Here's another one from Hannah's website. Clay looks so cute at the bottom of the pic, in between two of the pretty dancers!
  6. I LOVE that gif! So cute! Thanks for sharing it. Have a fun weekend, Iseeme! And Cotton - stay safe. *HUGS*
  7. Hey, Anna! The hardest part is getting started. Once you're on track, it's a lot easier! Do you feel you need to exercise more, or change your eating habits more? It might be easier for you if you start by changing one thing at a time. It's not so overwhelming!
  8. Muski, I think that dark hair with a little grey looks great! I love salt 'n pepper hair. Course, I might feel differently if it was MY hair. Funny how that works - we are always so much more critical of how we see ourselves than of how we see other people. Anyway, I'm glad you're liking how you look now! Speaking of facials - I kinda thought that they were a waste of money until I had one awhile back. I went above and beyond the call of duty at work, and was rewarded with a gift certificate for a facial and a pedicure by someone at our corporate office. Cool! I probably wouldn't have tried a facial otherwise. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised that it actually did make me look a bit better. So, I later went back in for a microdermabrasion/peel treatment, and it made a big difference! I was just looking through my animation files, and only found two spam ones. I think there are others out there - can someone post the other spam animations?
  9. Well, I sure hope you don't have to admit to gray hair to be on this board, cuz I don't have any! I color my hair so that it's the same color it was when I was young, but my roots show no gray at all. I was extremely blonde as a child, but it turned darker as I got older, so I color it blonde. I do it myself, and I also add lowlights to make it look more natural. I just can't see the point of paying someone else big bucks to do something I can do as well myself! Cotton, stay safe! I'm hoping that both storms calm down quite a bit before they reach you. My younger daughter is extremely picky with her eating habits. She's 14, and eats more variety than she did when she was younger, but is still very picky. I fix meals that the rest of us will like, and if she likes it too, great. If not, she's on her own to find food. We do stock the fridge with nutritious stuff she will eat, but I don't fix it. That's her responsibility. Happy Birthday, merrieeee!! :bday: I'm missing this guy, and I'm looking forward to Spam reports in a couple of weeks!
  10. Yeah, Broadway unplugged sounds like a fantastic evening! I'd love to go, whether Clay performs or not. That's one thing that's a great side benefit of my piano jobs - I get to hear really good voices without amplification. Some of the really good singers give me chill bumps! The LBFCA contest is getting pretty exciting, with only four videos left! BOTW was pretty much a no-brainer for me, but AI3 Solitaire against AIW was difficult. I finally chose AIW. I love everything about that performance except for some of the faces Clay made while singing. I know he was really concentrating on singing correctly, and it's absolutely lovely to listen to, but not as lovely to watch, IMHO. Ah, well, it's absolutely thrilling when he hits that last high note, and the audience erupts in cheers!
  11. I've been MIA from FCA for awhile! Hubby and I celebrated Labor Day weekend by going to a wine tasting festival in Albuquerque for the weekend. We had a lot of fun! It helped that we left our two daughters at home, cuz they're not old enough to be tasting wine - especially at the rate we were doing it! There were lots and lots of yummy wines. I bought some "Black Beauty" wine to bring home. It's a delicious, full-bodied red wine made with grapes and dark chocolate! YUMMMM! We enjoyed the rolling mountains in New Mexico. They are quite a contrast to the jagged, rocky mountains in Colorado. Here's a view from Raton Pass: And I had to take a picture of this sign as we were driving by. Too bad we didn't have time to go in and ask to talk to the owner! Heeee. So sorry, Muski! My thoughts are with your mother in law. I hope your Mom is doing a bit better, too. Lucky, how sad about your ipod! I don't blame you a bit for going out and buying another one. I wouldn't know what to do without my tunes and videos, either!
  12. Be safe, Solo! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I'll echo Wanda - Welcome, new members!
  13. I don't know if mosacis is some new art form - but I LIKE it!!! BWAH!! That's what I get for sneaking in and out so quickly. I'm usually pretty careful about spelling!
  14. *Gibby stealthily creeps in from work to post a few mosacis on the first page. Sssshhhhh!*
  15. Hey, djs, I enjoyed your post about board angst! I too, don't get why people get so upset about Clay's personal life, which is just that - his PERSONAL life. We don't own him, after all! I've always been of the opinion to "live and let live." Life's too short to angst about someone else's life, especially when they're happy!! Couchie, what a darling little niece! We saw Wicked in Denver, and it was fantastic! Scarlett and KAndre, so glad you're having fun in your respective adventures! A serenity day sounds fantastic to me. I'm off to work. Next week I only work on Tuesday, and then have a week off. Wooohooo! Except that means that I'll have lots of time to do some much-needed projects around the house (groan). I guess I'll just have to blast some Clay music while I'm doing all of those projects!
  16. Hey, Scarlett, I'm hoping for another travelogue! Or at least a little bit of info how things are going for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I saw that speech, too! Pretty darn cool, and it was right here in Colorado!
  17. Aw, Cotton, that's sad. But it sounds like he's making good decisions. Maybe this cute (and silly!) guy will cheer you up!
  18. I'm glad you're planning to get out of that situation, annabear. It sounds awful! Your lease is up in two months?
  19. I missed page 69!!!! WAHHHH!!! I'll just have to make up for it by posting some pics. Sorry that they are almost all from the JBT - I find his 50's look INCREDIBLY sexy!! Some of it is the pants, some of it is the leather jacket, and some of it is ATTITUDE!! For a little variety:
  20. That will be soooo exciting for you Claynadians! A trip to Canada might be in my future. I love your new avi, chach.
  21. It was great to watch that again! Wow! I think someone here posted a link to that video awhile back. Here's a link to a funny 'balance bar' routine - done by a guy who does gymnastics comedy! He's done a number of silly performances that are also on youtube. He's a pretty good gymnast to be able to do this stuff! 'Paulette Huntinova' on the balance beam Loved the recap and the pics, KAndre!
  22. Thank you Gibby I honestly couldn't take it and changed to the Food Network. And that's after watching 5 hours a day for 2 weeks straight. I love bobby Flay. Hee actually wrote Bobby Clay and had to edit LOL. I will go there this week and watch the decathalon and closing ceremonies. Can you provide a link or directions, Gibby, when you get a chance? I went over there again looking for the Opening Ceremonies and couldn't find them. I've tried before. I'd like to see the uninterrupted Closing Ceremonies too. I can find videos of various events, but there's no search function, and I've tried various categories from the navigation menus, but none has been the right one. Hey, jmh - just saw your question. Here's a link to the index of Olympic video clips: http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/index.html The left side of the page has a blue subject index. Click on 'Greatest Hits,' which is right under 'Main.' The page will refresh, and the opening ceremonies should be available in three parts at the bottom of the page. I just found them using this method; hopefully they won't change the page by the time you look! They have the closing ceremonies up now, too, although I haven't watched the video clips to see if it includes all of the closing ceremonies. Scarlett - I'm so glad your Aunt is doing better! Heeee - good luck remembering the name of that hotel. KAndre - you do write the most entertaining recaps! Annabear - thanks for the purty smiling pics! Aikim - Sorry for your bad day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :F_05BL17blowkiss: BWAH!!!!! I can just hear you saying that. Hilarious!!!! Someday I'd love to find out how many of your dreams are about sex.
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