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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 36 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 48 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Yep, that was what I was alluding to; but they are not the only board involved...from what I understand there are also people from CV and the Clayboard involved in running the site. Kim
  3. Some our suspicious because the people that are involved with this are from multiple boards and one of the boards involved is not well thought of by some in the fandom. I haven't looked at it too closely, but it looks okay to me. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, 37 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 49 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. The State of Illinois has removed it's Governor from office...here's to new Governor Quinn! Time to celebrate ldyj! Congrats to the BAF...I am so thrilled for Clay and Diane and all they have accomplished in the past 6 years. The rumor about Jaymes being pregnant has been around for a while...definately telephone tag and I kind of doubt it is true. Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 38 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 50 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Just sat down to look at the new issue of Taste of Home and found this quote: "Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all" Harriet Van Horne Kim
  8. This is me. It's the clean up that I don't like, even with a dishwasher. I don't even have a dishwasher...so when I making a huge mess in the kitchen...I just clean up a little at a time...there are always clean dishes in the drainer and dirty ones in the sink...but I don't mind washing dishes either. Again, I know I am weird! Kim ETA: just noticed my post is the same as the year I was born!
  9. Hi All, I would love to visit Australia, but I am afraid the though of 20+ hours on a plane makes it a no go for me...I am not a good flyer. Two hours in the area to NYC I can handle but anything more puts me in a panic. I actually like to cook so long recipes don't bother me...I usually only cook on the week-ends now; but I really am happiest when I am in the kitchen, cutting, chopping, sauteing. etc. I find it relaxing. I know, I am weird. Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, I like covers...have never understood why that seems to be a four-letter word to some in the fandom...good music is meant to be heard and there are a lot of good songs out there and if they are sung by a good singer, it shouldn't matter whose sung it before. I am not a smutter by any means (well maybe a well-placed innuendo)but I do enjoy Muski's posts...I love how uninhibited she is...just isn't something I would be comfortable doing (but I can still think it, "g") 39 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 51 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. And most of those years deflecting interest in his private life was pre-coming out...if he was still that concerned we wouldn't know about Reed...I think the only part of his private life that is off limits is Parker. Kim
  12. ooh thanks for reminding me... it's time for her feeding. I keep her chained up in the basement. --- eh...after the stink he made about keeping his personal life private I sure don't see him writing a tell-all book about it...just me perhaps. -- Off to download stuff... Why not? I could certainly see him writing about it if he thought it would help someone else. If it were written in the same vein as LTS, not a lurid tell-all, I don't see a problem. Kim
  13. I don't think Cindilu was saying that you have to agree with the majority or not post; I think her point was that there are posters who you could set your watch by with regards to their posts...sometimes it is like a needle stuck on a record player and you just wish someone would nudge them and get them to move on. Sorry for all the cliches, LOL! Kim
  14. I would love it if this is true and Clay really is writing another book...goes to stake out a spot at the corner of Staff and Only (waves to Jamar!) Kim I read this over twice, and to me, I don't see where it's saying that a new book is in the works....just the author's theory that he would make more money if he wrote another one. Sorry, not trying to burst any bubbles. That's why I said I would love it to be true...I didn't take it as fact...I have been around long enough to take everything with a grain of salt...but doesn't stop me from wishing. Kim
  15. I would love it if this is true and Clay really is writing another book...goes to stake out a spot at the corner of Staff and Only (waves to Jamar!) Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, I guess I am one of those "easy" Clay fans because I really don't care what he sings as long as he is singing and it has been far too long since I have heard Clay sing live so any time he sings is greatly appreciated. TITM...In high school he just powered through it; now he added some nuances and emotion and it was just beautiful! POYB...very touching...you could see how much the fan he was singing to loves him! Mandy...just love the song; ever since Barry sang it, but I think Clay does a much better job...always looked forward to hearing it during the JBT! Haven't listened to the rest yet, but I will! Dang job...there is never enough time to Clay! How cute that he called Lynda to congratulate her...they have such a great relationship! 40 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 52 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. From Toni at CV: I just walked in the door so I have no idea what has been posted....but Shamrock and Scarlett just called me and they have PRIME seats right in front of the podium. They are both thrilled to be so close and have cameras ready. dancermom: Scarlett says she will load up tonight if she gets clack but not high definiton tonight. Shamrock said Clay had a sports coat on but she couldnt tell from where her seat was color or shirt color. He is a few tables over from them. No Reed that they can see. Ben is at his table. AAIT Also called me ealrier before they went in for dinner and said waiter told her about 200 people tonight. Ok, now I have to catch up.... but wanted to report what the girls had said. Go to the top of the page
  18. Hi all, My, Clay looked good in the pictures! So wish I was down there is all that warm sunshine...17 degrees here today...I am so tired of being cold! Hope everyone has a wonderful time tonight! Liney I figured we needed something to look forward to...hopefully I will be able to add some Clay news soon! Kim
  19. Claytonic I agree with you to a point; but I also believe in accountability and personal responsibility...sadly, in today's society being a victim has almost become a badge of honor...you see it all the time...from sports figures, to entertainment figures, to regular people...no one ever admits they were in the wrong...it is always someone else's fault. I agree that there is a cycle of abuse and neglect in society which has become generational and some never rise above that, but some do...you can make the decision to break the cycle. As a mother I do feel for Julia...losing a child is horrendous; but the fact is she allowed a man into her life and her son's life that had issues..a man prone to violence...that was her decision...so I can't absolve her of any responsibility in this situation. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, Everyone have a great time at GFI, can't wait for the clack! 41 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 53 Days until The First Day of Spring! Hugs to all that need them! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Apparently Reed updated his FB and he is hanging out a pool "somewhere" in Florida (per a poster at CV)...Merrieeee you up to checking out the pool area?, LOL! Kim
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