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Everything posted by Cotton

  1. Claygasm! Girl, if you can do that with a sinus headache, what the hell can you do if you're feeling great!?! Oh, and about the 'not artsy' thing. Sometimes I've watched montages in which I think the make used every special fade and transition their software has! Just. Not. Good. I loved your smooth transitions from one to the next!! Thank you!
  2. Someone asked upthread about what Jaymes has done since ATDW. I, as usual, don't know shit. But I do think she produced Bianca Ryan's first CD after coming off of America's Got Talent. I was really glad when I heard JF would be producing because I feared for the young girl, who had managed to stay a young girl on the show even though, as she said, when she opens her mouth to sing a "big black woman comes out"! hee (Actually, she didn't say that. She said that's what other people said when they heard her.) She really does have a lot of power. But she never once dressed like a 'ho like some of the girls close to her age. Never a slinky dress. My Sis was a big fan so I gave her the album when it came out. I think it was pretty good. I think it had more of a young 'pop' sound than the songs she sang on the show. Now if Bianca ever does anything else again, or not, who knows?
  3. Thanks. Yes I took it a year ago down from our SC place. There was a pond right across the street. Gorgeous morning. I haven't gotten up early enough to catch a gorgeous sunrise here yet! Even though I can walk to the river in about 2 and a half minutes! I should have taken my camera this morning. I was too late for sunrise, but it was the highest tide I've seen here yet. Droopy is a great walking companion, but not a good photo op companion. He pulls at his leash and there goes my steady aim!
  4. It's Michael Dorf, producer of the evening. Thank you. And - after seeing the Clack from last night, I really wish I could have been there! Here's my 'review'. Lord that man can sing! I can't believe I'll be seeing him live in 9 (?) days!
  5. :20: Good Morning! I'll be in Vegas, too, so I hope to meet/see some of you there. I'm not going to the big preparty. Though he's not going to the show with me, I'm traveling with DH. But we'll be going off in opposite directions. He'll PLAY while I CLAY! I don't have a DCAT pin. I am sitting in the 'group' section.
  6. Toots, my neighbor has been here several years and she said this was the first time this had happened! I was sort of surprised hurricanes hadn't caused some outages. Actually, I have lots of experience with power outages - ice in Greensboro and hurricanes in SC. But I've always been on city water so the water issue was a SHOCK! We have plenty of coolers and know to keep the fridge closed. I have had to throw food out. In Greensboro, an ice storm left us without power for 3 days! We had a gas grill and I boiled water and cooked a little bit on it. We had a woodstove and used that. But we always had water!!! jazzgirl, thanks for the tips. I'm gonna copy and save that! You did a good thing. You gave her a way to let you in. How cool was that?! I thought it was cool when I saw mention of the thread for questions for Clay and hoped that it meant another chat may be coming - till I saw it wasn't started by admin. I left a question anyway. I don't know when the guy will have time to blog or chat or do anything else much before May 4th!!! Everyone going to the Sedaka thingy, HAVE A BLAST!!! And blow Clay a kiss from me!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  7. Thanks! Love teacher Clay! Guess some folks were driving those 'who are sorting' insane!
  8. Just because I'm being lazy, I'm copying my post from CV. Yeah. I'm having a pity party!
  9. Did anyone mention . . . HE BLOGGED! Oops! Sorry. I'm a little late. Was out with DH trying to find shelving/drawers for my closet. He must be going cross-eyed trying to read the stories and people submitting over and over!
  10. Wait. You mean he had a blog posted for 30 seconds and nobody copied and pasted it??!!!! What's wrong? Is the ClayNation slipping??!! Wahhhh! I didn't see it.
  11. Thanks, Muski! He is rather 'touchy feely', isn't he? Seems like I remember reading something early on that that was an Adonnis trait? I'd like to get touchy f . . . Oops! Did I think that out loud?
  12. Playbiller, have you tried a turkey baster? No, seriously, Clay jokes aside, maybe a turkey baster would be a way to get her to take water?
  13. I take it muski is having a bad day??? Here, Honey. :trink3: ETA: Good Lord. The coverage of the fires is sobering. 340,000 evacuated. My Sis's house burned when her DD was 6. (She's 37 now.) I'll never forget that call from Mama. It was like her calling to tell me someone had died. Sis lost everything. Baby pictures. Tablecloth our Nannie crocheted. (Sadly, my tablecloth was at her house, too, so we both lost them.) He silverchest was found, but the firemen said the fire had been so hot the silver flatware evaporated! Nothing left of it. Don't know how the wood survived. Weird, huh? It's horrific. She was talking to me about the fires yesterday. She didn't mention her experience, but I'm sure it brings it all back and she empathizes with the folks in CA. So sad.
  14. Hey, Lori! Switch that BeeHive to a crew cut and it's ALL YOU!!! And, yes, I can see you dancin' your little butt off! You're still a cute ball of energy!
  15. FromClaygary, you said you auditioned and won - but what does that mean? You were a dancer on there all the time? Details, Girl! Now, I really, really need to get off my butt and do something. My Sweetie is taking me to Vegas in Two Weeks, I really should unpack a box or straighten up a shelf - or something! Latah!
  16. I had to look Estill up!! I was thinking it's near Charleston - it's more like 1/2 way between Chas. and Savannah. Pop 2425! (one estimate says"(3637 total Estill Urban Cluster pop.)") Yup! Small. Marion is about 7000. (I think that's less than when I was in high school!) When you say 'go back', do you mean visit - or move back? Marion County has been falling steadily down in income. Really, really sad. Too many politicians who care more about their own pockets than the needs of their constituents. And racial issues are still too much of an issue. Sis worked with downtown 'revitalization' for a while. Constant uphill battle getting people to think outside the box! And younger forward thinking people moving out. Sad, ain't it? It's a pretty little town. Nice little antique shops on Main Street. But the Wal-mart and Dollar Store influence pulls $$ from the beautiful downtown area. I guess that's a nationwide problem, though.
  17. Kim! We had a Boston Terrier - my exDH and I when we first married. Poor baby had only one black patch, though. So we named her Penelope One-Patch! She was the most alert pooch I ever had. Just on guard ALL. THE. TIME. I had an aunt and uncle who had a Boston. His name was Jefferson Davis! Aunt Magdalyn played ball with Jeff. If the ball got stuck under the couch, Aunt M would say, "Jefferson! Go get the broom!" That dog would go down into the basement, get the broom, drag it UP THE STAIRS (bonkity bonkity bonk!) and take it to her so she could get the ball with the broom handle!!! Smart dog! Patch wasn't that smart. Or her owners weren't! ETA: BTW, I just want you guys to know I am VERY JELL-US of all your concerts! I grew up in Marion, SC. Miles away from nuttin'. I didn't know from concerts. I saw church plays and piano recitals and band concerts. That's it! Pffft! Since then, I have seen Mac Davis (OMG, the best concert ending ever - except Clay - he did a reading of The Creation over the band that was amazing!), Sting (who I used my binoculars on quite a bit ), and - oh yeah, that Clay Aiken Guy!!!
  18. Playbiller, Holly is a cutie! Droopy does the same thing wanting to go after the squirrels (and other dogs, and people and cars and anything else that passes our house! (Clickie to Biggie!) There are other pics - here at my mac site. Muski! I don't remember your doggie's name, but he is beautiful! Gorgeous coat! Luckiest - "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!" Thread Title? ETA: ldyjocelyn, Quincy appears to be smiling!
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