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Everything posted by jamar1700

  1. Well...some are into the kinky...just sayin' --- Sorry. I couldn't resist.
  2. The Christmas that Phoebe was a puppy (and chewing up everything including my coffee table grrrrrrrrrr....) I used a product called "Boundary" http://www.petco.com/product/4580/Lambert-...Repellents.aspx It worked like a charm and to this day when I put up the tree...she acts like it doesn't exist. You do have to use it every day. Good luck.
  3. Sure does seem like it some days...don't it? But seriously...I do find myself surprised by how LITERAL some people can be. I suppose it's a good thing to know and explains some things here and there.
  4. au contraire mon fraire After the Grammy noms tonight...RCA is coming on strong ...
  5. The "conversation" came back around to how Clay could or should have done something to disabuse Chris of that notion about the fans. As far as I know ... there was no suggestion that Clay in any way knew anything about Chris's comments. Clear as mud?
  6. There needs to be a reason? Maybe cuz it's Tuesday? K' I'm callin' it right now. Wednesday is hair day. Count on it. eta....BWAH merrieeee! I was thinking RCA had a turn over the weekend. We shall see. --- EEEEE! what to do what to do? Stay up for pics or wait till morning...?
  7. So. Whats new? Actually I've been following along just been too busy to post. I'll try to hit just the high points *g* Rosie's show. Eh. There's a reason the variety show concept died out. And that was it. No need to reinvent the dinosaur. 'Nuff said.Clay was verra verra CUTE however. Clay is gay. IMO him acknowledging it in a humorous way is very different than being the punchline of someone else's joke. I've gotten to the point where I'd rather watch the appearances first, before I read any reaction on the boards. I thought he looked a bit pale and everyone would be complaining because he wasn't wearing enough makeup. Silly me... His hair is what it is. I thought it looked okay on parade day. Unless he wears in very short or very long he'll always have to do something to it and sometimes he will need to do it himself. I loved the AIW hair too but there is NO WAY I could do that for myself either. Anything that requires a blow dryer to style usually works better when someone else is doing it. I watch my stylist do mine and think, nope I can't do that. I can't get that angle and then she has this way of curling the hair over the barrel of the dryer while she's brushing it out .... yeah right. Spending Thanksgiving alone. Really. It's just a day. I'm sure he didn't have to be alone if he didn't want to. He had to be in NY. No reason everyone else had to be. It isn't like he doesn't have people in his life who love him. Chat with Clay, covers, RCA, ATDW, yadayadayada. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *picks self up off the floor* *wipes tears from eyes* Sorry. That was rude. I do find it interesting that some fans always really really really want him to talk about these things, but when he does they don't ever seem to like what he has to say. Go figure. Personally, I love that Clay feels open enough to talk to his fans this way. And that Chat raised a nice bit of change for the charity. In other news...I got my plane ticket to Philly for our trip to NY on the 4th to see Clay's closing performance in Spamalot! And my basketball team beat our snooty instate archrivals last night. So in summation ... I'm good. Generously edited for grammar, punctuation, spelling, clarity and various code and html foo-foos. And cuz I forgot to say... Happy Birthday Baby!
  8. I never expected there to be cameras or recording devices allowed. It's a perk that these people paid $200.00 for. Just me I guess.
  9. Awww. I sorta have a soft spot for "Dandrew". I think they are cute ... in a clueless sort of way. But I'm really horrified to find myself half liking Ken and Tina all of a sudden. Nick and Star still make me wanna barf however.
  10. I'm home. It got done. Nobody died. Anybody need some dish-towels? Apparently my mother never met one she didn't like.
  11. Not at all. I won't even mention any rivers...anywhere. This time. Eh...I went to the site...I read Clay's profile but I'm too lazy to do my own. I mean there was clicking and registering and potential typing and answering involved. Not to mention actual thinking. That's way too much like my job. --- I'll be taking off in a couple of hours. 6.5 hours of driving north. My family waiting at the other end.
  12. Couchie...other posters at CV are having the same problem, seeing the color blog. Try logging out and logging back in.
  13. *kisses ground* Nice to be back!!! --- I'm off today. Tomorrow I take off for the Hinterlands to help my parent's move out of the house they've been living in for 48 years. Oy.
  14. Heh....I confess. Everything I ever learned about getting around in NYC I learned from my daughter who had a good friend and boyfriend who were living there at the time. She had been there and done all that, several times. No way would I have figured it out on my own either. I've gotten lost in much smaller cities....including *blush* my own. My impression was that the rate from the airport to the city was always the flat rate. I can ask her when I see her tho. eta...or just see what jmh said above. --- edited...not interesting enough to see twice.
  15. $2.00!?? I don't think any air train/subway combo or taxi will beat that. *g* We took a flat rate taxi from La Guardia since there were three of us. He dropped us off right in front of our hotel and he helped us with our luggage. I would also second the suggestion that you let your driver know exactly where your hotel is, from general to specific. Manhatten, the financial district, 52nd and William between Broad and Wall, Club Quarters, Downtown. If we had just given him the name of our hotel and the address...he wouldn't have had a clue. Other than that we got a $20.00 Metro card for the subway and did just fine. Even when they changed the routes on us over the weekend and we didn't have our young guides along *waves to duckyvee*
  16. Luckily the gerbil-wheel's seem to cycle pretty fast anymore. Like leetle gerbil's on speed or sumpin'. Tomorrow, clay-is/isnot-the-next-barry-manilow or perhaps HAIR Part 5,230!!!!
  17. I've had exactly 3 Trick or Treaters. I bought good candy too! Speaking of friends...reports are that Ruben is at Spamalot tonight.
  18. I love this one! Me too! There's just something about it....
  19. Hee. You sound just like me. Seriously you must try to see this. Originally it was a mini-series broadcast on NBC. We ordered the VHS as soon as it was available but some of the scenes were cut. I know they run it on VH1 every once in awhile but they usually run the cut version. What we saw on ION last night was full & uncut. Incredible performances by Leon (David Ruffin) & Christian Payton (Paul Williams) ETA.... YAY! Always glad to help a fellow fan. --- K'andre I actually chose NOT to go there (re: Beatles et. al.)
  20. Sadness. *sniff* :PickMe-1: ooo ME! ME! My DD and I just watched the Temps' movie ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0164292/ ) on ION last night. Okay so we've already seen it a bajillion-diggety times. But whose counting? Hee. Actually I just love old-school R&B. Adore the Philly-Sound, Gamble & Huff, Holland/Dozier/Holland ...all that. Right now I'm crushin' on Jerry Butler He stole me away from Sam Cooke. My DD just "discovered" Marvin Gaye. Isn't she precious? *g* --- So it's finally Gala day? I'll be looking forward to reports. And pictures. Of course. As I said before...I really expected the Spamalot closing when we heard Clay was going back. Don't know why ... it all just makes sense for both the production and him. I do hate the idea that it seems that the comedies aren't lasting as long.
  21. Who needs a memory when we have Internet Movie Database? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093779/quotes --- I say moam (rhymes with foam). Always have. Always will.
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