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Everything posted by FearofH2O

  1. I have got to say I never liked this song but Clay has managed to change my mind. I have a cd with Ella Fitzgerald singing this and I think Clay's version is better. Although Ella is another pure voice who can really change songs up.
  2. I had never heard this song before either but Clay really sold it to me. He must relate to it on some level. He put his heart in it and for that reason alone it is one of my favorites.
  3. Definitely a show stopper. I love the word hug when Clay says it. And ansa I also waited for the falsetto in concert. Loved it.
  4. This is my least favorite on the album. He didn't seem to be feeling this one. Plus no one can top Nat King Coles version.
  5. I went to Madison Sq Garden with playbiller a few years ago. Of course we couldn't get seats together. I sat next to a man, whose wife insisted he come to the concert. She only came for this song. She also wanted to know if he was serious about anyone since her daughter would be perfect for him. I just told her he was single. Anyway this is the hit of the album. I think he could sell many more copies of the cd if this song got radio play.
  6. Love HYAMLC. It is so traditional. Very old timey, like an Andy Williams song.
  7. I think his Christmas special is on Bravo three times. And I believe he has taped a Christmas song for every talk show he has been on. At least four. I love this Oh Come All Yee etc. I love how they weave the Hallilulah chorus in with it and my favorite is the long noted Looooooord.
  8. I agree that it is like a lullabye. His voice is so gentle but with quite a bit of vibrato. I like it as a traditional song.
  9. Nice jazzy version. Love the way he sings around the notes.
  10. Lovely version. I am not very good at Christmas songs since my husband tends to like weird songs. For instance Elvis eating at the Christmas table and asking for mor e peanut butter. I guess you had to be there.
  11. Absolutely Ansa. I think the word for today should be chill (CA). I think I also said that before I watched R&K I did some jumping jacks, meditated and had a shot of liquor. Every little bit helps. Of course, this is because I read the boards before watching the show which came on at 10:00 here. I guess I'll pass on ET. Someone said it was about 10 seconds of Clay. :o
  12. Clay's Christmas album was mentioned in the first segment when Kelly mentioned that Regis had a Christmas album. Clay teased that Regis beat him on the charts and then laughed when Kelly said "Really?" He mentioned that he hoped his was still selling well. I thought the show was great and as I said on another board and was edited: IMO, some Clay fans tend to analyze every single word and motion that Clay does rather than to sit back and watch the show as if it had anyone else on it. The joy gets lost. I really made the effort to just watch and thought Clay did a fabulous job. He has gotten really good at tv, knowing where the cameras are and when to chime in on a conversation. His speaking voice is very clear where he once spoke too softly and mumbled a little. I thought on ATD he intentionally tried to put an edge to it. He growled and was a little hoarse. Unfortunately the soundboard had too much volume for him and not enough for the band and backup singers, perhaps they didn't do a soundcheck. Someone posted that all the songs on R&K are shortened to 1 1/2 minutes. I liked it. I think Clay putting his hand over Kelly's mouth was good tv. If every single thing was scripted it would be boring. You take your risks . Some work and some don't. They seemed to have some impromptu moments which made it fun. IMO
  13. I guess I haven't had any reason to critisize Mr. Aiken as I am often lax in my manor of dress. The last five years of being self-employed I had moved my office to my home. The living room was turned into a reception area to work with my clients as the office was and still is quite messy. No one ever complained that I was in sweats or jeans not that I cared if they were offended, I just tried to do the best job i could for them. I saw someone post that Clay was dishonoring the award by his manor of dress. Jeez give me a break. If the alumni didn't like it they didn't have to take his picture. As a mother of two sons I thought he looked great. One of my sons has his own business and has hair to his waist, recently dyed black. He dresses in jeans and tees with an occasional sports jacket thrown in for good measure. But he is clean, kind, respectful and will help anyone in need. To me that is all that is important. Clay is also self-employed, RCA doesn't pay him a salary, and he only has himself to report to. He is clean, kind, well groomed, repectful and kind to others. My other son is married to, how can I put this in a kind way, a bossy control freak. To me he rarely seems happy, but he has a short haircut, wears suits and ties. So when I read posters whose names include hats and numbers ranting about hair I get a little hot under the collar.
  14. JennaZ said I have to admit I was laughing. The hacker didn't say anything really believable or harmful to the younguns. I guess Clay takes it pretty seriously as he should. Due to misinterpretation and all. It was probably a good lesson for those who disclose personal information on the internet. OOps, had to take a break to release our twenty-third mouse in the last three weeks. We are using the have a heart traps. I told my husband that we should start putting a mark on the mice as they may be the same two coming back in. And what are our three cats doing for a living? Just the usual--eating and sleeping. Claygasm from what I understand, everyone has Faye's email- except for me. I have never met the woman. On the other hand, I don't think too many have Clay's email. I know I don't. I don't think it's Clay's place to monitor the chat room or message board. What does he pay Clique for? So I can't blame Faye for not interrupting Clay at this event. Look like he was the only one working last night.
  15. Hey, I didn't know so many of you were going to Red Bank. I apologize for not speaking to all of you. It would be great to meet up with you all. Are there enough of us to make a preparty get together? I still don't know where I am eating. Help playbiller. I'll be glad to bring the candy corn. I met a very lovely and sweet woman at WFI last year. She had a get together at her home afterwards, which was very nice by the way. There were about five tv's with clack on all of them. She had a Clay room with posters and memorabilia on every wall and she had recently started on the ceiling. We had our first WFI last weekend and I asked how her Clay collection was going. She said that she now had a sixfoot tall curtain with Clay's cds linked together that she had made for the Raleigh party going out into her hallway. She is so a fan. My husband prints out Clay pictures and made some pins for a few of our parties. He's a great sport although not exactly a Claydawg. One of my sons did complain that I had about 12 Clay magnets on the fridge and no pictures of him. I fixed that so he is equally represented along with Clay. Have a great day!
  16. Really good article brought over by bottlecap. Definitely shows a journalist vs. the hack at mediafiends. RCA might be hesitant in including mf in any of the other idols promo after seeing her responses. My guess is that Clay is starting phase two of ATDW promo and perhaps tying it in with the Christmas concerts. I'd love to hear one or two songs from ATDW at the shows. It would be nice to meet up with you musicfest and your daughter. The CH predinner at WP looks to be pretty low key which is good. I'm not sure of the Red Bank plans. We might all be winging it on our own. These could be some pretty weird dinners what with the melding of conspiriacy vs. All is Well theorists.
  17. Thanks for the candy corn bottlecap! I just can't tell you how much I appreciate those visuals. I am finally recuperating from my time in the cold rain on election day handing out ballots and flyers. Despite our work, my town is still in the dark ages and re elected the same ole same ole. I've had to turn my friends into Clay fans as there are not very many that I know around here. So seven of us are going to Greensboro and I am the only one who follows Clay. Literally! I will be eternally greatfull that Clay sang "Oh Beautiful Star" in Raleigh for their first concert . They actually knew that song and were so thrilled to hear him sing it. Thats why they are going to this concert.
  18. JennaZ, Sounds like you have been at the OFC too much. Although, amazingly, it is all sweetness and light there now. WHat happened? One that I think you forgot-"I won't buy his cd because it will encourage RCA". Since a few of these boards are over three years old, most posters must have said every single thing that ever could have been said about Clay. So maybe a period of angst was unavoidable and everyone will come out of this period refreshed and ready to go for another three years. Wishfull thinking, maybe. Well despite my candy corn fetish, I have managed to lose another pound this week. Just in time for the Holidays when I can gain them all back. I hope Playbiller doesn't stock up on them and cheetos when I go up there for the concerts.
  19. I honestly don't watch AI but it is always the topic of conversation at the gym. When Chris was kicked off the three thirty something aerobic instructors were consoling themselves by saying "Clay didn't win and see how good he is doing." During the class one instructor said that Chris was the only sexy one on AI. Another swore she would never watch AI again. It'll be interesting to see if they buy his album. I haven't heard a word about Chris since he lost. On the other hand, can't the thread title be about candy corn? I miss bottlecap's dancing corn. Clay's blog was so sweet. It reminded me of letters I would get from my kids-- "you are the world's best Mom" And the next might be "I hate you." Hope we don't get the second type from Clay, although I really wouldn't blame him. I hope Kristy is there to give him a hug when the fans get too overbearing. ETA: Those song parodies are the funniest things I've read in a while. It would be great to sing them as kareoke.
  20. Thanks! Loved watching all the old vids. There is a part of me that kind of feels bad that he isn't in those large venues anymore. He looks like he really loved it. Maybe he will once again, if that's what he wants. I guess whenever he is in Raleigh he will always fill the venues. The JNT 05 was fantastic and filled to the roof. I just hope he gets the artistic credit he deserves.
  21. The circle dance is great. Do you remember though during the AI tour when Clay was singing and supposedly did a 360 move? I don't think video ever surfaced. It was at a Northeastern venue that was very hot. The venue not the move.
  22. Here is the one where Kelly sneaks out for WDC instead of Angela. I don't know where it was. Clay & Kelly Dance
  23. I'm enjoying all the videos but I am drawing a big blank today. His flubs are all part of the show to me. I'll keep trying.
  24. Thanks bottlecap, it was almost as good as eating them. Had another 15 today. Now I have discovered Edies 1/2 fat Peppermint Stick ice cream. I thought I deserved some as I did a pilates class this morning. I'm sorry I missed the cheez doodles, another favorite of mine. Oh, by the way, I do like that guy Clay too!
  25. Delurking to say hello. I don't know if I'm a pod person or an ipod person. Hope I find out someday. Some mysteries in my life: When changing the litter box, how can I get it back into the house before the cats go on the rugs? Why am I always too late? Why do I download Clack when I have it taped ? Why is everyone feeling sorry for Clay when he looks happier than I am? And richer too. Why did Bottlecap do away with the candy corn? It's everywhere and I am craving it. I went into my bank today and the service rep i met with had a big bowl of candy corn on her desk. I just weighed one ounce of it- that's 15 candy corns. Did you know that's 2 points on weight watchers? It was good.
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