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Everything posted by Cotton

  1. Talking doggies and their smarts - When we lived in Greensboro, NC, we 'inherited Sis's scraggly Shi Ztu, Bonnie. My Dad had another Shi Ztu, Penny. Daddy invariably picked Penny's 'heat' to decide to go off on a trip and leave Penny with Sis' other 2 Shi Ztu's - one, a male. Duh! So - we brought Penny to our house (another Daddy 'vacation'! The man had some timing!) to whelp. Ended up keeping two of the puppies, Nu Nu and Lao (their names are forever long!). One day DH and I were at the bottom of the steps and the puppies were trying to come down but just couldn't get it. Bonnie - mounted each pup, taking turns TEACHING them how to come down the stairs! One of the funniest, sweetest things I ever saw! Don't tell Droopy I told you a doggie story that wasn't about him, K? ETA: YSRN, Sierra, is beautiful! ( And Buster is a cutie. We had a Golden, too. Cried like babies when she died. *snif* ) EATA: I have been watching Food Network and Biography Channel today and have seen an ad for JG's Christmas album on both networks! *sigh*
  2. Playbiller, I'm so glad Holly is on the mend. Poor baby. So - I was wrong to think the new publicist had anything to do the the UNICEF press. I did get that the article was about Paris. I love that UNICEF gave Clay as the example, though. (Not her own charity, though. Playing for Good is the charity.)
  3. OFC added a AYSTAFG to the Media page!!! Click on video and scroll down. It's the promo clip that was posted earlier. LOVE it!
  4. Oh my. I'm so sorry to hear this. I love my Droopy dog and would be exceedingly upset if workmen were so careless and it caused him to get hurt. Hugs to Playbiller and Holly! From Droopy . . .
  5. Yeah. That article canuck found almost makes it look like Clay has a new publicist or something. What? Oh, and just in case you want to know more about Little Miss Hilton . . . Oh, and here's more on Little Miss (I'm not snide or anything, am I?) Charity Hilton. People re trip to Rwanda This one from superficial.com is hysterical! And here's her charity . . . Playing for Good
  6. I just had to repost this. Gorgeous picture. Can't you just see that same expression and hand-on-heart at Curtain Call on Jan 18th??!! Awww! I'm so glad so many of you will be there to see that! Thanks for the great pic/s!
  7. Ooh, Baby, KarenEh! (?) heh heh Ni-i-i-ice pic! Love the stubble! Betty Buckley coming up on Today Show later today! Talk about Broadway! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ausdon
  8. Hey guys, Did someone post the playbill Scene Breakdown for Spamalot the other day? Scenes with the characters in the scenes? Could someone direct me to that? And would it be okay if I shared it?
  9. That's funny, Kim! BTW, Lurvely Banner of the Aiken Huggin' himself! heh Look at my post count! G'Night, FCA!
  10. I understand. I don't have tickets either. And I live in NC. And no Christmas show for me. Now maybe something will develop and I'll get to go to a CITH concer, but as of now, no. I couldn't believe how early Christmas tickets started selling. And I just couldn't get into it that early. I still wasn't feeling well and just didn't know if I would even feel like going to a show in Nov/Dec. Now I wish I had a show because I really think his excitement about Spam. will be spilling over and filling him with extra holiday cheer! hee I am lucky to be going to the Skating show cuz DH goes to the casino boats here and is "game" for a trip to Vegas. He'll 'play' while I 'Clay'! Now for NYC, I want to go, but I can't just call up and order tickets right out of the gate. Yeah, I'm a little jealous of those who can and have! But I'm hoping I'll be able to see him in his Broadway debut! ldyjocelyn , I hope you can find a way for it to work out. But I think you are right to put your marriage first. As strange as it may sound, there are more important things in the world than Clay Aiken. (Much as I love seeing him live.) And I think he would whole-heartedly agree with this statement! He may have even said it himself. Just not in his Spamalot Press Release!
  11. I read a story in a magazine *mumbletymumblety* years ago. A woman was talking about the bathroom remodels she and her husband kept talking about doing. Every year they would end up going on a family ski trip instead. When one of her sons was in college he wrote a letter home, reminiscing about the family ski trip and the good memories he had from that. That was when she realized - she would never have gotten a letter thanking her for the beautiful new bathrooms - that the trips were priceless memories. Meaningful. Clay trips are priceless memories. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. Speaking of "awesome" . . . I woke up this morning with a different feeling from the - well "giddiness" is too strong a word, but you get my drift. I was struck by the awesomeness that this is for Clay. It is an awesome opportunity. It will be an awesome task. He will have to be awesome in the part. ( I have no doubt he will be Awesome!) Just Wow! He must be absolutely vibrating with excitement! And . . . is it wrong of me to have read Gibby's last line as "And we are having a fantastic time enjoying his manly talents."?
  13. Thank you!!! I was going to do that and I never got around to dl'ing the video! She does have one of the bestest smiles evah!
  14. Clay's myspace has added the Opening Night date for his Soamalot run! I may faint!
  15. Bwah! Think he'll sing instead, 'They'll simply say it's sh...stuffy and profuse." Exactly! We get to hear Clay say "shitty"!!! Any more durrrty words in Sir Robin's part?
  16. Trouble is - didn't this come from Clay himself in the RS article? When he was a lot younger and more naive.
  17. I know, I'm supposed to be in bed. The first time I saw those pics I thought Button Fly!!!
  18. Thanks! I remember now. She looked very pretty and very happy but she was onscreen only about a second and a half! If I download the feed I'll do a screencap and post it. But tomorrow! As a matter of fact - I think I'll take my body guard self off to bed!!! ETA: Muski, hugs for your doggie. It's so hard when our furry friends are not feeling well.
  19. I could swear I saw her too - quick! But I thought she won the right in Charlotte to not have to audition. Did I get that mixed up?
  20. He was driving his own car. They moved the gate out of the way and he drove through the crowds of people. There will be Clack! 2000-2500 in attendance? Estimate. Good crowd response.
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