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Everything posted by jamar1700

  1. Yep. They have. I got my dog from the Humane Society as an 8 week old puppy and she was already fixed. Our Humane Society will not adopt out animals that aren't fixed.
  2. Mike & Mike are there? --- Aww bottle Just stay here. I doubt the mods are going to be up to anything. hee....they'd have to find the controls and stuff.
  3. Well I do think Clay is being diplomatic and is obviously not going to get drawn into the type of interview that they were looking for. But I also think that Clay's reality with AI is not the fans reality with AI. Simon Randy Paula and Ryan are the face of AI but they are not all of it. Both Debra Byrd & Micharl Orland have been very supportive of him in the media. Not to mention that Clay doesn't seem to have the persecution complex that many of his fans have for him. Meh. Just my humble opinions.
  4. Yeah. This year is unusual in that there are no teams I really can't stand. Although that one cheerleader was getting on my last nerve tonight. *g* I just loved Mel & Mike. They were almost always supportive of each other and didn't get too negative or pushy with any of the locals. Not to mention they had a huge sense of humor about it all. They are in my all time top 5 TAR teams.
  5. But then God forbid he go back to wearing glasses.... edited out duplicate weirdness...oy
  6. Do people understand how long he'd have to be out of the public eye if he were having "procedures"? He was on stage almost every night for the last year except for a couple of months when he was out promoting his album. When did he have time to have all this plastic surgery and heal? Whatever. I suppose the derision plays into the "he's a phony" stuff that haters have been selling for years. And then some may have a hard time just dealing with the idea that *gasp* Clay isn't always going to be the person they decided he was when he was 24. Whatever :yapyapyapf: But what I don't get...I mean really. really. really. don't get is why anyone would begrudge him fixing his teeth. Who wouldn't want to fix their teeth if they were able too? I've had cosmetic dentistry done and I'm not in the public eye. Does that mean I'm a phony? Gadz. Not every parent is able to afford Orthodontia. So, yeah. Some of us actually reach adulthood with less than perfect smiles. And [/rant] --- On the other hand, from the it's-the-same-all-over file I pulled this gem from my baseball board... Sound familar?...
  7. At first I thought she was holding a cigarette. --- eta ...Whoops...how rude of me. I also meant to say I love the new banner and the mouseover too. to our lovely FCA banner makers.
  8. I think you can watch online this year at CBS.com and they are also rerunning the episodes on the Travel Channel. If that helps.
  9. What? Are you new here? I, however, think he looks cute and just like himself. Oooo... look what I found while looking for my favorite laughing smilie... :bliss2-1: <---- & <--- edited to take out massive weirdness...Oy ---- couchie --- bookwhore has a kindle. May want to pm her.
  10. Yay for Mel! I think he needed that.
  11. 1. The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Hands down. Funniest episode ever ... Chuckles Bites the Dust. ~a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants~ 2. The Amazing Race. Simply the best reality show. 3. *3-way tie* <----so sue me STNG & Fraiser & Santa Barbara.
  12. My position is actually none of those either/or scenarios. I just don't believe the absolutes. I think there could be multiple reasons why Clay would not appear on AI this year. I think there are many reasons why he may decline AT THIS TIME if approached. There is just a ton of information we don't know. I'm also like ldyj in thinking that Clay has crafted his career a certain way. And I don't think that putting himself back at AI's beck-and-call fits.
  13. Well...I don't believe this. And I also don't believe this. I'm looking at the same information and coming to a different conclusion. That's all.
  14. Yeah well. Agree to disagree and all that. Clay doesn't have a single to shoot up the charts and he appears to have moved on from promoting OMWH. Not to mention that he seems to be at a "recollecting" point in his career. Maybe the timing just isn't right for HIM right now. There is a lot of history with the split from 19-E and everything that supposedly went on with the AI3 appearance at the time of the split. They may agree at times (like AI5) to work together but I just don't see him ever being treated like the other past contestants on this show. And he made the choice to try to get out of his 19-E contract. He knows he could have played the game their way and still have been beholden to the show. It is what it is. I'm sure he's smart enough to know that too. And I don't think he's going to tour this year either. You can just call me Mary Sunshine! --- eta...I've now officially edited the crap out of this post and will move on to a new post the next time a new thought hits.
  15. Well I'm certainly not implying that Clay isn't smart. We just don't know. I think Clay knows what is right for him at this time. I don't think it's always one way or the other. Clay has made plenty of comments in the past about moving on from Idol and he has nothing to promote right now. Not every artist is going to slobber all over themselves to be on AI ...just because. JMHO and all that jazz.
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