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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Eeeeeeeeeee! Come on, I know how resourceful the Claynation is...can't you sneak in as a server or waitress? Kim
  2. I'm bolding the part that hit me square between the eyes and do you know what I was thinking? Jennifer Hudson's family. She lost her mom and her brother AND her little nephew because that asswipe was allowed to roam the streets. Your brother confronting this guy instead of going to the police could be disastrous. I'd think that gatherering what evidence you can to take to them along with threats that he's made would be the way to go. While I would agree the man should not have been on the street; I lay the majority of the blame on Jennifer's sister...she let the man into her family's lives and more importantly she let him into her son's life. I truly cannot understand any mother thinking that man would be a good person to have in her son's life...was she that desperate for someone to love her that she was willing to put her son at risk? I don't get it at all and it makes me very sad that so many children are at risk because their mothers make such stupid decisions that could be avoided if they would just think about what they are doing. Kim
  3. Well...Reed mentioned on his myspace that he is heading south to soak up some sun (paraphrasing)...could be he maybe heading to Florida with BF...all FCA'ers in the area, keep your eyes open! Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, Safe travels to all those heading down to Florida...have a great time! 1 Day until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Welcome Nicki...You're babies are beautiful. We have a couple of stray black cats in our neighborhood; one is quite large and we have named him Arnold in honor of the governor of California...he really is beautiful and so is the smaller cat that follows him around. Makes me sad that they are living outside but they appear to be well fed so I think they are being taken care of somewhere. If my hubby wasn't allergic, I would probably give them a home. We have one cat and that is about all he can handle. Kim
  6. Okay, I am the only one who thinks that Reed looks a little like Greg Brady? Kim
  7. I'm Back!! We have switched from Comcast to AT&T and I am loving it...seems to be much faster! Have to set up a new e-mail since Comcast cancelled my e-mail along with my service, I would not have minded it if they had at least told me they were going to do that...lost all my e-mail addresses, etc. But I think this new set-up is going to work. So, what's been going on...did I miss much? Saw the pictures, loved the pictures...glad Clay is happy and out having a good time with his friends. Privacy issue...I think in today's society with the internet and gossip mongers...privacy is hard to come by and unless Clay goes back to being a recluse, never goes out with his friends or allows pictures to be taken...he really isn't going to have much privacy. I hate that fans have to ferret out any and all information and in effect; do the dirty work of the JP's and PH's of the world, but it has been so since the beginning and probably won't ever stop. Off to catch up. Of yeah...2 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, Ldyj Hugs to your sister and you! 6 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Don't forget the Celine Dion Concert is tonight in Raleigh and 10 CV'ers are going to be there watching the show with Clay! Look for recaps! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. I am having the same problem with my computer; hope it doesn't affect the installation of the AT &T software...guess I will find out on Thursday. Kim
  10. Good Morning All, Wow! 15 pages since I last was here on Thusday evening! Interesting discussions and pictures! Sorry I missed it all. So, I can sum up my week-end in two words: COMCAST SUCKS! After many phone calls and one no show appointment on Saturday trying to get my internet fixed, I have now cancelled my service and am going with AT&T...I should be hooked up by Thursday...keeping all fingers and toes crossed. I have never seen such poor customer service in my life than what I have gotten from Comcast. Couchie Glad to hear your Mom is doing much better...continued prayers and good thoughts for you both! 7 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Heading home now...hate having to go back out in the cold! Briefly looked at the UNICEF clip...wish he would grow his hair out long again! For Merrieeee: Friday: 10 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Saturday: 9 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Sunday: 8 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great week-end and I will see you on Monday unless I get the blankety-blank computer fixed and then it will be sooner! Kim
  12. I would love to help out, but just can't financially right now. Hope you can get your sponsorship! Kim
  13. Hi All, Just taking a quick peek in from work...computer problems at home again...so I am only able to be on when I am work...going to be a long week-end at home with no computer access. Thanks for missing me Couchie Continued prayers for you and your Mom...I hope they can this figured out! 11 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Maybe I should give Merrieee my phone number so she can call me everyday when I am not online and I can let her know how many days! -14 degrees today...my daughter's car would not start so I had to drive her to school...another crazy morning. Everyone have a good day and stay warm. Love to all, Kim
  14. Feel better to all who are ailing! Haven't watched AI since Season 2; cannot stand the show; but glad they showed clips of Clay. Kim
  15. Claymatron... Yes, I totally agree!!! Kim... do you suppose they play professor and student... One could only hope! Kim
  16. Good Morning All, Haven't been to the OFC, but I can imagine who was saying what; definately not from boredom, pot stirrers and a few who are just plain bitches...what is really ironic is that if some late night comedian made the same comments some are making; those people would be the first ones bitching and moaning about Clay being made fun of all the time. Bunch of hypocrites and yes, I have seen pictures of some of the worst offenders and they have no business criticizing someone else's hair or clothes. So, I guess I am judgemental too, but I am really sick of that crap. Charter member of The Sisters of The Traveling Green Sweater...the look he had Sunday night...to me that was Clayton going to the show, not Clay Aiken. He was officially on his downtime; this wasn't about him...he had his moment the week before...he was just out on a date with his guy and having a good time and I don't think he gives a flying fig what people think of his clothes. Perhaps Reed likes the "Professor Aiken" look. 7 Days until The Celine Dion Concert! 13 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. I volunteer to stay after school and clean his erasers.... Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 8 Days until The Celine Dion Concert! 14 Days (2 weeks!) until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Amen! Speaking as only one fan, I have always just wanted him to be as happy as he possibly can be. 2009 is off to a very good start! That is all I ever wanted for him and it appears he is! There is speculation that the report of "bow tie" might actually have been "no tie"...guess we need pictures to verify. Kim
  20. And thinking about January three years ago...did anybody think we would be at this place now; celebrating Clay out on a date with his boyfriend...all that drama seems really silly now (actually I thought it was pretty silly back then) Kim
  21. No reports on what Reed is wearing....yet. Anyone checking out Getty Images, etc. for pics yet, LOL! Kim
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