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Everything posted by jamar1700

  1. Next Food Network Star starts soon!
  2. Well duh? Didn't everyone? No? Just us? Hee. I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before. Anywho...just for the record....(and I was tha-rilled to also find some clips on youtube!!!!!) http://www.hudsonbrothersdvd.com/ Not to mention that one of them (Bill?) is the Hudson in Kate Hudson. Okay now that you got that filed away in the things-I-never-really-needed -or-cared-to-know file.... ---- I'm glad Clay thinks he can just talk to us and speak his mind. I hope he never stops. I hope he's having a good time "somewhere" with "someone" and doesn't spare another thought about the nastyinternetfreaks. [tm CHA] I hope anyone who decides that they can't love Clay anymore can just move on. I hope they get as much enjoyment out of their new fandom as I have gotten from my Clay fandom. And most importantly.... I hope couchie knows how much I love and appreciate her and this board! --- I'm reading a really interesting new book right now called Appetite for Self-Destruction : the spectacular crash of the record industry in the digital age. by Steve Knopper. I'm only up to the chapter on Napster but so far it's pretty good. In case you were wondering Clive Davis hasn't been mention much at all.
  3. ho-hum... another boring day on the island of Pegi-Pegi [tm the Hudson Brothers...]
  4. Hey! I love Stephen! And obviously JT does too. So there. ppplffft. I really really wish Taj would have won but I was okay with anyone in the final 4 except Erinn. --- No work for me today...just the periodontist and I'm okay with that! I love my periodontist!
  5. Wasn't it just AWESOME!!!???? I was so impressed. I hope they are able to take it from here and do a few more movies in this vein. Star Trek...the franchise that just won't die. Thank God. --- From the gotta laugh through the pain file. As the Twins lost yet ANOTHER walk-off to the f'in &%^kees (Twin's announcer) Dick Bremer said... and this weekend long root canal just won't end. At least we're young and cute. *sigh*
  6. I find Jim hysterical no matter what routine it is. My favorite line in that clip... Pillow jokes? Really? He's doing pillow jokes? I didn't realize he was going to be so "edgy" .... My point exactly. At one point in his career he WAS told he should "edge" it up and start using more raw language, drop a few f-bombs here and there. He refused. Just cuz. Love him. And yes, I know he and Conan are great friends. Conan could take some lessons, IMO. --- *swoon* I love that new UM clip. And I'm also loving Clay's latest answers on the OFC. OMG. How can he say he sucks at Math?
  7. are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? :bliss2-1:
  8. Star Trek was fanfreakintastic! :clap: imho
  9. Covered on the et. al. Just didn't want to type it all out. I think the dichotomy of AI is that they don't have any intention of marketing the artists to the demographic that actually watches & votes on the show. That IMO creates a huge disconnect. I'd have to say that the only people I know, in my RL, that watch and get excited about the show are my age. My kids and their 20 something friends, neither watch the show or care much for the artists it spawns. -- Like djs...I've also been accused of not liking Groban because he's "competition" for Clay. When the reality is that I didn't like his voice before I ever heard Clay's. I don't like operatic voices. Never have....never will. Ditto for comedians who chose to make fun of other people. I prefer a comedian who can take their own everyday life and make it funny. Jim Gaffigan [Hot Pockets!] comes to mind. I remember one of my first days on a Clay board reading about how awful the most recent Leno joke was. And then somebody posted that they hated the Clay joke but thought the Hillary stuff he did was hysterical. A true WTF? moment for me. --- ANTM America's Next Top Model.
  10. Well...I was gonna say a bunch of stuff but this pretty much covers it. So I'll just say And I wasn't on the boards during the run of the show and that is most defintely the message I got. Well I don't get to decide what's cool for you or anyone else...but if you agree with Simon and choose to say so, more power to you. But we all form our own opinions based on our own experiences and we may also choose to share them. --- One of the main reasons I stopped watching the show around the 5th season was I got very bored with the Simon character, and the Ryan character et. al. That is the way they came off to me. As characters in a show. I just didn't have the desire to sit there and watch the same show year after year. Especially since I do just fine finding artists that I like on my own.
  11. So some fan posted that on Reed's myspace? Eh. Not sure what the big deal is. Probably just me. It could also be that the last 24 hours of baseball has made me rather cranky.
  12. I don't think Clay would have said anything if he cared about it getting out. He knows that things don't stay at the OFC. --- I wasn't expecting much of him tonight with all the other quest stars. He looked cute and sounded good.
  13. Or maybe the fact that it was R. Kelley that sang it and not Brian McKnight? You know, I don't think Brian necessarily has a great voice but he's been paired with some great songs....like One Last Cry. And he came on to the scene at a time when there really wasn't anyone working that genre so much anymore. --- Geez...it's taking forever to download Scarlets file. It's a big one! Thanks to all who went and brought recaps and videos and mp3 files. I worked in the yard all day yesterday and it was all I could do to stay up until the end of the baseball game in my own time zone and even that I watched the 9th inning from bed. Guess I'll go start the vacuuming while I wait. Oy. The dog hair. Then it's off to lunch and STAR TREK for Mother's Day!!!!
  14. Not just you Fear. I liked the sisters. And I really am not like Luke/Mom, at this point. I hope it's Tammy and Victor now. He's pretty silly sometimes. "I can't believe I'm carrying a purse AND a doll!"
  15. He looks pretty excited by it all too. --- Aw. It's like they're just living their lives now and not hiding him away. Exactly what Halle Berry did. eta...guess we don't know how it came about. She sure doesn't look like she's trying to hide him or shield him from anything. They may have even called someone semi-friendly and given them a heads up to where they were going to be. Thus avoiding TMZ et al. being the first one to get pics and having them say something horrid. Eventually a picture was going to get out there. I have no doubt Jaymes and Clay knew that. Halle Berry did the same thing. After avoiding the paparazzi like the plague and shielding her baby she just went to the zoo one day. All done.
  16. Mine? The Touch answer. He just DOESN'T LIKE it!!!! Gee imagine that! And we speculate 14 WAYS too much. Ya think?
  17. TBAF is just not my choice for where I want to spend my charitable dollars. I did however make what I feel is a rather generous donation to UNICEF instead. Does that count?
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