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Everything posted by aikim

  1. You can put me in the "no angst" car (I'm small, just throw me in the trunk, LOL!)...I am just here to have fun and enjoy Clay...when it gets to the point where I am spending more time worrying about Clay's career and life than my own...than it is time to turn in my Clay Aiken fan card. Listening to ADTW in the car...He totally rocks on Broken Wings...really hope he does that in concert some day! Kim
  2. This was posted by BFS at the OFC...not sure if everyone saw it, so I thought I would bring it over.
  3. Good Morning Everyone, Been reading around this morning and I have seen several posts opining that Clay will be at the Grammy's some day and I am just wondering what makes people think so? I would love to see it happen, but I am just not sure with the music industry the way it is today. 27 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 39 Days until The First Day of Spring! 58 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim This is for Cindilu from CV:
  4. Just let me add my welcome to all the newbies and lurkers...this is a great place. Loving the walk down memory lane...I remember OTWOL possibly being on the TITN single. Kim
  5. She's working on the next thread title already, lol. Ya think?, LOL! Kim
  6. Thread title just about says it all! I am a fan of the man...pure and simple! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 28 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 40 Days until The First Day of Spring! 59 Days until Judge Aiken holds Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Well, we have done our part for the economy...my husband just bought a pick-up truck today...it is a 1970 chevy...black with red interior...been restored somewhat...he is in hog heaven right now. He has been wanting a classic car for sometime. He loves working on cars and loves the older cars because they are so simple to work on. He has been driving an 85 Mustang that has about 300,000 miles on it and is being held together by a wing and a prayer and a lot of rust. I expected any day for him to start pedaling it to work like Fred Flintstone! rofl_2.gif Now we just have to find some sucker enterprising young man who would like a fixer-upper to buy it. Kim
  9. Getting a glimpse of Spring here today! 63 degrees right now! I have done 4 loads of laundry, dusted a bit, cleaned the dog's nose prints off the living room window (having the sunshine pouring in really shows off the dust and dirty windows), vacuumed and swept the floors. And its only 3:15, not bad. See this is what nice weather does for me...it gets me in a cleaning mood...eyes the top of the cabinets and the ceiling fans Actually my SIL and BIL are in town and will be stopping by tomorrow morning on their way home, so I did have to get the house in shape. Plus hubby is gone all day...the kids are out...seems like a good time for some Claying! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 29 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 41 Days until The First Day of Spring! 60 Days until Judge Aiken is holding court on AMTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Nope...didn't even consider any of them. Kim Have to admit he has sung some love songs that can be considered cheesy (Because You Loved Me, anyone?) but his interpretations have never struck me as cheesy.... you know, like Whitney Houston's covering of I Will Always Love You which one should never, ever mention to a Dolly Parton fan because panties will become wadded. Totally agree! Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, 30 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 42 Days until The First Day of Spring! 61 Days until Judge Aiken holds court on AMTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Okay, I have the 45 in my hand: One Tin Soldier (Ballad of Billy Jack)...Sung By Coven (Dennis Lambert - Brian Porter) Warner Brothers Orignal Soundtrack to the Movie "Billy Jack" Perhaps there was a Canadian and an American version? Wikipedia info on Coven: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coven_(band) Kim
  14. Nope...unless there are two of them (certainly possible)...that one's Dixie Lee Stone. I worked with her and knew her well when she and boyfriend Keith Hampshire recorded it. Her one hit. Those of you Ontarians that have been to a bazillion concerts hee...shows the difference between living in "Mecca North" to where I was at the time...the only people that came our way were Kenny Rogers and Neil Diamond...both of whom I have seen many, many times! And, of course! Burton Cummings!....oh, and Tiffany! Although, Neil can put on a hell of a show. *cough* When the Saddledome opened in Calgary, we got as big as Bryan Adams...I loved him! Cuz, y'know....who in the WORLD would TRAVEL to see a concert???!! Well, there must be two, because I got that directly off the 45...maybe it is a...gasp...cover! Kim
  15. Technically you are right, but to Chicagoans there is only the North Side, The South Side and The West Side...there is no official "East Side". The East Side is Lake Michigan. You can't imagine how much discussion that one lyric generated in Chicago when that song came out. Kim Hee. As a Twin's fan I can tell you we give that song a nice workout whenever we play the White Sox. Bwah! Something else I didn't know! As nice a workout as "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye!" Kim
  16. I am loving this stroll down memory lane...and I will admit...child of the 70's that I am...I do recall singing along to most of the songs. I even remember going to see the movie "You Light Up My Life" with Didi Conn who went on to play Frenchie in Grease. My favorite cheesy song of the decade...'The Night Chicago Died" "Daddy was a cop, On the East side of Chicago" Appparently "Daddy" was patroling Lake Michigan! Kim
  17. You'd probably envy me more if you knew I was about 15 ft away from Paul McCartney and George Harrison...both times!. I went with the family of one of the execs from Capital Records in Canada and our seats were amazing!! Couldn't hear a darn thing, but OMG they were sooooo close!!! Proof positive it isn't what you know, but who you know! I forgot that I also saw Kenny Rogers, Paul Williams, Jose Feliciano and the guy who sang the Key Largo song (Bertie Higgins???) at Ontario Place Forum. ETA: "Seasons in the Sun"....Billy Jack, or something like that? We really are on the same wavelength, I just posted that song up thread...it was Terry Jacks One Tin Soldier (Ballad of Billy Jack) by Coven (My husband collects 45's and I have a list here on my computer, LOl!) Kim
  18. Hee...I have been doing the same thing googling and hearing it and picturing it in my head...maybe he didn't record it, but is it possible he just sang it on a TV special? Kim
  19. "Feelings" By Freddy Fender Kim Feelings, yes, I agree that is the cheesiest of cheesy love songs. The artist was Morris Albert. It was NOT, I repeat NOT done by my guy, Freddy Fender. Not. Ack. Freddy sang "Before the Next Teardrop Falls" & "Secret Love" & also the classic "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights." I stand corrected, don't know why I thought it was him..although somewhere in my memory I swear I remember hearing him sing it. Kim
  20. Great minds Claymatron! How about the Pina Colada Song... "Do You Like Pina Colada's Getting Caught in the Rain..." ETA: Who could forget "Seasons In The Sun" (although I am not sure if you would call it a love song...but still cheesy) "We had joy We had fun We had Seasons In The Sun" Kim
  21. "You Light Up My Life" - Debby Boone Yay! for the AMTM being on the OFC! Kim
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