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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. For liney........and many more, I'm sure ETA:....and ebay, of course!!
  2. I'm not wanda, nor do I play her on TV , but here's the link: Contribute to the Family Equality Council Thanks, Anna!
  3. wandacleo, I think it might have been you that mentioned there was a link to contribute on the FEC website. I can't find it. Could you post a link?
  4. Thanks again! Those are gorgeous! He has the most fantastic eyes....
  5. Eeeeeeh, I'm so proud of him! THANK YOU to whoever posted the youtube, as I am travelling and without download capabilities. One silly little thing I did wonder....did anyone see him receive a tangible reminder of his reward? ie, was there a trophy of some kind I missed seeing? If so, what does it look like?
  6. I've called the hotel and confirmed that we want the room for that date. So far no callback which was promised....sigh.... Will call yet again likely tomorrow...but I think we're OK. list done to here
  7. Kim, thanks for the timing for tonight and the "red" from ba4clay. I'm so excited about this!! Also very happy to hear there are lots of fans there to support Clay. Luckiest1 eeeeeeehhhh!!! That should be awesome! I loved the DVD we got last year.
  8. Could be an adversion to "manual labour"!!!! Why can't I picture him digging a hole? My bet is he didn't realize it would involve dirt. Personally, I feel the same way. ETA: Maybe that's what the Crocs were for! *smacks forehead* AWESOME to hear the FEC thing is sold out, thanks Kim!
  9. Here is a picture we took last October of the mural (Clay looks like a singing waiter, LOL). Thanks for correcting me about the gala seats, I knew I'd probably have it mixed up! Remember, Clay WAS a singing waiter! LOVE the pic!
  10. See Thankful's note below...she's correct. Yes, Couchie, you have to do the historic tour! At this point, we're arriving on Thursday also and leaving Tuesday; maybe we can plan to do something together. I don't think me myb has ever done the tour, and I'll have a car. Honestly, I doubt it....I think you just need to update your Java! That will happen every now and again, and you'll be notified just as you were. Sun Microsystems You'll see it to the left there. It's a free download.
  11. I agree that there's likely no cause for concern, although for BAF's sake.....I hope it's a sellout as usual! In the interests of accuracy though Last Fall there were 535 attendees at the Gala; of those, there were at least 5 tables that were Gold tables (50 seats) and at least 10 that were Silver tables (50 seats) + the presenters and their "entourage" (about 10 seats, let's say) and the head table (10 seats). So at the max, there were only 400 $250 seats available. As luckiest1 said,though, there are often last minute tickets available as people's plans fall through for whatever reason. I know that last year there were more tickets available last minute than usual because of the September "non-announcement". If you ARE planning on coming, I would definitely put some planning into it before tickets go on sale, so you are ready that day. Yes, problem solved if they are all in the same album, thanks!....but my impression from this poster was that this one/these ones was/were not (she didn't provide a link, or I would have). Maybe she's making it all up . Usually a reliable poster I believe, though....and it does sound like Reed's sense of humor/innuendo to me! I hope for everyone's sake that it IS what it is presented so far to be; for me, I guess I've become an old cynic. There is just something about this all that doesn't ring true in any way for me. Could be wrong. Often am. See above!
  12. Exactly my thought! ETA: I don't see an epi-pen comment on any of the photos. Maybe it's a different album? I have no idea, cindilu2...just brought it over, as I said....I can't see any of them. Kim.....what have we frequently called that lump in Clay's pocket???
  13. Another comment from Reed on one of his photos, from lindylo at CV: Somehow.....I don't think that was the "epipen" joker Reed was referring to.....all together now....awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  14. I've updated the Gala breakfast thread with attendees who have posted to this point. 30 of us already!! Fear, I think a Beadforlife party is a great idea! It may depend on how the hotel feels about having it in the restaurant....I'll ask.
  15. I had gone to bed before Clay's blog as well...but my favorite reporter clued me in! What a sweet blog! I'm in awe that a) he remembered at all, he IS a man! he obviously did something about it and c) to need the ticket, must have created/had created something special for them to remember the occasion. I love him!! I also love that he is letting us in on things like this in his "everyday"; which is what, really, "we" had wanted originally and requested over and over from his blogs. Now it's happening both on FB and in the blogs, and as long as it lasts, I'm thrilled! HAHA! Look what "b bracket" does....how appropriate! I think I'll just leave it.
  16. Anyone here a Twitter-er? (never thought THAT sentence would come out of my mouth ) I joined to add some stuff for Hugh Jackman's contest, and DL'd the "Tweet deck" like someone recommended......found the button to add a search for Clay... Now what?? I keep getting these notifications, but when I click on it, I don't see anything!....and I can't figure out WHERE to see what they're notifying me about. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. From CV: Any experienced Tweet writers in our midst??
  18. Thank you! I was logging in when requested...but you're right, that doesn't work. Weird! There have now been more comments added to some of the pictures, which are very cute. (not the pix, the comments LOL)
  19. I've added a thread to plan an after-Gala breakfast again this year HERE. If you are interested, please let us know! If anyone has other ideas....let us know that too!
  20. New Post-Gala Breakfast Info!!: YES!!! I FINALLY have a confirmation IN WRITING from a restaurant that is looking forward to hosting our breakfast on Sunday, Oct 18th and has really gone out of their way to facilitate us. Here is the new information: Our Post-Gala breakfast celebration will be at: Tyr na nOg Irish Pub and Restaurant Located at: 218 S. Blount St It is an easy 4-block walk from the Marriott Map here The restaurant is accessible. Although they normally don't open until 10:30 AM, they will facilitate us this day by opening at 10 AM for us....I'm hoping that will assist those leaving early in the afternoon a little, so that they can join us! They serve a wonderfully varied Sunday brunch for $11.95, and we will be having the brunch. We will also have access to a DVR player and screen!....so we can play clack from the night before!! I think this is a great (maybe even better ) alternative to the Marriott *thumbnose* and hope all of you will be able to join us there. Once again, PLEASE do PM or add a note here if you have opted in and are NOT going to be able to attend, so that we can advise the (very helpful) restaurant folks what to expect. Good luck on the ticket hunt!! ................................................................................ .................... On the list so far (08/21/09): FromClaygary me myb claymatron ncgran4clay cam552000 smartcookie kareneh + 3 claywithme Marcia Preden Shirleygov1 + Pat jmh123 lilyshine ncgurrl permaswooned couchie 2old4clay artz11 fear0fH20 claylove georgiesmybaby Sammie luckiest1 luckiestdaughter disneykid merrieeee + 3 kimiye evelyn+3 CAlurker+1 WPBClayfan celebhith Thankful4Clay canfly172 Justclay12 Nickikiwi YeahYoureGifted+1 lovesclayalot +1 luvhisvox allclaylong Lotus ldyjocelyn allclaylong cablelady (cablegirl) cotton claytonsgirl ClayizzaQT Educlaytor kcudawg 61 to here ................................................................................ .........................
  21. Am I the only person on the planet for whom it is NOT public? From that link, I get a profile of Kyle Leland and unless I ask to be his friend (which I'm not gonna do) I get no pictures! If anyone can actually see these pictures, could you bring them over here? I arranged it last year and can do it again this year. It WAS fun!! Do we have a thread started? I'll go have a look.
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