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Everything posted by jamar1700

  1. I know I view new posts!!!! --- Okay...I think I didn't like Phantom of the Opera because ... a. I really don't like opera. An operatic voice bothers me. b. I did not like the story. Hated the weak opera within an opera part. c. I don't like weak female characters. I really really did not LIKE Christine. Really. She comes off as weak because they don't do a good job of telling the story of her being bewitched. But I agree that things affect us different ways at different times. I know I'm that way with books. I know I wouldn't always like the same books if I read them at the different times.
  2. Of course I'm watching! We just took the lead. I don't mind Torii coming home as long as he doesn't do too well. Yeah. I feel the same way about opera. I should have known better. We just saw it last year here in Omaha and had great seats and everything. Ewww indeed. But it's the type of thing that many many many other people looooooooove. And they will tell you about it.
  3. *high fives Thankful* I think it's a really bad sign when you want to go up on the stage and slap the shit out of the ingenue and tell her to SNAP OUT OF IT!!!
  4. oooo true confessions? My daughter and I hated Phantom of the Opera. H.a.t.e.d.
  5. Couchie I have the same problem with fresh fruits and veggies. And I do tend to spend more to buy smaller sizes. But I figure it isn't worth buying a larger size if I have to throw stuff out. I've discovered I can only buy 2 bananas a week. I get them just how I like them (just barely yellow and the other side of crunchy) and eat them the next two days. Other than that it's apples, because I know I can buy a 3lb bag when they go on sale and they will keep. Last week I had a wild hair and bought a pineapple but even having some every night with supper I wasn't able to finish it all. My veggie staples are a 12 oz bag of baby supremes carrots and an 8 oz bag of sugar snap peas. They usually keep through the week. If I get a bag of bean sprouts or spinach (both of which I love) I have to really work to get through them before they go bad.
  6. Of course we can talk about other things. I don't recall anyone saying we couldn't. I just personally am not the kind to jump-on-the-bandwagon-because-everyone-else-is-all-gaga about something. And it tends to turn me off to that very thing the more I'm told I really should check it out. That's all I'm saying. Hey I'd post the links to Twin's highlight videos every day and blahblahblah about them forever if I thought anyone here would be interested... But yeah. I don't. --- changed my edit to a new post...
  7. The idea is to streeeeeeeetch the food that you do buy. I freeze whatever I can. I buy the frozen skinless bags of chicken breast when they go on sale and then poach them (20 mn hard boil let stand in water for additional 30 mn) The chicken can then be shredded and refrozen for stir fry and other dishes. I cook something (usually rice or pasta based) Sunday afternoon and fill 5 containers that go in the freezer for lunch. For instance 2 cups of rice in the rice cooker, top with some chicken and steamed chopped broccoli & shredded cheese. Another favorite is a bag of No-yolks or other egg noodles, a jar of alfredo sauce and either chicken or a can of tuna, you could add peas if you like them...I don't. But my all time favorite is a bag of frozen cheese ravioli, a jar of pasta sauce topped with a bit of browned turkey sausage. I brown the turkey sausage (frozen roll, I use about a quarter) with a couple of tablespoons of salad chopped green olives and sliced mushrooms. Don't be afraid of store brands. Some of course are better than others and that takes some trial and error. I actually shop at 3 different stores on a rotating basis. Of course I don't mind eating the same thing for lunch every day, but you could mix & match.
  8. I'm afraid I tend to get a bit "contrary" with things like this. By the time the 4th or 5th person gushingly suggests I watch something, I'm ready to pass. For example...after working in a library for so long I'd rather just not read a book that is on the NYT bestseller list. I don't care for the notion that we all have to read the same books at the same time. And no, I don't care how many great books I miss out on. At the end of the day there are still so many books and so little time. Just one of my personality flaws. I own it. edited to rearrange...
  9. 00lsee glad to hear that Jack's injuries aren't as bad as they could have been. Must be a relief.
  10. *joins couchie in the heathen club* I'm watching baseball. I did buy myself a hamsteak for later So when did Easter become the new Christmas? This is from my local online daily... Apparently, according to this article, you can still put together a decent Easter basket for under $20.00. Oh really?
  11. I'm sure he's had plenty of other offers by now. There were, what?, 16000 people there that night?
  12. Hee. I have that ticket but I'm not willing to part with it. I've gone to great pains to save all of my tickets. They're a matched set.
  13. Here's the last list I could find. Hey...there's still hope for ldyj
  14. I really didn't think he would tour either but some unknown reason I kept holding out hope that I was wrong! I didn't know anything about a pool. I remember saying If he tours & someone told me no if's anyway I wonder what friends Quinna will be touring with. We did a pool here on the board. Clay's opening night of his next tour. I'm sure it's around here somewhere. Quiana has a local group she performs with. More of a Jazz set-up IIRC.
  15. I'm fairly certain Clay won't be touring this summer. I never thought he would. Maybe Christmas. Didn't we have a pool?
  16. I was surprised it wasn't on last night so I checked my DVR'd episode from last week and it says "in 2 weeks." So it should be back next week. eta .... this post brought to you by the word week....
  17. Sweet little article! I can't wait to see this show. --- Happy Opening Day to all!
  18. Good Lord. We're having snow and wind and freezing rain. The power keeps going off and on. How annoying. What month is it?
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