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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Evening all, Got the cutest Christmas card from my sister in Pennsylvania...it is one of those cards where you can insert a picture and she included a picture of me and her from 1959...I was 2 and she was 3. We were living in Florida at the time (why my parents decided to move back to Illinois and the cold weather, I will never know!). My kids got a real kick out of it..if I can figure out how to scan the picture; I will post it. Going to frost my gingerbread cookies tonight; I made them yesterday and discovered I was out of powdered sugar...so had to make a trip to the store. Thanks for all the pretties today! Just watching Paula Deen on the Food Network; I swear that woman will fry anything...she was frying a whole ham today! A few weeks ago, I caught her show and she was deep frying cheesecake...yuck! Cookies await, back later! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 27 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 49 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Olsee I didn't take it that way at all :thbighug-1: Luckiest1 I haven't heard if a decision has made; there haven't been any announcements on the board. Kim
  4. Your welcome and I actually agree with you; Clay does deserve his privacy, but I think as a celebrity that probably isn't going to happen and there are always going to be fans trying to ferret out as much info as they can. Kim
  5. Muski I remember that post...just about fell off my chair! Kim If you are referring to me with that statement because I posted, last night, I would like him to have a private life, I would just like to clarify that I have never shipped and I've always thought Clay should have his privacy! I highly resent the implication that it is because he is gay I don't want to see pictures etc! A couple of year's ago I waited for Clay after a show and there was no busline. When he came out I just didn't like how I felt about seeing him in his "off" time. From that point on I only wanted to see things that were really meant for public consumption and I will take whatever he chooses to share with us. It makes not one difference to me who he is pictured with. Nope, wasn't referring to you...I said before, I wasn't referencing anything that was said here. Kim
  6. Fear I wasn't talking about you or anyone on this board; just my impressions from what I have read elsewhere...sorry if I gave you that impression. I just think there has been a definite shift in how some fans relate to Clay and any potential love interest since he came out. For example: I remember when that picture of Hannah and Clay surfaced and all the speculation that ensued and some of it was pretty intrusive in my opinion...I read posts speculating on what they were doing before the picture was taken...everything from kissing to more intimate endeavors and yet no one had an issue with his privacy. But take that same picture and insert Reed's face instead of Hannah's and you have a whole other issue. I don't think you would see the same kind of speculation from some and I imagine some would rather the picture not be posted. That is what bothered me last night; the minute the pictures of Reed and Clay surfaced; there was an immediate cry of "invasion of privacy" and "we need to respect Clay's privacy" and "fans shouldn't be posting those pictures". Where was all this outrage months ago when the Hannah/Clay picture was posted? Or any other picture of Clay and a woman? I just think there is more going on than just concerns about Clay's privacy and it just comes across as a double standard to me. Kim
  7. Well, I simply meant as in dating; actually having a boyfriend...that just makes it a little to real for some, in my opinion. Kim
  8. For me the issue isn't shipping; those who enjoy shipping and did so before Clay confirmed he was gay are going to continue...what I find a bit disingenuous are those who shipped when they thought Clay was straight, but are now so concerned with his privacy that shipping is off limits. The pictures posted; to me; were no different than the picture posted of Clay and Hannah; Jaymes, Kristy, etc. and I didn't and don't see anything wrong with the same kind of speculation that went on when Clay was presumed straight. It seems like some are okay with Clay being gay as long as they don't have to see him being gay. Kim (something funky going on with board, it is posting duplicates!)
  9. Kirby looks pretty comfortable! Cinnamon loved sleeping under the Christmas Tree...can't do it this year since we didn't put a big one up. The snow looks really pretty! Of course, not so much when you have to drive in it and shovel it! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, I agree, I just want Clay to live a normal life; but I do think there are some fans who are too invested in his personal life and need to butt out. Clay has seemed happier than I have ever seen him and if that is due in part to a relationship with Reed, than that is great. 28 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 50 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Some things from around the boards...draw your own conclusions: Jamie posted on his Myspace, wished him a happy birthday and hoped she would be seeing him soon. He was seen at the May 4th Spamalot with Quiana and Angela. That's all I got! Kim
  12. Apparently Reed plays one of the flying monkeys in Wicked...perhaps that is why Clay saw the play so often? Kim
  13. Mmmmm, Clay is gorgeous as usual, Reed is not bad looking and if they are a couple, I wish them all the happiness in the world or maybe they are just friends...whichever, it is all good to me. Kim
  14. :::dies::: I want him. Now. I don't care if he plays for the other team, I still want him. aikim, sorry to hear about your kitty. Please give her a gentle hug from me and lick behind the ears from my two kitties! Will do! (that picture needs to be posted often!) Kim
  15. I know what we are doing is best for her; I just hope she doesn't think she is being punished or a bad kitty...she actually appears to be doing quite well...has been laying down most of the day. She did jump up on my bathroom counter, but I think she has figured out that jumping hurts her leg and only did it once. 2 months seems like a long time, but I know it is what needs to be done. Kim
  16. So far she has been pretty good today; but it is impossible to keep a cat from jumping and she does not like being locked in my bedroom...so I brought her out a few times during the day and just sat her on the couch with me. I think she is getting the idea that too much activity is not good for her leg. Kim
  17. Couchie I think you put that rather succinctly and are right on the mark...please don't ever feel you have to hide your feelings from us, LOL! Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Thanks everyone for your advice on the kitty; first night in my room went okay. She did wake me up a few times to be lifted up on the bed and I did hear her scratching at the door to be let out. This is going to be interesting. Clay is looking especially good these days at the stagedoor. I love his hair...just natural, no spikes, no goop and a little longer. 29 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 51 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. I hate to butt into the conversation, this is really off-topic...but looking for a little advice from any cat owners out there that might have experience with a problem we are having with our cat Cinnamon. Took her to the Vet today because she was limping and favoring her back leg and it turns out she has a partial tear of a ligament in her knee and also hip dysplasia in that leg which is congenital. She is 18 months old. We have two courses of action, surgery which would be about $2500 which we can't afford or 2 months of rest, which entails keeping her in my bedroom, no jumping and running around. She is also on anti-inflamation medicine and pain medicine. I also have to change her diet since she will not be as active...adult diet formula; Pro-Plan. We are going for the two months of rest. The Vet took x-rays and is pretty sure it is a partial tear since she can put weight on it and if so, it should heal with no problems. Any advice would be appreciated...you can PM since we seemed to be in a serious discussion and I agree wholeheartedly with Berkeley...she is an asset to this fandom and I hope we don't lose her. Thanks so much, Leaving for bowling in a few minutes, so I may not get back until 9:00 or so. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, Clay is looking especially yummy in the stage door pics and videos the last two days; I love his hair when it is just natural; no product, no spikes and it seems to be getting longer which is all good in my opinion...and did I mention sideburns? Always have loved sideburns on him, even the "too long and need grooming" ones during the Atlanta audition. Don't listen to the radio in my car, just my Clay CD's...of course, when hubby is driving my car become a "No Clay" zone so then I listen to the radio, but so far no Clay. The cat is sleeping in the dog's bed right now; the dog never sleeps in his bed; he'll wrestle with it now and then...but still, if he comes out and sees her in it; he has a fit...barking and carrying on and looking at me all offended...like "why don't you make her move"...too funny. 30 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 52 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, 31 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 53 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, Loved the stagedoor pics and the video...hair curling around the nape of his neck, sideburns...yummy! Clazycoffin Congrats on your A! Ausdon :thbighug-1: 32 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 54 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Bella My kids were never afraid of the flying monkeys either...actually they all love scary movies, the scarier the better...they were always quite aware of the difference between make believe and real life. The part about the "he lied, he lied" argument that always bothered me was that it seemed so self-centered. It was all about their feelings and how Clay hurt them...how about looking at the big picture...try understanding what Clay was going through and put yourself in his shoes. Kim
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