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Everything posted by jamar1700

  1. Did you forget to pay your dues again? --- As far as I can tell CH is discussing it in their members only area and CV linked to them in a zipfile (per wanda below...) so as not to give the site hits. Someone said they got them here. *g* -- I'm glad that Clay seems to be in a relationship and happy. But I'd caution against getting too invested. Things change. Not to mention we have nothing but heresay to go on as far as the seriousness of their "dating" Whereas we do have Clay's statements to People about what someone in his life would need to accept about their situation. I'm betting Reed isn't moving to NC and I doubt Clay will be spending large quantities of time in NYC. They may decide not to be in an exclusive long-distance relationship. Of course, they just may. edited for accuracy...
  2. Awww. How cute. I think Clay's a better actor than Reed given their facial expressions in the kiss on the cheek ones. Hee. Oh well...this ought to kill off the blog angst anyway!
  3. But that's how the Sandwich is spelled. Rueben. I'm guessing here, just guessing that the "Rueben" Studdard is a Rueben. -- Enjoy it when it happens but don't otherwise care if and when Clay blogs. Consequently I really don't feel a need to run over to the OFC and participate in a poll about it. To what end? --- My opinion only, but I don't think Clay thinks about us as this big monolith that must be feed and satisfied on a regular basis. I just don't. I also don't think he monitors the tone of the boards or communicates in any sort of deliberated calculated way. And I really doubt he thinks we sit around and just twiddle our thumbs waiting for him to blog. Maybe he thinks we have lives or something? --- Nasty PMs? Ooooo....I'm soooo s'cared [tm French Taunter] Really, I doubt there's a fan with a strong opinion who hasn't gotten a nasty PM or two. I delete 'em, block the sender and move on. --- I'm off today because my hot water heater needs to have a heating element replaced. This has been the biggest lemon of a hot water heater ever. In the 6 years I've owned it, this will be the 3rd set of heating elements. Piece of crap.
  4. Well I'm in the .... Holy Shit! Who saw this coming?" camp.
  5. Let me count the ways... 1. His hands are out of proportion to his face in the first photo. Too big. 2. In the second picture his head is too big. 3. I'm pretty sure I recognize the original shots they were taken from 4. There are no other pictures of him in either of those outfits. 5. There was no OFC at the time these would have been taken. (MOAM) 6. They are "tagged" by the photoshopper w/her screen name at the bottom. just the major ones for me...
  6. meh....I say photoshop. There are even tags on them under the OFC logo. Kinda scary they used the logo on it. But was there even an OFC at the time he looked like that? Looks like right off idol pre-MOAM publicity hair to me. Not to mention in the first one his hands are too big and the second one his head is too big. Gawd. Can't believe I just actually typed that *g* --- I don't get the whole photoshop Clay onto to someone else's body thing. Just me I guess.
  7. cute! but I really prefer Ruben without the glasses... I keed...I keed.
  8. Thanks Kandre....I happen to like Downtown for the same reason. Not only that but the other branches bristle a bit when we are singled out as the MAIN library. And what makes you think I'm dressed? --- djs
  9. Yep. Moreover, I would hope that the idea of understanding, fairness and just being heard would apply to all. Including Clay. --- Heh. I've been sooooo lazy. This always happens on my 3 day weekends. Pffft... I got 3 WHOLE DAYS! Why get off my butt now? Before you know it, it will be Monday afternoon and I'll be doing my chicken-without-my-head on impression to get even the most basic weekend projects accomplished. Case in point...I just checked my work email rather than go do a load of laundry. But in my defense, there is an interesting series of emails about what to rename our branch when we rebrand in the new year. Downtown or Main? Anyone? Bueller? Oy.
  10. If you only knew... I am a little afraid maybe I better off not knowing Back when the board wasn't as busy ... the top of the page post could get very lonely. Sometimes we had to entertain ourselves up there.
  11. Seems to indicate? What am I missing here? Is there some picture of him boozing it up with Hannah that I missed? Or are you reading something into a photograph that you really have no way of knowing? How did you ever deal with the Boobgate picture back in the day? *g* --- Glad he got to see Ruben in his show. I love that they are still friends.
  12. I guess what I don't understand, and I'm trying to, is what he has done or said to make you think he doesn't want to be a role model or have high standards for himself? Or do we just define those things differently?
  13. But has Clay ever commented on liking that particular part of the show? Did you see him enjoying it? Or are you reacting to fan speculation? FWIW his back is turned during most of that scene and his character is seemingly horrified by the taunters. Not to mention that everything he does on that stage during the show is a performance. He can't really let his personal feelings be a part of it. Do I think he enjoyed Spamalot? I suspect he did. Do I feel I can equate what he said about the BMA's which aired in prime time on national television to a musical on Broadway? Uh-uh, not at all.
  14. :yapyapyapf: http://www.omaha.com/index.php?u_page=2798...;u_sid=10540420 Seriously? My son has a good friend whose last name happens to be Husain. He's half Pakistani and half German via his parents nationality but All-American in every other way. They are 2nd & 3rd generation Americans and Presbyterian, for cripes sake. Yet when they had bricks thrown through their windows and numerous threatening phone calls the authorities suggested they think about changing their name. Ugh.
  15. Well...I was sorta speaking in general too, just using the specific example we have been discussing. My point was that much of what is talked about on the Clay boards is about fan perception and speculation about what Clay may be thinking or doing and very little of it is about the things Clay actually says and does. edited for brevity... and again cuz I ain't makin' no sense... -- Okay...time to go to the store and try to avoid peanut butter...
  16. But what exactly has Clay done or said for someone not to "like" here? It's a picture. It's only a picture. Clay didn't publicize it, he might not have even seen it and he isn't doing anything in the picture except standing there. WTH?
  17. I'm copying this part of my post over from the main thread .... I just finished a fascinating book by David Anderegg called Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them http://www.amazon.com/Nerds-They-Need-More...8751&sr=8-1
  18. Amen and eta...ooo and from Fear below... Double Amen and I don't think this can be stressed enough so I will make it red. *g* --- Speaking of sterotyping and anti-intellectualism, I just finished a fascinating book by David Anderegg called Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them http://www.amazon.com/Nerds-They-Need-More...8751&sr=8-1 okay...I'll stop now... but I thought it was a really fascinating read...just sayin'...
  19. Well this is my umpty-bajillionth go 'round and I still couldn't tell you... Suffice it to say it's one of the reasons some of us are HERE and not elsewhere. --- eta...gadz was it Monday everyday this week or what?
  20. {{{couchie & mamacouchie}}} --- It's frickin' freezin' here in Nebraska :3:
  21. Over and over and over you say? Who me? I probably listened to OTWOL & TITN a combined bajillion-diggety times *g* On MOAM it's IWCY, WYSYLM & ISY. On ADTW it's TOA TOA TOA!!!! hee. Also ATD & ETYGA & IYDKMBN. On OMWH I'm pretty stuck on SL, Falling & FIEKY. --- I'm glad that it appears Clay will be at the final performance.
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